Initial snarf.
[shack.git] / arch / mir / util /
1 (*
2 * MIR standardizer.
4 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
6 * @begin[license]
7 * Copyright (C) 2002 Jason Hickey, Caltech
9 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
10 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
11 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
12 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
14 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 * GNU General Public License for more details.
19 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
21 * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
23 * Author: Jason Hickey
24 * @email{}
25 * @end[license]
27 open Symbol
29 open Mir
30 open Mir_ds
32 (************************************************************************
34 ************************************************************************)
37 * Variable environment for variable renamining.
39 let genv_empty = SymbolSet.empty
41 let venv_empty = SymbolTable.empty
43 let venv_lookup venv v =
44 try SymbolTable.find venv v with
45 Not_found ->
48 (************************************************************************
50 ************************************************************************)
53 * Bind a var.
55 let standardize_bind genv venv v =
56 if SymbolSet.mem genv v then
57 (* Variable already bound elsewhere *)
58 let v' = new_symbol v in
59 genv, SymbolTable.add venv v v', v'
60 else
61 SymbolSet.add genv v, venv, v
64 * Rename a var.
66 let standardize_var venv v =
67 venv_lookup venv v
69 let standardize_vars venv vars =
70 (standardize_var venv) vars
73 * Rename an atom.
75 let rec standardize_atom venv a =
76 match a with
77 AtomInt _
78 | AtomRawInt _
79 | AtomFloat _ ->
81 | AtomVar (ac, v) ->
82 AtomVar (ac, standardize_var venv v)
83 | AtomFunVar (ac, v) ->
84 AtomFunVar (ac, standardize_var venv v)
85 | AtomUnop (op, a) ->
86 AtomUnop (op, standardize_atom venv a)
87 | AtomBinop (op, a1, a2) ->
88 AtomBinop (op, standardize_atom venv a1, standardize_atom venv a2)
90 let standardize_atoms venv args =
91 (standardize_atom venv) args
94 * Rename an allocation.
96 let standardize_alloc_op venv op =
97 match op with
98 AllocTuple args ->
99 AllocTuple (standardize_atoms venv args)
100 | AllocArray args ->
101 AllocArray (standardize_atoms venv args)
102 | AllocMArray (args, a) ->
103 AllocMArray (standardize_atoms venv args, standardize_atom venv a)
104 | AllocUnion (i, args) ->
105 AllocUnion (i, standardize_atoms venv args)
106 | AllocMalloc a ->
107 AllocMalloc (standardize_atom venv a)
110 * Rename an initializer.
112 let standardize_init venv init =
113 match init with
114 InitAtom a ->
115 InitAtom (standardize_atom venv a)
116 | InitAlloc op ->
117 InitAlloc (standardize_alloc_op venv op)
118 | InitRawData _ ->
119 init
122 * Rename a tailcall.
124 let standardize_tailop venv op =
125 match op with
126 TailSysMigrate (i, a1, a2, f, args) ->
127 TailSysMigrate (i,
128 standardize_atom venv a1,
129 standardize_atom venv a2,
130 standardize_var venv f,
131 standardize_atoms venv args)
132 | TailAtomic (v, a, args) ->
133 TailAtomic (standardize_var venv v,
134 standardize_atom venv a,
135 standardize_atoms venv args)
136 | TailAtomicRollback (level, a) ->
137 TailAtomicRollback (standardize_atom venv level, standardize_atom venv a)
138 | TailAtomicCommit (level, f, args) ->
139 TailAtomicCommit (standardize_atom venv level, standardize_var venv f, standardize_atoms venv args)
142 * Rename a reservation.
144 let standardize_reserve venv (v, vars, a1, a2) =
145 standardize_var venv v,
146 standardize_vars venv vars,
147 standardize_atom venv a1,
148 standardize_atom venv a2
151 * Rename debugging info.
153 let standardize_debug venv (line, vars) =
154 let vars =
155 (fun (v1, ty, v2) ->
156 v1, ty, standardize_var venv v2) vars
158 line, vars
161 * Rename an expression.
