3 Copyright (C) 2022- Free Software Foundation, Inc.
5 Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification,
6 are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright
7 notice and this notice are preserved.
9 The following contributions warranted legal paper exchanges with the
10 Free Software Foundation.
20 catadir is a directory relatived with a catalog.
33 @ for a catanode string
34 # NCATAID, number in current catalog or directory. with a random hex sfx, it's
35 used to alias with a node in other catalog.
36 # NTYPE, dir, relative item, or content type. it means the node created in
38 # NNAME, name for file and variable.
39 # NDESC, the content or description info for a node.
94 @ catalogÎļþµÄ²îÒìÊä³ö¡£
95 # ¸ù¾ÝnodeµÄÃû³Æ£¬id-position£¬desc£¬ntype½øÐÐ˳ÐòµÄcomp(²»°üº¬contµÄnode)£¬²¢ÉèÖÃ{new}/{del}{modify}µÄtag¡£Í¬Ê±½«¶ÔÓ¦µÄÐ޸ĵÄnode±£´æµ½new/del/modify.tmpÎļþ¡£
96 # ÔÚnew catalogÎļþÖ®ÖУ¬Æ¥ÅäorgÎļþÖ®ÖеÄnew/del/modifyµÄnode£¬ÊÇ·ñÓÐÏàͬ/Ïà½üµÄnode£¬ÒÔfullcataidµÄ{=>}±íʾ£¬²¢Ìí¼Ó{mov}µÄtag¡£
97 # ¶ÔÓÚmodifyµÄnode£¬±È¶ÔNCATAID£¬NTYPE£¬NNAME£¬NDESC£¬Êä³ö{=>}ÐÞ¸ÄÐÅÏ¢
98 # ±È¶Ôimi¶¨Ò壬Êä³ö{=>}ÐÞ¸ÄÐÅÏ¢
100 @ catalog to output files.
101 # ¶ÔÓÚnodeµÄnew/del/modify/mov½øÐÐÎļþ²Ù×÷
103 + strfmt catalog::catanode::STR_FMT =>
109 + NTYPE=>NODE_TYPE(dir/item/cont)
110 + NTYPE=>SRC_TYPE if NODE_TYPE=(.+)dir
112 + ITEM_TYPE=dirnode, others
118 # for one output dir£¬
125 NODE_DIR(dir name if NODE_TYPE=dir£¬append to CATALOG_DIRS)
127 NODE_ITEMDIR(ITEM dir if needed/defined)
129 NODE_ITEMDIR(if NODE_ITEMDIR is not exist)
136 # for one file in one output dir of a node¡£
142 + FNAME=>FNAME_LIST(used for existing chk & gen)
143 # ²ÎÊýbackup£¬Ê¹ÓÃ{=>}ÐÞ¸ÄÖ®ºóµÄÔÙÊä³ö²ÎÊý£¬½øÐÐorg=>newµÄÊä³öchk£¬²¢mv
144 # Èç¹ûδ°üº¬ÐÞ¸Äflag£¬Ê¹ÓÃorgµÄ²ÎÊýchk£¬²¢Êä³öÎļþ¡£
150 # ±éÀúnode£¬¶ÔÓÚ°üº¬contµÄitem node£¬½âÎöºóµÄÐÅÏ¢(°üº¬uniq-idÒ»¼ÒÎļþ·¾¶)±£´æµ½Éè¼ÆÎļþ¡£
152 # °üº¬contµÄitem node£¬ÕâЩnodeÐèÒªÊä³öcode¶ÔÓÚ¡£ÏȽøÐÐchk£¬Êä³öÐèÒª½øÐÐnew/del/modify/mov²Ù×÷µÄ²Ù×÷ÐÅÏ¢ºÍÎļþÁÐ±í¡£
165 @ for a catanode info extension variable:
166 # NFULLCATAID, it's the full cataid in catalog.
167 # NNODETYPE, dir, or srcdir, or item.
