*redesign: moved classes for configuration objects to "objects" subpackage.
[shinken.git] / shinken / objects / config.py
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 #Copyright (C) 2009-2010 :
3 # Gabes Jean, naparuba@gmail.com
4 # Gerhard Lausser, Gerhard.Lausser@consol.de
5 # Gregory Starck, g.starck@gmail.com
7 #This file is part of Shinken.
9 #Shinken is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
10 #it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
11 #the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
12 #(at your option) any later version.
14 #Shinken is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 #but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 #GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
19 #You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
20 #along with Shinken. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
23 """ Config is the class to read, load and manipulate the user
24 configuration. It read a main cfg (nagios.cfg) and get all informations
25 from it. It create objects, make link between them, clean them, and cut
26 them into independant parts. The main user of this is Arbiter, but schedulers
27 use it too (but far less)"""
29 import re, string, copy, os, socket
30 import itertools
31 import time
32 import random
34 from shinken.objects import *
36 from shinken.arbiterlink import ArbiterLink, ArbiterLinks
37 from shinken.schedulerlink import SchedulerLink, SchedulerLinks
38 from shinken.reactionnerlink import ReactionnerLink, ReactionnerLinks
39 from shinken.brokerlink import BrokerLink, BrokerLinks
40 from shinken.pollerlink import PollerLink, PollerLinks
41 from shinken.graph import Graph
42 from shinken.log import logger
44 from shinken.util import to_int, to_char, to_bool
45 from shinken.property import UnusedProp, BoolProp, IntegerProp, FloatProp, CharProp, StringProp, ListProp
46 #import psyco
47 #psyco.full()
50 class Config(Item):
51 cache_path = "objects.cache"
52 my_type = "config"
54 # Properties:
55 # *required : if True, there is not default, and the config must put them
56 # *default: if not set, take this value
57 # *pythonize : function call to
58 # *class_inherit : (Service, 'blabla') : must set this propertie to the
59 # Service class with name blabla
60 # if (Service, None) : must set this properti to the Service class with
61 # same name
62 # *unused : just to warn the user that the option he use is no more used
63 # in Shinken
64 # *usage_text : if present, will print it to explain why it's no more useful
65 properties = {
66 'prefix': StringProp(
67 default='/usr/local/shinken/'),
68 'log_file': UnusedProp(
69 text='This parameter is not longer take from the main file, but must be defined in the log broker module instead. But Shinken will create you one if there are no present and use this parameter in it, so no worry.'),
70 'object_cache_file': UnusedProp(
71 text='This parameter is not longer take from the main file, but must be defined in the status_dat broker module instead. But Shinken will create you one if there are no present and use this parameter in it, so no worry.'),
72 'precached_object_file': UnusedProp(
73 text='Shinken is faster enough to do not need precached object file.'),
74 'resource_file': StringProp(
75 default='/tmp/ressources.txt'),
76 'temp_file': UnusedProp(
77 text=' temporary files are not used in the shinken architecture.'),
78 'status_file': UnusedProp(
79 text='This parameter is not longer take from the main file, but must be defined in the status_dat broker module instead. But Shinken will create you one if there are no present and use this parameter in it, so no worry.'),
80 'status_update_interval': UnusedProp(
81 text='This parameter is not longer take from the main file, but must be defined in the status_dat broker module instead. But Shinken will create you one if there are no present and use this parameter in it, so no worry.'),
82 'shinken_user': StringProp(
83 default='shinken'),
84 'shinken_group': StringProp(
85 default='shinken'),
86 'enable_notifications': BoolProp(
87 default='1',
88 class_inherit=[(Host, None), (Service, None), (Contact, None)]),
89 'execute_service_checks': BoolProp(
90 default='1',
91 class_inherit=[(Service, 'execute_checks')]),
92 'accept_passive_service_checks': BoolProp(
93 default='1',
94 class_inherit=[(Service, 'accept_passive_checks')]),
95 'execute_host_checks': BoolProp(
96 default='1',
97 class_inherit=[(Host, 'execute_checks')]),
98 'accept_passive_host_checks': BoolProp(
99 default='1',
100 class_inherit=[(Host, 'accept_passive_checks')]),
101 'enable_event_handlers': BoolProp(
102 default='1',
103 class_inherit=[(Host, None), (Service, None)]),
104 'log_rotation_method': CharProp(
105 default='d'),
106 'log_archive_path': StringProp(
107 default='/usr/local/shinken/var/archives'),
108 'check_external_commands': BoolProp(
109 default='1'),
110 'command_check_interval': UnusedProp(
111 text='anoter value than look always the file is useless, so we fix it.'),
112 'command_file': StringProp(
113 default='/tmp/command.cmd'),
114 'external_command_buffer_slots': UnusedProp(
115 text='We do not limit the ewxternal command slot.'),
116 'check_for_updates': UnusedProp(
117 text='network administrators will never allow such communication between server and the external world. Use your distribution packet manager to know if updates are available or go to the http://www.shinken-monitoring.org website instead.'),
118 'bare_update_checks': UnusedProp(
119 text=None),
120 'lock_file': StringProp(
121 default='/usr/local/shinken/var/arbiterd.pid'),
122 'retain_state_information': UnusedProp(
123 text='sorry, retain state information will not be implemented because it is useless.'),
124 'state_retention_file': StringProp(
125 default=''),
126 'retention_update_interval': IntegerProp(
127 default='0'),
128 'use_retained_program_state': UnusedProp(
129 text='We do not think such an option is interesting to manage.'),
130 'use_retained_scheduling_info': UnusedProp(
131 text='We do not think such an option is interesting to manage.'),
132 'retained_host_attribute_mask': UnusedProp(
133 text='We do not think such an option is interesting to manage.'),
134 'retained_service_attribute_mask': UnusedProp(
135 text='We do not think such an option is interesting to manage.'),
136 'retained_process_host_attribute_mask': UnusedProp(
137 text='We do not think such an option is interesting to manage.'),
138 'retained_process_service_attribute_mask': UnusedProp(
139 text='We do not think such an option is interesting to manage.'),
140 'retained_contact_host_attribute_mask': UnusedProp(
141 text='We do not think such an option is interesting to manage.'),
142 'retained_contact_service_attribute_mask': UnusedProp(
143 text='We do not think such an option is interesting to manage.'),
144 'use_syslog': BoolProp(
145 default='0'),
146 'log_notifications': BoolProp(
147 default='1',
148 class_inherit=[(Host, None), (Service, None)]),
149 'log_service_retries': BoolProp(
150 default='1',
151 class_inherit=[(Service, 'log_retries')]),
152 'log_host_retries': BoolProp(
153 default='1',
154 class_inherit=[(Host, 'log_retries')]),
155 'log_event_handlers': BoolProp(
156 default='1',
157 class_inherit=[(Host, None), (Service, None)]),
158 'log_initial_states': BoolProp(
159 default='1'),
160 'log_external_commands': BoolProp(
161 default='1'),
162 'log_passive_checks': BoolProp(
163 default='1'),
164 'global_host_event_handler': StringProp(
165 default='',
