use -V0 --vbr-new by default; add -O option
[soepkiptng.git] / soepkiptng_web.lib
1 ############################################################################
2 # soepkiptng (c) copyright 2000 Eric Lammerts <>.
3 ############################################################################
4 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, as 
6 # published by the Free Software Foundation.
8 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 # GNU General Public License for more details.
13 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
15 # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
17 ############################################################################
19 use Digest::MD5 'md5_hex';
21 sub can_delete($) {
22         my ($file) = @_;
24         return undef unless $conf{allow_delete};
25         my $dir = $file;
26         $dir =~ s|[^/]*$||;
27         return -w $dir || -k $dir && -w $file;
30 sub ids_encode(@) {
31         my $prev = 0;
32         my $out = '';
33         foreach(@_) {
34                 if($_ > $prev && $_ - $prev <= 26) {
35                         $out .= chr(ord('A') - 1 + $_ - $prev);
36                 } elsif($_ < $prev && $prev - $_ <= 26) {
37                         $out .= chr(ord('a') - 1 + $prev - $_);
38                 } else {
39                         if($_ - $prev >= 0 && substr($out, -1) =~ /\d/) {
40                                 $out .= "+";
41                         }
42                         $out .= ($_ - $prev);
43                 }
44                 $prev = $_;
45         }
46         $out =~ s/(([a-z])\2{3,})/"_" . length($1) . $2/egi;
47         return $out;
50 sub ids_decode($) {
51         my ($str) = @_;
52         my $val = 0;
53         my @out = ();
54         $str =~ s/_(\d+)([a-z])/$2x$1/egi;
55         while($str) {
56                 if($str =~ s/^([a-z])//) {
57                         $val -= ord($1) - (ord('a') - 1);
58                 } elsif($str =~ s/^([A-Z])//) {
59                         $val += ord($1) - (ord('A') - 1);
60                 } elsif($str =~ s/^([-+ ]?\d+)//) {
61                         $val += $1;
62                 } else {
63                         die "Invalid id encoding: '$str'\n";
64                 }
65                 push @out, $val;
66         }
67         return @out;
71 sub print_frame($) {
72         my ($req) = @_;
74         my $bframe_args = "cmd=empty";
75         if(exists $req->{args}->{sval}) {
76                 $bframe_args = sprintf("cmd=search&stype=%s&sval=%s",
77                         encurl($req->{args}->{stype}) || "any",
78                         encurl($req->{args}->{sval}));
79         } elsif(my $np = get_nowplaying($req->{dbh})) {
80                 $bframe_args = "cmd=alllist&";
81                 my $cap;
82                 if($np->{arid}) {
83                         $bframe_args .= '&artist_id=' . $np->{arid};
84                         $cap = "Artist: $np->{artist}";
85                         if($np->{alid}) { $cap .= "; "; }
86                 }
87                 if($np->{alid}) {
88                         $bframe_args .= '&album_id=' . $np->{alid};
89                         $cap .= "Album: $np->{album}";
90                 }
91                 $bframe_args .= "&cap=" . encurl($cap);
92         }
93         print <<EOF;
94 <html>
95 <head>
96 <title>$conf{title}</title>
97 </head>
98 <frameset rows="$conf{frameheights}">
99  <frame name=tframe src="$req->{self}?cmd=playlist" marginwidth="$conf{marginwidth}" marginheight="$conf{marginheight}">
100  <frame name=bframe src="$req->{self}?$bframe_args" marginwidth="$conf{marginwidth}" marginheight="$conf{marginheight}">
101 </frameset>
102 <body $conf{body}>
103 </body>
104 </html>
108 sub print_az_table($$) {
109         my ($req, $session) = @_;
110         my ($playlistopts, $editlistopts);
112         my $sth = $req->{dbh}->prepare("SELECT id,name FROM list ORDER BY name");
113         $sth->execute;
114         while($_ = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
115                 $playlistopts .= sprintf("   <option value=%d%s>%s\n", $_->{id},
116                         $_->{id} == $session->{playlist}? " selected":"", $_->{name});
117                 $editlistopts .= sprintf("   <option value=%d%s>%s\n", $_->{id},
118                         $_->{id} == $session->{editlist}? " selected":"", $_->{name});
119         }
121         printf <<EOF, $req->{self};
122 <table cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2>
123 <tr>
124  <td id=az nowrap colspan=3>
125  <a id=az href="%s?cmd=playlist">Refresh</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
126  <a id=az href="$req->{self}?cmd=shuffle">Shuffle</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
127  <a id=az href="$req->{self}?cmd=lists" target=bframe>Playlists</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
128  <a id=az href="$req->{self}?cmd=recent&days=7" target=bframe>Recent</a>/<!--
129 --><a id=az href="$req->{self}?cmd=recent&days=7&np=1" target=bframe>Never Played</a>/<!--
130 --><a id=az href="$req->{self}?cmd=recent&days=1000000&limit=100" target=bframe>Last 100</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
131  <a id=az href="$req->{self}?cmd=alllist&rand=50" target=bframe>Random</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
132  <a id=az href="$req->{self}?cmd=alllist&encoding=^Video" target=bframe>Video</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
133 <!-- <a id=az target=_blank href="$req->{self}?cmd=maint">*</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;-->
134  <a id=az target=bframe href="$req->{self}?cmd=cdda">CD-DA</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
135  <a id=az target=bframe href="$req->{self}?cmd=shoutcast">Shoutcast</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
136  <a id=az target=bframe href="$req->{self}?cmd=sql">SQL</a>
137 </tr>
138 <tr>
139  <td id=az nowrap>
141         foreach('A'..'Z') {
142                 printf qq|<a id=az href="%s?cmd=%s&artist=%s" target=bframe>%s</a>&nbsp;|,
143                         $req->{self}, $conf{artistlistcmd}, encurl("^$_"), $_;
144         }
145         printf <<EOF, $req->{self}, $conf{artistlistcmd}, encurl("^([^a-zA-Z]|\$)");
146   <a id=az href="%s?cmd=%s&artist=%s" target=bframe>Other</a>&nbsp;
147 <br>
149         my $sz = $conf{searchformsize} || 10;
150         print <<EOF;
151  </td>
152   <form id=search name=search action="$req->{self}" method=get target=bframe>
153  <td id=az nowrap>&nbsp;&nbsp;Search:
155         printf <<EOF, $req->{args}->{nofocus}? "":";";
156   <script>
157   <!--
158   function do_onload(){%s}
159   // -->
160   </script>
162         print <<EOF;
163    <input type=hidden name=cmd value=search>
164    <input type=text size=$sz name=sval style="$conf{searchformstyle}">
165  </td>
166  <td id=az nowrap>
167   <select name=stype style="$conf{searchformstyle}" onChange="form.submit()">
168    <option value=any>Any
169    <option value=artist>Artist
170    <option value=title>Title
171    <option value=album>Album
172    <option value=lyrics>Lyrics
173    <option value=filename>Filename
174    <option value=encoding>Encoding
175   </select>
176   <noscript><input type=submit value="Go"></noscript>
177  </td>
178  </form>
179 </tr>
180 </table>
183 #<!--
184 #<td id=az>Play:</td>
185 #<td id=az>
186 #  <form id=search action="$req->{self}" method=get target=tframe>
187 #  <select name=list onChange="">
188 #   <option value="">All
189 #$playlistopts
190 #  </select>
191 #  <input type=hidden name=cmd value=setplaylist>
192 #  <input type=submit value="Ok">
193 #  </form>
194 #</td>
196 #<td id=az>Edit:</td>
197 #<td id=az>
198 #  <form id=search action="$req->{self}" method=get target=tframe>
199 #  <select name=list onChange="">
200 #   <option value="">
201 #$editlistopts
202 #  </select>
203 #  <input type=hidden name=cmd value=seteditlist>
204 #  <input type=submit value="Ok">
205 #  </form>
206 #</td>
208 #<td id=az>&nbsp;&nbsp;
209 #<a id=a target=bframe href="$req->{self}?cmd=lists">Playlists</a>
210 #</td>
211 #-->
214 sub table_entry($$;$$$$) {
215         my ($req, $q, $col1, $title_href, $ids, $extra) = @_;
217         my $furl = $q->{filename};
218         $furl =~ s|.*/||;
219         $furl = $req->{self} . "/" . encurl($furl);
220         $furl =~ s|//+|/|g;
221         return sprintf <<EOF,
222  <tr>
223   <td %s>&nbsp;%s&nbsp;</td>
224   <td %s>&nbsp;%s&nbsp;</td>
225   <td %s>&nbsp;%s&nbsp;</td>
226   <td %s>&nbsp;%s&nbsp;</td>
227   <td %s>&nbsp;%s%s%s&nbsp;</td>
228   <td %s>&nbsp;%s&nbsp;</td>
229   <td %s>&nbsp;%s&nbsp;</td>
230   <td %s nowrap> %s %s</td>
231   %s
232  </tr>
234                 $conf{td_left}, $col1,
235                 $conf{td_artist},
236                 $q->{arid}? sprintf(qq|<a id=a href="%s?cmd=alllist&artist_id=%s&cap=%s" target=bframe>%s</a>|,
237                         $req->{self}, $q->{arid}, encurl("Artist: $q->{artist}"), enchtml($q->{artist}))
238                         : enchtml($q->{artist}),
239                 $conf{td_album},
240                 $q->{alid}? sprintf(qq|<a id=a href="%s?cmd=alllist&album_id=%s&cap=%s" target=bframe>%s</a>|,
241                         $req->{self}, $q->{alid}, encurl("Album: $q->{album}"), enchtml($q->{album}))
242                         : enchtml($q->{album}),
243                 $conf{td_track}, $q->{track}? "$q->{track}." : "",
244                 $conf{td_song}, $title_href, enchtml($q->{title}), $title_href? "</a>":"",
245                 $conf{td_time},
246                 $q->{length}? sprintf("%d:%02d", $q->{length} / 60, $q->{length} % 60) : "?",
247                 $conf{td_enc}, enchtml($q->{encoding}, 1),
248                 $conf{td_edit},
249                 $ids? sprintf(<<EOF,
250 <a id=a href="%s?cmd=edit&id=%d&ids=%s" title="Edit" target=%s>*</a>
251 <a id=a href="%s?cmd=lyrics&id=%d&ids=%s" title="Lyrics" target=%s>L</a>
252 <a id=a href="%s?cmd=download&id=%d" title="Download">D</a>
254                         $req->{self}, $q->{id}, $ids, $conf{edit_target} || 'bframe',
255                         $req->{self}, $q->{id}, $ids, $conf{edit_target} || 'bframe',
256                         $furl, $q->{id}
257                 ) : "",
258                 $req->{list}? sprintf(<<EOF,
259 <a id=a href="%s?list_id=%d&ids=%d&pq=%s&cmd=%s" title="%s playlist">%s "%s"</a>
261                         $req->{self}, $req->{list}, $q->{id},
262                                 encurl($req->{cgiquery}->query_string()), ($q->{in_list}?
