Initial snarf.
[shack.git] / libmojave / stdlib /
1 (*
2 * Formatting to LaTeX documents.
4 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
6 * @begin[license]
7 * Copyright (C) 2004 Mojave Group, Caltech
9 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
10 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
11 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
12 * version 2.1 of the License.
14 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
19 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
20 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
21 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
23 * Additional permission is given to link this library with the
24 * OpenSSL project's "OpenSSL" library, and with the OCaml runtime,
25 * and you may distribute the linked executables. See the file
26 * LICENSE.libmojave for more details.
28 * Author: Jason Hickey
29 * @email{}
30 * @end[license]
32 open Lm_rformat_raw
33 open Lm_rformat
36 * We hack the indentation in the TeX printer.
37 * Format the data into lines, and print the tabstops in
38 * the background color.
40 * The prefix is the white space that is inserted to
41 * get the left margin right.
43 type tex_buffer =
44 { mutable tex_current_line : (bool * string) list;
45 mutable tex_prefix : string;
46 tex_print_string : string -> unit;
47 tex_print_newline : unit -> unit
51 * Have to escape special characters.
53 let tex_escape_string _linebreaks s =
54 let len = String.length s in
55 let rec collect i j =
56 if j = len then
57 if i = 0 then
59 else if i < j then
60 String.sub s i (j - i)
61 else
63 else
64 match s.[j] with
65 ' ' ->
66 collect_escape i j "\\ "
67 | '_' ->
68 collect_escape i j "\\_"
69 | '{' ->
70 collect_escape i j "\\{"
71 | '}' ->
72 collect_escape i j "\\}"
73 | '|' ->
74 collect_escape i j "\\|"
75 | '<' ->
76 collect_escape_space i j "\\lt"
77 | '>' ->
78 collect_escape_space i j "\\gt"
79 | '^'
80 | '&'
81 | '#'
82 | '['
83 | ']'
84 | '\\'
85 | '$'
86 | '%' as c->
87 collect_escape_space i j (Printf.sprintf "\\char%i" (Char.code c))
88 | _ ->
89 collect i (succ j)
90 and collect_esc i j s' =
91 if i < j then
92 String.sub s i (j - i) ^ s'
93 else
95 and collect_escape i j s =
96 collect_esc i j (s ^ collect (succ j) (succ j))
97 and collect_escape_space i j s =
98 let s' = collect (succ j) (succ j) in
99 let s'' =
100 if s' = "" then
102 else
103 match s'.[0] with
104 ' ' | '\\' | '$' | '_' | '^' | '&' | '}' | '{' -> s'
105 | _ ->
106 " " ^ s'
108 collect_esc i j (s ^ s'')
110 collect 0 0
113 * Print strings.
115 let tex_print_string buf s =
116 buf.tex_current_line <- (true, s) :: buf.tex_current_line
118 let tex_print_invis buf s =
119 buf.tex_current_line <- (false, s) :: buf.tex_current_line
122 * Extract the entire line.
124 let tex_line buf =
125 let rec collect line = function
126 (vis, h) :: t ->
127 collect ((if vis then (tex_escape_string true h) else h) ^ line) t
128 | [] ->
129 line
131 collect "" buf.tex_current_line
133 let tex_visible buf =
134 let rec collect line = function
135 (vis, h) :: t ->
136 collect (if vis then h ^ line else line) t
137 | [] ->
138 line
140 collect "" buf.tex_current_line
142 let make_tag s =
143 (false, "\\" ^ s ^ "{")
145 let tex_push_line buf tags =
146 let line = tex_line buf in
147 buf.tex_print_string line;
148 buf.tex_current_line <- [];
149 if line <> "" && line.[String.length line - 1] != '\n' then
150 begin
151 buf.tex_print_string (String.make (List.length tags) '}');
152 buf.tex_print_string "\\\\\n";
153 buf.tex_current_line <- make_tag tags
156 let tex_flush buf =
157 tex_push_line buf []
160 * Set up all pending tabstops.
162 let tex_tab_line buf =
163 buf.tex_prefix ^ tex_visible buf
166 * Newline.
167 * Compute all pending tabstops,
168 * then push the line and the new tabstop.
170 let tex_tab buf (col, _) tags =
171 if col = 0 then
172 begin
173 tex_push_line buf tags;
174 buf.tex_prefix <- ""
176 else
177 let tabline = tex_tab_line buf in
178 tex_push_line buf tags;
179 let prefix =
180 if col >= String.length tabline then
181 tabline
182 else
183 String.sub tabline 0 col
185 let spacer = Printf.sprintf "\\phantom{%s}" (tex_escape_string false prefix) in
186 buf.tex_prefix <- prefix;
187 buf.tex_current_line <- buf.tex_current_line @ [false, spacer]
189 let tex_tag buf s =
190 buf.tex_current_line <- (make_tag s) :: buf.tex_current_line
192 let tex_etag buf _ =
193 buf.tex_current_line <- (false, "}") :: buf.tex_current_line
196 * A TeX printer.
198 let make_tex_printer_aux raw =
199 let { raw_print_string = output_string;
200 raw_print_newline = output_newline
201 } = raw
203 let print_string s =
204 output_string s 0 (String.length s)
206 let buf =
207 { tex_current_line = [];
208 tex_prefix = "";
209 tex_print_string = print_string;
210 tex_print_newline = output_newline
213 let info =
214 { print_string = tex_print_string buf;
215 print_invis = tex_print_invis buf;
216 print_atomic = tex_print_string buf;
217 print_tab = tex_tab buf;
218 print_begin_tag = tex_tag buf;
219 print_end_tag = tex_etag buf
222 buf, info
224 let make_tex_printer raw =
225 snd (make_tex_printer_aux raw)
228 * Raw printer.
230 let print_tex_raw rmargin buf raw =
231 let tbuf, info = make_tex_printer_aux raw in
232 let print_string s =
233 raw.raw_print_string s 0 (String.length s)
235 print_string "\\texfalse\\iftex%\n";
236 print_to_printer buf rmargin info;
237 tex_flush tbuf;
238 print_string "\\fi\\enmptab%\n";
239 raw.raw_print_flush ()
242 * The channel and buffer versions.
244 let print_tex_channel rmargin buf out =
245 print_tex_raw rmargin buf (raw_channel_printer out)
247 let print_tex_buffer rmargin buf out =
248 print_tex_raw rmargin buf (raw_buffer_printer out)
250 let print_tex_string rmargin buf =
251 let out = Buffer.create 100 in
252 print_tex_buffer rmargin buf out;
253 Buffer.contents out
256 * @docoff
258 * -*-
259 * Local Variables:
260 * Caml-master: "compile"
261 * End:
262 * -*-