2 ############################################################################
3 # soepkiptngd (Soepkip The Next Generation daemon)
5 # (c) copyright 2000 Eric Lammerts <eric@lammerts.org>
7 # loosely based on `mymusic' by "caffiend" <caffiend@atdot.org>
8 # and `Radio Soepkip' by Andre Pool <andre@scintilla.utwente.nl>
10 ############################################################################
11 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
12 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, as
13 # published by the Free Software Foundation.
15 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18 # GNU General Public License for more details.
20 # A copy of the GNU General Public License is available on the World Wide Web
21 # at `http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html'. You can also obtain it by
22 # writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
23 # Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
24 ############################################################################
33 use POSIX
39 use vars
qw(%conf $dbh $restart $opt_d $opt_r $opt_s $opt_c $cdrplaypid
40 $pid_status $pid_signal $pid @preload $paused $randsong);
42 # find program directory
45 my $l = readlink or die "readlink $_: $!\n";
46 if($l =~ m|^/|) { $_ = $l; } else { s|[^/]*$|/$l|; }
49 my $progdir = abs_path($1);
51 require "$progdir/soepkiptng.lib";
56 my $daemonstart = time;
60 if($_[0] or -s STDERR > 65000) {
61 rename $conf{errfile}, "$conf{errfile}.old" or do {
62 warn "rename $conf{errfile} -> $conf{errfile}.old: $!\n";
66 open STDERR, ">$conf{errfile}";
72 printf STDERR "%s %s", scalar localtime, $_[0];
77 printf STDERR "%s %s", scalar localtime, $_[0];
84 my $p = waitpid(-1, &WNOHANG);
86 warn sprintf "reaped child %d, sig=%d status=%d\n",
87 $p, $? & 0x7f, $? >> 8;
88 if($p == $cdrplaypid) {
89 unlink $conf{statusfile};
90 die "exiting because '$conf{playercmd}' died.\n";
93 $pid_status = $? >> 8;
94 $pid_signal = $? & 0x7f;
95 warn "player finished ($p)\n";
97 warn "resuming output\n";
98 player_cmd("resume") or warn "error resuming output\n";
108 sub get_song_jingle() {
112 if($conf{jingledir} && opendir JINGLEDIR, $conf{jingledir}) {
113 foreach(sort readdir JINGLEDIR) {
115 next if $delete{"$conf{jingledir}/$_"};
117 warn "playing jingle $conf{jingledir}/$_\n";
121 $s->{filename} = "$conf{jingledir}/$_";
122 $s->{artist} = '** Jingle **';
133 $delete{$s->{filename}} = 1 if $s;
137 sub delete_jingles() {
138 foreach(keys %delete) {
139 if(unlink $_ or $!{ENOENT}) {
142 warn "unlink $_: $!\n";
148 sub get_song_queued() {
153 $dbh->do("LOCK TABLES queue WRITE, song READ, artist READ, album READ");
155 my $sth = $dbh->prepare(
156 "SELECT queue.song_id as id,queue.song_order as song_order,".
157 " queue.user as user, artist.name as artist,".
158 " album.name as album, song.* FROM queue".
159 " LEFT JOIN song ON song.id=queue.song_id" .
160 " LEFT JOIN artist ON artist.id=song.artist_id" .
161 " LEFT JOIN album ON album.id=song.album_id" .
162 " ORDER BY queue.song_order" .
165 $sth->execute or last;
166 $s = $sth->fetchrow_hashref or last;
168 warn "playing queued $s->{filename}\n";
171 # delete it from the queue
172 $dbh->do("DELETE FROM queue WHERE song_id = $s->{id}");
173 $dbh->do("UPDATE queue SET song_order = song_order - $s->{song_order} - 1");
177 warn "deleting non-present song $s->{id} ($s->{filename})\n";
178 $dbh->do("DELETE FROM queue WHERE song_id = $s->{id}");
181 $dbh->do("UNLOCK TABLES");
185 sub get_song_random_recent() {
190 warn "recent rand $r $conf{recent_prob}\n";
191 $r < $conf{recent_prob} or return undef;
193 my $sth = $dbh->prepare(
194 "SELECT artist.name as artist, album.name as album,song.*,".
195 " (unix_timestamp(now()) - unix_timestamp(time_added) < ?) as r".
197 " LEFT JOIN artist ON artist.id=song.artist_id" .
198 " LEFT JOIN album ON album.id=song.album_id" .