263                                         ("delfromlist", "Remove from", "Remove from") :
264                                         ("addtolist", "Add to", "Add to"),
265                                 enchtml($req->{list_name}))
266                 ) : "",
267                 $extra;
270 sub print_albumlist($$$$) {
271         my ($req, $albumlist, $sep, $prune) = @_;
273         my $more = 0;
274         if($prune) {
275                 my $al_len_tot = 0;
276                 foreach(@$albumlist) {
277                         $_->{al_len} = length($_->{album});
278                         $al_len_tot += $_->{al_len};
279                 }
280                 if($conf{albumlist_length_threshold} > 0 &&
281                    $al_len_tot >= $conf{albumlist_length_threshold}) {
282                         my $len_to_cut = $al_len_tot - $conf{albumlist_length_threshold};
283                         foreach(sort { $a->{random_pref} <=> $b->{random_pref} || $b->{al_len} <=> $a->{al_len} } @$albumlist) {
284                                 $len_to_cut -= $_->{al_len};
285                                 $_->{al_len} = -1;
286                                 $more++;
287                                 last if $len_to_cut < 0;
288                         }
289                 }
290         }
291         foreach(@$albumlist) {
292                 next if $_->{al_len} == -1;
293                 print $sep if $_ != $albumlist->[0];
294                 $_->{album} =~ /^([^\$\w]*)(I+\b|IJ|.?)(.*)/;
295                 printf(qq|<a id=a href="%s?cmd=alllist| .
296                         qq|&artist_id=%d&album_id=%d&cap=%s">%s<b>%s</b>%s</a> (%d)|,
297                         $req->{self}, $_->{arid}, $_->{alid},
298                         encurl("Artist: $_->{artist}; Album: $_->{album}"),
299                         enchtml($1), enchtml($2 || "?"), enchtml($3), $_->{c});
300         }
301         if($more) {
302                 printf <<EOF,
303 &nbsp; <a id=a href="%s?cmd=albumlist&artist_id=%d&cap=%s">[%d&nbsp;more...].</a>
305                         $req->{self}, $albumlist->[0]->{arid},
306                         encurl("Artist: $albumlist->[0]->{artist}"), $more;
307         }
310 sub print_playlist_table($) {
311         my ($req) = @_;
312         my $killline;
313         my $totaltime;
315         my $query =  "SELECT title, as artist, as album," .
316                 " as id, track, length, encoding, queue.user as user," .
317                 "song.artist_id as arid, song.album_id as alid, filename," .
318                 "left(filename,1) as f" .
319                 " FROM song,queue,artist,album WHERE present" .
320                 " AND AND" .
321                 " AND = queue.song_id ORDER BY queue.song_order";
322         my $sth = $req->{dbh}->prepare($query);
323         my $rv = $sth->execute
324                 or die "can't do sql command: " . $req->{dbh}->errstr;
325         my @ids;
326         my @records;
327         while($_ = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
328                 push @ids, $_->{id};
329                 push @records, $_;
330                 $totaltime += $_->{length};
331         }
333         if($_ = get_nowplaying($req->{dbh})) {
334                 if($_->{id} > 0) { unshift @ids, $_->{id}; }
336                 $killline = table_entry($req, $_,
337                         sprintf(qq|<a id=a href="%s?cmd=kill&id=%s">%s</a>&nbsp;<a id=a href="%s?cmd=addnext&id=%s">next</a>|,
338                                 $req->{self}, $_->{id}, $conf{killtext}, $req->{self}, $_->{id}),
339                         undef,
340                         ($_->{filename} =~ m|^/|)? ids_encode(@ids) : "",
341                         "<td>&nbsp;" . (($conf{show_user} && $_->{user})? "($_->{user})":"") . "</td>"
342                 );
343                 $totaltime += $_->{length};
345                 if($conf{title_song}) {
346                         my $alb = $_->{album};
347                         if($alb && $_->{track}) { $alb .= "/$_->{track}"; }
348                         if($alb) { $alb = " [$alb]"; }
349                         printf <<EOF, enchtml("$_->{artist} - $_->{title}$alb");
350 <script language="Javascript">
351 <!--
352   parent.document.title="%s";
353 // -->
354 </script>
356                 }
357         }
359         my $ids = ids_encode(@ids);
360         my ($playmode) = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT value FROM settings WHERE name='playmode'");
361         printf <<EOF,
362 <table border=0 cellspacing=0>
363  <tr>
364   <th %s>&nbsp;%s&nbsp;</th>
365   <th %s>&nbsp;Artist&nbsp;</th>
366   <th %s>&nbsp;Album&nbsp;</th>
367   <th %s>&nbsp;#&nbsp;</th>
368   <th %s>&nbsp;Song&nbsp;</th>
369   <th %s>&nbsp;Time&nbsp;</th>
370   <th %s>&nbsp;Encoding&nbsp;</th>
371   <th %s>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>
372  </tr>
373  <tr><td colspan=7></td></tr>
374 %s%s
375 <tr><td colspan=7>%d song%s, total time: %d:%02d<br>
376 play mode: %s</td></tr>
377 </table>
379                 $conf{th_left}, @ids? sprintf(qq|<a id=a href="%s?cmd=del&ids=%s">| .
380                         qq|$conf{delalltext}</a>|, $req->{self}, ids_encode(@ids)) : "",
381                 $conf{th_artist}, $conf{th_album}, $conf{th_track}, $conf{th_song},
382                 $conf{th_time}, $conf{th_enc}, $conf{th_edit},
383                 $killline,
384                 join("", map { table_entry($req, $_, sprintf(
385                         qq|<a id=a href="%s?cmd=del&ids=%s">%s</a> | .
386                         qq|<a id=a href="%s?cmd=up&id=%s">%s</a> | .
387                         qq|<a id=a href="%s?cmd=down&id=%s">%s</a>|,
388                         $req->{self}, $_->{id}, $conf{deltext},
389                         $req->{self}, $_->{id}, $conf{uptext},
390                         $req->{self}, $_->{id}, $conf{downtext}),
391                         undef, $_->{f} eq '/'? $ids : "",
392                         ($conf{show_user} && $_->{user})? "<td>&nbsp;(".$_->{user}.")</td>":"")
393                         } @records),
394                 scalar @ids, @ids != 1? "s":"", $totaltime / 60, $totaltime % 60,
395                 join(" / ", map { sprintf qq|<a %s href="%s?cmd=playmode&mode=%d">%s</a>|,
396                         ($_ == $playmode? 'style="font-weight: bold;"' : ''),
397                         $req->{self}, $_, $playmodes[$_] } (0..$#playmodes));
400 sub print_artistlist_table($$$@) {
401         my ($req, $session, $caption, $query, @val) = @_;
403         my $sth = $req->{dbh}->prepare($query);
404         my $rv = $sth->execute(@val)
405                 or die "can't do sql command: " . $req->{dbh}->errstr;
406         my @artists;
407         my %albumlist;
408         while($_ = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
409                 push @artists, $_->{arid} unless $albumlist{$_->{arid}};
410                 push @{$albumlist{$_->{arid}}}, $_;
411         }
413         print "<center id=hdr>$caption</center>\n";
414         if(!%albumlist) {
415                 print "No search results.\n";
416                 return;
417         }
419         printf <<EOF;
420 <table border=0 cellspacing=0>
421  <tr>
422   <th>&nbsp;Artist&nbsp;</th>
423   <th>&nbsp;Albums&nbsp;</th>
424  </tr>
426         my $res = 0;
427         foreach(map { $albumlist{$_} } @artists) {
428                 printf <<EOF,
429 <tr>
430  <td valign=top>&nbsp;<a id=a href="%s?cmd=alllist&artist_id=%d&cap=%s">%s</a>&nbsp;</td>
431  <td valign=top>&nbsp;
433                         $req->{self}, $_->[0]->{arid}, encurl("Artist: $_->[0]->{artist}"),
434                         $_->[0]->{artist};
435                 print_albumlist($req, $_, ",&nbsp; ", 1);
436                 printf <<EOF,
437 &nbsp;</td>
438 </tr>
440                 $res++;
441         }
442         print <<EOF;
443 <tr><td colspan=2>$res search results.</td></tr>
444 </table>
448 sub print_seealso_row($$) {
449         my ($req, $artistid) = @_;
451         my $query = "SELECT seealso.id1 AS id1, seealso.id2 AS id2, ".
452                 " AS artist FROM seealso,artist,song WHERE ".
453                 " (seealso.id2=? AND AND ".
454                 "  seealso.id1=song.artist_id AND song.present) OR".
455                 " (seealso.id1=? AND AND ".
456                 "  seealso.id2=song.artist_id AND song.present) ".
457                 " GROUP BY id1, id2, artist ORDER BY artist";
458         my $sth = $req->{dbh}->prepare($query);
459         $sth->execute($artistid, $artistid)
460                 or die "can't do sql command: " . $req->{dbh}->errstr;
461         my %seealso;
462         my @ids;
463         while($_ = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
464                 if($_->{id1} == $artistid) {
465                         push @ids, $_->{id2};
466                         $seealso{$_->{id2}} = $_->{artist};
467                 } else {
468                         push @ids, $_->{id1};
469                         $seealso{$_->{id1}} = $_->{artist};
470                 }
471         }
472         $sth->finish;
473         if(@ids) {
474                 print "See Also: ";
475                 foreach(@ids) {
476                         print ",&nbsp; " unless $_ == $ids[0];
477                         printf qq|<a id=a href="%s?cmd=alllist&artist_id=%s&album=%s&cap=%s">$seealso{$_}</a>|,
478                                 $req->{self}, $_, encurl('^$'), encurl("Artist: $seealso{$_}; Album: ^\$");
479                 }
480                 print ".<br>\n";
481         }
484 sub print_albums_row($$$$;$) {
485         my ($req, $baseurl, $artistid, $label, $expand) = @_;
487         my $query = "SELECT DISTINCT binary as album," .