166 class_inherit=[(Host, 'global_event_handler')]),
167 'global_service_event_handler': StringProp(
168 default='',
169 class_inherit=[(Service, 'global_event_handler')]),
170 'sleep_time': UnusedProp(
171 text='this deprecated option is useless in the shinken way of doing.'),
172 'service_inter_check_delay_method': UnusedProp(
173 text='This option is useless in the Shinken scheduling. The only way is the smart way.'),
174 'max_service_check_spread': IntegerProp(
175 default='30',
176 class_inherit=[(Service, 'max_check_spread')]),
177 'service_interleave_factor': UnusedProp(
178 text='This option is useless in the Shinken scheduling because it use a random distribution for initial checks.'),
179 'max_concurrent_checks': UnusedProp(
180 text='Limiting the max concurrent checks is not helful to got a good running monitoring server.'),
181 'check_result_reaper_frequency': UnusedProp(
182 text='Shinken do not use reaper process.'),
183 'max_check_result_reaper_time': UnusedProp(
184 text='Shinken do not use reaper process.'),
185 'check_result_path': UnusedProp(
186 text='Shinken use in memory returns, not check results on flat file.'),
187 'max_check_result_file_age': UnusedProp(
188 text='Shinken do not use flat file check resultfiles.'),
189 'host_inter_check_delay_method': UnusedProp(
190 text='This option is unused in the Shinken scheduling because distribution of the initial check is a random one.'),
191 'max_host_check_spread': IntegerProp(
192 default='30',
193 class_inherit=[(Host, 'max_check_spread')]),
194 'interval_length': IntegerProp(
195 default='60',
196 class_inherit=[(Host, None), (Service, None)]),
197 'auto_reschedule_checks': BoolProp(
198 managed=False,
199 default='1'),
200 'auto_rescheduling_interval': IntegerProp(
201 managed=False,
202 default='1'),
203 'auto_rescheduling_window': IntegerProp(
204 managed=False,
205 default='180'),
206 'use_aggressive_host_checking': UnusedProp(
207 text='Host agressive checking is an heritage from Nagios 1 and is really useless now.'),
208 'translate_passive_host_checks': BoolProp(
209 managed=False,
210 default='1'),
211 'passive_host_checks_are_soft': BoolProp(
212 managed=False,
213 default='1'),
214 'enable_predictive_host_dependency_checks': BoolProp(
215 managed=False,
216 default='1',
217 class_inherit=[(Host, 'enable_predictive_dependency_checks')]),
218 'enable_predictive_service_dependency_checks': StringProp(
219 managed=False,
220 default='1'),
221 'cached_host_check_horizon': IntegerProp(
222 default='0',
223 class_inherit=[(Host, 'cached_check_horizon')]),
224 'cached_service_check_horizon': IntegerProp(
225 default='0',
226 class_inherit=[(Service, 'cached_check_horizon')]),
227 'use_large_installation_tweaks': BoolProp(
228 default='0',
229 class_inherit=[(Host, None), (Service, None)]),
230 'free_child_process_memory': UnusedProp(
231 text='this option is automatic in Python processes'),
232 'child_processes_fork_twice': UnusedProp(
233 text='fork twice is not use.'),
234 'enable_environment_macros': BoolProp(
235 default='1',
236 class_inherit=[(Host, None), (Service, None)]),
237 'enable_flap_detection': BoolProp(
238 default='1',
239 class_inherit=[(Host, None), (Service, None)]),
240 'low_service_flap_threshold': IntegerProp(
241 default='25',
242 class_inherit=[(Service, 'low_flap_threshold')]),
243 'high_service_flap_threshold': IntegerProp(
244 default='50',
245 class_inherit=[(Service, 'high_flap_threshold')]),
246 'low_host_flap_threshold': IntegerProp(
247 default='25',
248 class_inherit=[(Host, 'low_flap_threshold')]),
249 'high_host_flap_threshold': IntegerProp(
250 default='50',
251 class_inherit=[(Host, 'high_flap_threshold')]),
252 'soft_state_dependencies': BoolProp(
253 managed=False,
254 default='0'),
255 'service_check_timeout': IntegerProp(
256 default='10',
257 class_inherit=[(Service, 'check_timeout')]),
258 'host_check_timeout': IntegerProp(
259 default='10',
260 class_inherit=[(Host, 'check_timeout')]),
261 'event_handler_timeout': IntegerProp(
262 default='10',
263 class_inherit=[(Host, None), (Service, None)]),
264 'notification_timeout': IntegerProp(
265 default='5',
266 class_inherit=[(Host, None), (Service, None)]),
267 'ocsp_timeout': IntegerProp(
268 default='5',
269 class_inherit=[(Service, None)]),
270 'ochp_timeout': IntegerProp(
271 default='5',
272 class_inherit=[(Host, None)]),
273 'perfdata_timeout': IntegerProp(
274 default='2',
275 class_inherit=[(Host, None), (Service, None)]),
276 'obsess_over_services': BoolProp(
277 default='0',
278 class_inherit=[(Service, 'obsess_over')]),
279 'ocsp_command': StringProp(
280 default='',
281 class_inherit=[(Service, None)]),
282 'obsess_over_hosts': BoolProp(
283 default='0',
284 class_inherit=[(Host, 'obsess_over')]),
285 'ochp_command': StringProp(
286 default='',
287 class_inherit=[(Host, None)]),
288 'process_performance_data': BoolProp(
289 default='1',
290 class_inherit=[(Host, None), (Service, None)]),
291 'host_perfdata_command': StringProp(
292 default='',
293 class_inherit=[(Host, 'perfdata_command')]),
294 'service_perfdata_command': StringProp(
295 default='',
296 class_inherit=[(Service, 'perfdata_command')]),
297 'host_perfdata_file': StringProp(
298 default='',
299 class_inherit=[(Host, 'perfdata_file')]),
300 'service_perfdata_file': StringProp(
301 default='',
302 class_inherit=[(Service, 'perfdata_file')]),
303 'host_perfdata_file_template': StringProp(
304 default='/tmp/host.perf',
305 class_inherit=[(Host, 'perfdata_file_template')]),
306 'service_perfdata_file_template': StringProp(
307 default='/tmp/host.perf',
308 class_inherit=[(Service, 'perfdata_file_template')]),
309 'host_perfdata_file_mode': CharProp(
310 default='a',
311 class_inherit=[(Host, 'perfdata_file_mode')]),
312 'service_perfdata_file_mode': CharProp(
313 default='a',
314 class_inherit=[(Service, 'perfdata_file_mode')]),
315 'host_perfdata_file_processing_interval': IntegerProp(
316 managed=False,
317 default='15'),
318 'service_perfdata_file_processing_interval': IntegerProp(
319 managed=False,
320 default='15'),
321 'host_perfdata_file_processing_command': StringProp(
322 managed=False,
323 default='',
324 class_inherit=[(Host, 'perfdata_file_processing_command')]),
325 'service_perfdata_file_processing_command': StringProp(
326 managed=False,
327 default=None),
328 'check_for_orphaned_services': BoolProp(
329 default='1',
330 class_inherit=[(Service, 'check_for_orphaned')]),
331 'check_for_orphaned_hosts': BoolProp(
332 default='1',
333 class_inherit=[(Host, 'check_for_orphaned')]),
334 'check_service_freshness': BoolProp(
335 default='1',
336 class_inherit=[(Service, 'check_freshness')]),
337 'service_freshness_check_interval': IntegerProp(
338 default='60'),
339 'check_host_freshness': BoolProp(
340 default='1',
341 class_inherit=[(Host, 'check_freshness')]),
342 'host_freshness_check_interval': IntegerProp(
343 default='60'),
344 'additional_freshness_latency': IntegerProp(
345 default='15',
346 class_inherit=[(Host, None), (Service, None)]),
347 'enable_embedded_perl': BoolProp(
348 help='It will surely never be managed, but it should not be useful with poller performances.',
349 managed=False,
350 default='1'),
351 'use_embedded_perl_implicitly': BoolProp(
352 managed=False,
353 default='0'),
354 'date_format': StringProp(
355 managed=False,
356 default=None),
357 'use_timezone': StringProp(
358 default='',
359 class_inherit=[(Host, None), (Service, None), (Contact, None)]),
360 'illegal_object_name_chars': StringProp(
361 default="""`~!$%^&*"|'<>?,()=""",