199 " WHERE present AND filename LIKE '/%' AND" .
200 " (unix_timestamp(now()) - unix_timestamp(time_added) < ?" .
201 " OR (last_played=0 AND unix_timestamp(now()) - unix_timestamp(time_added) < ?))" .
202 " AND unix_timestamp(now()) - unix_timestamp(last_played) > ? AND" .
204 " ORDER BY r desc, rand() LIMIT 1"
206 $sth->execute($conf{recent_age} * 86400,
207 $conf{recent_age} * 86400,
208 $conf{recent_age_never_played} * 86400,
209 $conf{min_random_time})
211 $s = $sth->fetchrow_hashref or return undef;
213 warn "playing recent $s->{filename}\n";
219 sub select_song_random(;$) {
220 my $extrawhere = shift @_;
223 my $min = $conf{min_random_time};
224 my $where = "present AND filename LIKE '/%' AND " .
225 "unix_timestamp(now()) - unix_timestamp(last_played) > ? " . $extrawhere;
227 my $ordermult = $conf{ignore_random_pref}? "" : "*pow(random_pref/?,1/?)";
228 if($conf{random_boost_by_years_since_last_play}) {
229 $ordermult .= "* if(last_played, round((unix_timestamp(now()) - unix_timestamp(last_played)) / 86400 / 365 + 0.5), 1)";
231 my $sth = $dbh->prepare(
232 "SELECT artist.name as artist, album.name as album,song.* FROM song " .
233 "LEFT JOIN artist ON artist.id=song.artist_id " .
234 "LEFT JOIN album ON album.id=song.album_id " .
235 "WHERE $where AND random_pref > 0 " .
236 "ORDER BY rand() $ordermult DESC LIMIT 1");
238 for(; $min > 0; $min >>= 1, warn "no random song found, retrying with min_random_time=$min\n") {
239 if($conf{ignore_random_pref}) {
243 my ($sum_pref, $count) = $dbh->selectrow_array(
244 "SELECT sum(random_pref),count(*) FROM song WHERE $where", undef, $min)
246 $sth->execute($min, $sum_pref, $count)
249 $s = $sth->fetchrow_hashref
254 warn "selecting random $s->{filename} (pref $s->{random_pref}) (last played $s->{last_played})\n";
260 sub validate_song_random($) {
264 $song or return undef;
265 my $min = $conf{min_random_time};
266 my $where = "song.id=? AND present AND filename LIKE '/%' AND " .
267 "unix_timestamp(now()) - unix_timestamp(last_played) > ?";
269 my $sth = $dbh->prepare(
270 "SELECT artist.name as artist, album.name as album,song.* FROM song " .
271 "LEFT JOIN artist ON artist.id=song.artist_id " .
272 "LEFT JOIN album ON album.id=song.album_id " .
275 $sth->execute($song->{id}, $min)
277 $s = $sth->fetchrow_hashref
280 warn "playing random $s->{filename} (pref $s->{random_pref}, last_played $s->{last_played})\n";
287 sub update_preload() {
290 $conf{preloadfile} or return;
292 my $sth = $dbh->prepare(
293 "SELECT song.id, song.filename, artist.name, album.name," .
294 " song.track, song.title, song.length, song.encoding" .
296 " LEFT JOIN artist ON artist.id=song.artist_id" .
297 " LEFT JOIN album ON album.id=song.album_id" .
298 " WHERE present AND filename LIKE '/%' AND" .
299 " unix_timestamp(now()) - unix_timestamp(last_played) > $conf{min_random_time}" .