488                 " binary as artist, song.random_pref," .
489                 " count(*) as c, song.artist_id as arid, song.album_id as alid " .
490                 " FROM song,artist,album WHERE present AND song.artist_id = ?".
491                 " AND AND".
492                 " AND filename LIKE '/%'".
493                 " GROUP BY album ORDER BY album";
494         $sth = $req->{dbh}->prepare($query);
495         $sth->execute($artistid)
496                 or die "can't do sql command: " . $req->{dbh}->errstr;
498         my $albumlist = $sth->fetchall_arrayref({});
499         if(@$albumlist == 0) {
500                 return undef;
501         }
502         printf "$label$sep";
503         print_albumlist($req, $albumlist, $expand? "<br>\n" : ",&nbsp;\n", !$expand);
504         print "\n";
505         return 1;
508 sub print_alllist_table($$$@) {
509         my ($req, $session, $caption, $query, $limit, @val) = @_;
510         my ($output, $addall);
512         print <<EOF;
513 <center id=hdr>$caption</center>
516         my $sth = $req->{dbh}->prepare($query . ($limit? " LIMIT $limit":""));
517         my $rv = $sth->execute(@val)
518                 or die "can't do sql command: " . $req->{dbh}->errstr;
519         my @ids;
520         my %records;
521         my $totaltime;
522         my %artistids;
523         while($_ = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
524                 $records{$_->{id}} = $_;
525                 push @ids, $_->{id};
526                 $totaltime += $_->{length};
527                 $artistids{$_->{arid}}++;
528         }
529         if(!@ids) {
530                 if($req->{args}->{artist_id}) {
531                         print_seealso_row($req, $req->{args}->{artist_id});
532                         print_albums_row($req, $baseurl, $req->{args}->{artist_id}, "Albums: ")
533                                 and return;
534                 }
535                 print "No search results.\n";
536                 return;
537         }
538         my $ids = ids_encode(@ids);
540         my $baseurl = "$req->{self}?";
541         foreach(keys %{$req->{args}}) {
542                 next if $_ eq "cmd";
543                 next if /^add_/;
544                 $baseurl .= "$_=" . encurl($req->{args}->{$_}) . "&";
545         }
547         foreach $id (@ids) {
548                 $_ = $records{$id};
549                 my $el = $session->{editlist};
550                 my $listch;
551                 if($el) {
552                         if($req->{dbh}->do("SELECT entity_id FROM list_contents" .
553                                 " WHERE list_id=? AND (" .
554                                 "  (type=? AND entity_id=?) OR" .
555                                 "  (type=? AND entity_id=?) OR" .
556                                 "  (type=? AND entity_id=?))", undef,
557                                 $el,
558                                 "Song", $_->{id},
559                                 "Artist", $_->{arid},
560                                 "Album", $_->{alid}) < 1) {
561                                 $listch = <<EOF;
562 &nbsp;<a href="${baseurl}cmd=addtolist&add_list=$el&add_type=song&add_id=$_->{id}" target=bframe>+</a>
564                         }
565                 }
567                 my $thref = sprintf(qq|<a id=a href="%s?cmd=add&ids=%d" target=tframe>|,
568                         $req->{self}, $_->{id});
569                 $output .= table_entry($req, $_, "$thref$conf{addtext}</a>", $thref, $ids);
570         }
572         if(scalar keys %artistids == 1 && !$req->{args}->{no_artist_rows}) {
573                 print_seealso_row($req, (keys %artistids)[0]);
574                 print_albums_row($req, $baseurl, (keys %artistids)[0], "Albums: ");
575         }
577         print "<table border=0 cellspacing=0>\n";
579         my $ids;
580         if(@ids) {
581                 $ids = ids_encode(@ids);
582                 $addall = qq|<a id=a href="$req->{self}?cmd=add&ids=$ids&skipfirstifplaying=1" target=tframe>$conf{addalltext}</a>|
583         }
585         my %revsort;
586         $revsort{$req->{args}->{sort}} = "r_";
588         my $baseurl = "$req->{self}?";
589         foreach(keys %{$req->{args}}) {
590                 next if $_ eq 'sort';
591                 $baseurl .= "$_=" . encurl($req->{args}->{$_}) . "&";
592         }
594         my $res = $#ids + 1;
595         my $limitstr = '';
596         $limitstr = " <b>(limit of $limit reached)</b>" if $limit && $res == $limit;
597         $totaltime = sprintf "%d:%02d:%02d", $totaltime / 3600,
598                 $totaltime / 60 % 60, $totaltime % 60;
599         $totaltime =~ s/^0:0?//;
600         print <<EOF;
601  <tr>
602   <th $conf{th_left}>&nbsp;$addall&nbsp;</th>
603   <th $conf{th_artist}>&nbsp;<a href="${baseurl}sort=$revsort{artist}artist">Artist</a>&nbsp;</th>
604   <th $conf{th_album}>&nbsp;<a href="${baseurl}sort=$revsort{album}album">Album</a>&nbsp;</th>
605   <th $conf{th_track}>&nbsp;<a href="${baseurl}sort=$revsort{track}track">#</a>&nbsp;</th>
606   <th $conf{th_song}>&nbsp;<a href="${baseurl}sort=$revsort{title}title">Song</a>&nbsp;</th>
607   <th $conf{th_time}>&nbsp;<a href="${baseurl}sort=$revsort{length}length">Time</a>&nbsp;</th>
608   <th $conf{th_enc}>&nbsp;<a href="${baseurl}sort=$revsort{encoding}encoding">Encoding</a>&nbsp;</th>
609  </tr>
610  <tr><td colspan=7></td></tr>
611 $output
612 <tr><td colspan=7>$res search results$limitstr, total time: $totaltime</td></tr>
614         (my $f = $caption) =~ s/^\w+:\s*//;
615         $f =~ s~(/|\\|:|;|")+~_~g;
616         ($f = "$req->{self}/$f.tar") =~ s|//+|/|g;
617         print <<EOF if $ids;
618 <tr><td colspan=7><a href="$f?cmd=downloadset&ids=$ids">download all as tar</a></td></tr>
620         print <<EOF;
621 </table>
625 sub print_edit_page($) {
626         my ($req) = @_;
628         my $i = 0;
629         my @ids = ids_decode($req->{args}->{ids});
630         foreach(@ids) {
631                 last if $_ == $req->{args}->{id};
632                 $i++;
633         }
634         my $prev = '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';
635         if($i > 0) {
636                 $prev = "<input type=submit name=go_$ids[$i-1] value=Prev>";
637         } elsif($conf{disabled_buttons}) {
638                 $prev = "<input type=submit name=go_$ids[0] value=Prev disabled>";
639         }
641         my $next = $conf{disabled_buttons}? '':'&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';
642         if($i < $#ids) {
643                 $next = "<input type=submit name=go_$ids[$i+1] value=Next>";
644         } elsif($conf{disabled_buttons}) {
645                 $next = "<input type=submit name=go_$ids[$#ids] value=Next disabled>";
646         }
648         my $sth = $req->{dbh}->prepare("SELECT as artist, as album," .
649                 " song.*," .
650                 " unix_timestamp(last_played) as lp," .
651                 " unix_timestamp(time_added) as ta" .
652                 " FROM song,artist,album WHERE$req->{args}->{id}" .
