fix fd reuse
[soepkiptng.git] / soepkiptng_update
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
2 ############################################################################
3 # soepkiptng (c) copyright 2000 Eric Lammerts <>.
4 ############################################################################
5 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, as
7 # published by the Free Software Foundation.
9 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 # GNU General Public License for more details.
14 # A copy of the GNU General Public License is available on the World Wide Web
15 # at `'. You can also obtain it by
16 # writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
17 # Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
18 ############################################################################
20 my $progdir;
21 BEGIN {
22 use Cwd qw'abs_path cwd';
24 # find program directory
25 $_ = $0;
26 while(-l) {
27 my $l = readlink or die "readlink $_: $!\n";
28 if($l =~ m|^/|) { $_ = $l; } else { s|[^/]*$|/$l|; }
30 m|(.*)/|;
31 $progdir = abs_path($1);
33 unshift @INC, "$progdir/lib";
35 require "$progdir/soepkiptng.lib";
36 $ENV{PATH} = "$progdir/bin:$ENV{PATH}";
38 use strict;
39 use DBI;
40 use Encode;
41 use Getopt::Std;
42 use MP3::Tag;
43 use MP3::Info;
44 use Data::Dumper;
46 our $opt_T = 1;
47 our ($opt_C, $opt_L, $opt_M, $opt_R, $opt_c, $opt_d, $opt_e, $opt_f, $opt_h, $opt_l, $opt_m, $opt_n, $opt_p, $opt_q, $opt_r, $opt_v);
49 sub get_wav_params($\%;$);
50 sub getinfo_mp3($\%);
51 sub getinfo_ogg($\%);
52 sub getinfo_mid($\%);
53 sub getinfo_wav($\%);
54 sub getinfo_flac($\%);
55 sub getinfo_shorten($\%);
56 sub getinfo_musepack($\%);
57 sub getinfo_raw($\%);
58 sub getinfo_mplayer($\%);
59 sub getinfo_ac3($\%);
60 sub getinfo_soepkip($\%);
61 sub read_eric_files();
62 sub extract_artist_title($\%);
63 sub is_nfs($);
65 $opt_R = 10000;
66 if(open F, ".soepkiptng_random_pref") {
67 $opt_R = 0 + <F>;
68 close F;
70 getopts('Cfredqvhc:LM:R:Tpmln');
71 my $force = 1 if $opt_f;
72 $| = 1;
73 my $do_delete = !$opt_d && !$opt_r;
74 if($opt_p && scalar @ARGV == 0) { push @ARGV, "."; }
75 $opt_n = " (not)" if $opt_n;
77 $opt_h and die <<EOF;
78 usage: soepkiptng_update [-defhqrvCL] [-c configfile] [-R pref] [dir...]
80 options:
81 -C : don't fix artist/title/album upper/lowercase
82 -c configfile : override soepkiptng config file
83 -d : turn on debugging
84 -e : don't read "ericfiles"
85 -f : force updating of info even if song is already in database
86 -h : get this help
87 -L : set last_played to current time
88 -m : skip recent files
89 -M n : add max N files
90 -n : don't actually do anything to the database
91 -q : be quiet
92 -r : don't recurse subdirectories
93 -R pref : set random_pref field
94 -T : test file integrity before adding
95 -v : be verbose
97 Directories containing the file ".nosoepkiptng" will be skipped.
98 EOF
100 my %conf;
101 read_configfile(\%conf, $opt_c);
104 # for the web interface (stupid browsers/users)
105 $SIG{'PIPE'} = 'IGNORE';
107 # disable warnings (to make MP3::Tag shut up)
108 if($opt_q) {
109 $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { };
112 my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:$conf{'db_type'}:$conf{'db_name'}:$conf{'db_host'}", $conf{'db_user'}, $conf{'db_pass'})
113 or die "can't connect to database";
115 my (%track, %artist, %album, %tracknr);
116 read_eric_files() unless $opt_e;
118 # get existing filenames in database
119 my $sth;
120 my @paths;
121 if(scalar @ARGV) {
122 @paths = grep { length } map { abs_path $_; } @ARGV;
123 @paths or exit 1; # abs_path complains for us
124 $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT id,filename,unix_timestamp(last_played)," .
125 "unix_timestamp(time_added),present FROM song WHERE (0" .
