Initial snarf.
[shack.git] / libmojave / stdlib /
1 (*
2 * $Id: 7878 2005-10-09 00:13:24Z jyh $
3 * Operations to do I/O
5 * Moved here from Pervasives
6 *)
8 open String
11 * Reading.
13 external fopen : string -> int -> int -> int = "%file_open"
14 external fclose : int -> unit = "%file_close"
15 external fread : int -> string -> int -> int -> int = "%file_read"
16 external fwrite : int -> string -> int -> int -> int = "%file_write"
17 external fseek : int -> int -> unit = "%file_seek"
18 external ftell : int -> int = "%file_tell"
19 external flength : int -> int = "%file_len"
21 let code = int_of_char
22 let chr = char_of_int
25 * An in-channel contains a buffer.
27 type channel =
28 { mutable chan_fd : int;
29 chan_buf : string;
30 mutable chan_min : int;
31 mutable chan_max : int
34 type in_channel = channel
35 type out_channel = channel
38 * Buffer operations.
40 let bufsize = 8192
42 let mk_chan fd =
43 { chan_fd = fd;
44 chan_buf = screate bufsize;
45 chan_min = 0;
46 chan_max = 0
49 let stdin = mk_chan 0
50 let stdout = mk_chan 1
51 let stderr = mk_chan 2
54 * Convert the open flags.
56 type open_flag =
57 Open_rdonly
58 | Open_wronly
59 | Open_append
60 | Open_creat
61 | Open_trunc
62 | Open_excl
63 | Open_binary
64 | Open_text
65 | Open_nonblock
67 let o_rdonly = 1
68 let o_wronly = 2
69 let o_rdwr = 3
70 let o_creat = 4
71 let o_excl = 8
72 let o_noctty = 16
73 let o_trunc = 32
74 let o_append = 64
75 let o_nonblock = 128
76 let o_sync = 256
77 let o_binary = 512
79 let rec mask_of_flags mask = function
80 h :: t ->
81 let mask' =
82 match h with
83 Open_rdonly -> o_rdonly
84 | Open_wronly -> o_wronly
85 | Open_append -> o_append
86 | Open_creat -> o_creat
87 | Open_trunc -> o_trunc
88 | Open_excl -> o_excl
89 | Open_binary -> o_binary
90 | Open_text -> 0
91 | Open_nonblock -> o_nonblock
93 mask_of_flags (mask lor mask') t
94 | [] ->
95 mask
98 * Opening and closing.
100 let open_gen mask flags umask name =
101 let mask = mask_of_flags 0 flags in
102 let fd = fopen name mask umask in
103 if fd < 0 then
104 raise (Sys_error name);
105 mk_chan fd
107 let open_out_gen = open_gen o_wronly
108 let open_in_gen = open_gen o_rdonly
110 let open_out_bin = open_gen (o_wronly lor o_binary) [] 438
111 let open_out = open_gen o_wronly [] 438
113 let open_in_bin = open_gen (o_rdonly lor o_binary) [] 0
114 let open_in = open_gen o_rdonly [] 0
116 let close chan =
117 let fd = chan.chan_fd in
118 if fd >= 0 then
119 fclose fd;
120 chan.chan_fd <- (-1)
122 let close_in = close
123 let close_out = close
126 * Filling and flushing.
128 let filbuf chan =
129 let { chan_fd = fd; chan_buf = buf } = chan in
130 let count = fread fd buf 0 bufsize in
131 if count <= 0 then
132 raise End_of_file;
133 chan.chan_min <- 0;
134 chan.chan_max <- count
136 let flush chan =
137 let { chan_fd = fd; chan_buf = buf; chan_min = min; chan_max = max } = chan in
138 let rec writebuf min =
139 if min < max then
140 let count = max - min in
141 let count = fwrite fd buf min count in
142 if count <= 0 then
143 begin
144 chan.chan_min <- min;
145 raise End_of_file
146 end;
147 writebuf (min + count)
149 writebuf min;
150 chan.chan_min <- 0;
151 chan.chan_max <- 0
154 * Output.