653                 " AND AND");
654         $sth->execute()
655                 or die "can't do sql command: " . $req->{dbh}->errstr;
656         $_ = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()
657                 or die sprintf <<EOF,
658 id %d not found.<br>
659 <form action="%s" method=get>
660  <input type=hidden name=id value="%d">
661  <input type=hidden name=cmd value=changefile>
662  <input type=hidden name=ids value="%s">
664 %s %s</form>
666                         $req->{args}->{id}, $req->{self},
667                         $req->{args}->{id}, $req->{args}->{ids},
668                         $prev, $next;
670         my $f = $_->{filename};
671         my ($dir, $file);
672         if($f =~ m|^(/.*)/(.*?)$|) {
673                 my $dir2;
674                 ($dir, $dir2, $file) = ($1, $1, $2);
675                 $dir2 =~ s/ /_/g;
676                 $dir2 =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
677                 $dir = sprintf qq|<a href="%s?cmd=alllist&sort=artist&filename=%s">%s</a>|,
678                         $req->{self}, encurl($dir2), enchtml($dir);
679                 (my $furl = $req->{self} . "/" . encurl($file)) =~ s|//+|/|g;
680                 $file = sprintf qq|<a href="%s?cmd=download&id=%d">%s</a>|,
681                         $furl, $req->{args}->{id}, enchtml($file);
682         } else {
683                 $file = enchtml($f);
684                 $dir = "";
685         }
687         printf <<EOF,
688 <script language="Javascript">
689 <!--
690 function verifydelete() {
691    return confirm("Are you sure you want to delete this file?");
693 function verifyall() {
694    return confirm("Are you sure you want to apply this value to the entire list (%d entries)?");
696 function closethis() {
697    window.close(self);
699 // -->
700 </script>
702 <form action="%s" method=get>
703  <input type=hidden name=id value="%d">
704  <input type=hidden name=cmd value=changefile>
705  <input type=hidden name=ids value="%s">
706 <table>
707 <caption>Edit Song</caption>
708   <tr><td valign=bottom colspan=2>Present:</td><td valign=bottom>%s</td></tr>
709   <tr><td valign=bottom colspan=2>Artist:</td><td valign=bottom>
710      <input type=text size=60 name=artist value="%s">
711      <input type=submit name=action_clear_artist value="Clear">
712      <input type=submit name=action_fix_artist value="Fix">
713      <input type=submit name=action_swapa value="Swap first/last">
714      <input type=submit name=action_all_artist value="Set entire list"
715       onClick="return verifyall();">
716   </td></tr>
717   <tr><td valign=bottom colspan=2>Title:</td> <td valign=bottom>
718      <input type=text size=60 name=title  value="%s">
719      <input type=submit name=action_clear_title value="Clear">
720      <input type=submit name=action_fix_title value="Fix">
721      <input type=submit name=action_swap value="Swap artist/title">
722   </td></tr>
723   <tr><td valign=bottom colspan=2>Album:</td> <td valign=bottom>
724      <input type=text size=60 name=album  value="%s">
725      <input type=submit name=action_clear_album value="Clear">
726      <input type=submit name=action_fix_album value="Fix">
727      <input type=submit name=action_all_album value="Set entire list"
728       onClick="return verifyall();">
729   </td></tr>
730   <tr><td valign=bottom colspan=2>Track:</td> <td valign=bottom><input type=text size=3 name=track  value="%s" maxlength=3></td></tr>
731   <tr><td valign=bottom colspan=2>Time:</td>  <td valign=bottom>%s</td></tr>
732   <tr><td valign=bottom colspan=2>Encoding:</td>        <td valign=bottom>%s</td></tr>
733   <tr><td valign=bottom colspan=2 nowrap>Time Added:</td><td valign=bottom>%s</td></tr>
734   <tr><td valign=bottom colspan=2 nowrap>Last played:</td><td valign=bottom>%s%s
735      <input type=submit name=action_setlpall value=\"Set entire list to current time\"></td></tr>
736   <tr><td valign=bottom colspan=2 nowrap>Random pref.:</td><td valign=bottom><input type=text size=8 name=random_pref value="%d" maxlength=8>
737      <input type=submit name=action_setrpall value="Set entire list." onClick="return verifyall();"></td></tr>
738   <tr><td valign=bottom colspan=2>Directory:</td>       <td valign=bottom>%s</td></tr>
739   <tr><td valign=bottom colspan=2>Filename:</td>        <td valign=bottom>%s</td></tr>
740   <tr><td valign=bottom colspan=2>Trim Start:</td>      <td valign=bottom>%s</td></tr>
741   <tr><td valign=bottom colspan=2>Trim Length:</td>     <td valign=bottom>%s</td></tr>
742   <tr><td valign=bottom colspan=2>Size:</td>            <td valign=bottom>%dk</td></tr>
743   <tr><td valign=bottom colspan=2>Volume correction:</td><td valign=bottom>%s</td></tr>
744   <tr>
745    <td valign=bottom align=center>%s</td>
746    <td valign=bottom align=center>%s</td>
747    <td valign=bottom>
748     <input type=submit value="Update">&nbsp;&nbsp;
749 <script language="Javascript">
750 <!--
751  document.write('<input type=submit value="Close" onClick="javascript:window.close();">&nbsp;&nbsp;');
752 // -->
753 </script>
754     %s
755    </td>
756   </tr>
757 </table>
758 </form>
760                 $#ids + 1, $req->{self}, $req->{args}->{id}, $req->{args}->{ids},
761                 $_->{present}? "Yes" : "No",
762                 enchtml($_->{artist}),
763                 enchtml($_->{title}),
764                 enchtml($_->{album}),
765                 $_->{track} || "",
766                 $_->{length}? sprintf("%d:%02d", $_->{length} / 60, $_->{length} % 60) : "?",
767                 $_->{encoding},
768                 $_->{ta}? scalar localtime($_->{ta}) : "-",
769                 $_->{lp}? scalar localtime($_->{lp}) : "-",
770                 $_->{lp}? " <font size=-1><input type=submit name=action_clearlp value=Reset> " .
771                         "<input type=submit name=action_clearlpall value=\"Reset entire list\"></font>":"",
772                 $_->{random_pref}, $dir, $file,
773                 $_->{trimstart}, $_->{trimlength},
774                 ((-s $_->{filename}) + 512) / 1024,
775                 defined($_->{gain})? sprintf("%.3fdB", $_->{gain} / 1000) : "-",
776                 $prev, $next,
777                 (can_delete($_->{filename})? qq'<input type=submit ' .
778                   qq'name=action_delete value="Delete Song" ' .
779                   qq'onclick="return verifydelete();">&nbsp;&nbsp;':'');
783 sub getuseragent()
785         my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent();
786         $ua->agent('Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.4b) Gecko/20030516 Mozilla Firebird/0.6');
788         if($conf{http_proxy}) {
789                 $ua->proxy('http', $conf{http_proxy});
790         } else {
791                 $ua->env_proxy();
792         }
794         if($conf{no_proxy}) {
795                 $ua->no_proxy(split /[\s,]+/, $conf{http_proxy});
796         }       
797         return $ua;
800 sub getlyrics_purelyrics_com($) {
801         my ($info) = @_;
803         my $ua = getuseragent();
805         my $baseurl = "";
807         my $url = "$baseurl?search_advsubmit2=Search";
808         $url .= "&search_artist=" . encurl(lc $info->{artist});
809         $url .= "&search_album=" . encurl(lc $info->{album});
810         $url .= "&search_title=" . encurl(lc $info->{title});
812         my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $url);
813         my $res = $ua->request($req);
815         if($res->code != 200) {
816                 $info->{errormsg} = sprintf "%d %s", $res->code, $res->message;
817                 return undef;
818         }
820         if($res->content !~ /^(\d+) matches.*<a href="([^"]+)">/m) {
821                 $info->{errormsg} = "no matches";
822                 return undef;
823         }
825         my ($num, $url) = ($1, $2);
826         if($num != 1) {
827                 $info->{errormsg} = "more than one match";
828                 return undef;
829         }
831         $info->{description} = "$url";
832         $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $info->{description});
833         $res = $ua->request($req);
835         if($res->code != 200) {
836                 $info->{errormsg} = sprintf "%d %s", $res->code, $res->message;
837                 return undef;
838         }
840         foreach(split /\n+/, $res->content) {
841                 s/^\s+|\s+$|\r+//g;
842                 if(s/.*<font class="capitalFont">//) {
843                         $lyr = 1;
844                 }
845                 if($lyr) {
846                         s|<br />|| or $lyr = 0;
847                         s|<[^>]+>||g;
848                         s|\s+$||;
849                         $info->{lyrics} .= "$_\n";
850                 }
851         }
852         return 1;
855 sub getlyrics_lyricsdomain_com($) {
856         my ($info) = @_;
858         my $ua = getuseragent();
860         my $url = "";
861         $url .= "&artist=" . encurl(lc $info->{artist});
862         $url .= "&query=" . encurl(lc $info->{title});
864         my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $url);
865         my $res = $ua->request($req);
867         if($res->code != 200) {
868                 $info->{errormsg} = sprintf "%d %s", $res->code, $res->message;
869                 return undef;
870         }
872         if($res->content !~ /Your query generated (\d+) matches.*lyricsdomain\.asp\?cat=(\d+)">/m) {
873                 $info->{errormsg} = "no matches";
874                 return undef;
875         }
877         my ($num, $lyrnum) = ($1, $2);
878         if($num != 1) {
879                 $info->{errormsg} = "more than one match";
880                 return undef;
881         }
883         $info->{description} = "$lyrnum/";
884         $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $info->{description});
885         $res = $ua->request($req);
887         if($res->code != 200) {
888                 $info->{errormsg} = sprintf "%d %s", $res->code, $res->message;
889                 return undef;
890         }
892         foreach(split /\n+/, $res->content) {
893                 s/^\s+|\s+$|\r+//g;
894                 if(/sendlyrics.php/) {
895                         $lyr = 1;
896                         next;
897                 }
898                 if($lyr) {
899                         my $stop = 1 if s|</pre>||;
900                         s|<[^>]+>||g;
901                         s|\s+$||;
902                         $info->{lyrics} .= "$_\n";
903                         last if $stop;
904                 }
905         }
906         return 1;
909 sub lyrics_string_simplify($) {
910         my ($a) = @_;
912         $a =~ s/(\d),(\d)/\1\2/g;
913         $a =~ s/-/ /g;
914         $a =~ s/[\[(](.*)//;
915         $a =~ s/[ _]?&[_ ]?/ and /;
916         $a =~ s/([\x80-\xff])/lc($latin9_to_ascii{ord($1)})/ge;
917         $a =~ s/[^'A-Za-z0-9]+/ /g;
918         $a =~ s/\s+/ /g;
919         $a =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
920         return lc($a);
923 sub getlyrics($;$) {
924         my ($info, $try) = @_;
926         # save artist/title/album
927         my ($ar, $ti, $al) = ($info->{artist}, $info->{title}, $info->{album});
929         if($try == 3) {
930                 $info->{artist} =~ s/'//g;
931                 $info->{title} =~ s/'//g;
932                 $info->{album} =~ s/'//g;
933         }
934         if($try >= 2) {
935                 $info->{artist} = lyrics_string_simplify($info->{artist});
936                 $info->{title} = lyrics_string_simplify($info->{title});
937                 $info->{album} = lyrics_string_simplify($info->{album});
938         }
939         print "<!-- try$try '$info->{artist}', '$info->{title}', '$info->{album}' -->\n";
941         getlyrics_purelyrics_com($info) || getlyrics_lyricsdomain_com($info);
943         $info->{lyrics} =~ s/^\s+//;
944         $info->{lyrics} =~ s/\s+$/\n/g;
946         # restore artist/title/album
947         ($info->{artist}, $info->{title}, $info->{album}) = ($ar, $ti, $al);
950 sub print_lyrics_google_redir($) {
951         my ($req) = @_;
953         my ($a, $t) = $req->{dbh}->selectrow_array(
954                         "SELECT, song.title FROM song " .
955                         "LEFT JOIN artist ON " . 
956                         "WHERE", undef, $req->{args}->{id})
957                 or die "id $req->{args}->{id} not found.\n";
959         print $req->{cgiquery}->redirect("" .
960                 encurl("lyrics \"$a\" \"$t\""));
963 sub print_lyrics_page($) {
964         my ($req) = @_;
966         if($req->{args}->{action_clear}) {
967                 $req->{args}->{lyrics} = $req->{args}->{description} = "";
968         }
969         if($req->{args}->{action_refetch}) {
970                 $req->{dbh}->do("DELETE FROM lyrics WHERE id=?", undef, $req->{args}->{id});
971         }
972         $req->{args}->{lyrics} =~ s/\r\n?/\n/g;
973         if($req->{args}->{update}) {
974                 $req->{dbh}->do("REPLACE INTO lyrics SET id=?, description=?, language=?, lyrics=?",
975                         undef, $req->{args}->{id}, $req->{args}->{description},
976                         $req->{args}->{language}, $req->{args}->{lyrics})
977                         or die;
978         }
980         foreach(keys %{$req->{args}}) {
981                 if(/^go_(\d+)$/) {
982                         $req->{args}->{id} = $1;
983                         last;
984                 }
985         }
986         my $sth = $req->{dbh}->prepare(
987                 "SELECT, title, song.track, as album, " .