126 (" OR binary filename LIKE ?" x scalar @paths) . ")");
127 $sth->execute(map { $_ . "%" } @paths);
128 } else {
129 $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT id,filename,unix_timestamp(last_played),unix_timestamp(time_added),present FROM song WHERE filename LIKE \"/%\"");
130 $sth->execute();
131 @paths = split /\s+/, $conf{'mp3dirs'};
133 my (%filename, %last_played, %time_added, %longname, %longname_id);
134 while(my ($id, $f, $l, $t, $pres) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
135 $filename{$f} = $id if $pres;
136 $last_played{$f} = $l;
137 $time_added{$f} = $t;
138 $f =~ m|([^/]*)$|;
139 $longname{$1} = $f;
140 $longname_id{$1} = $id;
143 # scan music directories
144 if(open(FILES, "-|") == 0) {
145 my @findargs;
146 $opt_r and push @findargs, '-maxdepth', 1;
147 exec 'find', @paths, @findargs, '-type', 'f', '-print0';
148 die "find: $!\n";
151 $/ = "\0";
152 my ($num_added, $num_updated, $num_deleted, $num_moved, $num_skipped, $endmsg);
153 my (%artistid_cache, %albumid_cache);
154 my @files = sort <FILES>;
155 foreach my $file (@files) {
156 chop $file;
157 # skip hidden files
158 next if $file =~ m|/\.[^/]+$|;
159 # skip zero-length files
160 next unless -s $file;
161 $file =~ m|(.*?)[^/]*$|;
162 next if -e "$1/.nosoepkiptng";
163 if($opt_m) {
164 my ($mt, $ct) = (stat $file)[9,10];
165 if($ct > $mt) { $mt = $ct; }
166 if((time - $mt) < 30) {
167 warn "skipping $file (too recent)\n";
168 next;
172 # skip if already in database (unless "force" was given)
173 if($filename{$file} && !$force) {
174 $num_skipped++;
175 delete $filename{$file};
176 next;
179 print "$file\n" if $opt_v;
181 if(length($file) > 255) {
182 print STDERR "Skipping $file, filename >255 chars.\n" unless $opt_q;
183 next;
186 # if(++$num % 10 == 0) { print STDERR "."; }
188 # get file encoding; skip if unknown
189 my %info;
190 $/ = "\n";
191 getinfo_mp3($file, %info) ||
192 getinfo_ogg($file, %info) ||
193 getinfo_mid($file, %info) ||
194 getinfo_wav($file, %info) ||
195 getinfo_flac($file, %info) ||
196 getinfo_shorten($file, %info) ||
197 getinfo_musepack($file, %info) ||
198 getinfo_mplayer($file, %info) ||
199 getinfo_ac3($file, %info) ||
200 getinfo_raw($file, %info);
202 next if $info{skip};
204 getinfo_soepkip($file, %info);
206 $/ = "\0";
208 $info{len} = 0 + $info{len};
209 $info{encoding} or do {
210 print STDERR "Filetype of $file unknown\n" unless $opt_q;
211 next;
213 if($info{freq} && ($info{freq} < 44090 || $info{freq} > 44110)) {
214 my $s = sprintf "%f", $info{freq} / 1000;
215 $s =~ s/\.?0+$//;
216 push @{$info{encoding_extra}}, "${s}kHz";
218 if($info{bps} && ($info{bps} != 16)) {
219 push @{$info{encoding_extra}}, sprintf "%dbit", $info{bps};
221 if($info{chan} == 1) {
222 push @{$info{encoding_extra}}, "mono";
224 if(exists $info{encoding_extra} && @{$info{encoding_extra}}) {
225 $info{encoding} .= sprintf " (%s)", join(", ", @{$info{encoding_extra}});
228 # check "nolocal" setting (only files on NFS are allowed)
229 if($conf{nolocal} && !is_nfs($file)) {
230 die "Error: file on local filesystem: $file\n";
233 if($filename{$file}) {
234 print "Updating $file:\n";
235 $num_updated++;
236 } else {
237 # check whether an old entry (ie. the file does not exist anymore)
238 # exists with the same filename (without path)
239 $file =~ /([^\/]*)$/;
240 my $oldname = $longname{$1};
241 if($oldname && ($oldname eq $file || ! -e $oldname)) {
242 if(!$opt_n) {
243 $dbh->do("DELETE FROM song WHERE present=0 AND id!=? AND " .
244 "binary filename=?", undef, $longname_id{$1}, $file)
245 or die "can't do sql command: " . $dbh->errstr . "\n";
246 $dbh->do("UPDATE song SET present=1, filename=?, " .
