Initial snarf.
[shack.git] / arch / x86 / moogle /
1 (*
2 Main program for the moogle/kupo language
3 Copyright (C) 2002,2001 Justin David Smith, Caltech
5 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6 modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
7 as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
8 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 GNU General Public License for more details.
15 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
17 Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
19 open Format
20 open Moogle_ast_exn
23 (*** Generic program options ***)
26 let output_file = ref None (* Name of .ml file (None = stdout) *)
27 let output_ifile = ref None (* Name of .mli file (None = no interface) *)
28 let output_file_ro = ref false (* If true, make output file read-only *)
29 let print_insts = ref false (* Print instruction/transform tables? *)
30 let print_rules = ref false (* Print rewrite rules? *)
31 let print_inline = ref false (* Print inlined Kupo code? *)
34 (* As input files are read, the kupo program we are building
35 is stored here, in a single AST prog data structure. *)
36 let main_prog = ref Moogle_prog_ast.new_prog
39 (*** Compilation ***)
42 (* parse_prog inx
43 Parses a program that is read from the indicated input channel.
44 The program data structure for this file only is returned. *)
45 let parse_prog inx =
46 try
47 let () = Moogle_ast_lex.reset_pos () in
48 let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel inx in
49 let prog = Moogle_ast_parse.prog Moogle_ast_lex.main lexbuf in
50 prog
51 with
52 Parsing.Parse_error ->
53 raise (ASTException (exp_pos (!Moogle_state.current_pos), ParseError))
54 | Sys_error s ->
55 raise (ASTException (exp_pos (!Moogle_state.current_pos), SysError s))
58 (* compile
59 Compile the kupo file named into an AST program structure.
60 After compilation, the AST structure will be concatenated to
61 the end of the main_prog structure, defined above. *)
62 let compile file =
63 Moogle_state.current_file := file;
64 let inx =
65 try open_in file with
66 Sys_error s ->
67 raise (ASTException (exp_pos (!Moogle_state.current_pos), SysError s))
69 try
70 let prog = parse_prog inx in
71 let () = close_in inx in
72 main_prog := Moogle_prog_ast.prog_of_expr !main_prog file prog
73 with
74 Sys_error s ->
75 close_in inx;
76 raise (ASTException (exp_pos (!Moogle_state.current_pos), SysError s))
77 | ASTException (pos, msg) as e ->
78 close_in inx;
79 raise e
82 (* compile
83 Similar to above function, but this version catches moogle
84 error exceptions and prints the exception out, then exits
85 with an abnormal return code. *)
86 let compile file =
87 try
88 compile file
89 with
90 ASTException (pos, msg) ->
91 print_exn pos msg;
92 exit 1
95 (*** File Permission/Access Code ***)
98 (* get_file_permissions
99 Get the current permissions on a named file. *)
100 let get_file_permissions file =
101 let stats = Unix.stat file in
102 stats.Unix.st_perm
105 (* clear_write_bits
106 Clear all write bits (user, group, and world) on a named file.
107 This call only has an effect if the output_file_ro flag is true. *)
108 let clear_write_bits file =
109 if !output_file_ro then begin
110 let perm = get_file_permissions file in
111 let perm = perm land (lnot 0o222) in
112 Unix.chmod file perm
116 (* set_write_bit
117 Set the user write bit on a named file, so it can be modified.
118 This call only has an effect if the output_file_ro flag is true. *)
119 let set_write_bit file =
120 if !output_file_ro then begin
122 let perm = get_file_permissions file in
123 let perm = perm land 0o200 in
124 Unix.chmod file perm
125 with
126 (* If the file doesn't exist here, it's not a big deal. *)
127 Unix.Unix_error (Unix.ENOENT, _, _) ->
132 (* close_nonstdout_channel
133 Closes the indicated output channel, *if* it is not stdout. *)
134 let close_nonstdout_channel out =
135 if out <> stdout then
136 close_out out
139 (*** Parse Options ***)
142 (* version_info
143 Print version information about moogleize. *)
144 let version_info () =
145 Printf.printf "Moogleize for MCC (Mojave Compiler)\n";
146 Printf.printf "Using Kupo Language Specification version %s\n" Moogle_state.kupo_language_specification;
147 exit 1
150 (* Define the program's options *)
151 let usage = "usage: moogleize [options] [files...]"