163 let rec standardize_exp genv venv e =
164 let loc = loc_of_exp e in
165 let genv, e = standardize_exp_core genv venv (dest_exp_core e) in
166 genv, make_exp loc e
168 and standardize_exp_core genv venv e =
169 match e with
170 LetAtom (v, ac, a, e) ->
171 standardize_atom_exp genv venv v ac a e
172 | TailCall (op, f, args) ->
173 genv, TailCall (op, standardize_var venv f, standardize_atoms venv args)
174 | LetExternal (v, ac, s, args, e) ->
175 standardize_external_exp genv venv v ac s args e
176 | LetExternalReserve (rinfo, v, ac, s, args, e) ->
177 standardize_external_reserve_exp genv venv rinfo v ac s args e
178 | IfThenElse (op, a1, a2, e1, e2) ->
179 standardize_if_exp genv venv op a1 a2 e1 e2
180 | Match (a, ac, cases) ->
181 standardize_match_exp genv venv a ac cases
182 | IfType (a1, a2, a3, v, e1, e2) ->
183 standardize_iftype_exp genv venv a1 a2 a3 v e1 e2
184 | Reserve (info, e) ->
185 let genv, e = standardize_exp genv venv e in
186 genv, Reserve (standardize_reserve venv info, e)
187 | LetAlloc (v, op, e) ->
188 standardize_alloc_exp genv venv v op e
189 | SetMem (ac, op, a1, a2, a3, e) ->
190 standardize_set_mem_exp genv venv ac op a1 a2 a3 e
191 | SetGlobal (ac, v, a, e) ->
192 standardize_set_global_exp genv venv ac v a e
193 | BoundsCheck (v, ty, ptr, start, stop, e) ->
194 standardize_bounds_check_exp genv venv v ty ptr start stop e
195 | LowerBoundsCheck (v, ty, ptr, start, e) ->
196 standardize_lower_bounds_check_exp genv venv v ty ptr start e
197 | UpperBoundsCheck (v, ty, ptr, stop, e) ->
198 standardize_upper_bounds_check_exp genv venv v ty ptr stop e
199 | PointerIndexCheck (label, ptrty, v, ac, index, e) ->
200 standardize_pointer_index_check_exp genv venv label ptrty v ac index e
201 | FunctionIndexCheck (label, funty, v, ac, index, e) ->
202 standardize_function_index_check_exp genv venv label funty v ac index e
203 | Memcpy (op, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, e) ->
204 standardize_memcpy_exp genv venv op a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 e
205 | Debug (info, e) ->
206 let genv, e = standardize_exp genv venv e in
207 genv, Debug (standardize_debug venv info, e)
208 | PrintDebug (v1, v2, args, e) ->
209 standardize_print_debug_exp genv venv v1 v2 args e
210 | CommentFIR (e1, e2) ->
211 let genv, e2 = standardize_exp genv venv e2 in
212 genv, CommentFIR (e1, e2)
213 | SpecialCall op ->
214 genv, SpecialCall (standardize_tailop venv op)
215 | SysMigrate (id, dptr, doff, f, env) ->
216 standardize_sys_migrate_exp genv venv id dptr doff f env
217 | Atomic (v, a1, a2) ->
218 standardize_atomic_exp genv venv v a1 a2
219 | AtomicRollback (level, a) ->
220 genv, AtomicRollback (standardize_atom venv level, standardize_atom venv a)
221 | AtomicCommit (level, e) ->
222 let genv, e = standardize_exp genv venv e in
223 genv, AtomicCommit (standardize_atom venv level, e)
224 | CopyOnWrite (info, a, e) ->
225 standardize_cow_exp genv venv info a e
228 * Atom.
230 and standardize_atom_exp genv venv v ac a e =
231 let a = standardize_atom venv a in
232 let genv, venv, v' = standardize_bind genv venv v in
233 let genv, e = standardize_exp genv venv e in
234 genv, LetAtom (v', ac, a, e)
237 * External call.
239 and standardize_external_exp genv venv v ac s args e =
240 let args = standardize_atoms venv args in
241 let genv, venv, v' = standardize_bind genv venv v in
242 let genv, e = standardize_exp genv venv e in
243 genv, LetExternal (v', ac, s, args, e)
245 and standardize_external_reserve_exp genv venv rinfo v ac s args e =
246 let args = standardize_atoms venv args in
247 let genv, venv, v' = standardize_bind genv venv v in
248 let genv, e = standardize_exp genv venv e in
249 let rinfo = standardize_reserve venv rinfo in
250 genv, LetExternalReserve (rinfo, v', ac, s, args, e)
253 * Conditional.