300 " ORDER BY rand()*random_pref DESC LIMIT 10"
303 $sth->execute() or return;
304 open PRELOAD, ">$conf{preloadfile}" or return;
306 while(@s = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
307 printf PRELOAD "%s\n", join("\t", @s);
308 warn "add to preload: $s[1]\n";
312 warn "update preload $conf{preloadfile}\n";
313 delete $conf{preloadfile};
316 sub get_song_preload() {
320 warn "no preloads available\n";
324 ($s->{id}, $s->{filename}, $s->{artist}, $s->{album}, $s->{track},
325 $s->{title}, $s->{length}, $s->{encoding}) = split /\t+/, shift @preload;
329 warn "playing preload $s->{filename}\n";
335 my ($fmt, @args) = @_;
338 if(open LOG, ">>$conf{logfile}") {
339 printf LOG "%s $fmt\n", scalar localtime, @args;
342 warn "cannot open logfile $conf{logfile}: $!\n";
346 sub update_log($$;$$$) {
347 my ($id, $time, $reason, $result, $prevplaytime) = @_;
349 my $q = "REPLACE INTO log SET id=?, playtime=from_unixtime(?)";
350 my @q = ($id, $time);
351 if(defined $reason) { $q .= ", reason=?"; push @q, $reason; }
352 if(defined $result) { $q .= ", result=?"; push @q, $result; }
353 if(defined $prevplaytime) { $q .= ", prevplaytime=?"; push @q, $prevplaytime; }
354 $dbh->do($q, undef, @q);
357 sub exec_prog(;$$$) {
358 my ($prog, $pause, $convert24to32) = @_;
363 if(($pid = fork) == 0) {
364 # get our own program group so our parent can kill us easily
367 # restore broken pipe behavior
368 $SIG{'PIPE'} = 'DEFAULT';
371 if(open(STDOUT, "|-") == 0) {
373 while(read STDIN, $_, 3) {
381 warn "pausing output\n";
382 player_cmd("waitbufferempty", "pause") or warn "error pausing output\n";
387 die "exec $prog->[0] failed: $!\n";
393 sub play_mplayer(@) {
397 exec_prog and return;
399 # open duplicate of stdout
404 open STDIN, "/dev/null";
405 # open STDERR, ">/dev/null";
406 open STDOUT, ">&STDERR";
407 delete $ENV{http_proxy};
409 if($prog[$#prog] =~ /^http:/) { unshift @prog, "-cache", 512; }
411 if(exists $conf{fifofile}) {
412 if(! -p $conf{fifofile}) {
413 warn "### mkfifo -m 0777 $conf{fifofile}\n";
414 system "mkfifo", "-m", "0777", $conf{fifofile};
416 unshift @prog, "-input", "file=$conf{fifofile}";
419 my $samplefreq = $conf{samplefreq} || 44100;
420 my $bits = $conf{bitspersample} || 16;
421 unshift @prog, "mplayer", "-quiet", "-vc", "dummy", "-vo", "null",
422 "-noconsolecontrols",
423 "-af", "resample=$samplefreq,channels=2,format=s${bits}ne",
424 "-ao", "pcm:nowaveheader:file=/dev/fd/" . fileno(F);
426 warn "running: " . join(" ", @prog) . "\n";
428 die "$prog[0]: $!\n";
436 my $samplefreq = $conf{samplefreq} || 44100;
437 my $bits = $conf{bitspersample} || 16;
438 my @madplay = qw"madplay --ignore-crc -Soraw:-";
439 push @madplay, "-R$samplefreq";
440 push @madplay, "-b$bits" if $bits != 16;
441 push @madplay, "--replay-gain=$conf{replaygain}", "-a0" if exists $conf{replaygain};
443 my $gainrec = $dbh->selectrow_hashref("SELECT gain FROM song WHERE id=$song->{id}");
444 if($gainrec->{gain}) {
445 push @madplay, "-a", ($gainrec->{gain} / 1000);
448 push @madplay, $song->{filename};
456 my $samplefreq = $conf{samplefreq} || 44100;
457 my $bits = $conf{bitspersample} || 16;
458 my $replaygain = $song->{replaygain};
459 if($replaygain ne "album" && $replaygain ne "track") { $replaygain = "off"; }
460 my @sox = ("sox", "--ignore-length", "--replay-gain", $replaygain, "-V3", $song->{filename},
461 "-traw", "-c2", "-b$bits", "-esigned-integer", "-",
462 "rate", "-v", $samplefreq);
463 if(defined($song->{trimstart}) || defined($song->{trimlength})) {
