#+title: Sigil Utilities
A simple utility that turns strings into unique letters and other
functions for sigil-oriented magick.
* Usage
`sigutils [options] <STATEMENT OF INTENT>`
-h Print this message and quit.
-v Print the version and license info, then quit.
-n Append the numerical and root values to the result.
-w Generate a Word Square based on the SOI
* Installation
Make sure that you have a 'bin' directory in ~ that is visible from
your system's PATH.
After that, run `make` and `make install`
* Contributing
Found a bug? Send me an email.
Want to make changes to the code? Clone the repository, create a new
git branch and send me patch files for that branch using:
`git format-patch -<number of commits in your branch>`
ex. : `git format-patch -3`