Add : check_hpjd rule with printer discovery.
[shinken.git] / libexec /
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 #Copyright (C) 2009-2010 :
3 # Gabes Jean,
4 # Gerhard Lausser,
5 # Gregory Starck,
7 #This file is part of Shinken.
9 #Shinken is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
10 #it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
11 #the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
12 #(at your option) any later version.
14 #Shinken is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 #but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 #GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
19 #You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
20 #along with Shinken. If not, see <>.
22 #sudo nmap -T4 -O --traceroute -oX toto.xml
24 import optparse
25 import sys
26 import cPickle
27 import os
28 import re
29 import time
31 try:
32 import shinken
33 except ImportError:
34 # If importing shinken fails, try to load from current directory
35 # or parent directory to support running without installation.
36 # Submodules will then be loaded from there, too.
37 import imp
38 if not hasattr(os, "getuid") or os.getuid() != 0:
39 imp.load_module('shinken', *imp.find_module('shinken', [".", ".."]))
41 from shinken.log import logger
42 from shinken.objects import *
43 from shinken.macroresolver import MacroResolver
46 VERSION = '0.1'
48 parser = optparse.OptionParser(
49 "%prog [options] -c discovery_config -o config_output -m list of macros",
50 version="%prog " + VERSION)
51 parser.add_option('-c', '--cfg-input',
52 dest="cfg_input", help=('Discovery configuration file (discovery.cfg)'))
53 parser.add_option('-o', '--dir-output', dest="output_dir",
54 help="Directory output for results")
55 parser.add_option('-w', '--overright', dest="overright", action='store_true',
56 help="Allow overwithing xisting file (disabled by default)")
57 parser.add_option('-r', '--runners', dest="runners",
58 help="List of runners you allow to run, (like nmap,vsphere)")
59 parser.add_option('-m', '--macros', dest="macros",
60 help="List of macros (like NMAPTARGETS= Should be the last argument")
64 opts, args = parser.parse_args()
66 raw_macros = []
67 macros=[]
69 if not opts.cfg_input:
70 parser.error("Requires a discovery configuration file, dsicovery.cfg (option -c/--cfg-input")
71 if not opts.output_dir:
72 parser.error("Requires one output directory (option -o/--dir-output")
73 if not opts.overright:
74 overright = False
75 else:
76 overright = opts.overright
77 if not opts.runners:
78 runners = ['*']
79 else:
80 runners = opts.runners.split(',')
81 if opts.macros:
82 raw_macros.append(opts.macros)
83 if args:
84 raw_macros.extend(args)
86 print "Macros", raw_macros
88 for m in raw_macros:
89 elts = m.split('=')
90 if len(elts) < 2:
91 print "The macro '%s' is malformed. I bail out" % m
92 sys.exit(2)
93 macros.append( (elts[0], '='.join(elts[1:])))
95 print "Got macros", macros
97 # Says if a host is up or not
98 def is_up(h):
99 status = h.find('status')
100 state = status.attrib['state']
101 return state == 'up'
104 class ConfigurationManager:
105 def __init__(self, h, path, criticity):
106 self.h = h
107 self.hosts_path = os.path.join(path, 'hosts')
108 self.srvs_path = os.path.join(path, 'services')
109 self.templates = ['generic-host']
110 = []
111 self.criticity = criticity
112 self.parents = []
115 # We search if our potential parent is present in the
116 # other detected hosts. If so, set it as my parent
117 def look_for_parent(self, all_hosts):
118 parent = self.h.parent
119 print "Look for my parent", self.h.get_name(), "->", parent
120 # Ok, we didn't find any parent
121 # we bail out
122 if parent == '':
123 return
124 for h in all_hosts:
125 print "Is it you?", h.get_name()
126 if h.get_name() == parent:
127 print "Houray, we find our parent", self.h.get_name(), "->", h.get_name()
128 self.parents.append(h.get_name())
132 def fill_system_conf(self):
133 ios = self.h.os
135 #Ok, unknown os... not good
136 if ios == ('', ''):
137 return
139 map = {('Windows', '2000') : 'windows',
140 ('Windows', '2003') : 'windows',
141 ('Windows', '7') : 'windows',
142 ('Windows', 'XP') : 'windows',
143 # ME? you are a stupid moron!
