Move to sane directory structure. Don't make 'cms' the top level of the silverstripe...
[silverstripe-elijah.git] / templates / Includes /
1 <!-- <div class="title"><div style="background-image : url(cms/images/panels/MySite.png)">My Site</div></div> -->
3         <div id="treepanes">
4                 <h2 id="heading_sitetree" class="selected">
5                         <img id="sitetree_toggle_closed" src="sapphire/images/toggle-closed.gif" alt="+" style="display:none;" title="<% _t('OPENBOX','click to open this box'); %>" />
6                         <img id="sitetree_toggle_open" src="sapphire/images/toggle-open.gif" alt="-" title="<% _t('CLOSEBOX','click to close box'); %>" />
7                         <% _t('SITECONTENT TITLE','Site Content and Structure',PR_HIGH); %>
8                 </h2>
9                 <div id="sitetree_holder">
11                         <ul id="TreeActions">
12                                 <li class="action" id="addpage"><button><% _t('CREATE','Create...',PR_HIGH); %></button></li>
13                                 <li class="action" id="deletepage"><button><% _t('DELETE','Delete...',PR_HIGH); %></button></li>
14                                 <li class="action" id="sortitems"><button><% _t('REORDER','Reorder...',PR_HIGH); %></button></li>
15                                 <!-- <li class="action" id="duplicate"><a href="#">Duplicate</a></li>
16                                 Sam: this should be put into the Create area, I think, so we don't stuff up the layout -->
17                         </ul>
18                         <div style="clear:both;"></div>
19                         <% control AddPageOptionsForm %>
20                         <form class="actionparams" id="$FormName" style="display: none" action="$FormAction">
21                                 <% control Fields %>
22                                 $FieldHolder
23                                 <% end_control %>
24                                 <!--
25                                 <div>
26                                 <select name="Type">
27                                         <% control PageTypes %>
28                                         <option value="$ClassName">$AddAction</option>
29                                         <% end_control %>
30                                 </select>
31                                 <input type="hidden" name="ParentID" />
32                                 </div>
33                                 -->
34                                 <div>
35                                 <input class="action" type="submit" value="Go" />
36                                 </div>
38                         </form>
39                         <% end_control %>
41                         <form class="actionparams" id="deletepage_options" style="display: none" action="admin/deleteitems">
42                                 <p><% _t('SELECTPAGESDEL','Select the pages that you want to delete and then click the button below'); %></p>
43                                 <div>           
44                                 <input type="hidden" name="csvIDs" />
45                                 <input type="submit" value="<% _t('DELETECONFIRM','Delete the selected pages'); %>" />
46                                 </div>
47                         </form>
49                         <form class="actionparams" id="sortitems_options" style="display: none">
50                                 <p id="sortitems_message" style="margin: 0"><% _t('DRAGPAGES','To reorganise your site, drag the pages around as desired.'); %></p>
51                         </form>
53                         <% control DuplicatePagesOptionsForm %>
54                         <form class="actionparams" id="duplicate_options" style="display: none" action="admin/duplicateSiteTree">
55                                 <p><% _t('SELECTPAGESDUP','Select the pages that you want to duplicate, whether it\'s children should be included, and where you want the duplicates placed'); %></p>
56                                 <div>           
57                                         <input type="hidden" name="csvIDs" />
58                                         <input type="submit" value="Duplicate" />
59                                 </div>
60                         </form>
61                         <% end_control %>
63                         <div id="publication_key" style="border-bottom: 1px #CCC solid; background-color: #EEE; padding: 3px;">
64                                 <% _t('KEY','Key:'); %>
65                                 <ins style="cursor: help" title="<% _t('ADDEDNOTPUB','Added to the draft site and not published yet'); %>"><% _t('NEW','new'); %></ins>
