use -V0 --vbr-new by default; add -O option
[soepkiptng.git] / soepkiptng_httpd
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
2 ############################################################################
3 # soepkiptng (c) copyright 2000 Eric Lammerts <>.
4 ############################################################################
5 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, as
7 # published by the Free Software Foundation.
9 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 # GNU General Public License for more details.
14 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
16 # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
18 ############################################################################
20 # $Id$
22 use Cwd 'abs_path';
23 use CGI qw/-nph/;
24 use DBI;
25 use Getopt::Std;
26 use HTTP::Daemon;
27 use HTTP::Status;
28 use IO::Socket;
29 use LWP::UserAgent;
30 use Socket;
32 # find program directory
33 $_ = $0;
34 while(-l) {
35 my $l = readlink or die "readlink $_: $!\n";
36 if($l =~ m|^/|) { $_ = $l; } else { s|[^/]*$|/$l|; }
38 m|(.*)/|;
39 my $progdir = abs_path($1);
40 my $wlib = "$progdir/soepkiptng_web.lib";
42 require "$progdir/soepkiptng.lib";
44 my $cgiquery;
46 ############################################################################
49 sub printhttphdr($) {
50 my ($cookies) = @_;
52 my $cookie;
53 if($cookies) {
54 $cookie = $cgiquery->cookie(
55 -name=>'sv',
56 -value=>$cookies,
57 -path=>'/',
58 -expires=>'+365d');
60 print $cgiquery->header(
61 -type=>"text/html; charset=ISO-8859-15",
62 -cookie=>$cookie);
65 sub require_write_access() {
66 return; #FIXME
67 if($conf{write_access_func} &&
68 !eval $conf{write_access_func}) {
70 printhtmlhdr;
71 printhdr($conf{allstyle});
72 print "<b>Access Denied.</b>\n";
73 printftr;
74 exit;
78 sub reloadlib()
80 local $mtime;
82 my ($m, $c) = (stat $wlib)[9,10];
83 if($c > $m) { $m = $c };
84 return if $m <= $mtime;
85 $mtime = $m;
86 delete $INC{$wlib};
87 require $wlib;
90 sub send_file($$$)
92 my ($h, $f, $m) = @_;
93 local *F;
95 open F, $f or do {
96 warn "send_file: $f: $!\n";
97 return;
99 $conn->print(sprintf(<<EOF, $m, (-s F)));
100 HTTP/1.0 200 OK
101 Content-Type: %s
102 Content-Length: %d
105 my $buf;
106 while(read F, $buf, 4096) {
107 $conn->print($buf);
109 close F;
112 sub run_instance() {
113 local $lifetime = $opt_l || $conf{httpd_lifetime} || 100;
114 local $conn;
116 $SIG{HUP} = sub {
117 if(defined($conn)) {
118 # busy, exit after finishing current request
119 $lifetime = 0;
120 } else {
121 warn "\n=====pid$$ SIGHUP caught, exiting\n";
122 exit 0;
126 my $dbh = connect_to_db(\%conf);
128 my $i;
129 for($i = 0; $i < $lifetime; $i++) {
130 $conn = $daemon->accept or die "accept: $!\n";
131 reloadlib();
132 if(!$dbh->ping) {
133 $dbh->disconnect;
134 $dbh = connect_to_db(\%conf);
137 my $r = $conn->get_request or next;
138 warn "\n=====pid$$->$i===== r->uri=[" . $r->uri . "]===\n";
139 my $content;
140 if($r->method eq "GET") {
141 $r->uri =~ /\?(.*)/ and $content = $1;
142 if($r->uri =~ m~^/(\w+\.(gif|ico))$~) {
143 send_file($conn, "$progdir/web/$1", "image/gif");
144 $conn->close;
145 next;
147 } elsif($r->method eq "POST") {
148 $content = $r->content;
149 } else {
150 die "invalid request\n";
153 $ENV{HTTP_COOKIE} = $r->header('cookie');
154 $cgiquery = new CGI($content || "");
156 my $req;
157 $req->{dbh} = $dbh;
158 $req->{cgiquery} = $cgiquery;
159 $req->{self} = "/";
160 $req->{host} = inet_ntoa($conn->peeraddr);
161 my %cookies = $cgiquery->cookie('sv');
162 $req->{cookies} = \%cookies;
163 open STDOUT, ">&=" . $conn->fileno;
164 handle_request($req);
165 close STDOUT;
167 $conn->close;
169 warn "$i connections served, exiting.\n";
173 ############################################################################
174 # MAIN
176 getopts('dhp:i:l:c:F');
178 $opt_h and die <<EOF;
180 Usage: soepkiptng_httpd [-dFh] [-p port] [-i servers] [-l maxrequests]
182 Options:
183 -d : don't daemonize, log to stdout/stderr.
184 -F : stay in foreground
185 -h : get this help
186 -p port : port to listen on
187 -i servers : number of child processes the parent process will spawn
188 -l maxrequests : the number of requests each child process is allowed to
189 process before it dies (to avoid problems like memory leaks
190 after prolonged use)
194 read_configfile(\%conf, $opt_c);
196 my $port = $opt_p || $conf{httpd_port} || 80;
197 $daemon = new HTTP::Daemon(LocalPort => $port, ReuseAddr => 1)
198 or die "port $port: $!\n";
200 if(!$opt_d) {
201 if(!$opt_F) { fork && exit; }
202 setpgrp;
203 chdir "/";
204 open STDIN, "</dev/null";
205 if(defined($conf{httpd_errfile})) {
206 rename $conf{httpd_errfile}, "$conf{httpd_errfile}.old";
207 open STDOUT, ">$conf{httpd_errfile}";
208 } else {
209 open STDOUT, ">/dev/null";
211 open STDERR, ">&STDOUT";
214 local %pids;
216 $SIG{HUP} = sub {
217 $reread = 1;
218 kill 1, keys %pids;
221 $SIG{USR1} = sub {
222 warn "master: killing -9 all children\n";
223 kill 9, keys %pids;
224 $doexec = 1;
227 my $httpd_instances = $opt_i || $conf{httpd_instances} || 2;
228 warn "master starting, pid=$$\n";
229 for(;;) {
230 my $pid;
232 if($doexec) {
233 warn "master $$: exec self [$0]\n";
234 exec $0, @ARGV;
235 warn "master $$: exec self: $!\n";
237 if($reread) {
238 %conf = undef;
239 warn "master: rereading configfile\n";
240 read_configfile(\%conf, $opt_c);
241 $reread = 0;
244 while(keys %pids < $httpd_instances) {
245 if(($pid = fork) == 0) {
246 %pids = ();
247 run_instance();
248 exit 0;
250 next if !defined($pid);
251 warn "forked child, pid=$pid\n";
252 $pids{$pid} = 1;
254 my $pid = wait;
255 delete $pids{$pid};
256 if($?) { sleep 1; } # rate-limit failing children