descriptionA basic and simple shell
last changeWed, 3 Feb 2010 18:25:39 +0000 (3 19:25 +0100)
content tags
2010-02-03 Stefan 'psYchotic... Changed every call to sscanf to include the %n directive.master
2010-02-03 Stefan 'psYchotic... Fixed a segfault when passing a prompt string.
2010-01-31 Stefan 'psYchotic... Added actual commenting support.
2010-01-30 Stefan 'psYchotic... Fixed some documentation and added a 'doc' make target.mob
2010-01-30 Stefan 'psYchotic... Fixed noninteractive exiting on NULL input to return...
2010-01-30 Stefan 'psYchotic... Added a simple makefile.
2010-01-30 Stefan 'psYchotic... Stopped using readline for sourcing.
2010-01-30 Stefan 'psYchotic... The '.' builtin now restores the old input file when...
2010-01-30 Stefan 'psYchotic... New '.' builtin, and 'exit' builtin changed:
2010-01-29 Stefan 'psYchotic... A few things:
2010-01-29 Stefan 'psYchotic... Added some SIGINT handling code.
2010-01-29 Stefan 'psYchotic... The help_cmd() now checks if it got only one argument.
2010-01-29 Stefan 'psYchotic... Fixed the header guard in builtins.h, and changed count...
2010-01-29 Stefan 'psYchotic... Added an array of structs describing builtins, so as...
2010-01-27 Stefan 'psYchotic... Changed count_spaces() to count_tokens().
2010-01-27 Stefan 'psYchotic... Rewrote the escaping once again.
14 years ago master
14 years ago mob