247 "length=?, encoding=? WHERE id=?", undef,
248 $file, $info{len}, $info{encoding}, $longname_id{$1})
249 or die "can't do sql command: " . $dbh->errstr . "\n";
251 delete $filename{$oldname};
252 $num_moved++;
253 $oldname =~ s|[^/]+$||;
254 print "Moving $file (from $oldname)\n";
255 next;
257 if(defined($opt_M) && $num_added >= $opt_M) {
258 print "Skipping $file (max $opt_M adds)\n";
259 $num_skipped++;
260 delete $filename{$file};
261 next;
263 $num_added++;
264 print "Adding $file:\n";
267 # get artist/title/track/album info
268 $file =~ m|([^/]+/+[^/]+)\.\w+$|;
269 #print STDERR "1=$1\n";
270 if($track{$1}) {
271 $info{info_origin} = "ericfile";
272 $info{artist} = $artist{$1};
273 $info{title} = $track{$1};
274 $info{album} = $album{$1};
275 $info{track} = $tracknr{$1};
276 } elsif(!$info{info_origin}) {
277 extract_artist_title($file, %info);
278 } elsif(!$info{title}) {
279 my %i;
280 extract_artist_title($file, %i);
281 $info{title} = $i{title};
284 $info{artist} =~ s/\s*\n\s*/ /g;
285 $info{album} =~ s/\s*\n\s*/ /g;
286 $info{title} =~ s/\s*\n\s*/ /g;
288 if(!$info{track} && $file =~ m~(^|/)(\d\d+)[^/]+$~) {
289 $info{track} = $2;
290 warn " (taking track ($2) from filename)\n";
292 if(!$info{lyrics}) {
293 my $lyrfile = $file;
294 if($lyrfile =~ s/\.[^.]+$/.txt/) {
295 if(open F, $lyrfile) {
296 warn " (taking lyrics from .txt)\n";
297 my $indent;
298 $info{lyrics} = <F>;
299 $info{lyrics} =~ s/\t/ /g;
300 $info{lyrics} =~ s/ +($)/\1/mg;
301 while($info{lyrics} =~ /^( *)\S/mg) {
302 if(length($1) < $indent || !defined($indent)) {
303 $indent = length($1);
306 $indent = " "x$indent;
307 $info{lyrics} =~ s/(^)$indent/\1/mg;
308 close F;
313 printf <<EOF,
314 Info from: %s
315 Artist: %s
316 Title: %s
317 Album: %s
318 Track: %d
319 Length: %d:%02d
320 Encoding: %s
322 $info{info_origin},
323 $info{artist},
324 $info{title},
325 $info{album},
326 $info{track},
327 $info{len} / 60, $info{len} % 60,
328 $info{encoding};
330 if(!$opt_n) {
331 # insert song into database
332 if(!$artistid_cache{$info{artist}}) {
333 $artistid_cache{$info{artist}} = get_id($dbh, "artist", $info{artist}) or die;
335 if(!$albumid_cache{$info{album}}) {
336 $albumid_cache{$info{album}} = get_id($dbh, "album", $info{album});
338 my $q = "REPLACE INTO song SET id=?, artist_id=?, title=?, album_id=?, " .
339 "track=?, present=1, filename=?, length=?, encoding=?, random_pref=?, " .
340 "last_played=from_unixtime(?), time_added=from_unixtime(?)";
342 $dbh->do($q, undef, $filename{$file}, $artistid_cache{$info{artist}},
343 $info{title}, $albumid_cache{$info{album}}, $info{track} || 0,
344 $file, $info{len}, $info{encoding}, $opt_R,
345 $last_played{$file} || ($opt_L? time : 0),
346 $time_added{$file} || time)
347 or die "can't do sql command: " . $dbh->errstr . "\n";
349 if($info{lyrics}) {
350 $dbh->do("REPLACE INTO lyrics SET id=?, description=?, language=?, lyrics=?",
351 undef, $filename{$file} || $dbh->{'mysql_insertid'},
352 $info{description}, $info{language}, $info{lyrics})
353 or die "can't do sql command: " . $dbh->errstr . "\n";
356 delete $filename{$file};
359 close FILES
360 or die sprintf "find: %s signal %d\n",
361 (($? & 0x7f)? "killed by":"exit status"),
362 (($? & 0x7f)? ($? & 0x7f) : ($? >> 8));
364 # delete all filenames in database what were not found on disk
365 if($do_delete && !$opt_n) {
366 $sth = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE song SET present=0 WHERE binary filename=?");
367 foreach(keys %filename) {
368 $sth->execute($_);
369 print "Deleting $_\n";
370 $num_deleted++;
374 printf <<EOF,
375 %4d songs added$opt_n.
376 %4d songs updated$opt_n.
377 %4d songs deleted$opt_n.
378 %4d songs moved$opt_n.
379 %4d songs skipped.