362 class_inherit=[(Host, None), (Service, None), (Contact, None)]),
363 'illegal_macro_output_chars': StringProp(
364 default='',
365 class_inherit=[(Host, None), (Service, None), (Contact, None)]),
366 'use_regexp_matching': BoolProp(
367 help=' if you go some host or service definition like prod*, it will surely failed from now, sorry.',
368 managed=False,
369 default='0'),
370 'use_true_regexp_matching': BoolProp(
371 managed=False,
372 default=None),
373 'admin_email': UnusedProp(
374 text='sorry, not yet implemented.'),
375 'admin_pager': UnusedProp(
376 text='sorry, not yet implemented.'),
377 'event_broker_options': UnusedProp(
378 text='event broker are replaced by modules with a real configuration template.'),
379 'broker_module': StringProp(
380 default=''),
381 'debug_file': UnusedProp(
382 text=None),
383 'debug_level': UnusedProp(
384 text=None),
385 'debug_verbosity': UnusedProp(
386 text=None),
387 'max_debug_file_size': UnusedProp(
388 text=None),
389 #'$USERn$ : {'required':False, 'default':''} # Add at run in __init__
392 'idontcareaboutsecurity': BoolProp(
393 default='0'),
394 'flap_history': IntegerProp(
395 default='20',
396 class_inherit=[(Host, None), (Service, None)]),
397 'max_plugins_output_length': IntegerProp(
398 default='8192',
399 class_inherit=[(Host, None), (Service, None)]),
401 # Enable or not the notice about old Nagios parameters
402 'disable_old_nagios_parameters_whining': BoolProp(
403 default='0'),
405 # Now for problem/impact states changes
406 'enable_problem_impacts_states_change': BoolProp(
407 default='0',
408 class_inherit=[(Host, None), (Service, None)]),
410 # More a running value in fact
411 'resource_macros_names': StringProp(
412 default=[]),
414 # SSL PART
415 # global boolean for know if we use ssl or not
416 'use_ssl' : BoolProp(default='0',
417 class_inherit=[(SchedulerLink, None), (ReactionnerLink, None),
418 (BrokerLink, None), (PollerLink, None), (ArbiterLink, None)],
420 'certs_dir' : StringProp(default='etc/certs'),
421 'ca_cert' : StringProp(default='etc/certs/ca.pem'),
422 'server_cert' : StringProp(default='etc/certs/server.pem'),
423 'hard_ssl_name_check' : BoolProp(default='0'),
427 macros = {
428 'PREFIX' : 'prefix',
435 'TEMPFILE' : '',
436 'TEMPPATH' : '',
437 'LOGFILE' : '',
438 'RESOURCEFILE' : '',
439 'COMMANDFILE' : '',
442 'ADMINEMAIL' : '',
443 'ADMINPAGER' : ''
444 #'USERn' : '$USERn$' # Add at run in __init__
448 #We create dict of objects
449 #Type: 'name in objects' : {Class of object, Class of objects,
450 #'property for self for the objects(config)'
451 types_creations = {
452 'timeperiod' : (Timeperiod, Timeperiods, 'timeperiods'),
453 'service' : (Service, Services, 'services'),
454 'servicegroup' : (Servicegroup, Servicegroups, 'servicegroups'),
455 'command' : (Command, Commands, 'commands'),
456 'host' : (Host, Hosts, 'hosts'),
457 'hostgroup' : (Hostgroup, Hostgroups, 'hostgroups'),
458 'contact' : (Contact, Contacts, 'contacts'),
459 'contactgroup' : (Contactgroup, Contactgroups, 'contactgroups'),
460 'notificationway' : (NotificationWay, NotificationWays, 'notificationways'),
461 'servicedependency' : (Servicedependency, Servicedependencies, 'servicedependencies'),
462 'hostdependency' : (Hostdependency, Hostdependencies, 'hostdependencies'),
463 'arbiter' : (ArbiterLink, ArbiterLinks, 'arbiterlinks'),
464 'scheduler' : (SchedulerLink, SchedulerLinks, 'schedulerlinks'),
465 'reactionner' : (ReactionnerLink, ReactionnerLinks, 'reactionners'),
466 'broker' : (BrokerLink, BrokerLinks, 'brokers'),
467 'poller' : (PollerLink, PollerLinks, 'pollers'),
468 'realm' : (Realm, Realms, 'realms'),
469 'module' : (Module, Modules, 'modules'),
470 'resultmodulation' : (Resultmodulation, Resultmodulations, 'resultmodulations'),
471 'escalation' : (Escalation, Escalations, 'escalations'),
472 'serviceescalation' : (Serviceescalation, Serviceescalations, 'serviceescalations'),
473 'hostescalation' : (Hostescalation, Hostescalations, 'hostescalations'),
476 #This tab is used to transform old parameters name into new ones
477 #so from Nagios2 format, to Nagios3 ones
478 old_properties = {
479 'nagios_user' : 'shinken_user',
480 'nagios_group' : 'shinken_group'
485 def __init__(self):
486 self.params = {}
487 self.resource_macros_names = []
488 #By default the conf is correct
489 self.conf_is_correct = True
490 #We tag the conf with a magic_hash, a random value to
491 #idify this conf
492 random.seed(time.time())
493 self.magic_hash = random.randint(1, 100000)
497 def fill_usern_macros(cls):
498 """ Fill all USERN macros with value of properties"""
499 #Now the ressource file part
500 properties = cls.properties
501 macros = cls.macros
502 for n in xrange(1, 256):
503 n = str(n)
504 properties['$USER'+n+'$'] = StringProp(default='')
505 macros['USER'+n] = '$USER'+n+'$'
506 #Set this a Class method
507 fill_usern_macros = classmethod(fill_usern_macros)
510 # We've got macro in the resource file and we want
511 # to update our MACRO dict with it
512 def fill_resource_macros_names_macros(self):
513 """ fill the macro dict will all value
514 from self.resource_macros_names"""
515 macros = self.__class__.macros
516 for macro_name in self.resource_macros_names:
517 macros[macro_name] = '$'+macro_name+'$'
520 def load_params(self, params):
521 for elt in params:
522 elts = elt.split('=')
523 if len(elts) == 1: #error, there is no = !
524 self.conf_is_correct = False
525 print "Error : the parameter %s is malformed! (no = sign)" % elts[0]
526 else:
527 self.params[elts[0]] = elts[1]
528 setattr(self, elts[0], elts[1])
529 #Maybe it's a variable as $USER$ or $ANOTHERVATRIABLE$
530 #so look at the first character. If it's a $, it's a variable
531 #and if it's end like it too
532 if elts[0][0] == '$' and elts[0][-1] == '$':
533 macro_name = elts[0][1:-1]
534 self.resource_macros_names.append(macro_name)
538 def _cut_line(self, line):
539 #punct = '"#$%&\'()*+/<=>?@[\\]^`{|}~'
540 tmp = re.split("[" + string.whitespace + "]+" , line)
541 r = [elt for elt in tmp if elt != '']
542 return r
545 def read_config(self, files):
546 #just a first pass to get the cfg_file and all files in a buf
547 res = ''
549 for file in files:
550 #We add a \n (or \r\n) to be sure config files are separated
551 #if the previous does not finish with a line return
552 res += os.linesep
553 print "Opening configuration file", file
554 try:
555 # Open in Universal way for Windows, Mac, Linux
556 fd = open(file, 'rU')
557 buf = fd.readlines()
558 fd.close()
559 config_base_dir = os.path.dirname(file)
560 except IOError, exp:
561 logger.log("Error: Cannot open config file '%s' for reading: %s" % (file, exp))
562 #The configuration is invalid because we have a bad file!
563 self.conf_is_correct = False
564 continue
566 for line in buf:
567 # Should not be useful anymore with the Universal open
568 # if os.name != 'nt':
569 # line = line.replace("\r\n", "\n")
570 res += line
571 line = line[:-1]
572 if re.search("^cfg_file", line) or re.search("^resource_file", line):
573 elts = line.split('=')
574 if os.path.isabs(elts[1]):
575 cfg_file_name = elts[1]
576 else:
577 cfg_file_name = os.path.join(config_base_dir, elts[1])
578 try:
579 fd = open(cfg_file_name, 'rU')
580 logger.log("Processing object config file '%s'" % cfg_file_name)
581 res += fd.read()
582 #Be sure to add a line return so we won't mix files
583 res += '\n'
584 fd.close()
585 except IOError, exp:
586 logger.log("Error: Cannot open config file '%s' for reading: %s" % (cfg_file_name, exp))
587 #The configuration is invalid because we have a bad file!