464 push @sox, "trim", sprintf("%ds", $song->{trimstart});
465 if(defined($song->{trimlength})) {
466 push @sox, sprintf("%ds", $song->{trimlength});
476 if($song->{type} eq 'I') {
477 warn "pausing output\n";
478 player_cmd("waitbufferempty", "pause") or warn "error pausing output\n";
483 my $filename = $song->{filename};
486 $filename =~ /([^.]*)$/;
489 my $samplefreq = $conf{samplefreq} || 44100;
490 my $bits = $conf{bitspersample} || 16;
492 # if fifo support is enabled, leave long songs to mplayer so we can skip forward and backward
493 my $prefer_mplayer = exists $conf{fifofile} && $song->{length} > 600;
495 if($filename =~ /^cdda:[^:]*:(\d+)/) {
496 exec_prog ["$conf{cdda_prog} $1"];
497 } elsif($ext =~ /^(wav|m4a|flac|ogg)$/ && exists $soxformats{$ext} && !$prefer_mplayer) {
499 } elsif($ext =~ /^mp[123]$/ && $samplefreq <= 65535 && !$prefer_mplayer) {
500 # madplay cannot resample to >65535Hz, so we need mplayer for that
502 } elsif($filename =~ /^\w+:/ || $ext =~ /^(wma|wav|m4a|ape|aiff?|flac|aac|ac3|ogg|shn|mp[23cp+])$/ || $song->{encoding} =~ /RealAudio/) {
503 play_mplayer($filename);
504 } elsif($ext =~ /^(mid|rcp|r36|g18|g36|mod)$/) {
506 exec_prog ["timidity", "-s", $samplefreq, "-o", "-", "-Or1Ssl", $filename];
508 exec_prog ["timidity", "-s", $samplefreq, "-o", "-", "-Or2Ssl", $filename], undef, 1;
510 } elsif($ext eq "raw") {
511 # assume that 'raw' means: 44100Hz, 16-bit, stereo
512 play_mplayer("-demuxer", "rawaudio", "-rawaudio", "channels=2:rate=44100:samplesize=2", $filename);
513 } elsif($ext =~ /^(mpe?g|m2v|avi|asx|asf|vob|wmv|ra?m|ra|mov|mp4|flv)$/) {
514 exec_prog ["soepkiptng_video", $filename], 1;
516 warn "no player for .$ext files.\n";
521 open F, $conf{statusfile} or return;
527 sub mpd_get_status($) {
530 my $s = IO::Socket::INET->new("$host:2222") or return;
531 $s->sockopt(SO_RCVTIMEO, pack('LL', 15, 0));
533 $s->print("status\n");
536 /\brunning=(\d+)\b.*\bsong=(\d+)\b.*\btime=(\d+)\b/ or return;
540 sub mpd_soepkip_status {
541 my (undef, $filename, undef, undef, $host, undef, undef, undef, $ar, $t, $al, $tr, $len) = get_statusfile();
542 my ($running, $songno, $time) = mpd_get_status($host)
544 $running = $running? "play" : "pause";
558 sub mpd_soepkip_currentsong
559 my (undef, $filename, undef, undef, $host, undef, undef, undef, $ar, $t, $al, $tr, $len) = get_statusfile
560 $filename =~ s
564 if(length("$ar $t $al") > 65) {
565 if(length($al) > 21) {
566 $al = substr($al, 0, 20) . "\\";
568 if(length("$ar $t $al") > 65) {
569 if(length($ar) > 21) {
570 $ar = substr($ar, 0, 20) . "\\";
572 if(length("$ar $t $al") > 65) {
573 if(length($t) > 21) {
574 $t = substr($t, 0, 20) . "\\";
589 sub mpd_soepkip_stats
590 my $x = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref("SELECT artist.id FROM artist " .
591 "LEFT JOIN song ON song.artist_id=artist.id " .
592 "WHERE present AND filename LIKE '/%' GROUP BY artist.id");
593 my $numar = scalar @
594 $x = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref("SELECT album.id FROM album " .
595 "LEFT JOIN song ON song.album_id=album.id " .
596 "WHERE present AND filename LIKE '/%' GROUP BY album.id");
597 my $numal = scalar @
598 $x = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref("SELECT SUM(song.length) FROM song " .
599 "WHERE present AND filename LIKE '/%'");
600 my $totlen = $x->[0];
601 my $t = time - $daemonstart;
602 $x = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref("SELECT unix_timestamp(mtime) FROM song " .