144 ('Windows', 'Me') : 'windows',
145 ('Windows', '2008') : 'windows',
146 # that's a good boy :)
147 ('Linux', '2.6.X') : 'linux',
148 ('Linux', '2.4.X') : 'linux',
149 # HPUX? I think you didn't choose...
150 ('HP-UX', '11.X') : 'hpux',
151 ('HP-UX', '10.X') : 'hpux',
154 if ios not in map:
155 print "Unknown OS:", ios
156 return
158 t = map[ios]
159 self.templates.append(t)
161 # Look for VMWare VM or hosts
162 if self.h.is_vmware_vm():
163 self.templates.append('vmware-vm')
164 # Now is an host?
165 if self.h.is_vmware_esx():
166 self.templates.append('vmware-host')
169 def get_cfg_for_host(self):
170 props = {}
171 props['host_name'] = self.h.get_name()
172 props['criticity'] = self.criticity
174 # Parents if we got some
175 if self.parents != []:
176 props['parents'] = ','.join(self.parents)
178 # Now template
179 props['use'] = ','.join(self.templates)
181 print "Want to write", props
182 s = 'define host {\n'
183 for k in props:
184 v = props[k]
185 s += ' %s %s\n' % (k, v)
186 s += '}\n'
187 print s
188 return s
191 def get_cfg_for_services(self):
192 r = {}
193 print "And now services:"
194 for srv in
195 desc = srv['service_description']
196 s = 'define service {\n'
197 for k in srv:
198 v = srv[k]
199 s += ' %s %s\n' % (k, v)
200 s += '}\n'
201 print s
202 r[desc] = s
203 return r
207 def fill_ports_services(self):
208 for p in self.h.open_ports:
209 print "The port", p, " is open"
210 f = getattr(self, 'gen_srv_'+str(p), None)
211 if f:
214 def fill_system_services(self):
215 for t in self.templates:
216 print "Registering services for the template", t
217 # Python functions cannot be -, so we change it by _
218 t = t.replace('-','_')
219 print "Search for", 'gen_srv_'+str(t)
220 f = getattr(self, 'gen_srv_'+str(t), None)
221 if f:
225 def generate_service(self, desc, check):
226 srv = {'use' : 'generic-service', 'service_description' : desc, 'check_command' : check, 'host_name' : self.h.get_name()}
230 ######### For network ones
232 # HTTP
233 def gen_srv_80(self):
234 self.generate_service('HTTP', 'check_http')
236 # SSH
237 def gen_srv_22(self):
238 self.generate_service('SSH', 'check_ssh')
240 # HTTPS + certificate
241 def gen_srv_443(self):
242 self.generate_service('HTTPS', 'check_https')
243 self.generate_service('HTTPS-CERT', 'check_https_certificate')
245 # FTP
246 def gen_srv_21(self):
247 self.generate_service('FTP', 'check_ftp')
249 # DNS
250 def gen_srv_53(self):
251 self.generate_service('DNS', 'check_dig!$HOSTADDRESS$')
253 # Oracle Listener
254 def gen_srv_1521(self):
255 self.generate_service('Oracle-Listener', 'check_oracle_listener')
257 # Now for MSSQL
258 def gen_srv_1433(self):
259 self.generate_service('MSSQL-Connexion', 'check_mssql_connexion')
260 print "I will need check_mssql_health from"
262 # SMTP
263 def gen_srv_25(self):
264 self.generate_service('SMTP', 'check_smtp')
266 # And the SMTPS too
267 def gen_srv_465(self):
268 self.generate_service('SMTPS', 'check_smtps')
270 # LDAP
271 def gen_srv_389(self):
272 self.generate_service('Ldap', 'check_ldap')
274 # LDAPS
275 def gen_srv_636(self):
276 self.generate_service('Ldaps', 'check_ldaps')
278 #Mysql
279 def gen_srv_3306(self):
280 self.generate_service('Mysql', 'check_mysql_connexion')
283 ####
284 # For system ones
285 ####
286 def gen_srv_linux(self):
287 print "You want a Linux check, but I don't know what to propose, sorry..."
