2 protocol-decoder i2c channel scl=0 channel sda=1
3 protocol-decoder ltc26x7
5 input i2c/ltc2607/ltc2607_write_dac.sr
6 output ltc26x7 annotation match ltc2607_write_dac.output
8 # Pretend that this is an LTC2617 to test those code paths.
9 test ltc2607_write_dac_test_ltc2617
10 protocol-decoder i2c channel scl=0 channel sda=1
11 protocol-decoder ltc26x7 option chip=ltc2617
13 input i2c/ltc2607/ltc2607_write_dac.sr
14 output ltc26x7 annotation match ltc2607_write_dac_test_ltc2617.output
16 # Pretend that this is an LTC2627 to test those code paths.
17 test ltc2607_write_dac_test_ltc2627
18 protocol-decoder i2c channel scl=0 channel sda=1
19 protocol-decoder ltc26x7 option chip=ltc2627
21 input i2c/ltc2607/ltc2607_write_dac.sr
22 output ltc26x7 annotation match ltc2607_write_dac_test_ltc2627.output