603 "WHERE present AND filename LIKE '/%' ORDER BY mtime DESC LIMIT 1");
619 warn "mpd_accept: fork: $!\n";
624 my ($sock, $paddr) = $lsock->accept or die "accept mpdsock: $!\n";
625 $lsock->close; # prevent "address already in use" if parent is restarted
626 my ($port, $iaddr) = sockaddr_in
627 my $name = inet_ntoa
628 warn "pid $$ got MPD connection from $name:$port\n";
629 $sock->print("OK MPD 0.1.0\n");
633 $sock->print(mpd_soepkip_status
634 $sock->print("OK\n");
635 } elsif(/^currentsong/) {
636 $sock->print(mpd_soepkip_currentsong
637 $sock->print("OK\n");
639 $sock->print(mpd_soepkip_stats
640 $sock->print("OK\n");
642 $sock->print("OK\n");
644 $sock->print("ACK [5\@0] {} unknown command \"bla\"\n");
654 unlink $conf{statusfile
655 $dbh and $dbh->disconnect;
656 warn "got SIG$sig, kill -KILL -$pid and $cdrplaypid, exiting\n";
657 kill 'KILL', -$pid, $cdrplaypid;
662 my $debug = 1 if $opt_d;
664 read_configfile
%conf, $opt_c);
} = "$progdir/bin:$ENV{PATH}";
668 eval "use BSD::Resource; setpriority 0, 0, -20";
670 if(open ST
, $conf{statusfile
}) {
671 my ($s, $f, $pid) = <ST
676 and die "Another copy of soepkiptngd is already running! (pid $pid)\n";
680 my $killsock = IO
=> 5)
681 or die "cannot create listening TCP socket: $!\n";
682 my $killhost = hostname
683 my $killport = $killsock->sockport();
685 my $mpdport = $conf{mpd_port
} || 6600;
688 $mpdsock = IO
=> "tcp", LocalPort
=>$mpdport, ReuseAddr
=> 1, Listen
=> 5)
689 or die "cannot open listening socket on port $mpdport: $!\n";
698 open STDIN
, "</dev/null";
699 open STDERR
, ">>$conf{errfile}" or do {
701 open STDERR
, ">$conf{errfile}" or die "$conf{errfile}: $!\n";
702 warn "logs rotated prematurely because of permission problems.\n";
705 $SIG{__DIE__
} = \
706 $SIG{__WARN__
} = \
708 sleep $opt_s if $opt_s;
710 warn sprintf "*** starting soepkiptngd (pid=$$) %s ***\n", '$Id$';
711 warn "PATH=$ENV{'PATH'}\n";
713 $SIG{'TERM'} = \
714 $SIG{'INT'} = \
717 warn "setting restart flag\n";
721 $SIG{'PIPE'} = 'IGNORE';
723 if($conf{preloadfile
}) {
726 if(open PRELOAD
, $conf{preloadfile
}) {
727 chop(@preload = <PRELOAD
729 warn "preload: added " . scalar @preload . " songs.\n";
731 warn "$conf{preloadfile}: $!\n";
736 $cdrplaypid = $opt_r;
737 warn "cdrplaypid=$cdrplaypid (from -r)\n";
739 # just to be sure to avoid sending pcm data to the terminal
740 open STDOUT
, ">/dev/null";
742 # when $playercmd fails instantly, we might get SIGCHLD
743 # before $cdrplaypid is set !!!
744 $cdrplaypid = open STDOUT
, "|$conf{playercmd}"
745 or die "failed to start $conf{playercmd}: $!\n";
746 warn "cdrplaypid=$cdrplaypid\n";
748 # play 2 sec. of silence to get my external DAC going
752 # we might have missed the exiting of cdrplay, so reap once now
756 open F
, "sox --help|";
758 /^(-\S+)/ and $soxopt{$1} = 1;
759 s/^AUDIO FILE FORMATS:\s*// and %soxformats = map { $_ => 1 } split /\s+/, $_;
769 my ($song, $childtime);
772 # close-on-exec apparently doesn't work
774 $killsock_conn and $killsock_conn->close();
776 unlink $conf{statusfile
778 warn "execing myself\n";
779 exec "$progdir/soepkiptngd", '-r', $cdrplaypid;
780 die "$progdir/soepkiptngd: $!\n";
783 if($num_errors > 1) {
784 # exponential backoff in retries, max 1024 sec. (17 min 4 s)
785 sleep 1 << ($num_errors < 10?