255 and standardize_if_exp genv venv op a1 a2 e1 e2 =
256 let a1 = standardize_atom venv a1 in
257 let a2 = standardize_atom venv a2 in
258 let genv, e1 = standardize_exp genv venv e1 in
259 let genv, e2 = standardize_exp genv venv e2 in
260 genv, IfThenElse (op, a1, a2, e1, e2)
263 * Arbitrary match.
265 and standardize_match_exp genv venv a ac cases =
266 let a = standardize_atom venv a in
267 let genv, cases = List.fold_left (fun (genv, cases) (s, e) ->
268 let genv, e = standardize_exp genv venv e in
269 let cases = (s, e) :: cases in
270 genv, cases) (genv, []) cases
272 let cases = List.rev cases in
273 genv, Match (a, ac, cases)
276 * Iftype.
278 and standardize_iftype_exp genv venv a1 a2 a3 v e1 e2 =
279 let a1 = standardize_atom venv a1 in
280 let a2 = standardize_atom venv a2 in
281 let a3 = standardize_atom venv a3 in
282 let genv, e2 = standardize_exp genv venv e2 in
283 let genv, venv, v' = standardize_bind genv venv v in
284 let genv, e1 = standardize_exp genv venv e1 in
285 genv, IfType (a1, a2, a3, v', e1, e2)
288 * Allocation.
290 and standardize_alloc_exp genv venv v op e =
291 let op = standardize_alloc_op venv op in
292 let genv, venv, v' = standardize_bind genv venv v in
293 let genv, e = standardize_exp genv venv e in
294 genv, LetAlloc (v', op, e)
297 * SetMem.
299 and standardize_set_mem_exp genv venv ac op a1 a2 a3 e =
300 let a1 = standardize_atom venv a1 in
301 let a2 = standardize_atom venv a2 in
302 let a3 = standardize_atom venv a3 in
303 let genv, e = standardize_exp genv venv e in
304 genv, SetMem (ac, op, a1, a2, a3, e)
306 and standardize_set_global_exp genv venv ac v a e =
307 let v = standardize_var venv v in
308 let a = standardize_atom venv a in
309 let genv, e = standardize_exp genv venv e in
310 genv, SetGlobal (ac, v, a, e)
312 and standardize_memcpy_exp genv venv op a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 e =
313 let a1 = standardize_atom venv a1 in
314 let a2 = standardize_atom venv a2 in
315 let a3 = standardize_atom venv a3 in
316 let a4 = standardize_atom venv a4 in
317 let a5 = standardize_atom venv a5 in
318 let genv, e = standardize_exp genv venv e in
319 genv, Memcpy (op, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, e)
322 * Safety checks.
324 and standardize_bounds_check_exp genv venv v ty ptr start stop e =
325 let ptr = standardize_atom venv ptr in
326 let start = standardize_atom venv start in
327 let stop = standardize_atom venv stop in
328 let genv, venv, v' = standardize_bind genv venv v in
329 let genv, e = standardize_exp genv venv e in
330 genv, BoundsCheck (v', ty, ptr, start, stop, e)
332 and standardize_lower_bounds_check_exp genv venv v ty ptr start e =
333 let ptr = standardize_atom venv ptr in
334 let start = standardize_atom venv start in
335 let genv, venv, v' = standardize_bind genv venv v in
336 let genv, e = standardize_exp genv venv e in
337 genv, LowerBoundsCheck (v', ty, ptr, start, e)
339 and standardize_upper_bounds_check_exp genv venv v ty ptr stop e =
340 let ptr = standardize_atom venv ptr in
341 let stop = standardize_atom venv stop in
342 let genv, venv, v' = standardize_bind genv venv v in
343 let genv, e = standardize_exp genv venv e in
344 genv, UpperBoundsCheck (v', ty, ptr, stop, e)
346 and standardize_pointer_index_check_exp genv venv label ptrty v ac index e =
347 let index = standardize_atom venv index in
348 let genv, venv, label' = standardize_bind genv venv label in
349 let genv, venv, v' = standardize_bind genv venv v in
350 let genv, e = standardize_exp genv venv e in
351 genv, PointerIndexCheck (label', ptrty, v', ac, index, e)
353 and standardize_function_index_check_exp genv venv label funty v ac index e =
354 let index = standardize_atom venv index in
355 let genv, venv, label' = standardize_bind genv venv label in
356 let genv, venv, v' = standardize_bind genv venv v in
357 let genv, e = standardize_exp genv venv e in
358 genv, FunctionIndexCheck (label', funty, v', ac, index, e)
361 * Debugging.