588 self.conf_is_correct = False
589 elif re.search("^cfg_dir", line):
590 elts = line.split('=')
591 if os.path.isabs(elts[1]):
592 cfg_dir_name = elts[1]
593 else:
594 cfg_dir_name = os.path.join(config_base_dir, elts[1])
595 #Ok, look if it's really a directory
596 if not os.path.isdir(cfg_dir_name):
597 logger.log("Error: Cannot open config dir '%s' for reading" % cfg_dir_name)
598 self.conf_is_correct = False
599 #Now walk for it
600 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(cfg_dir_name):
601 for file in files:
602 if re.search("\.cfg$", file):
603 logger.log("Processing object config file '%s'" % os.path.join(root, file))
604 try:
606 fd = open(os.path.join(root, file), 'rU')
607 res += fd.read()
608 fd.close()
609 except IOError, exp:
610 logger.log("Error: Cannot open config file '%s' for reading: %s" % (os.path.join(root, file), exp))
611 # The configuration is invalid
612 # because we have a bad file!
613 self.conf_is_correct = False
614 return res
615 # self.read_config_buf(res)
618 def read_config_buf(self, buf):
619 params = []
620 objectscfg = {'void': [],
621 'timeperiod' : [],
622 'command' : [],
623 'contactgroup' : [],
624 'hostgroup' : [],
625 'contact' : [],
626 'notificationway' : [],
627 'host' : [],
628 'service' : [],
629 'servicegroup' : [],
630 'servicedependency' : [],
631 'hostdependency' : [],
632 'arbiter' : [],
633 'scheduler' : [],
634 'reactionner' : [],
635 'broker' : [],
636 'poller' : [],
637 'realm' : [],
638 'module' : [],
639 'resultmodulation' : [],
640 'escalation' : [],
641 'serviceescalation' : [],
642 'hostescalation' : [],
644 tmp = []
645 tmp_type = 'void'
646 in_define = False
647 continuation_line = False
648 tmp_line = ''
649 lines = buf.split('\n')
650 for line in lines:
651 line = line.split(';')[0]
652 #A backslash means, there is more to come
653 if re.search("\\\s*$", line):
654 continuation_line = True
655 line = re.sub("\\\s*$", "", line)
656 line = re.sub("^\s+", " ", line)
657 tmp_line += line
658 continue
659 elif continuation_line:
660 #Now the continuation line is complete
661 line = re.sub("^\s+", "", line)
662 line = tmp_line + line
663 tmp_line = ''
664 continuation_line = False
665 if re.search("}", line):
666 in_define = False
667 if re.search("^\s*\t*#|^\s*$|^\s*}", line):
668 pass
670 #A define must be catch and the type save
671 #The old entry must be save before
672 elif re.search("^define", line):
673 in_define = True
674 if tmp_type not in objectscfg:
675 objectscfg[tmp_type] = []
676 objectscfg[tmp_type].append(tmp)
677 tmp = []
678 #Get new type
679 elts = re.split('\s', line)
680 tmp_type = elts[1]
681 tmp_type = tmp_type.split('{')[0]
682 else:
683 if in_define:
684 tmp.append(line)
685 else:
686 params.append(line)
688 objectscfg[tmp_type].append(tmp)
689 objects = {}
691 #print "Params", params
692 self.load_params(params)
693 #And then update our MACRO dict
694 self.fill_resource_macros_names_macros()
696 for type in objectscfg:
697 objects[type] = []
698 for items in objectscfg[type]:
699 tmp = {}
700 for line in items:
701 elts = self._cut_line(line)
702 if elts != []:
703 prop = elts[0]
704 value = ' '.join(elts[1:])
705 tmp[prop] = value
706 if tmp != {}:
707 objects[type].append(tmp)
709 return objects
712 # We need to have some ghost objects like
713 # the check_command bp_rule for business
714 # correlator rules
715 def add_ghost_objects(self, raw_objects):
716 bp_rule = {'command_name' : 'bp_rule', 'command_line' : 'bp_rule'}
717 raw_objects['command'].append(bp_rule)
718 host_up = {'command_name' : '_internal_host_up', 'command_line' : '_internal_host_up'}
719 raw_objects['command'].append(host_up)
722 #We've got raw objects in string, now create real Instances
723 def create_objects(self, raw_objects):
724 """ Create real 'object' from dicts of prop/value """
725 types_creations = self.__class__.types_creations
727 #some types are already created in this time
728 early_created_types = ['arbiter', 'module']
730 # Before really create the objects, we add
731 # ghost ones like the bp_rule for correlation
732 self.add_ghost_objects(raw_objects)
734 for t in types_creations:
735 if t not in early_created_types:
736 self.create_objects_for_type(raw_objects, t)
739 def create_objects_for_type(self, raw_objects, type):
740 types_creations = self.__class__.types_creations
741 t = type
742 #Ex: the above code do for timeperiods:
743 #timeperiods = []
744 #for timeperiodcfg in objects['timeperiod']:
745 # t = Timeperiod(timeperiodcfg)
746 # t.clean()
747 # timeperiods.append(t)
748 #self.timeperiods = Timeperiods(timeperiods)
750 (cls, clss, prop) = types_creations[t]
751 #List where we put objects
752 lst = []
753 for obj_cfg in raw_objects[t]:
754 #We create teh object
755 o = cls(obj_cfg)
756 o.clean()
757 lst.append(o)
758 #we create the objects Class and we set it in prop
759 setattr(self, prop, clss(lst))
763 #Here arbiter and modules objects should be prepare and link
764 #before all others types
765 def early_arbiter_linking(self):
766 """ Prepare the arbiter for early operations """
767 self.modules.create_reversed_list()
769 if len(self.arbiterlinks) == 0:
770 logger.log("Warning : there is no arbiter, I add one in localhost:7770")
771 a = ArbiterLink({'arbiter_name' : 'Default-Arbiter',
772 'host_name' : socket.gethostname(),
773 'address' : 'localhost', 'port' : '7770',
774 'spare' : '0'})
775 self.arbiterlinks = ArbiterLinks([a])
777 #First fill default
778 self.arbiterlinks.fill_default()
781 #print "****************** Pythonize ******************"
782 self.arbiterlinks.pythonize()
784 #print "****************** Linkify ******************"
785 self.arbiterlinks.linkify(self.modules)
789 # We use linkify to make the config more efficient : elements will be
790 # linked, like pointers. For example, a host will have it's service,
791 # and contacts directly in it's properties
792 # REMEMBER: linkify AFTER explode...