153 let spec =
154 ["Basic options",
155 ["-o", Mc_arg.String (fun s -> output_file := Some s),
156 "name of .ml file to write to (default: stdout)";
157 "-oi", Mc_arg.String (fun s -> output_ifile := Some s),
158 "name of .mli file to write to (default: no interface)";
159 "-insts", Mc_arg.Set print_insts,
160 "print instruction tables";
161 "-rules", Mc_arg.Set print_rules,
162 "print pattern-match rules";
163 "-inline", Mc_arg.Set print_inline,
164 "print inlined Kupo code blocks";
165 "-version", Mc_arg.Unit version_info,
166 "print version information"];
167 "Advanced options (use with caution)",
168 ["-max-star", Mc_arg.Int (fun i -> Moogle_state.rule_max_star := i),
169 "set maximum number of instructions a * wildcard can match in an input pattern" ^
170 " (default: " ^ (string_of_int !Moogle_state.rule_max_star) ^ ")";
171 "-long-match", Mc_arg.Set Moogle_state.rule_wildcard_long,
172 "wildcards match the longest possible instruction sequence (may weaken peephole optimizations)" ^
173 (if !Moogle_state.rule_wildcard_long then " (default)" else "");
174 "-short-match", Mc_arg.Clear Moogle_state.rule_wildcard_long,
175 "wildcards match the shortest possible instruction sequence (recommended)" ^
176 (if not !Moogle_state.rule_wildcard_long then " (default)" else "");
177 "-no-mangle", Mc_arg.Clear Moogle_state.mangle_position_info,
178 "if specified, do not mangle position information in emitted ML files.";
179 "-rdonly", Mc_arg.Set output_file_ro,
180 "if specified, the output ML file is set as a read-only file, preventing" ^
181 " accidental modifications to the generated file. If this is set, then" ^
182 " moogleize will be allowed to delete read-only output files as well."]]
185 (*** Compile the Program ***)
188 (* run
189 Take the main_prog expression (generated by the front-end compile above)
190 and attempt to produce a real ML file as output. Output is either sent
191 to stdout, or to a named file. The write bits on the file may be cleared
192 if the -rdonly flag was specified. *)
193 let run () =
194 (* Get the main_prog. *)
195 Mc_arg.parse spec compile usage;
197 (* Make sure at least one interesting option was specified *)
198 let () =
199 if not (!print_insts || !print_rules || !print_inline) then
200 raise (ASTException (exp_pos (!Moogle_state.current_pos),
201 StringError "Neither -insts, -rules, nor -inline were specified on the command-line"))
204 (* Compile the prog into an ML program *)
205 let mlp, mlpi = Moogle_mlp_prog.mlp_of_prog_header !main_prog in
206 let mlp, mlpi =
207 if !print_insts then
208 Moogle_mlp_prog.mlp_of_prog_insts mlp mlpi !main_prog
209 else
210 mlp, mlpi
212 let mlp, mlpi =
213 if !print_rules then
214 Moogle_mlp_prog.mlp_of_prog_rules mlp mlpi !main_prog
215 else
216 mlp, mlpi
218 let mlp, mlpi =
219 if !print_inline then
220 Moogle_mlp_prog.mlp_of_prog_inline_kupo mlp mlpi !main_prog
221 else
222 mlp, mlpi
225 (* Create the output channel for the final ML file. *)
226 let out =
228 match !output_file with
229 Some file ->
230 set_write_bit file;
231 open_out file
232 | None ->
233 stdout
234 with
235 Sys_error s ->
236 raise (ASTException (exp_pos (!Moogle_state.current_pos), SysError s))
237 | Unix.Unix_error (err, fn, _) ->
238 raise (ASTException (exp_pos (!Moogle_state.current_pos), SysError (sprintf "%s: %s" fn (Unix.error_message err))))
240 let outf = formatter_of_out_channel out in
241 let () = pp_set_margin outf 128 in
242 let pos () = exp_pos (!Moogle_state.current_pos) in
243 let () =
245 Moogle_mlp_print.pp_print_program outf mlp;
246 pp_print_newline outf ();
247 close_nonstdout_channel out;
248 match !output_file with
249 Some file ->
250 clear_write_bits file
251 | None ->
253 with
254 Sys_error s ->
255 pp_print_newline outf ();
256 close_nonstdout_channel out;
257 raise (ASTException (pos (), SysError s))
258 | Unix.Unix_error (err, fn, _) ->
259 close_nonstdout_channel out;
260 raise (ASTException (pos (), SysError (sprintf "%s: %s" fn (Unix.error_message err))))
261 | ASTException (pos, msg) as e ->
262 close_nonstdout_channel out;
263 raise e
266 (* Now, attempt to emit the MLI file *)
267 let () =
268 match !output_ifile with
269 Some file ->
270 begin
271 let () = set_write_bit file in
272 let out = open_out file in
273 let outf = formatter_of_out_channel out in
274 let () = pp_set_margin outf 128 in
276 Moogle_mlp_print.pp_print_interface outf mlpi;
277 pp_print_newline outf ();
278 close_out out;
279 clear_write_bits file
280 with
281 Sys_error s ->
282 pp_print_newline outf ();
283 close_out out;
284 raise (ASTException (pos (), SysError s))
285 | Unix.Unix_error (err, fn, _) ->
286 close_out out;
287 raise (ASTException (pos (), SysError (sprintf "%s: %s" fn (Unix.error_message err))))
288 | ASTException (pos, msg) as e ->
289 close_out out;
290 raise e
292 | None ->
298 let () =
299 try run () with
300 ASTException (pos, msg) ->
301 print_exn pos msg;
302 exit 1
303 | Moogle_prog_exn.ProgException (pos, msg) ->
304 Moogle_prog_exn.print_exn pos msg;
305 exit 1