1 Welcome to Apache Shindig!
3 * Read javascript/README for instructions for using the Shindig Gadget
4 Container JavaScript to enable your page to render Gadgets.
5 * Read the instructions below for how to use PHP Shindig
6 * For more information, see http://incubator.apache.org/shindig/
9 Installing and Running The PHP Shindig Gadget Server
10 ============================================
12 Prequisites before building Shindig for PHP
13 ============================================
14 In order to build and run Shindig for PHP, you must have the following:
16 - A Subversion client installed in order to checkout the code.
17 Instructions for downloading and installing Subversion can be found here:
18 http://subversion.tigris.org/
19 - Apache with mod_rewrite enabled.
20 - PHP 5.2.x with the json, simplexml, mcrypt and curl extentions enabled.
23 Getting the code (if your running from svn and not a release tarball)
24 ============================================
25 Create a subdirectory in your web document root, e.g. /var/www/html and
26 checkout the Shindig code from its Subversion repository
28 mkdir /var/www/html/shindig
29 cd /var/www/html/shindig
30 svn co http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/shindig/trunk/ .
34 ============================================
35 With PHP There is no need to build anything - the source code
38 To run the code, you have several options:
40 a. Create a new virtual host
42 Point your apache to the php dir with a virtual host like:
44 <VirtualHost your_ip:your_port>
46 DocumentRoot /var/www/html/shindig/php
47 ... other normal settings in vhosts...
53 Restart apache, and point your browser to:
55 http://<your.host>/gadgets/ifr?url=http://www.labpixies.com/campaigns/todo/todo.xml
57 you should see something like this:
58 http://shindig.chabotc.com/gadgets/ifr?url=http://www.labpixies.com/campaigns/todo/todo.xml
60 b. Run with an existing host
62 If you cannot/don't want to create a virtual host, you can edit the file php/config/container.php
63 or php/config/local.php (see the comments php/config/container.php for documentation of the
64 configuration system) and change the web_prefix setting to '/shindig/php'.
66 In this case, you should also change all paths in shindig/config/container.js
67 (see the comments there for documentation of the JSON configuration system).
69 Then you can run the gadget by pointing your browser to:
71 http://<your.host>/shindig/php/gadgets/ifr?url=http://www.labpixies.com/campaigns/todo/todo.xml
74 ============================================
75 Check out the php/config/container.php file, in local.php you only have to specificy the
76 fields you want to overwrite with other values, for example on a production system you
77 would probably want to have something like:
78 $shindigConfig = array(
80 'allow_plaintext_token' => false,
81 'token_cipher_key' => 'MySecretKey',
82 'token_hmac_key' => 'MyOtherSecret',
83 'private_key_phrase' => 'MyCertificatePassword',
84 'person_service' => 'MyPeopleService',
85 'activity_service' => 'MyActivitiesService',
86 'app_data_service' => 'MyAppDataService',
87 'messages_service' => 'MyMessagesService',
88 'oauth_lookup_service' => 'MyOAuthLookupService'
89 'xrds_location' => 'http://www.mycontainer.com/xrds',
90 'check_file_exists' => false
93 And then implement your own service and oauth lookup classes.