988                 " as artist, lyrics.lyrics as lyrics, " .
989                 "lyrics.language as language, lyrics.description as description FROM song " .
990                 "LEFT JOIN album ON " .
991                 "LEFT JOIN artist ON " . 
992                 "LEFT JOIN lyrics ON " .
993                 "WHERE$req->{args}->{id}");
994         $sth->execute()
995                 or die "can't do sql command: " . $req->{dbh}->errstr;
996         my $f = $sth->fetchrow_hashref() or die "id $req->{args}->{id} not found.\n";
998         my $downloaded;
999         if($conf{auto_download_lyrics} && $f->{lyrics} eq "" && !$req->{args}->{action_clear}) {
1000                 getlyrics($f);
1001                 if($f->{lyrics} eq "") { getlyrics($f, 2); }
1002                 if($f->{lyrics} eq "") { getlyrics($f, 3); }
1004                 $downloaded = "<tr><td colspan=2><b>(";
1005                 if($f->{lyrics} eq "") {
1006                         $downloaded .= "No lyrics found";
1007                         $downloaded .= ": $f->{errormsg}" if $f->{errormsg};
1008                         delete $f->{description};
1009                 } else {
1010                         $downloaded .= sprintf "Downloaded lyrics from <a href=\"%s\">%s</a>",
1011                                 $f->{description}, enchtml($f->{description});
1012                 }
1013                 $downloaded .= ")</b></td></tr>";
1014                 $f->{language} = "eng";
1015         }
1017         my $i = 0;
1018         my @ids = ids_decode($req->{args}->{ids});
1019         foreach(@ids) {
1020                 last if $_ == $req->{args}->{id};
1021                 $i++;
1022         }
1023         my $prev = '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';
1024         if($i > 0) {
1025                 $prev = "<input type=submit name=go_$ids[$i-1] value=Prev>";
1026         } elsif($conf{disabled_buttons}) {
1027                 $prev = "<input type=submit name=go_$ids[0] value=Prev disabled>";
1028         }
1030         my $next = $conf{disabled_buttons}? '':'&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';
1031         if($i < $#ids) {
1032                 $next = "<input type=submit name=go_$ids[$i+1] value=Next>";
1033         } elsif($conf{disabled_buttons}) {
1034                 $next = "<input type=submit name=go_$ids[$#ids] value=Next disabled>";
1035         }
1037 #       my $rows = 1 + $f->{lyrics} =~ tr/\n/\n/;
1038 #       if($rows == 1) { $rows = 30; }
1039         $rows = 30;
1041         my $description = $f->{description};
1042         $description =~ s/\s.*//;
1043         if($description =~ /^(ftp|http):/) {
1044                 $description = "<a href=\"$description\" target=_blank>Open page</a>";
1045         } else {
1046                 $description = "";
1047         }
1049         printf <<EOF,
1050 <form action="%s" method=post>
1051  <input type=hidden name=id value="%d">
1052  <input type=hidden name=cmd value=lyrics>
1053  <input type=hidden name=update value=1>
1054  <input type=hidden name=ids value="%s">
1055 <table>
1056 <caption>Edit Song Lyrics</caption>
1058  <tr><td>Artist:</td><td>%s</td></tr> 
1059  <tr><td>Title:</td><td>%s</td></tr> 
1060  <tr><td>Album:</td><td>%s</td></tr> 
1061  <tr><td>Track:</td><td>%s</td></tr> 
1062  <tr>
1063   <td>Description:</td>
1064   <td><input type=text name=description size=74 value="%s">%s</td>
1065  </tr>
1066  <tr>
1067   <td>Language:</td>
1068   <td><select name=language>%s</select></td></tr>
1069  </tr>
1070  <tr><td colspan=2><textarea name=lyrics cols=90 rows=%d>%s</textarea></td></tr>
1071  <tr>
1072   <td colspan=2>%s %s
1073    <input type=submit name=action_update value="Update">
1074    <input type=submit name=action_clear value="Clear">
1075    <input type=submit name=action_refetch value="Refetch">
1076 <script language="Javascript">
1077 <!--
1078  document.write('<input type=submit value="Close" onClick="javascript:window.close();">');
1079 // -->
1080 </script>
1081 </form>
1082   </td>
1083  </tr>
1084  <tr>
1085   <td colspan=2>
1086    <form action="%s" method=get target=_blank>
1087     <input type=submit value="Google for lyrics">
1088     <input type=hidden name=id value="%d">
1089     <input type=hidden name=cmd value=googlelyrics>
1090    </form>
1091   </td>
1092  </tr>
1093 </table>
1095                 $req->{self}, $req->{args}->{id}, $req->{args}->{ids}, $downloaded,
1096                 enchtml($f->{artist}), enchtml($f->{title}),
1097                 enchtml($f->{album}), $f->{track}? $f->{track} : "",
1098                 enchtml($f->{description}), $description,
1099                 join("\n", map { sprintf "<option value=\"%s\"%s>%s</option>",
1100                                 $_, $_ eq $f->{language}? " selected":"",
1101                                 $_? "$iso_639_2{$_} ($_)" : "-------";
1102                         } (qw/eng dut ger fre esl ita/, '',
1103                                 sort { lc($iso_639_2{$a}) cmp lc($iso_639_2{$b}) }
1104                                 grep { ! /^(eng|dut|ger|fre|esl|ita)$/ } keys %iso_639_2)),
1105                 $rows, enchtml($f->{lyrics}),
1106                 $prev, $next, $req->{self}, $req->{args}->{id};
1109 sub print_shoutcast_page($) {
1110         my ($req) = @_;
1112         $req->{args}->{name} =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
1113         $req->{args}->{url} =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
1114         foreach(keys %{$req->{args}}) {
1115                 if(/^delete_(\d+)$/) {
1116                         require_write_access;
1117                         $req->{dbh}->do("DELETE FROM song WHERE id=?", undef, $1)
1118                                 or die "can't do sql command: " . $req->{dbh}->errstr;
1119                         delete $req->{args}->{editid};
1120                         delete $req->{args}->{url};
1121                 }
1122         }
1123         if($req->{args}->{editid} && $req->{args}->{url}) {
1124                 require_write_access;
1125                 if($req->{args}->{action_clear_name}) { $req->{args}->{name} = ""; }
1126                 $req->{dbh}->do("UPDATE song SET title=?,filename=? WHERE id=?",
1127                         undef, $req->{args}->{name}, $req->{args}->{url}, $req->{args}->{editid})
1128                         or die "can't do sql command: " . $req->{dbh}->errstr;
1129         } elsif($req->{args}->{url}) {
1130                 require_write_access;
1131                 my $arid = get_id($req->{dbh}, "artist", '') or die;
1132                 my $alid = get_id($req->{dbh}, "album", '') or die;
1133                 $req->{dbh}->do("REPLACE INTO song SET title=?, filename=?, album_id=?, " .
1134                         "artist_id=?, present=1, encoding='Shoutcast', track=0, " .
1135                         "length=0, time_added=NULL", undef,
1136                         $req->{args}->{name}, $req->{args}->{url}, $alid, $arid) or die;
1137         }
1139         printf <<EOF,
1140 <center id=hdr>Shoutcast Radio Channels</center>
1141 <table border=0 cellspacing=0>
1142  <tr>
1143   <th %s>&nbsp;<a href="%s?cmd=shoutcast">Refresh</a>&nbsp;</th>
1144   <th %s>&nbsp;Name&nbsp;</th>
1145   <th %s>&nbsp;URL&nbsp;</th>
1146  </tr>
1147  <tr><td colspan=7></td></tr>
1149                 $conf{th_left}, $req->{self}, $conf{th_artist}, $conf{th_album};
1151         my $sth = $req->{dbh}->prepare("SELECT id,filename,title FROM song WHERE " .
1152                 "filename REGEXP '^[a-z]+:' ORDER BY title");
1153         $sth->execute
1154                 or die "can't do sql command: " . $req->{dbh}->errstr;
1156         my ($editurl, $editname);
1157         while($_ = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
1158                 my $ref = sprintf(qq|<a id=a href="%s?cmd=add&ids=%d" target=tframe>|,
1159                         $req->{self}, $_->{id});
1160                 printf <<EOF,
1161  <tr>
1162   <td %s>&nbsp;%s&nbsp;</td>
1163   <td %s>&nbsp;%s</a>&nbsp;</td>
1164   <td %s>&nbsp;%s</a>&nbsp;</td>
1165   <td %s>&nbsp;<a id=a href="%s?cmd=shoutcast&editid=%d" target=bframe>%s</a>&nbsp;</td>
1166  </tr>
1168                 $conf{td_left}, "$ref$conf{addtext}</a>",
1169                 $conf{td_artist}, $_->{title},
1170                 $conf{td_album}, $_->{filename},
1171                 $conf{td_track}, $req->{self}, $_->{id}, '*';
1173                 if($_->{id} == $req->{args}->{editid}) {
1174                         $editurl = $_->{filename};
1175                         $editname = $_->{title};
1176                 }
1177         }
1179         printf <<EOF,
1180 </table>
1181 <br>
1182 <hr>
1183 %s server:
1184 <form action="%s" method=get>
1185  <input type=hidden name=cmd value=shoutcast>
1186  <input type=hidden name=editid value=%d>
1187  <table>
1188  <tr><td>URL:</td><td><input type=text size=60 name=url value="%s"></td></tr>
1189  <tr><td>Description:</td><td><input type=text size=60 name=name value="%s">
1190          <input type=submit name=action_clear_name value="Clear"></td></tr>
1191  <td><td></td></tr>
1192  <tr><td colspan=2><input type=submit value="%s">%s</td></tr>
1193  </table>
1194 </form>
1195 <br>
1197         $req->{args}->{editid}? "Edit" : "Add",
1198         $req->{self}, $req->{args}->{editid},
1199         enchtml($editurl || ""),
1200         enchtml($editname || ""),
1201         $req->{args}->{editid}? "Update" : "Add",
1202         $req->{args}->{editid}?