$num_errors : 10);
788 # (re)open database connection if necessary
789 if(!$dbh || !$dbh->ping) {
790 warn "reconnecting to database\n";
791 $dbh = eval { connect_to_db
%conf) };
796 $song = get_song_jingle
() || get_song_queued
798 my ($playmode) = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT value FROM settings WHERE name='playmode'");
800 $song = get_song_random_recent
802 $randsong = validate_song_random
807 $song = select_song_random
810 } elsif($playmode == 2) {
811 $song = get_song_random_recent
812 } elsif($playmode == 3) {
813 $song = select_song_random
(" AND unix_timestamp(last_played) = 0");
815 if(!$song && $playmode > 0) {
816 warn "not playing random\n";
830 # random lookup can take a few sec; maybe a jingle/queued song
831 # has been added in the meantime (these lookups are very fast)
832 if($song->{type
} =~ /r/i) {
833 my $s = get_song_jingle
() || get_song_queued
839 $dbh->do("UPDATE song set last_played=NULL where id=$song->{id}");
843 warn "no song found.\n";
850 $song = get_song_preload
() or do {
857 logprintf
("%s %6d %s", $song->{type
}, $song->{id
}, $song->{filename
860 $song->{playtime
} = time;
861 update_log
}, $song->{playtime
}, $song->{type
}, undef, $song->{last_played
880 if(open ST
, ">$conf{statusfile}.tmp") {
883 rename "$conf{statusfile}.tmp", $conf{statusfile
884 or warn "cannot rename $conf{statusfile}.tmp -> $conf{statusfile}: $!\n";
886 warn "cannot open statusfile $conf{statusfile}: $!\n";
889 # close accepted socket after statusfile was updated
891 print $killsock_conn $status;
892 $killsock_conn->shutdown(2); # in case a child process still has it open
893 $killsock_conn->close();
894 undef $killsock_conn;
898 warn "kill -ALRM $cdrplaypid\n";
899 kill 'SIGALRM', $cdrplaypid
900 or warn "kill -ALRM $cdrplaypid: $!\n";
903 my $starttime = time;
905 my ($a, $b, $c, $d) = times;
906 $childtime = $c + $d;
911 # update random song cache
913 warn "selecting random song cache\n";
914 $randsong = select_song_random
917 # wait until player is done or we get a connect on $killsock
919 vec($rin = '', $killsock->fileno(), 1) = 1;
920 vec($rin, $mpdsock->fileno(), 1) = 1 if $mpdsock;
925 if(select($rout = $rin, undef, undef, 0.1) > 0) {
926 if(vec($rout, $killsock->fileno(), 1)) {
927 warn "got connection\n";
928 $song->{result
} = "killed";
933 warn "kill -KILL -$p\n";
935 or warn "kill -KILL -$p: $!\n";
938 # tell cdrplay to flush its buffers
939 warn "kill -USR1 $cdrplaypid\n";
940 kill 'SIGUSR1', $cdrplaypid
941 or warn "kill -USR1 $cdrplaypid: $!\n";
943 # accept the tcp connection; we close it later,
944 # after a new song has been selected
945 $killsock_conn = $killsock->accept();
948 logprintf
("K %6d", $song->{id
950 if($mpdsock && vec($rout, $mpdsock->fileno(), 1)) {
951 mpd_accept
954 if($song->{type
} eq 'I' && ++$dbcheckcounter >= 30) {
956 my ($playmode) = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT value FROM settings WHERE name='playmode'");
958 warn "resuming random play\n";
961 my ($numq) = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT count(*) FROM queue");
963 warn "detected queued song\n";
965 } elsif($playmode == 2) {
966 $song = get_song_random_recent
968 warn "detected recent song\n";
971 } elsif($playmode == 3) {
972 my ($numq) = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT count(*) FROM song WHERE present AND" .
973 " filename LIKE '/%' AND" .
974 " (unix_timestamp(now()) - unix_timestamp(time_added) < ?" .
975 " OR (last_played=0 AND unix_timestamp(now()) - unix_timestamp(time_added) < ?))" .
976 " AND unix_timestamp(now()) - unix_timestamp(last_played) > ? AND" .
979 $conf{recent_age
} * 86400,
980 $conf{recent_age_never_played
} * 86400,
981 $conf{min_random_time
983 warn "detected never-played song\n";
990 if($song->{type
} eq 'I') {
991 warn "resuming output\n";
992 player_cmd
("resume") or warn "error resuming output\n";
995 if(($pid_status || $pid_signal) && !$killsock_conn) {
997 logprintf
("E %6d status=%d signal=%d", $song->{id
}, $pid_status, $pid_signal);
999 $song->{result
} = sprintf("error: status=%d signal=%d", $pid_status, $pid_signal)
1000 unless $song->{result
1003 $song->{result
} = "finished" unless $song->{result
1007 # write to log table
1008 update_log
}, $song->{playtime
}, $song->{type
}, $song->{result
}, $song->{last_played
1011 my ($a, $b, $c, $d) = times;
1012 $childtime = $c + $d - $childtime;
1013 warn "song finished, time=$childtime\n";
1016 # delete jingle files
1019 # prevent us from eating 100% cpu time in case of misconfiguration
1020 time == $starttime and $num_errors++;