289 def gen_srv_windows(self):
290 print "You want a Windows check, but I don't know what to propose, sorry..."
292 #For a VM we can add cpu, io, mem and net
293 def gen_srv_vmware_vm(self):
294 self.generate_service('VM-Cpu', "check_esx_vm!cpu")
295 self.generate_service('VM-IO', "check_esx_vm!io")
296 self.generate_service('VM-Memory', "check_esx_vm!mem")
297 self.generate_service('VM-Network', "check_esx_vm!net")
298 print "I will need the from"
300 # Quite the same for the host
301 def gen_srv_vmware_host(self):
302 self.generate_service('ESX-host-Cpu', "check_esx_host!cpu")
303 self.generate_service('ESX-host-IO', "check_esx_host!io")
304 self.generate_service('ESX-host-Memory', "check_esx_host!mem")
305 self.generate_service('ESX-host-Network', "check_esx_host!net")
306 print "I will need the from"
310 # Write the host cfg file
311 def write_host_configuration(self):
312 name = self.h.get_name()
313 # If the host is bad, get out
314 if not name:
315 return
317 # Write the directory with the host config
318 p = os.path.join(self.hosts_path, name)
319 print "I want to create", p
320 try:
321 os.mkdir(p)
322 except OSError, exp:
323 # If directory already exists, it's not a problem
324 if not exp.errno != '17':
325 print "Cannot create the directory '%s' : '%s'" % (p, exp)
326 return
327 cfg_p = os.path.join(p, name+'.cfg')
328 print "I want to write", cfg_p
329 s = self.get_cfg_for_host()
330 try:
331 fd = open(cfg_p, 'w')
332 except OSError, exp:
333 print "Cannot create the file '%s' : '%s'" % (cfg_p, exp)
334 return
335 fd.write(s)
336 fd.close()
339 def write_services_configuration(self):
340 name = self.h.get_name()
341 # If the host is bad, get out
342 if not name:
343 return
345 # Write the directory with the host config
346 p = os.path.join(self.srvs_path, name)
347 print "I want to create", p
348 try:
349 os.mkdir(p)
350 except OSError, exp:
351 # If directory already exist, it's not a problem
352 if not exp.errno != '17':
353 print "Cannot create the directory '%s' : '%s'" % (p, exp)
354 return
355 # Ok now we get the services to create
356 r = c.get_cfg_for_services()
357 for s in r:
358 cfg_p = os.path.join(p, name+'-'+s+'.cfg')
359 print "I want to write", cfg_p
360 buf = r[s]
361 try:
362 fd = open(cfg_p, 'w')
363 except OSError, exp:
364 print "Cannot create the file '%s' : '%s'" % (cfg_p, exp)
365 return
366 fd.write(buf)
367 fd.close()
371 class DiscoveryMerger:
372 def __init__(self, path, output_dir, macros, overright, runners):
373 # i am arbiter-like
374 self.log = logger
375 self.overright = overright
376 self.runners = runners
377 self.output_dir = output_dir
378 self.log.load_obj(self)
379 self.config_files = [path]
380 self.conf = Config()
381 self.conf.read_config(self.config_files)
382 buf = self.conf.read_config(self.config_files)
384 # Add macros on the end of the buf so they will
385 # overright the resource.cfg ones
386 for (m, v) in macros:
387 buf += '\n$%s$=%s\n' % (m, v)
389 raw_objects = self.conf.read_config_buf(buf)
390 self.conf.create_objects_for_type(raw_objects, 'arbiter')
391 self.conf.create_objects_for_type(raw_objects, 'module')
392 self.conf.early_arbiter_linking()
393 self.conf.create_objects(raw_objects)
394 #self.conf.instance_id = 0
395 #self.conf.instance_name = ''
396 self.conf.linkify_templates()
397 self.conf.apply_inheritance()
398 self.conf.explode()
399 self.conf.create_reversed_list()