381 $num_added, $num_updated, $num_deleted, $num_moved, $num_skipped
382 unless $opt_q && $num_added == 0 && $num_updated == 0
383 && $num_deleted == 0 && $num_moved == 0;
384 print $endmsg;
386 print "Optimizing Tables.\n" unless $opt_q;
387 $dbh->do("optimize table song");
388 $dbh->do("optimize table album");
389 $dbh->do("optimize table artist");
391 $sth->finish();
392 $dbh->disconnect();
395 sub get_id3($\%) {
396 my ($file, $info) = @_;
398 if($file =~ m|(.*/)| and -e "$1/.noid3") { return undef; }
400 my $id3 = MP3::Tag->new($file);
401 $id3->config("autoinfo", "ID3v2", "ID3v1");
402 my ($t, $tr, $a, $alb) = $id3->autoinfo();
404 # read lyrics
405 my $tag = $id3->{ID3v2};
406 if($tag) {
407 my $uslt = $tag->getFrame('USLT');
408 if($uslt) {
409 $info->{language} = $uslt->{Language};
410 $info->{lyrics} = $uslt->{Text};
411 $info->{description} = $uslt->{Description};
415 $a =~ s/_/ /g;
416 $a =~ s/([^'\w\xc0-\xff]|^)(\w)(\S*)\b/\1\U\2\L\3/g unless $a =~ /[A-Z]/ || $opt_C;
417 $t =~ s/_/ /g;
418 $t =~ s/([^'\w\xc0-\xff]|^)(\w)(\S*)\b/\1\U\2\L\3/g unless $t =~ /[A-Z]/ || $opt_C;
419 $alb =~ s/_/ /g;
420 $alb =~ s/([^'\w\xc0-\xff]|^)(\w)(\S*)\b/\1\U\2\L\3/g unless $alb =~ /[A-Z]/ || $opt_C;
422 $a && $t or return undef;
424 $info->{info_origin} = $id3->{ID3v2}? "ID3v2" : "ID3";
425 $info->{artist} = $a;
426 $info->{title} = $t;
427 $info->{album} = $alb || "";
428 $info->{track} = $tr;
429 return 1;
432 # used by musepack; see
433 sub get_ape($\%$) {
434 my ($file, $info, $offset) = @_;
435 local *F;
436 my $apetag;
437 my $found;
439 open F, $file or return undef;
440 seek F, $offset, ($offset < 0? 2 : 0) or goto OUT;
441 read F, $apetag, 32 or goto OUT;
442 $apetag =~ /^APETAGEX/ or goto OUT;
443 my ($version, $length, $tagcount, $flags) = unpack "VVVV", substr $apetag, 8;
444 $version == 1000 || $version == 2000 or goto OUT;
445 $length > 32 or goto OUT;
446 unless(($flags >> 29) & 1) {
447 seek F, -$length, 1 or goto OUT;
449 read F, $apetag, $length - 32 or goto OUT;
450 my ($pos, $tag);
451 for($pos = 0, $tag = 0; $pos < $length && $tag < $tagcount; $tag++) {
452 my ($len, $fl, $name) = unpack "VVZ*", substr $apetag, $pos;
453 $pos += 8 + length($name) + 1;
454 if($name =~ /^(Artist|Title|Album|Track)$/) {
455 $info->{lc $1} = substr $apetag, $pos, $len;
456 $found++;
458 $pos += $len;
460 $found or goto OUT;
461 $info->{info_origin} = sprintf "APE %d.0", $version / 1000;
462 OUT:
463 close F;
464 return $found;
467 # getinfo_* returns (description, length[sec], sfreq[khz], channels
468 # or undef if it isn't the correct type
470 sub getinfo_mp3($\%) {
471 my ($file, $info) = @_;
473 $file =~ /\.mp[1-3]$/i
474 or return undef;
476 # open file to check Xing VBR tag
477 open STDIN, $file or do {
478 print STDERR "$file: $!\n";
479 $info->{skip} = 1;
480 return "?";
483 # skip ID3 tag
484 my $buf;
485 read STDIN, $buf, 10;
486 my ($tag, $ver1, $ver2, $flags, $s1, $s2, $s3, $s4) = unpack "a3CCCCCCC", $buf;
487 if($tag eq "ID3") {
488 my $size = (((((($s1 << 7) | $s2) << 7) | $s3) << 7) | $s4) + 10;
489 seek STDIN, $size, 1;
492 # read Xing VBR tag
493 seek STDIN, 26, 1;
494 read STDIN, $buf, 12;
496 my ($xtag, $xflags, $xframes);
497 ($xtag, $xflags, $xframes) = unpack("a4NN", $buf);
498 if($xtag ne "Xing") { $xframes = 0; }
500 my $mp3info = get_mp3info($file);
501 $info->{len} = $mp3info->{MM} * 60 + $mp3info->{SS};
502 $info->{freq} = $mp3info->{FREQUENCY} * 1000;
503 $info->{chan} = $mp3info->{STEREO}? 2 : 1;
505 my $bitrate = $mp3info->{BITRATE};
506 if($xframes) {