156 let output_char chan c =
157 if chan.chan_max = bufsize then
158 flush chan;
159 let max = chan.chan_min in
160 chan.chan_buf.[max] <- c;
161 chan.chan_max <- succ max
163 let rec writebuf fd buf off len =
164 if off < len then
165 let count = len - off in
166 let count = fwrite fd buf off count in
167 if count <= 0 then
168 raise End_of_file;
169 writebuf fd buf (off + count) len
171 let output chan buf off len =
172 if len - off >= bufsize then
173 begin
174 flush chan;
175 writebuf chan.chan_fd buf off len;
176 chan.chan_min <- 0;
177 chan.chan_max <- 0
179 else
180 begin
181 if chan.chan_max + len - off > bufsize then
182 flush chan;
183 sblit buf off chan.chan_buf chan.chan_max len;
184 chan.chan_max <- chan.chan_max + len
187 let output_string chan s =
188 output chan s 0 (slength s)
190 let output_byte chan i =
191 output_char chan (chr i)
193 let output_binary_int chan i =
194 output_byte chan ((i lsr 24) land 255);
195 output_byte chan ((i lsr 16) land 255);
196 output_byte chan ((i lsr 8) land 255);
197 output_byte chan (i land 255)
199 let seek_out chan loc =
200 flush chan;
201 fseek chan.chan_fd loc
203 let pos_out chan =
204 flush chan;
205 ftell chan.chan_fd
207 let out_channel_length chan =
208 flush chan;
209 flength chan.chan_fd
211 let set_binary_mode_out chan flag =
215 * Input.
217 let ungetc chan =
218 let min = chan.chan_min in
219 if min = 0 then
220 raise (Invalid_argument "ungetc");
221 chan.chan_min <- pred min
223 let set_binary_mode_in chan flag =
226 let rec input_char chan =
227 let { chan_buf = buf; chan_min = min; chan_max = max } = chan in
228 if min = max then
229 begin
230 filbuf chan;
231 input_char chan
233 else
234 begin
235 chan.chan_min <- succ min;
236 buf.[min]
239 let input_byte chan =
240 code (input_char chan)
242 let input_binary_int chan =
243 let c1 = input_byte chan in
244 let c2 = input_byte chan in
245 let c3 = input_byte chan in
246 let c4 = input_byte chan in
247 ((c1 lsl 24) lor (c2 lsl 16) lor (c3 lsl 8) lor c4)
249 let rec input_line chan =
250 let { chan_buf = buf; chan_min = min; chan_max = max } = chan in
251 if min = max then
252 begin
253 filbuf chan;
254 input_line chan
256 else
257 let rec search s i min max =
258 if i = max then
259 let s = s ^ (ssub buf min max) in
261 filbuf chan;
262 search s chan.chan_min chan.chan_min chan.chan_max
263 with
264 End_of_file ->
266 else if buf.[i] = '\n' then
267 let s = s ^ (ssub buf min i) in
268 chan.chan_min <- succ i;
270 else
271 search s (succ i) min max
273 search "" chan.chan_min chan.chan_min chan.chan_max
275 let input chan buf off len =
276 if chan.chan_min = chan.chan_max then
277 filbuf chan;
278 let { chan_buf = buf'; chan_min = min'; chan_max = max' } = chan in
279 let count = max' - min' in
280 if count < len then
281 begin
282 sblit buf' min' buf off count;
283 chan.chan_min <- 0;
284 chan.chan_max <- 0;
285 count
287 else
288 begin
289 sblit buf' min' buf off len;
290 chan.chan_min <- min' + len;
294 let really_input chan buf off len =
295 let rec read amount off len =
296 if off < len then
297 let { chan_buf = buf'; chan_min = min'; chan_max = max' } = chan in
298 let count = max' - min' in
299 if count < len then
300 let amount = amount + count in
301 let _ = sblit buf' min' buf off count in
302 let off = off + count in
303 let len = len - count in
304 filbuf chan;
305 read amount off len
306 else
307 let amount = amount + len in
308 sblit buf' min' buf off len;
309 chan.chan_min <- chan.chan_min + len
311 read 0 off len
314 * Seeking.