400 self.conf.remove_twins()
401 self.conf.apply_implicit_inheritance()
402 self.conf.fill_default()
403 self.conf.clean_useless()
404 self.conf.pythonize()
405 self.conf.linkify()
406 self.conf.apply_dependancies()
407 #self.conf.explode_global_conf()
408 #self.conf.propagate_timezone_option()
409 #self.conf.create_business_rules()
410 #self.conf.create_business_rules_dependencies()
411 self.conf.is_correct()
413 self.discoveryrules = self.conf.discoveryrules
414 self.discoveryruns = self.conf.discoveryruns
416 #self.confs = self.conf.cut_into_parts()
417 #self.dispatcher = Dispatcher(self.conf,
419 #scheddaemon = Shinken(None, False, False, False, None)
420 #self.sched = Scheduler(scheddaemon)
422 #scheddaemon.sched = self.sched
424 m = MacroResolver()
425 m.init(self.conf)
426 #self.sched.load_conf(self.conf)
427 #e = ExternalCommandManager(self.conf, 'applyer')
428 #self.sched.external_command = e
429 #e.load_scheduler(self.sched)
430 #e2 = ExternalCommandManager(self.conf, 'dispatcher')
431 #e2.load_arbiter(self)
432 #self.external_command_dispatcher = e2
433 #self.sched.schedule()
435 # Hash = name, and in it (key, value)
436 self.disco_data = {}
437 # Hash = name, and in it rules that apply
438 self.disco_matches = {}
441 def add(self, obj):
442 pass
444 # Look if the name is a IPV4 address or not
445 def is_ipv4_addr(self, name):
446 p = r"^([01]?\d\d?|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.([01]?\d\d?|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.([01]?\d\d?|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.([01]?\d\d?|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])$"
447 return (re.match(p, name) is not None)
450 def read_disco_buf(self):
451 buf = self.raw_disco_data
452 for l in buf.split('\n'):
453 #print ""
454 # If it's not a disco line, bypass it
455 if not'::', l):
456 continue
457 #print "line", l
458 elts = l.split('::')
459 if len(elts) <= 1:
460 #print "Bad discovery data"
461 continue
462 name = elts[0].strip()
464 # We can choose to keep only the basename
465 # of the nameid, so strip the fqdn
466 # But not if it's a plain ipv4 addr
467 if self.conf.strip_idname_fqdn:
468 if not self.is_ipv4_addr(name):
469 name = name.split('.', 1)[0]
471 data = '::'.join(elts[1:])
473 #print "Name", name
474 #print "data", data
475 # Register the name
476 if not name in self.disco_data:
477 self.disco_data[name] = []
478 # Now get key,values
479 if not '=' in data:
480 #print "Bad discovery data"
481 continue
482 elts = data.split('=')
483 if len(elts) <= 1:
484 #print "Bad discovery data"
485 continue
486 key = elts[0].strip()
487 value = elts[1].strip()
488 print "-->", name, key, value
489 self.disco_data[name].append((key, value))
492 def match_rules(self):
493 for name in self.disco_data:
494 datas = self.disco_data[name]
495 for r in self.discoveryrules:
496 if r.is_matching_disco_datas(datas):
497 if name not in self.disco_matches:
498 self.disco_matches[name] = []
499 self.disco_matches[name].append(r)
500 print "Generating", name, r.writing_properties
503 def is_allowing_runners(self, name):
504 name = name.strip()
506 # If we got no value, it's * by default
507 if '*' in self.runners:
508 return True
510 #print self.runners
511 #If we match the name, ok
512 for r in self.runners:
513 r_name = r.strip()
514 # print "Look", r_name, name
515 if r_name == name:
516 return True
518 # Not good, so not run this!