507 $info->{len} = $xframes * ($mp3info->{VERSION}? 1152 : 576) /
508 $info->{freq};
509 $bitrate = int(8 * (-s $file) / $info->{len} / 1000);
511 if($opt_l) {
512 seek STDIN, 0, 0;
513 open F, "mp3_check -|";
514 while(my $l = <F>) {
515 if($l =~ /^SONG_LENGTH\s+(\d+):(\d+)/) {
516 $info->{len} = $1 * 60 + $2;
518 if($l =~ /^VBR_AVERAGE\s+(\d+)/) {
519 $bitrate = $1;
522 close F;
524 if($mp3info->{LAYER} == 3) {
525 $info->{encoding} = "MP3";
526 } else {
527 $info->{encoding} = sprintf "MPEG-%d Layer %d",
528 $mp3info->{VERSION}, $mp3info->{LAYER};
530 push @{$info->{encoding_extra}}, sprintf("%dkb/s", $bitrate);
531 if($xframes) { push @{$info->{encoding_extra}}, "VBR"; }
533 get_id3($file, %$info);
535 close STDIN;
536 return 1;
539 sub getinfo_ogg($\%) {
540 my ($file, $info) = @_;
541 local *F;
543 $file =~ /\.ogg$/i
544 or return undef;
546 if(open(F, "-|") == 0) {
547 exec "ogginfo", $file;
548 die;
550 my $br;
551 while(<F>) {
552 s/\s+$//;
553 if(/^Rate:\s*(\d+)/i) {
554 $info->{freq} = $1;
555 } elsif(/^Channels:\s*(\d+)/) {
556 $info->{chan} = $1;
557 } elsif(/^\s+Playback length:\s*(\d+)m:(\d+)/i) {
558 $info->{len} = $1 * 60 + $2;
559 } elsif(/^\s+Average bitrate:\s*(\d+(\.\d+)?)/i) {
560 $br = int($1 + 0.5);
561 } elsif(/^\s+artist=(.*)/) {
562 $info->{artist} = $1;
563 } elsif(/^\s+title=(.*)/) {
564 $info->{title} = $1;
565 } elsif(/^\s+album=(.*)/) {
566 $info->{album} = $1;
567 } elsif(/^\s+tracknumber=(.*)/) {
568 $info->{track} = $1;
571 close F;
572 $info->{freq} or return undef;
573 $info->{encoding} = "Ogg-Vorbis";
574 push @{$info->{encoding_extra}}, sprintf("%dkb/s", $br);
575 $info->{info_origin} = "Ogg-Vorbis" if $info->{artist} && $info->{title};
576 return 1;
579 sub getinfo_wav($\%) {
580 my ($file, $info) = @_;
582 $file =~ /\.wav$/i
583 or return undef;
585 get_wav_params($file, %$info) or return undef;
586 return 1;
589 sub getinfo_mid($\%) {
590 my ($file, $info) = @_;
592 $file =~ /\.(mid|rcp|r36|g18|g36|mod)$/i
593 or return undef;
595 $info->{encoding} = "Midi";
596 return 1;
599 sub check_gap_flac($$) {
600 my ($file, $bitspersample) = @_;
601 local *F;
602 if(open(F, "-|") == 0) {
603 open STDERR, ">/dev/null";
604 exec "metaflac", "--list", $file;
605 die;
607 my ($lastoff, $lastbyteoff);
608 while(<F>) {
609 my ($off, $byteoff) = /\s+point \d+: sample_number=(\d+), stream_offset=(\d+)/
610 or next;
611 if(defined($lastoff)) {
612 last if $byteoff == 0;
613 my $comp = ($byteoff - $lastbyteoff) / ($off - $lastoff) * 8 / $bitspersample;
614 if($comp < 0.01) {
615 $endmsg .= "$file seems to have gaps!\n";
616 last;
619 ($lastoff, $lastbyteoff) = ($off, $byteoff);
621 close F;
624 sub getinfo_flac($\%) {
625 my ($file, $info) = @_;
627 $file =~ /\.flac$/i
628 or return undef;
630 my $filesize = -s $file or return undef;
632 if($opt_T) {
633 my $output;
634 local *FL;
635 if(open(FL, "-|") == 0) {
636 open STDERR, ">&STDOUT";
637 exec "flac", "-st", $file;
638 die "flac: $!\n";
640 my $last;
641 while(<FL>) {
642 next if $_ eq $last;
643 $output .= $_;
644 $last = $_;
646 close FL;
647 if($?) {
648 if($output =~ /^(.*error.*)$/im) {
649 warn "$file: integrity test failed, ignoring ($1)\n";
650 } else {
651 print STDERR $output;
652 warn "$file: integrity test failed, ignoring\n";
654 return $info->{skip} = 1;
658 if(open(F, "-|") == 0) {
659 open STDERR, ">/dev/null";
660 exec qw/metaflac
661 --show-sample-rate
662 --show-channels
663 --show-total-samples
664 --show-bps
665 --show-tag=artist
666 --show-tag=title
667 --show-tag=tracknumber
668 --show-tag=album