793 def linkify(self):
794 """ Make 'links' between elements, like a host got a services list
795 with all it's services in it """
797 # First linkify myself like for some global commands
798 self.linkify_one_command_with_commands(self.commands, 'ocsp_command')
799 self.linkify_one_command_with_commands(self.commands, 'ochp_command')
800 self.linkify_one_command_with_commands(self.commands, 'host_perfdata_command')
801 self.linkify_one_command_with_commands(self.commands, 'service_perfdata_command')
803 #print "Hosts"
804 # link hosts with timeperiods and commands
805 self.hosts.linkify(self.timeperiods, self.commands, \
806 self.contacts, self.realms, \
807 self.resultmodulations, self.escalations,\
808 self.hostgroups)
810 # Do the simplify AFTER explode groups
811 #print "Hostgroups"
812 # link hostgroups with hosts
813 self.hostgroups.linkify(self.hosts, self.realms)
815 #print "Services"
816 # link services with other objects
817 self.services.linkify(self.hosts, self.commands, \
818 self.timeperiods, self.contacts,\
819 self.resultmodulations, self.escalations,\
820 self.servicegroups)
822 #print "Service groups"
823 # link servicegroups members with services
824 self.servicegroups.linkify(self.services)
826 # link notificationways with timeperiods and commands
827 self.notificationways.linkify(self.timeperiods, self.commands)
829 #print "Contactgroups"
830 #link contacgroups with contacts
831 self.contactgroups.linkify(self.contacts)
833 #print "Contacts"
834 #link contacts with timeperiods and commands
835 self.contacts.linkify(self.timeperiods, self.commands,
836 self.notificationways)
838 #print "Timeperiods"
839 #link timeperiods with timeperiods (exclude part)
840 self.timeperiods.linkify()
842 #print "Servicedependancy"
843 self.servicedependencies.linkify(self.hosts, self.services,
844 self.timeperiods)
846 #print "Hostdependancy"
847 self.hostdependencies.linkify(self.hosts, self.timeperiods)
849 #print "Resultmodulations"
850 self.resultmodulations.linkify(self.timeperiods)
852 #print "Escalations"
853 self.escalations.linkify(self.timeperiods, self.contacts, \
854 self.services, self.hosts)
856 #print "Realms"
857 self.realms.linkify()
859 #print "Schedulers and satellites"
860 #Link all links with realms
861 # self.arbiterlinks.linkify(self.modules)
862 self.schedulerlinks.linkify(self.realms, self.modules)
863 self.brokers.linkify(self.realms, self.modules)
864 self.reactionners.linkify(self.realms, self.modules)
865 self.pollers.linkify(self.realms, self.modules)
869 #Some properties are dangerous to be send like that
870 #like realms linked in hosts. Realms are too big to send (too linked)
871 def prepare_for_sending(self):
872 self.hosts.prepare_for_sending()
875 def dump(self):
876 #print 'Parameters:', self
877 #print 'Hostgroups:',self.hostgroups,'\n'
878 #print 'Services:', self.services
879 print "Slots", Service.__slots__
880 print 'Hosts:'
881 for h in self.hosts:
882 print '\t', h.get_name(), h.contacts
883 print 'Services:'
884 for s in self.services:
885 print '\t', s.get_name(), s.contacts
886 #print 'Templates:', self.hosts_tpl
887 #print 'Hosts:',self.hosts,'\n'
888 #print 'Contacts:', self.contacts
889 #print 'contactgroups',self.contactgroups
890 #print 'Servicegroups:', self.servicegroups
891 #print 'Timepriods:', self.timeperiods
892 #print 'Commands:', self.commands
893 #print "Number of services:", len(self.services.items)
894 #print "Service Dep", self.servicedependencies
895 #print "Schedulers", self.schedulerlinks
898 #It's used to change Nagios2 names to Nagios3 ones
899 #For hosts and services
900 def old_properties_names_to_new(self):
901 super(Config, self).old_properties_names_to_new()
902 self.hosts.old_properties_names_to_new()
903 self.services.old_properties_names_to_new()
906 #It's used to warn about useless parameter and print why it's not use.
907 def notice_about_useless_parameters(self):
908 if not self.disable_old_nagios_parameters_whining:
909 properties = self.__class__.properties
910 for prop in properties:
911 entry = properties[prop]
912 if isinstance(entry, UnusedProp):
913 text = 'Notice : the parameter %s is useless and can be removed from the configuration (Reason: %s)' % (prop, entry.text)
914 logger.log(text)
917 # It's used to raise warning if the user got parameter
918 # that we do not manage from now
919 def warn_about_unmanaged_parameters(self):
920 properties = self.__class__.properties
921 unmanaged = []
922 for prop in properties:
923 entry = properties[prop]
924 if not entry.managed and hasattr(self, prop):
925 if entry.help:
926 s = "%s : %s" % (prop, entry.help)
927 else:
928 s = prop
929 unmanaged.append(s)
930 if len(unmanaged) != 0:
931 print "\n"
932 mailing_list_uri = "https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/shinken-devel"
933 text = 'Warning : the folowing parameter(s) are not curently managed.'
934 logger.log(text)
935 for s in unmanaged:
936 logger.log(s)
937 text = 'Please look if you really need it. If so, please register at the devel mailing list (%s) and ask for it or propose us a patch :)' % mailing_list_uri
938 logger.log(text)
939 print "\n"
942 #Use to fill groups values on hosts and create new services
943 #(for host group ones)
944 def explode(self):
945 #first elements, after groups
946 #print "Contacts"
947 self.contacts.explode(self.contactgroups, self.notificationways)
948 #print "Contactgroups"
949 self.contactgroups.explode()
951 #print "Hosts"
952 self.hosts.explode(self.hostgroups, self.contactgroups)
953 #print "Hostgroups"
954 self.hostgroups.explode()
956 #print "Services"
957 #print "Initialy got nb of services : %d" % len(self.services.items)
958 self.services.explode(self.hosts, self.hostgroups, self.contactgroups,
959 self.servicegroups, self.servicedependencies)
960 #print "finally got nb of services : %d" % len(self.services.items)
961 #print "Servicegroups"
962 self.servicegroups.explode()
964 #print "Timeperiods"
965 self.timeperiods.explode()
967 self.hostdependencies.explode()
969 #print "Servicedependancy"
970 self.servicedependencies.explode()
972 #Serviceescalations hostescalations will create new escalations
973 self.serviceescalations.explode(self.escalations)
974 self.hostescalations.explode(self.escalations)
975 self.escalations.explode(self.hosts, self.hostgroups,
976 self.contactgroups)
978 #Now the architecture part
979 #print "Realms"
980 self.realms.explode()
983 #Remove elements will the same name, so twins :)
984 #In fact only services should be acceptable with twins
985 def remove_twins(self):
986 #self.hosts.remove_twins()
987 self.services.remove_twins()
988 #self.contacts.remove_twins()
989 #self.timeperiods.remove_twins()
992 #Dependancies are importants for scheduling
993 #This function create dependencies linked between elements.
994 def apply_dependancies(self):
995 self.hosts.apply_dependancies()
996 self.services.apply_dependancies()
999 #Use to apply inheritance (template and implicit ones)
1000 #So elements wil have their configured properties
1001 def apply_inheritance(self):
1002 #inheritance properties by template
1003 #print "Hosts"
1004 self.hosts.apply_inheritance()
1005 #print "Contacts"
1006 self.contacts.apply_inheritance()
1007 #print "Services"
1008 self.services.apply_inheritance(self.hosts)
1009 #print "Servicedependencies"
1010 self.servicedependencies.apply_inheritance(self.hosts)
1011 #print "Hostdependencies"
1012 self.hostdependencies.apply_inheritance()
1013 #Also timeperiods
1014 self.timeperiods.apply_inheritance()
1017 #Use to apply implicit inheritance
1018 def apply_implicit_inheritance(self):
1019 #print "Services"
1020 self.services.apply_implicit_inheritance(self.hosts)
1023 #will fill properties for elements so they will have all theirs properties
1024 def fill_default(self):
1025 #Fill default for config (self)
1026 super(Config, self).fill_default()
1027 self.hosts.fill_default()
1028 self.hostgroups.fill_default()
1029 self.contacts.fill_default()
1030 self.contactgroups.fill_default()
1031 self.notificationways.fill_default()
1032 self.services.fill_default()
1033 self.servicegroups.fill_default()
1034 self.resultmodulations.fill_default()
1036 #Also fill default of host/servicedep objects
1037 self.servicedependencies.fill_default()
1038 self.hostdependencies.fill_default()
1040 #first we create missing sat, so no other sat will
1041 #be created after this point
1042 self.fill_default_satellites()
1043 #now we have all elements, we can create a default
1044 #realm if need and it will be taged to sat that do
1045 #not have an realm
1046 self.fill_default_realm()
1047 self.reactionners.fill_default()
1048 self.pollers.fill_default()
1049 self.brokers.fill_default()
1050 self.schedulerlinks.fill_default()
1051 # self.arbiterlinks.fill_default()
1052 #Now fill some fields we can predict (like adress for hosts)
1053 self.fill_predictive_missing_parameters()
1055 #Here is a special functions to fill some special
1056 #properties that are not filled and should be like
1057 #adress for host (if not set, put host_name)
1058 def fill_predictive_missing_parameters(self):
1059 self.hosts.fill_predictive_missing_parameters()
1062 #Will check if a realm is defined, if not
1063 #Create a new one (default) and tag everyone that do not have
1064 #a realm prop to be put in this realm
1065 def fill_default_realm(self):
1066 if len(self.realms) == 0:
1067 #Create a default realm with default value =1
1068 #so all hosts without realm wil be link with it
1069 default = Realm({'realm_name' : 'Default', 'default' : '1'})
1070 self.realms = Realms([default])
1071 logger.log("Notice : the is no defined realms, so I add a new one %s" % default.get_name())
1072 lists = [self.pollers, self.brokers, self.reactionners, self.schedulerlinks]
1073 for l in lists:
1074 for elt in l:
1075 if not hasattr(elt, 'realm'):
1076 elt.realm = 'Default'
1077 logger.log("Notice : Tagging %s with realm %s" % (elt.get_name(), default.get_name()))
1080 #If a satellite is missing, we add them in the localhost
1081 #with defaults values
1082 def fill_default_satellites(self):
1083 if len(self.schedulerlinks) == 0:
1084 logger.log("Warning : there is no scheduler, I add one in localhost:7768")
1085 s = SchedulerLink({'scheduler_name' : 'Default-Scheduler',
1086 'address' : 'localhost', 'port' : '7768'})
1087 self.schedulerlinks = SchedulerLinks([s])
1088 if len(self.pollers) == 0:
1089 logger.log("Warning : there is no poller, I add one in localhost:7771")
1090 p = PollerLink({'poller_name' : 'Default-Poller',
1091 'address' : 'localhost', 'port' : '7771'})
1092 self.pollers = PollerLinks([p])
1093 if len(self.reactionners) == 0:
1094 logger.log("Warning : there is no reactionner, I add one in localhost:7769")
1095 r = ReactionnerLink({'reactionner_name' : 'Default-Reactionner',
1096 'address' : 'localhost', 'port' : '7769'})
1097 self.reactionners = ReactionnerLinks([r])
1098 if len(self.brokers) == 0:
1099 logger.log("Warning : there is no broker, I add one in localhost:7772")
1100 b = BrokerLink({'broker_name' : 'Default-Broker',
1101 'address' : 'localhost', 'port' : '7772',
1102 'manage_arbiters' : '1'})
1103 self.brokers = BrokerLinks([b])
1106 #Return if one broker got a module of type : mod_type
1107 def got_broker_module_type_defined(self, mod_type):
1108 for b in self.brokers:
1109 for m in b.modules:
1110 if hasattr(m, 'module_type') and m.module_type == mod_type:
1111 return True
1112 return False
1115 #return if one scheduler got a module of type : mod_type
1116 def got_scheduler_module_type_defined(self, mod_type):
1117 for b in self.schedulerlinks:
1118 for m in b.modules:
1119 if hasattr(m, 'module_type') and m.module_type == mod_type:
1120 return True
1121 return False
1124 # Will ask for each host/service if the
1125 # check_command is a bp rule. If so, it will create
1126 # a tree structures with the rules
1127 def create_business_rules(self):
1128 self.hosts.create_business_rules(self.hosts, self.services)
1129 self.services.create_business_rules(self.hosts, self.services)
1132 # Will fill dep list for business rules
1133 def create_business_rules_dependencies(self):
1134 self.hosts.create_business_rules_dependencies()
1135 self.services.create_business_rules_dependencies()
1138 #It's used to hack some old Nagios parameters like
1139 #log_file or status_file : if they are present in
1140 #the global configuration and there is no such modules
1141 #in a Broker, we create it on the fly for all Brokers
1142 def hack_old_nagios_parameters(self):
1143 """ Create some 'modules' from all nagios parameters if they are set and
1144 the modules are not created """
1145 #We list all modules we will add to brokers
1146 mod_to_add = []
1147 mod_to_add_to_schedulers = []
1149 #For status_dat
1150 if hasattr(self, 'status_file') and self.status_file != '' and hasattr(self, 'object_cache_file'):
1151 #Ok, the user put such a value, we must look
1152 #if he forget to put a module for Brokers
1153 got_status_dat_module = self.got_broker_module_type_defined('status_dat')
1155 #We need to create the modue on the fly?
1156 if not got_status_dat_module:
1157 data = { 'object_cache_file': self.object_cache_file,
1158 'status_file': self.status_file,
1159 'module_name': 'Status-Dat-Autogenerated',
1160 'module_type': 'status_dat'}
1161 mod = Module(data)
1162 mod.status_update_interval = getattr(self, 'status_update_interval', 15)
1163 mod_to_add.append(mod)
1165 #Now the log_file
1166 if hasattr(self, 'log_file') and self.log_file != '':
1167 #Ok, the user put such a value, we must look
1168 #if he forget to put a module for Brokers
1169 got_simple_log_module = self.got_broker_module_type_defined('simple_log')
1171 #We need to create the module on the fly?
1172 if not got_simple_log_module:
1173 data = {'module_type': 'simple_log', 'path': self.log_file,
1174 'archive_path' : self.log_archive_path,
1175 'module_name': 'Simple-log-Autogenerated'}
1176 mod = Module(data)
1177 mod_to_add.append(mod)
1179 #Now the syslog facility
1180 if self.use_syslog:
1181 #Ok, the user want a syslog logging, why not after all
1182 got_syslog_module = self.got_broker_module_type_defined('syslog')
1184 #We need to create the module on the fly?
1185 if not got_syslog_module:
1186 data = {'module_type': 'syslog',
1187 'module_name': 'Syslog-Autogenerated'}
1188 mod = Module(data)
1189 mod_to_add.append(mod)
1191 #Now the service_perfdata module
1192 if self.service_perfdata_file != '':
1193 #Ok, we've got a path for a service perfdata file
1194 got_service_perfdata_module = self.got_broker_module_type_defined('service_perfdata')
1196 #We need to create the module on the fly?
1197 if not got_service_perfdata_module:
1198 data = {'module_type': 'service_perfdata',
1199 'module_name': 'Service-Perfdata-Autogenerated',
1200 'path' : self.service_perfdata_file,
1201 'mode' : self.service_perfdata_file_mode,
1202 'template' : self.service_perfdata_file_template}
1203 mod = Module(data)
1204 mod_to_add.append(mod)
1206 #Now the old retention file module
1207 if self.state_retention_file != '' and self.retention_update_interval != 0:
1208 #Ok, we've got a old retention file
1209 got_retention_file_module = self.got_scheduler_module_type_defined('nagios_retention_file')
1211 #We need to create the module on the fly?
1212 if not got_retention_file_module:
1213 data = {'module_type': 'nagios_retention_file',
1214 'module_name': 'Nagios-Retention-File-Autogenerated',
1215 'path' : self.state_retention_file}
1216 mod = Module(data)
1217 mod_to_add_to_schedulers.append(mod)
1219 #Now the host_perfdata module
1220 if self.host_perfdata_file != '':
1221 #Ok, we've got a path for a host perfdata file
1222 got_host_perfdata_module = self.got_broker_module_type_defined('host_perfdata')
1224 #We need to create the module on the fly?
1225 if not got_host_perfdata_module:
1226 data = {'module_type': 'host_perfdata',
1227 'module_name': 'Host-Perfdata-Autogenerated',
1228 'path' : self.host_perfdata_file, 'mode' : self.host_perfdata_file_mode,
1229 'template' : self.host_perfdata_file_template}
1230 mod = Module(data)
1231 mod_to_add.append(mod)
1234 #We add them to the brokers if we need it
1235 if mod_to_add != []:
1236 print "Warning : I autogenerated some Broker modules, please look at your configuration"
1237 for m in mod_to_add:
1238 print "Warning : the module", m.module_name, "is autogenerated"
1239 for b in self.brokers:
1240 b.modules.append(m)
1242 #Then for schedulers
1243 if mod_to_add_to_schedulers != []:
1244 print "Warning : I autogenerated some Scheduler modules, please look at your configuration"
1245 for m in mod_to_add_to_schedulers:
1246 print "Warning : the module", m.module_name, "is autogenerated"
1247 for b in self.schedulerlinks:
1248 b.modules.append(m)
1252 # Set our timezone value and give it too to unset satellites
1253 def propagate_timezone_option(self):
1254 if self.use_timezone != '':
1255 #first apply myself
1256 os.environ['TZ'] = self.use_timezone
1257 time.tzset()
1259 tab = [self.schedulerlinks, self.pollers, self.brokers, self.reactionners]
1260 for t in tab:
1261 for s in t:
1262 if s.use_timezone == 'NOTSET':
1263 setattr(s, 'use_timezone', self.use_timezone)
1267 # Link templates with elements
1268 def linkify_templates(self):
1269 """ Like for normal object, we link templates with each others """
1270 self.hosts.linkify_templates()
1271 self.contacts.linkify_templates()
1272 self.services.linkify_templates()
1273 self.servicedependencies.linkify_templates()
1274 self.hostdependencies.linkify_templates()
1275 self.timeperiods.linkify_templates()
1279 # Reversed list is a dist with name for quick search by name
1280 def create_reversed_list(self):
1281 """ Create quick search lists for objects """
1282 self.hosts.create_reversed_list()
1283 self.hostgroups.create_reversed_list()
1284 self.contacts.create_reversed_list()
1285 self.contactgroups.create_reversed_list()
1286 self.notificationways.create_reversed_list()
1287 self.services.create_reversed_list()
1288 self.servicegroups.create_reversed_list()
1289 self.timeperiods.create_reversed_list()
1290 # self.modules.create_reversed_list()
1291 self.resultmodulations.create_reversed_list()
1292 self.escalations.create_reversed_list()
1293 #For services it's a special case
1294 #we search for hosts, then for services
1295 #it's quicker than search in all services
1296 self.services.optimize_service_search(self.hosts)
1299 #Some parameters are just not managed like O*HP commands
1300 #and regexp capabilities
1301 #True : OK
1302 #False : error in conf
1303 def check_error_on_hard_unmanaged_parameters(self):
1304 r = True
1305 if self.use_regexp_matching:
1306 logger.log("Error : the use_regexp_matching parameter is not managed.")