1203                 sprintf(qq|&nbsp;<input type=submit name=delete_%d value="Delete">|,
1204                 $req->{args}->{editid}) : "";
1207 sub print_lists($) {
1208         my ($req) = @_;
1210         print <<EOF;
1211 <script language="Javascript">
1212 <!--
1213 function verifydelete() {
1214    return confirm("Are you sure you want to delete this playlist and its contents?");
1216 // -->
1217 </script>
1218 <center id=hdr>Playlists</center>
1219 <table border=0 cellspacing=0>
1220  <tr>
1221   <th $conf{th_left}>&nbsp</th>
1222   <th $conf{th_left}>&nbsp;Name&nbsp;</th>
1223   <th $conf{th_left}>&nbsp;# Songs&nbsp;</th>
1224   <th $conf{th_left} id=t>&nbsp;Time&nbsp;</th>
1225   <th $conf{th_left} id=t>&nbsp;Size (Mb)</th>
1226  </tr>
1227  <tr><td colspan=3></td></tr>
1229         my $sth = $req->{dbh}->prepare(<<EOF);
1230 SELECT AS list_id,,
1231        COUNT(song.present) AS count,
1232        SUM(song.length) AS length,
1233        SUM(FLOOR((song.filesize + 1023) / 1024)) AS size
1234 FROM list
1235 LEFT JOIN list_contents ON
1236 LEFT JOIN song ON
1237 WHERE AND (song.present OR song.present IS NULL)
1241         $sth->execute()
1242                 or die "can't do sql command: " . $req->{dbh}->errstr;
1243         while(my $d = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
1244                 printf <<EOF,
1245  <tr>
1246   <td %s>&nbsp;<a href="%s?cmd=dellist&id=%d" %s>del</a>&nbsp;</td>
1247   <td>&nbsp;<a id=a href="%s?cmd=lists&list=%d&list_name=%s">%s</a>&nbsp;</td>
1248   <td %s>&nbsp;<a id=a href="%s?cmd=alllist&qlist=%d&cap=%s&no_artist_rows=1">%d</a>&nbsp;</td>
1249   <td id=t>&nbsp;%d:%02d:%02d&nbsp;</td>
1250   <td %s id=t>&nbsp;%.1f&nbsp;</td>
1251   <td>&nbsp;%s&nbsp;</td>
1252  </tr>
1254                 $conf{td_left}, $req->{self}, $d->{list_id}, ($d->{count}? 'onclick="return verifydelete();"':""),
1255                 $req->{self}, $d->{list_id}, encurl($d->{name}), $d->{name},
1256                 $conf{td_left}, req->{self}, $d->{list_id}, encurl("Playlist \"$d->{name}\""), $d->{count},
1257                 $d->{length} / 3600, ($d->{length} / 60) % 60, $d->{length} % 60,
1258                 $conf{td_left}, $d->{size} / 1024,
1259                 $d->{list_id} == $req->{list}? "(selected)":"";
1260         }
1261         my ($count, $len, $size) = $req->{dbh}->selectrow_array(
1262                 "SELECT COUNT(*),SUM(length),SUM(FLOOR((song.filesize + 1023) / 1024)) FROM song WHERE present");
1263         printf <<EOF,
1264  <tr>
1265   <td %s>&nbsp;</td>
1266   <td>&nbsp;<a id=a href="%s?cmd=lists&list=&list_name=">(all songs)</a>&nbsp;</td>
1267   <td %s>&nbsp;%d&nbsp;</td>
1268   <td id=t>&nbsp;%d:%02d:%02d&nbsp;</td>
1269   <td %s id=t>&nbsp;%.1f&nbsp;</td>
1270   <td>&nbsp;%s&nbsp;</td>
1271  </tr>
1273                 $conf{td_left},
1274                 $req->{self},
1275                 $conf{td_left}, $count,
1276                 $len / 3600, ($len / 60) % 60, $len % 60,
1277                 $conf{td_left}, $size / 1024,
1278                 $req->{list}? "":"(selected)";
1279         print <<EOF;
1280 </table>
1282 <form id=search action="$req->{self}" method=get target=bframe>
1283 <input type=text size=20 name=listname>
1284 <input type=hidden name=cmd value=addlist>
1285 <input type=submit value="Create new playlist">
1286 </form>
1290 sub printhtmlhdr(;$) {
1291         my ($req) = @_;
1293         printhttphdr($req->{cookies});
1294         print <<EOF;
1295 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "">
1299 sub printhdr($;$) {
1300         print <<EOF;
1301 <html>
1302 <head>
1303 <style type="text/css">
1304 <!--
1305 $_[0]
1307 </style>
1308 </head>
1309 <body $conf{body} $_[1]>
1313 sub printftr() {
1314         print <<EOF;
1315 </body>
1316 </html>
1320 sub printredir($$$) {
1321         my ($req, $cmd, $argsref) = @_;
1322         $argsref->{cmd} = $cmd;
1323         print $req->{cgiquery}->redirect(construct_url($req->{self}, $argsref));
1326 sub printredir_pq($) {
1327         my ($req) = @_;
1328         print $req->{cgiquery}->redirect($req->{self} . "?" . $req->{cgiquery}->param("pq"));
1331 sub add_search_args($$$$@) {
1332         my ($where, $list, $sort, $val, @fields) = @_;
1333         my $v;
1335         # split on space and latin1 'no break space'
1336         foreach $v (split /[\s\xa0]+/, $val) {
1337                 my $op = "LIKE";
1338                 my $q;
1339                 if($v =~ s/^!//) { $q = "NOT "; }
1340                 if($v =~ /^\^/) { $op = "REGEXP"; }
1341                 else { $v = "%$v%"; };
1342                 $q .= "(" . join(" OR ", map { "$_ $op ?" } @fields) . ")";
1343                 push @$where, $q;
1344                 foreach(@fields) { push @$list, $v; }
1345         }
1346         $$sort = $fields[0] unless $$sort;
1349 sub delete_file($$) {
1350         my ($req, $id) = @_;
1352         require_write_access;
1354         printhtmlhdr($req);
1355         printhdr($conf{allstyle});
1356         $id =~ /(\d*)/;
1357         $id = $1;
1358         my ($file) = $req->{dbh}->selectrow_array("SELECT filename FROM song WHERE id=$id")
1359                 or die "id $id not found in database\n";
1360         if(unlink $file) {
1361                 print "$file deleted from disk.\n";
1362                 $req->{dbh}->do("UPDATE song SET present=0 WHERE id=$id");
1363         } else {
1364                 print "$file: <b>$!</b>\n";
1365         }
1366         printftr;
1369 sub get_user($) {
1370         my ($host) = @_;
1371         my $user = '';
1373         if($host =~ /^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/) {
1374                 $host = gethostbyaddr(inet_aton($host), AF_INET) || $host;
1375         }
1376         if($host) {
1377                 $host =~ /^([-a-z0-9]*)/;
1378                 $user = $conf{lc "user_from_$host"} || $conf{lc "user_from_$1"} || $host;
1379         }
1380         return $user;
1383 sub handle_request($) {
1384         my ($req) = @_;
1386         my %args;
1387         foreach($req->{cgiquery}->param) {
1388                 $args{$_} = $req->{cgiquery}->param($_);
1389 #               warn "\$args{$_} = $args{$_}\n";
1390         }
1391         $req->{args} = \%args;
1392 #       if($args{sid}) {
1393 #               $req->{sid} = $args{$sid};
1394 #       } elsif($req->{cookie} =~ /SID=(\w+)/i) {
1395 #               $req->{sid} = $1;
1396 #       } else {
1397 #               $req->{sid} = substr(md5_hex(time . ".$$." . rand), 0, 10);
1398 #       }
1399         if(exists $args{list}) {
1400                 $req->{cookies}->{list} = $args{list};
1401                 $req->{cookies}->{list_name} = $args{list_name};
1402         }
1403         $req->{list} = $req->{cookies}->{list};
1404         $req->{list_name} = $req->{cookies}->{list_name};
1405         $SIG{__DIE__} = sub {
1406                 printhtmlhdr;
1407                 print "<p><p>$_[0]\n";
1408                 exit 0;
1409         };
1411         my $cmd = $args{cmd};
1412         my $rt = $conf{refreshtime};
1414         if($cmd eq 'empty') {
1415                 printhtmlhdr($req);
1416                 print "$conf{bframe_start}\n";
1417                 return;
1418         }
1420         if($cmd eq 'add') {
1421                 my @ids = ids_decode($args{ids});
1422                 if($args{skipfirstifplaying}) {
1423                         my $current = get_nowplaying();
1424                         if($current->{id} == $ids[0]) {
1425                                 my ($num) = $req->{dbh}->selectrow_array("SELECT count(*) FROM queue" .