669 /, $file;
670 die;
672 my ($totsamp, @rest, @a);
673 ($info->{freq}, $info->{chan}, $totsamp, $info->{bps}, @rest) = <F>;
674 close F;
675 foreach(@rest) {
676 if(s/^title=(.*\S)//i) { $info->{title} = $1; }
677 elsif(s/^tracknumber=(.*\S)//i) { $info->{track} = $1; }
678 elsif(s/^album=(.*\S)//i) { $info->{album} = $1; }
679 elsif(s/^artist=(.*\S)//i) { push @a, $1; }
681 $info->{artist} = join " & ", @a;
683 my $totbytes = $totsamp * $info->{chan} * $info->{bps} / 8;
684 $info->{encoding} = "flac" . ($totbytes? sprintf(" (%d%%)", 100 * $filesize / $totbytes) : "");
685 $info->{len} = $info->{freq}? $totsamp / $info->{freq} : 0;
686 $info->{info_origin} = "flac" if $info->{artist} && $info->{title};
687 check_gap_flac($file, $info->{chan} * $info->{bps});
688 return 1;
691 sub getinfo_shorten($\%) {
692 my ($file, $info) = @_;
694 $file =~ /\.shn$/i
695 or return undef;
697 $info->{encoding} = "Shorten";
698 $info->{len} = 0;
699 $info->{freq} = 44100;
700 $info->{chan} = 2;
701 return 1;
704 # handles only SV7
705 sub getinfo_musepack($\%) {
706 my ($file, $info) = @_;
707 my ($buf, $id3);
708 local *F;
710 $file =~ /\.mp[cp+]$/i
711 or return undef;
712 open F, $file or do {
713 warn "$file: $!\n";
714 return undef;
716 read F, $buf, 12;
717 seek F, -128, 2;
718 read F, $id3, 128;
719 close F;
720 $buf =~ /^MP\+/ or return undef;
721 my ($version, $frames, $flags) = unpack "VVV", $buf;
722 $version >>= 24;
723 if($version != 7) {
724 warn "$_: unknown version: SV$version\n";
725 return undef;
727 $info->{encoding} = "Musepack";
728 $info->{freq} = (44100, 48000, 37800, 32000)[($flags >> 16) & 3];
729 $info->{len} = $frames * 1152 / $info->{freq};
730 push @{$info->{encoding_extra}}, sprintf "%dkb/s", (8 * (-s $file) / $info->{len} + 500) / 1000;
731 $info->{chan} = 2;
733 get_ape($file, %$info, 0) || # APE tag at beginning
734 get_ape($file, %$info, -32) || # APE tag at end
735 get_ape($file, %$info, -160) || # APE tag at end followed by ID3 tag
736 get_id3($file, %$info);
737 return 1;
740 sub getinfo_raw($\%) {
741 my ($file, $info) = @_;
743 $file =~ /\.raw$/i
744 or return undef;
746 $info->{encoding} = "raw";
747 $info->{len} = (-s $file) / 176400;
748 $info->{freq} = 44100;
749 $info->{chan} = 2;
750 return 1;
753 sub getinfo_mplayer($\%) {
754 my ($file, $info) = @_;
755 local $_;
756 my %prop;
758 $file =~ /\.(mpe?g|avi|asx|asf|vob|wmv|ra?m|ra|mov|m2v|wma|aac|m4a|m4b|mp4|flv|ape|aiff?)$/i
759 or return undef;
761 local *F;
762 if(open(F, "-|") == 0) {
763 open STDIN, "/dev/null";
764 open STDERR, ">&STDOUT";
765 delete $ENV{DISPLAY};
766 exec qw"mplayer -identify -vo null -ao null -frames 0", $file;
767 die "mplayer";
769 while(<F>) {
770 s/\s+$//;
771 /^\s+author:\s*(.*)/i and $info->{artist} = $1;
772 /^\s+(name|title):\s*(.*)/i and $info->{title} = $2;
773 /^\s+album:\s*(.*)/i and $info->{album} = $1;
774 /^\s+track:\s*(\d+)/i and $info->{track} = $1;
775 /^ID_(\w+)=(.*)/ and $prop{lc($1)} = $2;
777 close F;
778 if($file =~ /\.(ra?m|ra)$/i) {
779 $info->{encoding} = $prop{video_format}? "RealVideo":"RealAudio";
780 } else {
781 $info->{encoding} = ($prop{video_format}? "Video: ":"") . $1;
783 $info->{info_origin} = "Clip Info" if $info->{artist} || $info->{title};
784 if($prop{video_width} && $prop{video_height}) {
785 $info->{encoding} .= " ($prop{video_width}x$prop{video_height})";
787 if($prop{video_format}) {
788 push @{$info->{encoding_extra}}, sprintf("%s+%skb/s",
789 $prop{video_bitrate}? int(($prop{video_bitrate} + 500) / 1000) : "?",