1307 r &= False
1308 #if self.ochp_command != '':
1309 # logger.log("Error : the ochp_command parameter is not managed.")
1310 # r &= False
1311 #if self.ocsp_command != '':
1312 # logger.log("Error : the ocsp_command parameter is not managed.")
1313 # r &= False
1314 return r
1317 # check if elements are correct or not (fill with defaults, etc)
1318 # Warning : this function call be called from a Arbiter AND
1319 # from and scheduler. The first one got everything, the second
1320 # does not have the satellites.
1321 def is_correct(self):
1322 """ Check if all elements got a good configuration """
1323 logger.log('Running pre-flight check on configuration data...')
1324 r = self.conf_is_correct
1326 # Globally unamanged parameters
1327 logger.log('Checking global parameters...')
1328 if not self.check_error_on_hard_unmanaged_parameters():
1329 r = False
1330 logger.log("check global parameters failed")
1332 for x in ('hosts', 'hostgroups', 'contacts', 'contactgroups', 'notificationways',
1333 'escalations', 'services', 'servicegroups', 'timeperiods'):
1334 logger.log('Checking %s...' % (x))
1335 cur = getattr(self, x)
1336 if not cur.is_correct():
1337 r = False
1338 logger.log("\t%s conf incorrect !!" % (x))
1339 logger.log('\tChecked %d %s' % (len(cur), x))
1341 # Hosts got a special check for loops
1342 if not self.hosts.no_loop_in_parents():
1343 r = False
1344 logger.log("hosts: detected loop in parents ; conf incorrect")
1346 for x in ( 'servicedependencies', 'hostdependencies', 'arbiterlinks', 'schedulerlinks',
1347 'reactionners', 'pollers', 'brokers', 'resultmodulations'):
1348 try: cur = getattr(self, x)
1349 except: continue
1350 logger.log('Checking %s' % (x))
1351 if not cur.is_correct():
1352 r = False
1353 logger.log("\t%s conf incorrect !!" % (x))
1354 logger.log('\tChecked %d %s' % (len(cur), x))
1357 self.conf_is_correct = r
1360 #We've got strings (like 1) but we want python elements, like True
1361 def pythonize(self):
1362 #call item pythonize for parameters
1363 super(Config, self).pythonize()
1364 self.hosts.pythonize()
1365 self.hostgroups.pythonize()
1366 self.hostdependencies.pythonize()
1367 self.contactgroups.pythonize()
1368 self.contacts.pythonize()
1369 self.notificationways.pythonize()
1370 self.servicegroups.pythonize()
1371 self.services.pythonize()
1372 self.servicedependencies.pythonize()
1373 self.resultmodulations.pythonize()
1374 self.escalations.pythonize()
1375 # self.arbiterlinks.pythonize()
1376 self.schedulerlinks.pythonize()
1377 self.realms.pythonize()
1378 self.reactionners.pythonize()
1379 self.pollers.pythonize()
1380 self.brokers.pythonize()
1383 #Explode parameters like cached_service_check_horizon in the
1384 #Service class in a cached_check_horizon manner, o*hp commands
1385 #, etc
1386 def explode_global_conf(self):
1387 clss = [Service, Host, Contact, SchedulerLink,
1388 PollerLink, ReactionnerLink, BrokerLink,
1389 ArbiterLink]
1390 for cls in clss:
1391 cls.load_global_conf(self)
1394 #Clean useless elements like templates because they are not needed anymore
1395 def clean_useless(self):
1396 self.hosts.clean_useless()
1397 self.contacts.clean_useless()
1398 self.services.clean_useless()
1399 self.servicedependencies.clean_useless()
1400 self.hostdependencies.clean_useless()
1401 self.timeperiods.clean_useless()
1404 #Create packs of hosts and services so in a pack,
1405 #all dependencies are resolved
1406 #It create a graph. All hosts are connected to their
1407 #parents, and hosts without parent are connected to host 'root'.
1408 #services are link to the host. Dependencies are managed
1409 #REF: doc/pack-creation.png
1410 def create_packs(self, nb_packs):
1411 #We create a graph with host in nodes
1412 g = Graph()
1413 g.add_nodes(self.hosts)
1415 #links will be used for relations between hosts
1416 links = set()
1418 #Now the relations
1419 for h in self.hosts:
1420 #Add parent relations
1421 for p in h.parents:
1422 if p is not None:
1423 links.add((p, h))
1424 #Add the others dependencies
1425 for (dep, tmp, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4) in h.act_depend_of:
1426 links.add((dep, h))
1427 for (dep, tmp, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4) in h.chk_depend_of:
1428 links.add((dep, h))
1430 #For services : they are link woth their own host but we need
1431 #To have the hosts of service dep in the same pack too
1432 for s in self.services:
1433 for (dep, tmp, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4) in s.act_depend_of:
1434 #I don't care about dep host: they are just the host
1435 #of the service...
1436 if hasattr(dep, 'host'):
1437 links.add((dep.host, s.host))
1438 #The othe type of dep
1439 for (dep, tmp, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4) in s.chk_depend_of:
1440 links.add((dep.host, s.host))
1442 # For host/service that are business based, we need to
1443 # link them too
1444 for s in [s for s in self.services if s.got_business_rule]:
1445 for e in s.business_rule.list_all_elements():
1446 if hasattr(e, 'host'): # if it's a service
1447 if e.host != s.host: # do not an host with itself
1448 links.add((e.host, s.host))
1449 else: # it's already a host
1450 if e != s.host:
1451 links.add((e, s.host))
1453 # Same for hosts of course
1454 for h in [ h for h in self.hosts if h.got_business_rule]:
1455 for e in h.business_rule.list_all_elements():
1456 if hasattr(e, 'host'): # if it's a service
1457 if e.host != h:
1458 links.add((e.host, h))
1459 else: # e is a host
1460 if e != h:
1461 links.add((e, h))
1464 #Now we create links in the graph. With links (set)
1465 #We are sure to call the less add_edge
1466 for (dep, h) in links:
1467 g.add_edge(dep, h)
1468 g.add_edge(h, dep)
1470 #Access_list from a node il all nodes that are connected
1471 #with it : it's a list of ours mini_packs
1472 tmp_packs = g.get_accessibility_packs()
1474 #Now We find the default realm (must be unique or
1476 default_realm = None
1477 for r in self.realms:
1478 if hasattr(r, 'default') and r.default:
1479 default_realm = r
1481 #Now we look if all elements of all packs have the
1482 #same realm. If not, not good!