168 # NSRCTYPE, if NNODETYPE == srcdir, it is bin/shlib/lib/src/sample.
169 # NITEMTYPE, if NNODETYPE == item, it is equal to NTYPE.
173 # NDIRTYPE_ARRAY[], defined in one kind of item in NFEXT. if no '@' pfx, add a
174 blank before name string.
175 # NFTYPE_ARRAY[], file types in one kind of NDIRTYPE_ARRAY.
177 # NFTYPE, one of NFTYPE_ARRAY.
178 # NITEMDIR, if NDIRTYPE_ARRAY[$i] defined with '@' pfx, it's the name of node,
179 it means all generated file put in this dir. it only generated from item
181 # NDIR_STR, if it is a dir node, it's the name of dir, generated from STR_FMT
182 defined in $NDIRTYPE.
183 # NCATA_STR[], every NDIR_STR put into this array. used as "str=${NCATA_STR[@]}; str=${str//\ /\/}", it translated to a dir string.
184 # NCATA_STR_IDX, current idx id for NCATA_STR.
185 # NFTYPE, one of the file type defined under NSRCTYPE dir.
186 # STR_FMT, get from NFTYPE, and use it to generate file name for corresponding
188 # NFNAME, file name string generated from STR_FMT.
192 @ file name string recognize in an item:
193 # NNAME, get from sub-node-list.
194 # NFNAME, list files named with '$NNAME' content.
197 # NFEXT, file ext-name.
198 # NFTYPE, get file type from file ext-name in NFEXT.
199 # NVNAME[], get variables defined in NFTYPE.
200 # NVNAME[$i], corresponding variable with value in NVALUE[$i].
225 @ NTYPE_SFX, if a node is dir or item, it need a sfx for dir/item node name
227 @ ITEM_KINDS, all item kins used in current catalog.
228 @ NDIR_ARRAY, relative dir name array in src-pkg. it's the output dest dir.
229 it's generated from ITEM_KINDS.
231 @ NFEXT_DISABLE_LIST, ignore files with specified ext-name in global.
232 @ NTYPE_LIST[<dir-type>], in the corresponding dir, it stores sfx name for
233 dirnode. NTYPE_LIST for
234 global. normally, it's a global setting, because there are few dirnode types,
235 and at most time, a dirnode do not use sfx.
236 @ NFEXT_FIRST[<dir-type>], file ext-name list for current dir in current
237 itemnode/dirnode. ITEM_KINDS
238 defines various kinds of itemnode that maybe used in current catalog doc.
239 if a node is include in a dir, ext-name is the sfx of dir.
242 ITEM_KINDS='citem/cunititem/cunit/cmodule/cmdlitem'
243 DIR_KINDS='dir/module/unit'
259 a directory maybe a dirnode, or an itemnode with directory.
260 when scan directory to generate catalog info, there are two method to scan
263 @ pure directory scan. it's used to generating catalog.
264 @ analyze catalog file, then scan directory by node info defined in catalog.
266 for a directory, this is the scan procedure.
268 # scan current directory
269 ========================
277 $ touch '1.TestDir.This dir is for testing.desc'
278 $ touch SubItem.c SubItem.h SubItem_test.c '1.SubItem.Test SubItem.desc'
281 $ touch '2.TestDir1.This sub dir is for testing.desc'
282 $ touch Dir1SubItem.c Dir1SubItem.h Dir1SubItem_test.c '1.Dir1SubItem.Test Dir1SubItem.desc'
288 TestDir/SubDir1/Dir1SubItem.c
289 TestDir/SubDir1/1.Dir1SubItem.Test Dir1SubItem.desc
290 TestDir/SubDir1/2.TestDir1.This sub dir is for testing.desc
291 TestDir/SubDir1/Dir1SubItem_test.c
292 TestDir/SubDir1/Dir1SubItem.h
293 TestDir/1.TestDir.This dir is for testing.desc
295 TestDir/SubItem_test.c
296 TestDir/1.SubItem.Test SubItem.desc
301 local list=( $NFEXT_FIRST $NTYPE_LIST )
305 for ext in $NFEXT_FIRST $NTYPE_LIST; do
306 grep_opt+="-e '$ext' "
309 for ext in ${NFEXT_DISABLE_LIST}; do
310 grep_opt+="-v '$ext' "
314 [[ -d $file ]] && echo $file
315 eval grep $grep_opt <<< "$file"
316 done < <(ls -f -1 -d -v * | uniq)
319 ## 1. get current dirnode info var
320 ==================================
322 * 1. 'ls -f -1 -d -v *${NNAME}* | grep -e "[.]${NNAME}$" -e "^${NNAME}[.]" -e "[.]${NNAME}[.]"'