790 $prop{audio_bitrate}? int(($prop{audio_bitrate} + 500) / 1000) : "?");
791 $info->{freq} = 0;
792 $info->{chan} = 0;
793 } else {
794 # audio only
795 if($prop{audio_format} >= 0x160 && $prop{audio_format} <= 0x163) {
796 my $wma = $prop{audio_format} - 0x160 + 1;
797 $wma = 3 if $wma == 4;
798 $info->{encoding} = "WMA$wma";
799 } elsif($prop{audio_format} eq "mp4a") {
800 $info->{encoding} = "AAC";
801 } elsif($prop{audio_format} eq "twos" && $file =~ /\.aiff?$/i) {
802 $info->{encoding} = "AIFF";
803 delete $prop{audio_bitrate};
804 } elsif($prop{audio_format} eq "alac" || $prop{audio_format} eq "APE") {
805 $info->{encoding} = uc $prop{audio_format};
806 my $uncompbytes = $prop{length} * $prop{audio_rate} * $prop{audio_nch} * 2;
807 if($uncompbytes) {
808 $info->{encoding} .= sprintf " (%d%%)", 100 * (-s $file) / $uncompbytes;
811 push @{$info->{encoding_extra}}, sprintf("%dkb/s", ($prop{audio_bitrate} + 500) / 1000)
812 if $prop{audio_bitrate};
813 $info->{freq} = $prop{audio_freq};
814 $info->{chan} = $prop{audio_nch};
816 if(exists $info->{encoding_extra} && @{$info->{encoding_extra}} == 1 && ${$info->{encoding_extra}}[0] =~ m|115\d\+224kb/s|) {
817 if($info->{encoding} =~ s/mpg \(352x288\)/VCD (PAL)/ ||
818 $info->{encoding} =~ s/mpg \(352x240\)/VCD (NTSC)/) {
819 delete $info->{encoding_extra};
822 $info->{len} = $prop{length};
823 return 1;
826 sub getinfo_ac3($\%) {
827 my ($file, $info) = @_;
829 $file =~ /\.(ac3)$/i
830 or return undef;
832 $info->{encoding} = "AC3";
833 $info->{freq} = 0;
834 $info->{chan} = 0;
835 $info->{len} = 0;
836 return 1;
839 sub getinfo_soepkip($\%) {
840 my ($file, $info) = @_;
841 local *F;
843 $file =~ s|(.*)/+||;
844 my $dir = $1;
846 open F, "$dir/.soepkiptng_info" or return undef;
847 local $_;
848 FILE: while(<F>) {
849 if(/^\[(.+)\]/ && $1 eq $file) {
850 $info->{info_origin} = ".soepkiptng_info";
851 while(<F>) {
852 last FILE if /^\[/;
853 s/\s+$//;
854 /^(artist|album|track|title)\s*=\s*(.*)/
855 and $info->{$1} = $2;
857 close F;
858 return 1;
861 close F;
862 return undef;
865 # returns samplefreq, channels, seconds
866 sub get_wav_params($\%;$) {
867 my ($file, $info, $offset) = @_;
868 $offset = 0 + $offset;
869 local *F;
870 my $buf;
872 open F, $file or return undef;
873 FILE: for(;;) {
874 if($offset) { read(F, $buf, $offset) or last; }
875 read(F, $buf, 12) or last;
876 my ($riff, $len, $wave) = unpack("a4Va4", $buf);
877 last if $riff ne 'RIFF' || $wave ne 'WAVE';
879 # find 'fmt ' chunk
880 my ($type, $len);
881 for(;;) {
882 read(F, $buf, 8) or last FILE;
883 ($type, $len) = unpack("a4V", $buf);
884 last if $type eq 'fmt ';
885 my $i = 0;
886 while($i < $len) {
887 my $r = $len < 4096? $len : 4096;
888 $r = read F, $buf, $r or last FILE;
889 $i += $r;
892 read(F, $buf, $len) or last;
893 my ($fmt, $chan, $freq, $bytespersec, $align, $bitspersample, $cbsize, $validbitspersample, undef, $subfmt, $subguid) =
894 unpack("vvVVvvvvVva14", $buf);
895 #print STDERR "fmt=$fmt ch=$chan f=$freq byps=$bytespersec al=$align bps=$bitspersample cb=$cbsize sfmt=$subfmt\n";
896 if($len >= 18 && $fmt == 0xfffe && $cbsize == 22 && $subguid eq "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x10\x00\x80\x00\x00\xAA\x00\x38\x9B\x71") {
897 $bitspersample = $validbitspersample;
898 $fmt = $subfmt;
900 my $encoding = "WAV";
901 if($fmt == 3) { $encoding .= " (float)"; }
902 elsif($fmt == 6) { $encoding .= " (A-law)"; }
903 elsif($fmt == 7) { $encoding .= " (ยต-law)"; }
904 elsif($fmt != 1) { $encoding .= sprintf " (fmt %d)", $fmt; }
906 # find 'data' chunk