1483 for pack in tmp_packs:
1484 tmp_realms = set()
1485 for elt in pack:
1486 if elt.realm != None:
1487 tmp_realms.add(elt.realm)
1488 if len(tmp_realms) > 1:
1489 logger.log("Error : the realm configuration of yours hosts is not good because there a more than one realm in one pack (host relations) :")
1490 for h in pack:
1491 if h.realm == None:
1492 logger.log('Error : the host %s do not have a realm' % h.get_name())
1493 else:
1494 logger.log('Error : the host %s is in the realm %s' % (h.get_name(), h.realm.get_name()))
1495 if len(tmp_realms) == 1: # Ok, good
1496 r = tmp_realms.pop() #There is just one element
1497 r.packs.append(pack)
1498 elif len(tmp_realms) == 0: #Hum.. no realm value? So default Realm
1499 if default_realm != None:
1500 default_realm.packs.append(pack)
1501 else:
1502 logger.log("Error : some hosts do not have a realm and you do not defined a default realm!")
1503 for h in pack:
1504 logger.log('Host in this pack : %s ' % h.get_name())
1506 #The load balancing is for a loop, so all
1507 #hosts of a realm (in a pack) will be dispatch
1508 #in the schedulers of this realm
1509 #REF: doc/pack-agregation.png
1510 for r in self.realms:
1511 #print "Load balancing realm", r.get_name()
1512 packs = {}
1513 #create roundrobin iterator for id of cfg
1514 #So dispatching is loadbalanced in a realm
1515 #but add a entry in the roundrobin tourniquet for
1516 #every weight point schedulers (so Weight round robin)
1517 weight_list = []
1518 no_spare_schedulers = [s for s in r.schedulers if not s.spare]
1519 nb_schedulers = len(no_spare_schedulers)
1521 #Maybe there is no scheduler in the realm, it's can be a
1522 #big problem if there are elements in packs
1523 nb_elements = len([elt for elt in [pack for pack in r.packs]])
1524 logger.log("Number of hosts in the realm %s : %d" %(r.get_name(), nb_elements))
1526 if nb_schedulers == 0 and nb_elements != 0:
1527 logger.log("ERROR : The realm %s have hosts but no scheduler!" %r.get_name())
1528 r.packs = [] #Dumb pack
1529 #The conf is incorrect
1530 self.conf_is_correct = False
1531 continue
1533 packindex = 0
1534 packindices = {}
1535 for s in no_spare_schedulers:
1536 packindices[s.id] = packindex
1537 packindex += 1
1538 for i in xrange(0, s.weight):
1539 weight_list.append(s.id)
1541 rr = itertools.cycle(weight_list)
1543 #we must have nb_schedulers packs)
1544 for i in xrange(0, nb_schedulers):
1545 packs[i] = []
1547 #Now we explode the numerous packs into nb_packs reals packs:
1548 #we 'load balance' them in a roundrobin way
1549 for pack in r.packs:
1550 i = rr.next()
1551 for elt in pack:
1552 packs[packindices[i]].append(elt)
1553 #Now in packs we have the number of packs [h1, h2, etc]
1554 #equal to the number of schedulers.
1555 r.packs = packs
1559 #Use the self.conf and make nb_parts new confs.
1560 #nbparts is equal to the number of schedulerlink
1561 #New confs are independant whith checks. The only communication
1562 #That can be need is macro in commands
1563 def cut_into_parts(self):
1564 #print "Scheduler configurated :", self.schedulerlinks
1565 #I do not care about alive or not. User must have set a spare if need it
1566 nb_parts = len([s for s in self.schedulerlinks if not s.spare])
1568 if nb_parts == 0:
1569 nb_parts = 1
1571 # We create dummy configurations for schedulers :
1572 # they are clone of the master
1573 # conf but without hosts and services (because they are dispatched between
1574 # theses configurations)
1575 self.confs = {}
1576 for i in xrange(0, nb_parts):
1577 #print "Create Conf:", i, '/', nb_parts -1
1578 self.confs[i] = Config()
1580 #Now we copy all properties of conf into the new ones
1581 for prop in Config.properties:
1582 # if not 'usage' in Config.properties[prop] \
1583 # or not (Config.properties[prop]['usage'] == 'unused' \
1584 # or Config.properties[prop]['usage'] == 'unmanaged'):
1585 if Config.properties[prop].managed \
1586 and not isinstance(Config.properties[prop], UnusedProp):
1587 val = getattr(self, prop)
1588 setattr(self.confs[i], prop, val)
1590 #we need a deepcopy because each conf
1591 #will have new hostgroups
1592 self.confs[i].id = i
1593 self.confs[i].commands = self.commands
1594 self.confs[i].timeperiods = self.timeperiods
1595 #Create hostgroups with just the name and same id, but no members
1596 new_hostgroups = []
1597 for hg in self.hostgroups:
1598 new_hostgroups.append(hg.copy_shell())
1599 self.confs[i].hostgroups = Hostgroups(new_hostgroups)
1600 self.confs[i].notificationways = self.notificationways
1601 self.confs[i].contactgroups = self.contactgroups
1602 self.confs[i].contacts = self.contacts
1603 self.confs[i].schedulerlinks = copy.copy(self.schedulerlinks)
1604 #Create hostgroups with just the name and same id, but no members
1605 new_servicegroups = []
1606 for sg in self.servicegroups:
1607 new_servicegroups.append(sg.copy_shell())
1608 self.confs[i].servicegroups = Servicegroups(new_servicegroups)
1609 self.confs[i].hosts = [] # will be fill after
1610 self.confs[i].services = [] # will be fill after
1611 # The elements of the others conf will be tag here
1612 self.confs[i].other_elements = {}
1613 # if a scheduler have accepted the conf
1614 self.confs[i].is_assigned = False
1616 logger.log("Creating packs for realms")
1618 #Just create packs. There can be numerous ones
1619 #In pack we've got hosts and service
1620 #packs are in the realms
1621 #REF: doc/pack-creation.png
1622 self.create_packs(nb_parts)
1624 #We've got all big packs and get elements into configurations
1625 #REF: doc/pack-agregation.png
1626 offset = 0
1627 for r in self.realms:
1628 for i in r.packs:
1629 pack = r.packs[i]
1630 for h in pack:
1631 self.confs[i+offset].hosts.append(h)
1632 for s in h.services:
1633 self.confs[i+offset].services.append(s)
1634 #Now the conf can be link in the realm
1635 r.confs[i+offset] = self.confs[i+offset]
1636 offset += len(r.packs)
1637 del r.packs
1639 #We've nearly have hosts and services. Now we want REALS hosts (Class)
1640 #And we want groups too
1641 #print "Finishing packs"
1642 for i in self.confs:
1643 #print "Finishing pack Nb:", i
1644 cfg = self.confs[i]
1646 #Create ours classes
1647 cfg.hosts = Hosts(cfg.hosts)
1648 cfg.hosts.create_reversed_list()
1649 cfg.services = Services(cfg.services)
1650 cfg.services.create_reversed_list()
1651 #Fill host groups
1652 for ori_hg in self.hostgroups:
1653 hg = cfg.hostgroups.find_by_name(ori_hg.get_name())
1654 mbrs = ori_hg.members
1655 mbrs_id = []
1656 for h in mbrs:
1657 if h is not None:
1658 mbrs_id.append(h.id)
1659 for h in cfg.hosts:
1660 if h.id in mbrs_id:
1661 hg.members.append(h)
1662 #Fill servicegroup
1663 for ori_sg in self.servicegroups:
1664 sg = cfg.servicegroups.find_by_name(ori_sg.get_name())
1665 mbrs = ori_sg.members
1666 mbrs_id = []
1667 for s in mbrs:
1668 if s is not None:
1669 mbrs_id.append(s.id)
1670 for s in cfg.services:
1671 if s.id in mbrs_id:
1672 sg.members.append(s)
1674 #Now we fill other_elements by host (service are with their host
1675 #so they are not tagged)
1676 for i in self.confs:
1677 for h in self.confs[i].hosts:
1678 for j in [j for j in self.confs if j != i]: #So other than i
1679 self.confs[i].other_elements[h.get_name()] = i
1681 #We tag conf with instance_id
1682 for i in self.confs:
1683 self.confs[i].instance_id = i
1684 random.seed(time.time())
1685 self.confs[i].magic_hash = random.randint(1, 100000)