1426                                         " LEFT JOIN song ON = queue.song_id WHERE present");
1427                                 if($num == 0) {
1428                                         shift @ids;
1429                                 }
1430                         }
1431                 }
1432                 add_song($req->{dbh}, "queue", get_user($req->{host}), @ids);
1433                 printredir($req, 'playlist', undef);
1434                 return;
1435         }
1436         elsif($cmd eq 'del') {
1437                 del_song($req->{dbh}, "queue", ids_decode($args{ids}));
1438                 printredir($req, 'playlist', undef);
1439                 return;
1440         }
1441         elsif($cmd eq 'up') {
1442                 foreach(reverse split /,/, $args{id}) { move_song_to_top($req->{dbh}, "queue", $_); }
1443                 printredir($req, 'playlist', undef);
1444                 return;
1445         }
1446         elsif($cmd eq 'down') {
1447                 foreach(reverse split /,/, $args{id}) { move_song_to_bottom($req->{dbh}, "queue", $_); }
1448                 printredir($req, 'playlist', undef);
1449                 return;
1450         }
1451         elsif($cmd eq 'playmode') {
1452                 $req->{dbh}->do("UPDATE settings SET value = ? WHERE name='playmode'", undef, 0 + $args{mode});
1453                 printredir($req, 'playlist', undef);
1454                 return;
1455         }
1456         elsif($cmd eq 'kill') {
1457                 kill_song(get_user($req->{host}));
1458                 printredir($req, 'playlist', undef);
1459                 return;
1460         }
1461         elsif($cmd eq 'addnext') {
1462                 add_song_next($req->{dbh}, "queue", $args{id}, get_user($req->{host}));
1463                 printredir($req, 'playlist', undef);
1464                 return;
1465         }
1466         elsif($cmd eq 'setplaylist') {
1467                 $session{playlist} = $args{list};
1468                 printredir($req, 'playlist', undef);
1469                 return;
1470         }
1471         elsif($cmd eq 'seteditlist') {
1472                 $session{editlist} = $args{list};
1473                 printredir($req, 'playlist', undef);
1474                 return;
1475         }
1476         elsif($cmd eq 'addlist') {
1477                 require_write_access;
1478                 $args{listname} or die "No list name specified.\n";
1479                 $req->{dbh}->do("REPLACE INTO list SET name=?", undef, $args{listname})
1480                         or die;
1481                 printredir($req, 'lists', \%args);
1482                 return;
1483         }
1484         elsif($cmd eq 'addtolist') {
1485                 require_write_access;
1486                 $req->{dbh}->do("REPLACE INTO list_contents SET list_id=?, song_id=?", undef,
1487                         $args{list_id}, $args{ids})
1488                         or die;
1489                 printredir_pq($req);
1490                 return;
1491         }
1492         elsif($cmd eq 'delfromlist') {
1493                 require_write_access;
1494                 $req->{dbh}->do("DELETE FROM list_contents WHERE list_id=? AND song_id=?", undef,
1495                         $args{list_id}, $args{ids})
1496                         or die;
1497                 printredir_pq($req);
1498                 return;
1499         }
1500         elsif($cmd eq 'dellist') {
1501                 require_write_access;
1502                 $req->{dbh}->do("DELETE FROM list WHERE id=?", undef, $args{id})
1503                         or die;
1504                 $req->{dbh}->do("DELETE FROM list_contents WHERE list_id=?", undef, $args{id})
1505                         or die;
1506                 printredir($req, 'lists', \%args);
1507                 return;
1508         }
1509         elsif($cmd eq 'shuffle') {
1510                 shuffle_table($req->{dbh}, "queue");
1511                 printredir($req, 'playlist', \%args);
1512                 return;
1513         }
1514         elsif($cmd eq 'changefile') {
1515                 my $newid = 0;
1517                 require_write_access;
1519                 if($args{action_delete}) {
1520                         delete_file($req, $args{id});
1521                         return;
1522                 }
1523                 if($args{action_clearlp}) {
1524                         $req->{dbh}->do("UPDATE song SET last_played=from_unixtime(0) WHERE id=?",
1525                                 undef, $args{id})
1526                                 or die "can't do sql command: " . $req->{dbh}->errstr;
1527                 }
1528                 if($args{action_clearlpall}) {
1529                         foreach(ids_decode($args{ids})) {
1530                                 $req->{dbh}->do("UPDATE song SET last_played=from_unixtime(0) WHERE id=?",
1531                                         undef, $_)
1532                                         or die "can't do sql command: " . $req->{dbh}->errstr;
1533                         }
1534                 }
1535                 if($args{action_setlpall}) {
1536                         foreach(ids_decode($args{ids})) {
1537                                 $req->{dbh}->do("UPDATE song SET last_played=NULL WHERE id=?", undef, $_)
1538                                         or die "can't do sql command: " . $req->{dbh}->errstr;
1539                         }
1540                 }
1541                 if($args{action_setrpall}) {
1542                         foreach(ids_decode($args{ids})) {
1543                                 $req->{dbh}->do("UPDATE song SET random_pref=? WHERE id=?",
1544                                         undef, $args{random_pref}, $_)
1545                                         or die "can't do sql command: " . $req->{dbh}->errstr;
1546                         }
1547                 }
1548                 elsif($args{action_clear_artist})   { $args{artist} = '' }
1549                 elsif($args{action_clear_title}) { $args{title} = '' }
1550                 elsif($args{action_clear_album}) { $args{album} = '' }
1551                 elsif($args{action_fix_artist}) { $args{artist} = cleanup_name($args{artist}); }
1552                 elsif($args{action_fix_title}) { $args{title} = cleanup_name($args{title}); }
1553                 elsif($args{action_fix_album}) { $args{album} = cleanup_name($args{album}); }
1554                 elsif($args{action_swap}) {
1555                         ($args{title}, $args{artist}) = ($args{artist}, $args{title});
1556                 }
1557                 elsif($args{action_swapa}) {
1558                         $args{artist} =~ s/(.*)\s*,\s*(.*)/$2 $1/
1559                                 or $args{artist} =~ s/(.*?)\s+(.*)/$2 $1/
1560                 } else {
1561                         foreach(keys %args) {
1562                                 if(/^go_(\d+)$/) {
1563                                         $newid = $1;
1564                                         last;
1565                                 }
1566                         }
1567                 }
1568                 my $arid = get_id($req->{dbh}, "artist", $args{artist}) or die;
1569                 my $alid = get_id($req->{dbh}, "album", $args{album}) or die;
1571                 $req->{dbh}->do("UPDATE song SET artist_id=?, title=?, album_id=?, track=?, random_pref=? WHERE id=?",
1572                         undef, $arid, $args{title}, $alid, $args{track}, $args{random_pref}, $args{id})
1573                         or die "can't do sql command: " . $req->{dbh}->errstr;
1575                 my ($all_field, $all_field_arg);
1576                 if($args{action_all_artist}) {
1577                         $all_field = 'artist';
1578                         $all_field_arg = $arid;
1579                 } elsif($args{action_all_album}) {
1580                         $all_field = 'album';
1581                         $all_field_arg = $alid;
1582                 }
1583                 if($all_field) {
1584                         my @ids = ids_decode($args{ids});
1586                         while(@ids) {
1587                                 my @ids2 = splice(@ids, 0, 50);
1588                                 $req->{dbh}->do("UPDATE song SET ${all_field}_id=? WHERE " .
1589                                         join(" OR ", map { "id=$_" }  @ids2),
1590                                         undef, $all_field_arg, @ids2)
1591                                         or die "can't do sql command: " . $req->{dbh}->errstr;
1592                         }
1593                 }
1595                 if($newid) { $args{id} = $newid; }
1596                 printredir($req, 'edit', \%args);
1597                 return;
1598         }
1600         if($cmd eq 'search') {
1601                 if(!$args{stype}) {
1602                         printhtmlhdr($req);
1603                         printhdr($conf{allstyle});
1604                         print "Error: No search type specified.\n";
1605                         printftr;
1606                         return;
1607                 }
1608                 $args{$args{stype}} = $args{sval};
1609                 if($args{stype} eq 'artist') {
1610                         $cmd = 'artistlist';
1611                 } else {
1612                         $cmd = 'alllist';
1613                 }
1614         }
1617         if($cmd eq '') {
1618                 printhtmlhdr($req);
1619                 print_frame($req);
1620         }
1621         elsif($cmd eq 'playlist') {
1622                 printhtmlhdr($req);
1623                 print <<EOF;
1624 <META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="$rt;URL=$req->{self}?cmd=playlist&s=$args{s}&nofocus=1">
1626                 printhdr($conf{plstyle}, "onLoad=do_onload()");
1627                 print_az_table($req, \%session);
1628                 print_playlist_table($req);
1629         #       printf "[[%s]]\n", $bla;
1630                 printftr;
1631         }
1632         elsif($cmd eq 'artistlist') {
1633                 printhtmlhdr($req);
1634                 printhdr($conf{artiststyle});
1636                 my ($cap, $s, @qw, @qwa);
1638                 if($args{artist} =~ /\S/) {
1639                         add_search_args(\@qw, \@qwa, \$s, $args{artist}, '');
1640                         $cap = "Search Artist: $args{artist}";
1641                 }
1642                 if($args{album} =~ /\S/) {
1643                         add_search_args(\@qw, \@qwa, \$s, $args{album}, '');
1644                         $cap = "Search Album: $args{album}";
1645                 }
1646                 if(scalar @qwa > 0) {
1647                         $s =~ s/^r_(.*)/\1 DESC/;
1648                         my $qw = join(" AND ", @qw);
1649                         print_artistlist_table($req, \%session, $cap, <<EOF, @qwa);
1650 SELECT DISTINCT as artist, as album, count(*) as c,
1651    song.artist_id as arid, song.album_id as alid, song.random_pref
1652 FROM song
1653 LEFT JOIN artist ON
1654 LEFT JOIN album ON
1655 WHERE present AND filename LIKE '/%' AND
1657 GROUP BY artist_id, album_id
1660                 } else {
1661                         print "Error: No search terms specified.\n";
1662                 }
1663                 printftr;
1664         }
1665         elsif($cmd eq 'alllist') {
1666                 printhtmlhdr($req);
1667                 printhdr($conf{allstyle});
1668                 my @qs = (
1669                         " as artist",
1670                         " as album",
1671                         "song.*",
1672                         "song.artist_id as arid",
1673                         "song.album_id as alid",
1674                         "filename",
1675                 );
1676                 my @qj = (
1677                         "LEFT JOIN artist ON",
1678                         "LEFT JOIN album ON",
1679                 );
1680                 my @qja;
1681                 my @qw = ("present");
1682                 my @qwa;
1683                 my $cap;
1684                 my $limit = $conf{alllist_limit};
1685                 my $s = $args{sort};
1686                 my $filename_restriction = "/%";
1687                 $s =~ s/\W//g;
1688                 if($args{qlist}) {
1689                         push @qj, "LEFT JOIN list_contents AS qlist ON AND qlist.list_id=?";
1690                         push @qja, $args{qlist};
1691                 }
1692                 if($req->{list}) {
1693                         push @qs, "list_contents.list_id > 0 as in_list";
