INSTALL: Clarify name of menu category
[skype-call-recorder.git] / skype-call-recorder.spec
2 Summary: Recording tool for Skype Calls
3 Name: skype-call-recorder
4 Version: @version@
5 Release: 1
6 Source: %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
7 License: GPL
8 URL:
9 Packager: jlh <>
10 Group: Applications/Internet
12 %description
13 Skype Call recorder allows you to record Skype calls to MP3, Ogg Vorbis or WAV files.
15 %prep
16 %setup -q
18 %build
19 cmake .
20 make
22 %install
23 rm -rf "%{buildroot}"
24 make DESTDIR="%{buildroot}" install
26 %files
27 %defattr(-,root,root)
28 /usr/local/bin/skype-call-recorder
29 /usr/local/share/applications/skype-call-recorder.desktop
30 /usr/local/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/skype-call-recorder.png
32 %clean
33 rm -rf "%{buildroot}"