66                                 <del style="cursor: help" title="<% _t('DELETEDSTILLLIVE','Deleted from the draft site but still on the live site'); %>"><% _t('DEL','deleted'); %></del>
67                                 <span style="cursor: help" title="<% _t('EDITEDNOTPUB','Edited on the draft site and not published yet'); %>" class="modified"><% _t('CHANGED','changed'); %></span>
68                         </div>
71                 $SiteTreeAsUL
72                 </div>
73                 <!--<div id="search_holder" style="display:none">
74                         <h2>Search</h2>
75                         <div class="unitBody">
76                         </div>
77                 </div>-->
79                 <% if EnterpriseCMS %>
80                 <h2 id="heading_tasklist">
81                         <img id="tasklist_toggle_closed" src="sapphire/images/toggle-closed.gif" alt="+" title="<% _t('OPENBOX'); %>" />
82                         <img id="tasklist_toggle_open" src="sapphire/images/toggle-open.gif" alt="-" style="display:none;" title="<% _t('CLOSEBOX'); %>" /> 
83                         <% _t('TASKLIST','Tasklist'); %>
84                 </h2>
85                 <div class="listpane" id="tasklist_holder" style="display:none">        
86                         <div class="unitBody">
87                         </div>
88                 </div>
89                 <h2 id="heading_waitingon">
90                         <img id="waitingon_toggle_closed" src="sapphire/images/toggle-closed.gif" alt="+" title="<% _t('OPENBOX'); %>" />
91                         <img id="waitingon_toggle_open" src="sapphire/images/toggle-open.gif" alt="-" style="display:none;" title="<% _t('CLOSEBOX'); %>" /> 
92                         <% _t('WAITINGON','Waiting on'); %>
93                 </h2>
94                 <div class="listpane" id="waitingon_holder" style="display:none">       
95                         <div class="unitBody">
96                         </div>
97                 </div>
98                 <% end_if %>
99                 <h2 id="heading_versions">
100                         <img id="versions_toggle_closed" src="sapphire/images/toggle-closed.gif" alt="+" title="<% _t('OPENBOX'); %>" />
101                         <img id="versions_toggle_open" src="sapphire/images/toggle-open.gif" alt="-" style="display:none;" title="<% _t('CLOSEBOX'); %>" /> 
102                         <% _t('PAGEVERSIONH','Page Version History'); %>
103                 </h2>
104                 <div class="listpane" id="versions_holder" style="display:none">
105                         <p class="pane_actions" id="versions_actions">
106                                 <input type="checkbox" id="versions_comparemode" /> <label for="versions_comparemode"><% _t('COMPAREMODE','Compare mode (click 2 below)'); %></label>
107                                 <br />
109                                 <input type="checkbox" id="versions_showall" /> <label for="versions_showall"><% _t('SHOWUNPUB','Show unpublished versions'); %></label>
110                         </p>
112                         <div class="unitBody">
113                         </div>
114                 </div>
115                 <% if EnterpriseCMS %>
116                 <h2 id="heading_comments">
117                         <img id="comments_toggle_closed" src="sapphire/images/toggle-closed.gif" alt="+" title="<% _t('OPENBOX'); %>" />
118                         <img id="comments_toggle_open" src="sapphire/images/toggle-open.gif" alt="-" style="display:none;" title="<% _t('CLOSEBOX'); %>" /> 
119                         <% _t('COMMENTS','Comments'); %>
120                 </h2>
121                 <div class="listpane" id="comments_holder" style="display:none">        
122                         <div class="unitBody">
123                         </div>
124                 </div>
125                 <% end_if %>
126                 <h2 id="heading_reports">
127                         <img id="reports_toggle_closed" src="sapphire/images/toggle-closed.gif" alt="+" title="<% _t('OPENBOX'); %>" />
128                         <img id="reports_toggle_open" src="sapphire/images/toggle-open.gif" alt="-" style="display:none;" title="<% _t('CLOSEBOX'); %>" /> 
129                         <% _t('SITEREPORTS','Site Reports'); %>
130                 </h2>
131                 <div class="listpane" id="reports_holder" style="display:none">
132                         <p id="ReportSelector_holder">$ReportSelector <input class="action" type="submit" id="report_select_go" value="<% _t('GO','Go'); %>" /></p>
133                         <div class="unitBody">
134                         </div>
135                 </div>
136         </div>