1694                         push @qj, "LEFT JOIN list_contents ON AND list_contents.list_id=?";
1695                         push @qja, $req->{list};
1696                 }
1697                 if($args{any} =~ /\S/) {
1698                         add_search_args(\@qw, \@qwa, \$s, $args{any},
1699                                 '', 'title', '');
1700                         $cap = "Search any: $args{any}";
1701                 }
1702                 if($args{artist} =~ /\S/) {
1703                         add_search_args(\@qw, \@qwa, \$s, $args{artist}, '');
1704                         $cap = "Search Artist: $args{artist}";
1705                 }
1706                 if($args{album} =~ /\S/) {
1707                         add_search_args(\@qw, \@qwa, \$s, $args{album}, '');
1708                         $cap = "Search Album: $args{album}";
1709                 }
1710                 if($args{title} =~ /\S/) {
1711                         add_search_args(\@qw, \@qwa, \$s, $args{title}, 'title');
1712                         $cap = "Search Title: $args{title}";
1713                 }
1714                 if($args{filename} =~ /\S/) {
1715                         add_search_args(\@qw, \@qwa, \$s, lc($args{filename}), 'lcase(filename)');
1716                         $cap = "Search Filename: $args{filename}";
1717                 }
1718                 if($args{lyrics} =~ /\S/) {
1719                         $s = "" unless $s;
1720                         push @qj, "LEFT JOIN lyrics ON";
1721                         add_search_args(\@qw, \@qwa, \$s, lc($args{lyrics}), 'lcase(lyrics)');
1722                         $cap = "Search Title: $args{title}";
1723                 }
1725                 if($args{artist_id}) {
1726                         push @qw, "song.artist_id=?";
1727                         push @qwa, $args{artist_id};
1728                         $s = "" unless $s;
1729                         $cap = sprintf($args{cap}, $args{artist_id});
1730                 }
1731                 if($args{album_id}) {
1732                         push @qw, "song.album_id=?";
1733                         push @qwa, $args{album_id};
1734                         $s = "" unless $s;
1735                         $cap = sprintf($args{cap}, $args{album_id});
1736                 }
1737                 if($args{encoding}) {
1738                         $s = "" unless $s;
1739                         add_search_args(\@qw, \@qwa, \$s, $args{encoding}, 'encoding');
1740                         $cap = "Search Encoding: $args{encoding}";
1741                 }
1742                 if($args{rand}) {
1743                         $limit = 0 + $args{rand};
1744                         $s = "rand()";
1745                 }
1746                 if($args{cdda} =~ /^(\w+)/) {
1747                         $s = "track";
1748                         $filename_restriction = "cdda:%";
1749                         $cap = "CD-DA ($1)";
1750                 }
1751                 push @qw, "filename LIKE ?";
1752                 push @qwa, $filename_restriction;
1754                 if($args{qlist}) {
1755                         push @qw, "qlist.list_id";
1756                         $cap = $args{cap};
1757                         $s = "qlist.song_order" if !$s;
1758                 }
1759                 if($s) {
1760                         $s =~ s/^r_(.*)/\1 DESC/;
1761                         if($s eq "encoding") { $s = "substring_index(encoding, '(', 1)"; }
1762                         my $q = sprintf "SELECT %s FROM song %s WHERE %s ORDER BY %s",
1763                                 join(",", @qs), join(" ", @qj), join(" AND ", @qw),
1764                                 "$s,,track,,title,time_added,encoding";
1765                         print_alllist_table($req, \%session, $cap, $q, $limit, (@qja, @qwa));
1766                 } else {
1767                         print "Error: No search terms specified.\n";
1768                 }
1769         #       printf "[[%s]]\n", $bla;
1770                 printftr;
1771         }
1772         elsif($cmd eq 'albumlist') {
1773                 printhtmlhdr($req);
1774                 printhdr($conf{allstyle});
1775                 print <<EOF;
1776 <center id=hdr>$args{cap}</center>
1778                 print_seealso_row($req, $args{artist_id});
1779                 print_albums_row($req, $req->{self}, $args{artist_id}, "Albums: ", 1);
1780                 printftr;
1781         }
1782         elsif($cmd eq 'sql') {
1783                 require_write_access;
1785                 if($args{limit} > 500) { $args{limit} = 500; }
1787                 printhtmlhdr($req);
1788                 printhdr($conf{allstyle});
1790                 printf <<EOF, enchtml($args{sql}), defined($args{limit})? $args{limit} : 500;
1791 SQL-query:<br>
1792 <form action="$req->{self}" method=get>
1793   <input type=hidden name=cap value="SQL-query">
1794   <input type=hidden name=cmd value=sql>
1795 <code>
1796 SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE ... AND <input type=text size=80 name=sql value="%s">
1797 Limit: <input type=text size=5 name=limit value=%d> (0=count only)
1798 <input type=submit value=Submit>
1799 </code>
1800 </form>
1803                 if($args{sql}) {
1804                         if($args{limit} == 0) {
1805                                 my ($count) = $req->{dbh}->selectrow_array("SELECT COUNT(*) ".
1806                                         "FROM song " .
1807                                         "LEFT JOIN artist ON " .
1808                                         "LEFT JOIN album ON " .
1809                                         "LEFT JOIN lyrics ON " .
1810                                         "WHERE present AND " .
1811                                         $args{sql});
1812                                 print "Count: $count\n";
1813                         } else {
1814                                 print_alllist_table($req, \%session, "User SQL-query",
1815                                         "SELECT as artist, as album,song.*," .
1816                                         "song.artist_id as arid, song.album_id as alid, filename " .
1817                                         "FROM song " .
1818                                         "LEFT JOIN artist ON " .
1819                                         "LEFT JOIN album ON " .
1820                                         "LEFT JOIN lyrics ON " .
1821                                         "WHERE present AND " .
1822                                         $args{sql} . " LIMIT $args{limit}");
1823                         }
1824                 }
1825                 printftr;
1826         }
1827         elsif($cmd eq 'recent') {
1828                 printhtmlhdr($req);
1829                 printhdr($conf{allstyle});
1830                 my $maxage = $args{days} * 86400;
1831                 my $s = $args{sort} || "r_time_added";
1832                 $s =~ s/\W//g;
1833                 $s =~ s/^r_(.*)/\1 DESC/;
1834                 $args{limit} <= 500 or $args{limit} = 500;
1835                 print_alllist_table($req, \%session,
1836                         "Most recent $args{limit} songs" . ($args{np}? " (never played yet)":""),
1837                         "SELECT as artist, as album,song.*," .
1838                         "song.artist_id as arid, song.album_id as alid, filename" .
1839                         " FROM song,artist,album WHERE present AND filename LIKE '/%'" .
1840                         " AND AND" .
1841                         " AND unix_timestamp(now()) - unix_timestamp(time_added) < $maxage" .
1842                         ($args{np}? " AND unix_timestamp(last_played) = 0":"") .
1843                         " ORDER BY $s,,track,,title", $args{limit});
1844                 printftr;
1845         }
1846         elsif($cmd eq 'maint') {
1847                 printhtmlhdr($req);
1848                 printhdr($conf{allstyle});
1849                 print <<EOF;
1850 </script>
1851 <center id=hdr>Update Database</center>
1852 <form action="$req->{self}" method=get>
1853  <input type=hidden name=cmd value=update>
1854  <input type=submit value="Update Database"><br><br>
1855  Updating the database will take a while; don't press the 'stop' button on your browser if you want this to succeed.
1856 </form>
1858                 printftr;
1859         }
1860         elsif($cmd eq 'update') {
1861                 require_write_access;
1862                 print $req->{cgiquery}->header(-type=>'text/plain');
1863                 print `$progdir/soepkiptng_update 2>&1`;
1864         }
1865         elsif($cmd eq 'edit') {
1866                 printhtmlhdr($req);
1867                 printhdr($conf{editstyle});
1868                 print_edit_page($req);
1869                 printftr;
1870         }
1871         elsif($cmd eq 'lyrics') {
1872                 printhtmlhdr($req);
1873                 printhdr($conf{editstyle});
1874                 print_lyrics_page($req);
1875                 printftr;
1876         }
1877         elsif($cmd eq 'googlelyrics') {
1878                 print_lyrics_google_redir($req);
1879         }
1880         elsif($cmd eq 'shoutcast') {
1881                 printhtmlhdr($req);
1882                 printhdr($conf{allstyle});
1883                 print_shoutcast_page($req);
1884                 printftr;
1885         }
1886         elsif($cmd eq 'download') {
1887                 $args{id} =~ /(\d+)/;
1888                 my $id = $1;
1889                 my ($file) = $req->{dbh}->selectrow_array("SELECT filename FROM song WHERE id=$id")
1890                         or die "id $id not found in database\n";
1892                 open F, $file or die "$file: $!\n";
1893                 print $req->{cgiquery}->header(-type=>'application/octet-stream', -Content_length=>(-s F));
1894                 while(read F, $_, 4096) { print; }
1895                 close F;
1896         }
1897         elsif($cmd eq 'downloadset') {
1898                 my @ids = ids_decode($args{ids});
1899                 my @tarargs;
1900                 local *F;
1902                 foreach(@ids) {
1903                         my ($file) = $req->{dbh}->selectrow_array("SELECT filename FROM song WHERE id=$_")
1904                                 or die "id $id not found in database\n";
1905                         $file =~ s|(.*)/||;
1906                         push @tarargs, "-C", $1, $file;
1907                 }
1908                 print $req->{cgiquery}->header(-type=>'application/octet-stream');
1909                 if(open(F, "-|") == 0) {
1910                         setpriority 0, 0, 10;
1911                         exec "tar", "cf", "-", "--numeric-owner", @tarargs;
1912                         die "tar";
1913                 }
1914                 while(read F, $_, 4096) { print; }
1915                 close F;
1916         }
1917         elsif($cmd eq 'lists') {
1918                 printhtmlhdr($req);
1919                 printhdr($conf{allstyle});
1920                 print_lists($req);
1921                 $req->{cookies}->{list} = $args{list};
1922                 printftr;
1923         }
1924         elsif($cmd eq 'cdda') {
1925                 local *F;
1926                 if(!$conf{cdda_prog}) {
1927                         die "CD-DA not configured\n";
1928                 }
1929                 $req->{dbh}->do("DELETE FROM song WHERE filename LIKE 'cdda:%'");
1930                 open F, "$conf{cdda_prog}|";
1931                 chop(my $cddbinfo = <F>);
1932                 chop($_ = <F>);
1933                 my $arid = get_id($req->{dbh}, "artist", $_) or die;
1934                 chop($_ = <F>);
1935                 my $alid = get_id($req->{dbh}, "album", $_) or die;
1936                 my $nr = 1;
1937                 while(<F>) {
1938                         chop;
1939                         s/^(\d+) //;
1940                         my $len = $1;
1941                         $req->{dbh}->do("REPLACE INTO song SET title=?, filename=?, album_id=?, " .
1942                                 "artist_id=?, present=1, encoding='CD-DA', track=?, " .
1943                                 "length=?, time_added=NULL", undef,
1944                                 $_, "cdda:$cddbinfo:$nr", $alid, $arid, $nr, $len) or die;
1945                         $nr++;
1946                 }
1947                 close F;
1948                 $args{cdda} = $cddbinfo;
1949                 printredir($req, 'alllist', \%args);
1950         }
1951         else {
1952                 printhtmlhdr($req);
1953                 print "oei: $cmd\n";
1954         }