323 this command list $NNAME relative files, and it is a full word matching.
326 $ touch 1.design 1.design.txt abcdesign.txt abcdesigntxt.txt designtxt.txt
328 $ ls -f -1 -d -v *${NNAME}*
334 $ ls -f -1 -d -v *${NNAME}* | grep -e "[.]${NNAME}$" -e "^${NNAME}[.]" -e "[.]${NNAME}[.]"
337 1.design.test for design.desc
339 this example shows the NNAME="design", it GET file names which is using
340 $NNAME as a field between seperator char of '.'.
344 $ ls -f -1 -d -v *${NNAME}* | grep -e "[.]${NNAME}$" -e "^${NNAME}[.]" -e "[.]${NNAME}[.]"
345 1.TestDir.This dir is for testing.desc
348 ## 2. get sub node list
349 =======================
351 * 2. 'ls -f -1 -d -v ${NFEXT_FIRST} ${NTYPE_LIST} | grep -v "${NFEXT_DISABLE_LIST}"'
352 'ls -f -1 -d -v ${NFEXT_FIRST}'
353 list sub dirnode/itemnode
354 NFEXT_FIRST is the main/first file ext-name defined in a item in current
355 scanning-dir. if an item node included in a dir,
356 NTYPE_LIST is the sfx name for a dir. it's generated from DIR_KINDS.
361 $ ls -f -1 -d -v ${NFEXT_FIRST} | uniq
362 1.SubItem.Test SubItem.desc
363 1.TestDir.This dir is for testing.desc
370 ## 3. get sub itemnode info var
371 ===============================
373 * 3. ls for one items. NFEXT_FIRST is the file ext-name defined in itemnode,
374 # NTYPE_LIST is a list of dirnode ext-name.
375 # NFEXT_FIRST and NTYPE_LIST can be generated by node defination.
376 # NFEXT_DISABLE_LIST is used for disable list.
379 # sync mode directory scan
380 ==========================
385 # fundamental info var directly defined in catanode string.
398 # other info var generated from fundamental info var & other relatives.
399 CATANODE_NOUTDIR_LIST, 'one catanode' output dirs/files in 'those dirs' under a
401 CATANODE_NOUTPUT_DIR, 'current' processing 'output dir' name.
402 CATANODE_NDEXT_LIST, dir ext types defined in current catalog file.
403 CATANODE_NDEXT, 'dir ext-name' for 'current catanode' if it is a 'dirnode'.
404 CATANODE_NIDEXT_LIST, item dir ext types defined in current catalog file.
405 CATANODE_NIDEXT, 'item dir ext-name' for 'current catanode' if it is a
407 CATANODE_NFEXT_LIST, all file type name in OUTPUT dir define.
408 CATANODE_NFTYPE_FIRST, first file type name in OUTPUT dir define.
409 CATANODE_NFEXT_FIRST, ext name for first file type in OUTPUT dir define. it's
410 used for sub item list greb.
415 * 1. 'ls -f -1 -d -v *${NNAME}* | grep -e "[.]${NNAME}$" -e "^${NNAME}[.]" -e "[.]${NNAME}[.]"'
416 * 2. 'ls -f -1 -d -v @{NFEXT_FIRST} @{NTYPE_LIST} | grep -v