519 return False
521 def allowed_runners(self):
522 return [r for r in self.discoveryruns if self.is_allowing_runners(r.get_name())]
524 def launch_runners(self):
525 for r in self.allowed_runners():
526 print "I'm launching", r.get_name()
527 print r.discoveryrun_command
528 r.launch()
531 def wait_for_runners_ends(self):
532 all_ok = False
533 while not all_ok:
534 all_ok = True
535 for r in self.allowed_runners():
536 if not r.is_finished():
537 #print "Check finished of", r.get_name()
538 r.check_finished()
539 b = r.is_finished()
540 if not b:
541 #print r.get_name(), "is not finished"
542 all_ok = False
543 time.sleep(0.1)
546 def get_runners_outputs(self):
547 self.raw_disco_data = '\n'.join(r.get_output() for r in self.allowed_runners() if r.is_finished())
548 print "Got Raw disco data", self.raw_disco_data
551 # Write all configuration we've got
552 def write_config(self):
553 for name in self.disco_data:
554 print "Writing", name, "configuration"
555 self.write_host_config(name)
556 self.write_service_config(name)
559 # We search for all rules of type host, and we merge them
560 def write_host_config(self, host):
561 host_rules = []
562 for (name, rules) in self.disco_matches.items():
563 if name != host:
564 continue
565 rs = [r for r in rules if r.creation_type == 'host']
566 host_rules.extend(rs)
568 # If no rule, bail out
569 if len(host_rules) == 0:
570 return
572 # now merge them
573 d = {'host_name' : host}
574 for r in host_rules:
575 d.update(r.writing_properties)
576 print "Will generate", d
577 self.write_host_config_to_file(host, d)
580 # Will wrote all properties/values of d for the host
581 # in the file
582 def write_host_config_to_file(self, host, d):
583 p = os.path.join(self.output_dir, host)
584 print "Want to create host path", p
585 try:
586 os.mkdir(p)
587 except OSError, exp:
588 # If directory already exist, it's not a problem
589 if not exp.errno != '17':
590 print "Cannot create the directory '%s' : '%s'" % (p, exp)
591 return
592 cfg_p = os.path.join(p, host+'.cfg')
593 if os.path.exists(cfg_p) and not overright:
594 print "The file '%s' already exists" % cfg_p
595 return
597 buf = self.get_cfg_bufer(d, 'host')
599 # Ok, we create it so (or overright)
600 try:
601 fd = open(cfg_p, 'w')
602 fd.write(buf)
603 fd.close()
604 except OSError, exp:
605 print "Cannot create the file '%s' : '%s'" % (cfg_p, exp)
606 return
609 # Generate all service for a host
610 def write_service_config(self, host):
611 srv_rules = {}
612 for (name, rules) in self.disco_matches.items():
613 if name != host:
614 continue
615 rs = [r for r in rules if r.creation_type == 'service']
616 print "RS", rs
617 for r in rs:
618 if 'service_description' in r.writing_properties:
619 desc = r.writing_properties['service_description']
620 if not desc in srv_rules:
621 srv_rules[desc] = []
622 srv_rules[desc].append(r)
624 #print "Generate services for", host
625 #print srv_rules
626 for (desc, rules) in srv_rules.items():
627 d = {'service_description' : desc, 'host_name' : host}
628 for r in rules:
629 d.update(r.writing_properties)
630 print "Generating", desc, d
631 self.write_service_config_to_file(host, desc, d)
634 # Will wrote all properties/values of d for the host
635 # in the file
636 def write_service_config_to_file(self, host, desc, d):
637 p = os.path.join(self.output_dir, host)
639 # The host conf should already exist
640 cfg_host_p = os.path.join(p, host+'.cfg')
641 if not os.path.exists(cfg_host_p):
642 print "No host configuration available, I bail out"
643 return
645 cfg_p = os.path.join(p, desc+'.cfg')
646 if os.path.exists(cfg_p) and not overright:
647 print "The file '%s' already exists" % cfg_p
648 return
650 buf = self.get_cfg_bufer(d, 'service')
652 # Ok, we create it so (or overright)
653 try:
654 fd = open(cfg_p, 'w')
655 fd.write(buf)
656 fd.close()
657 except OSError, exp:
658 print "Cannot create the file '%s' : '%s'" % (cfg_p, exp)
659 return
662 # Create a define t { } with data in d
663 def get_cfg_bufer(self, d, t):
664 tab = ['define %s {' % t]
665 for (key, value) in d.items():
666 tab.append(' %s %s' % (key, value))
667 tab.append('}\n')
668 return '\n'.join(tab)
674 cfg_input = opts.cfg_input
675 output_dir = opts.output_dir
676 overright = opts.overright
677 d = DiscoveryMerger(cfg_input, output_dir, macros, overright, runners)
682 d.launch_runners()
683 d.wait_for_runners_ends()
684 d.get_runners_outputs()
686 d.read_disco_buf()
688 # Now look for rules
689 d.match_rules()
690 #print d.disco_matches
692 d.write_config()