907 for(;;) {
908 read(F, $buf, 8) or last FILE;
909 ($type, $len) = unpack("a4V", $buf);
910 last if $type eq 'data';
911 while($len) {
912 my $r = $len < 4096? $len : 4096;
913 $r = read F, $buf, $r or last FILE;
914 $len -= $r;
917 close F;
918 $info->{len} = int($len / $bytespersec + 0.5);
919 $info->{freq} = $freq;
920 $info->{chan} = $chan;
921 $info->{bps} = $bitspersample;
922 $info->{encoding} = $encoding;
923 return 1;
925 close F;
926 return undef;
929 sub read_eric_files() {
930 foreach my $file (split /\s+/, $conf{'description_files'}) {
931 my ($artist, $album, $dirname);
932 open ALB, $file or die "$file: $!\n";
933 while(<ALB>) {
934 /\S/ or do { $artist = $album = $dirname = ""; next; };
935 /^artist\s*(.*?)\s*$/ and do { $artist = $1; next; };
936 /^title\s*(.*?)\s*$/ and do { $album = $1; next; };
937 if(/^dirname\s+(.*\S)/) {
938 my $realartist;
940 $dirname = $1;
941 (my $artist_s = $dirname) =~ s/-.*//;
942 while(<ALB>) {
943 /^##\s*(.*\S)/ and do {
944 $realartist = $1;
945 next;
947 if(s/^track\s+(\S+)\.\w+\s*//) {
948 my $a = $1;
949 my $filename = $1;
950 $a =~ s/^(\d+)-([^-]+)-.*/\2/;
951 $tracknr{"$dirname/$filename"} = $1;
952 #print STDERR "a=$a artist_s=$artist_s artist=$artist realartist=$realartist\n";
953 if($realartist) {
954 $artist{"$dirname/$filename"} = $realartist;
955 $realartist = undef;
956 } elsif($a eq $artist_s) {
957 $artist{"$dirname/$filename"} = $artist;
958 } else {
959 $a =~ s/_/ /g;
960 $a =~ s/\b(\w)/\U\1/g;
961 $artist{"$dirname/$filename"} = $a;
963 s/\s*$//;
964 if(!$_) {
965 $_ = $filename;
966 s/^\d+-([^-]+)-//;
967 s/_/ /g;
968 s/\b(\w)/\U\1/g;
970 $track{"$dirname/$filename"} = $_;
971 #print STDERR "{$dirname/$filename} = $_\n";
972 #print qq~\$track{"$dirname/$filename"} = $_;\n~ if /magic/i;
973 $album{"$dirname/$filename"} = $album;
974 #print STDERR "$dirname/$filename $album\n";
976 last unless /\S/;
980 close ALB;
984 sub extract_artist_title($\%) {
985 my ($file, $info) = @_;
986 my ($a, $t, $tr, $alb);
987 local *F;
989 $info->{info_origin} = "filename";
991 # cut path
992 $file =~ s|(.*)/||;
993 my $p = $1;
995 # cut extension
996 $file =~ s/(.*)\..*/\1/;
998 if(-e "$p/.andre" || ($file !~ /-/ && $file =~ /\..*\./)) {
999 # andre-notatie
1000 $file =~ s/_ddd\.hq//;
1001 $file =~ s/_/-/g;
1002 $file =~ s/\./_/g;
1003 $info->{info_origin} = "filename[andre]";
1006 my $pp = $p;
1007 $pp = '' if -e "$p/.noalbum";
1008 if(open F, "$p/.album") {
1009 $alb = <F>;
1010 close F;
1011 chomp $alb;
1013 $file =~ s/\s*$//;
1014 if($file =~ s/^\s*(\d\d)(\D)/\2/i || # nummer weg, 2 digits
1015 $file =~ s/^\s*(\d{0,3})[^a-z0-9]+//i) # nummer weg, 1-3 digits met separator
1017 $tr = $1;
1019 $file =~ s/^[^a-z]+//i;
1021 $pp =~ s|/+$||;
1022 $pp =~ s|.*/||;
1024 if($file =~ /[\x80-\xff]{2,}/) {
1025 my $dfile;
1026 eval { $dfile = decode_utf8($file, Encode::FB_CROAK); };
1027 if(!$@) {
1028 $file = encode("iso-8859-1", $dfile);
1029 $info->{info_origin} .= "(utf8)";
1033 if($file =~ /[_\s]*-[_\s]*/) {
1034 ($a, $t) = ($`, $');
1035 if($pp) { ($alb = $pp) =~ s/.*-[_\s]*//; }
1036 } else {
1037 if(!$alb && $pp =~ s/-[_\s]*(.*)//) { $alb = $1; }
1038 ($a, $t) = ($pp, $file);
1040 if(-e "$p/.reverse") { ($a, $t) = ($t, $a); }
1042 $info->{artist} = cleanup_name($a);
1043 $info->{title} = cleanup_name($t);
1044 $info->{album} = cleanup_name($alb);
1045 $info->{track} = $tr;
1047 return 1;
1050 sub is_nfs($) {
1051 my ($file) = @_;
1053 # major device number must be 0
1054 my $maj = (stat $file)[0] >> 8;
1055 return $maj == 0;