363 and standardize_print_debug_exp genv venv v1 v2 args e =
364 let v1 = standardize_var venv v1 in
365 let v2 = standardize_var venv v2 in
366 let args = standardize_atoms venv args in
367 let genv, e = standardize_exp genv venv e in
368 genv, PrintDebug (v1, v2, args, e)
371 * Migrate.
373 and standardize_sys_migrate_exp genv venv id dptr doff f env =
374 let dptr = standardize_atom venv dptr in
375 let doff = standardize_atom venv doff in
376 let f = standardize_var venv f in
377 let env = standardize_atom venv env in
378 genv, SysMigrate (id, dptr, doff, f, env)
381 * Atomic.
383 and standardize_atomic_exp genv venv f a1 a2 =
384 let f = standardize_var venv f in
385 let a1 = standardize_atom venv a1 in
386 let a2 = standardize_atom venv a2 in
387 genv, Atomic (f, a1, a2)
390 * Copy-on-write.
392 and standardize_cow_exp genv venv info a e =
393 let info = standardize_reserve venv info in
394 let a = standardize_atom venv a in
395 let genv, e = standardize_exp genv venv e in
396 genv, CopyOnWrite (info, a, e)
399 * Rename the vars in a program.
401 let standardize_prog prog =
402 let { prog_file = file;
403 prog_import = import;
404 prog_export = export;
405 prog_globals = globals;
406 prog_funs = funs;
407 prog_mprog = mprog;
408 prog_global_order = global_order;
409 prog_fun_order = fun_order;
410 prog_arity_tags = arity_tags;
411 } = prog
414 (* Make new names for the program parts *)
415 let genv = genv_empty in
416 let venv = venv_empty in
417 let genv, venv =
418 SymbolTable.fold (fun (genv, venv) v _ ->
419 let genv, venv, _ = standardize_bind genv venv v in
420 genv, venv) (genv, venv) import
422 let genv, venv =
423 SymbolTable.fold (fun (genv, venv) v _ ->
424 let genv, venv, _ = standardize_bind genv venv v in
425 genv, venv) (genv, venv) globals
428 (* WARNING: We _can't_ rename the funs because of the program ordering *)
430 (* Rename the imports *)
431 let import =
432 SymbolTable.fold (fun import v info ->
433 let v = venv_lookup venv v in
434 SymbolTable.add import v info) SymbolTable.empty import
437 (* Rename the exports *)
438 let export =
439 SymbolTable.fold (fun export v info ->
440 let v = venv_lookup venv v in
441 SymbolTable.add export v info) SymbolTable.empty export
444 (* Rename the globals *)
445 let globals =
446 SymbolTable.fold (fun globals v init ->
447 let v = venv_lookup venv v in
448 let init = standardize_init venv init in
449 SymbolTable.add globals v init) SymbolTable.empty globals
452 (* Rename the funs *)
453 let genv, funs =
454 SymbolTable.fold (fun (genv, funs) f (line, vars, e) ->
455 let f = venv_lookup venv f in
456 let genv, venv, vars =
457 List.fold_left (fun (genv, venv, vars) (v, ac) ->
458 let genv, venv, v' = standardize_bind genv venv v in
459 let vars = (v', ac) :: vars in
460 genv, venv, vars) (genv, venv, []) vars
462 let genv, e = standardize_exp genv venv e in
463 genv, SymbolTable.add funs f (line, List.rev vars, e)) (genv, SymbolTable.empty) funs
465 (* Rebuild the prog *)
466 { prog_file = file;
467 prog_import = import;
468 prog_export = export;
469 prog_globals = globals;
470 prog_funs = funs;
471 prog_mprog = mprog;
472 prog_global_order = global_order;
473 prog_fun_order = fun_order;
474 prog_arity_tags = arity_tags;
478 * @docoff
480 * -*-
481 * Local Variables:
482 * Caml-master: "compile"
483 * End:
484 * -*-