316 let seek_in chan pos =
317 chan.chan_min <- 0;
318 chan.chan_max <- 0;
319 fseek chan.chan_fd pos
321 let pos_in chan =
322 let pos = ftell chan.chan_fd in
323 pos - (chan.chan_max - chan.chan_min)
325 let in_channel_length chan =
326 flength chan.chan_fd
329 * Standard operations.
331 let print_char = output_char stdout
333 let print_string = output_string stdout
335 let print_int i =
336 print_string (string_of_int i)
338 let print_float x =
339 print_string (string_of_float x)
341 let print_newline () =
342 print_char '\n'
344 let print_endline s =
345 print_string s;
346 print_newline ()
348 let prerr_char = output_char stderr
350 let prerr_string = output_string stderr
352 let prerr_int i =
353 prerr_string (string_of_int i)
355 let prerr_float x =
356 prerr_string (string_of_float x)
358 let prerr_newline () =
359 prerr_char '\n'
361 let prerr_endline s =
362 prerr_string s;
363 prerr_newline ()
365 let read_line () =
366 input_line stdin
368 let is_digit = function
370 | '1'
371 | '2'
372 | '3'
373 | '4'
374 | '5'
375 | '6'
376 | '7'
377 | '8'
378 | '9' ->
379 true
380 | _ ->
381 false
383 let int_of_digit = function
384 '0' -> 0
385 | '1' -> 1
386 | '2' -> 2
387 | '3' -> 3
388 | '4' -> 4
389 | '5' -> 5
390 | '6' -> 6
391 | '7' -> 7
392 | '8' -> 8
393 | '9' -> 9
394 | _ ->
395 raise (Invalid_argument "int_of_digit")
397 let is_space = function
399 | '\t'
400 | '\r'
401 | '\n' ->
402 true
404 | _ ->
405 false
408 * Skip white space.
410 let rec skip_white chan =
411 let c = input_char chan in
412 if is_space c then
413 skip_white chan
414 else
415 ungetc chan
418 * Read an integer.
420 let input_int chan =
421 skip_white chan;
422 let c = input_char chan in
423 let negate =
424 if c = '-' then
425 true
426 else
427 begin
428 ungetc chan;
429 false
432 let rec input i =
433 let c = input_char chan in
434 if is_digit c then
435 input (i * 10 + int_of_digit c)
436 else
437 begin
438 ungetc chan;
439 if negate then
441 else
445 input 0
448 * Read a floating point number.
450 type float_state =
451 FloatInt
452 | FloatDecimal
453 | FloatExponent
454 | FloatSignedExponent
456 let fbufsize = 256
458 let input_float chan =
459 let buf = screate fbufsize in
460 let _ = skip_white chan in
461 let c = input_char chan in
462 let negate =
463 if c == '-' then
464 true
465 else
466 begin
467 ungetc chan;
468 false
471 let rec loop state i =
472 if i = fbufsize then
474 else
475 let c = input_char chan in
476 buf.[i] <- c;
477 match state with
478 FloatInt ->
479 if is_digit c then
480 loop FloatInt (succ i)
481 else if c == '.' then
482 loop FloatDecimal (succ i)
483 else if c == 'e' || c == 'E' then
484 loop FloatExponent (succ i)
485 else
486 (ungetc chan; i)
489 | FloatDecimal ->
490 if is_digit c then
491 loop FloatDecimal (succ i)
492 else if c == 'e' || c == 'E' then
493 loop FloatExponent (succ i)
494 else
495 (ungetc chan; i)
497 | FloatExponent ->
498 if c == '-' || c == '+' then
499 loop FloatSignedExponent (succ i)
500 else if is_digit c then
501 loop FloatSignedExponent (succ i)
502 else
503 (ungetc chan; i)
505 | FloatSignedExponent ->
506 if is_digit c then
507 loop FloatSignedExponent (succ i)
508 else
509 (ungetc chan; i)
511 let i = loop FloatInt 0 in
512 float_of_string (ssub buf 0 i)
514 let read_int () =
515 input_int stdin
517 let read_float () =
518 input_float stdin