3 `soltea` stands for "[Free (as in Freedoom)] Set of Learning and Teaching Environments Applications"
5 As a teacher, I will publish here some applications, in my opinion, are good enough to avoid repeative or boring tasks and to achieve other tasks in every-day of teaching and learning.
7 The license of these applications are all [GNU General Public License 3.0](LICENSE.txt).
11 - [milestones.py](milestones.py): a program to count the number of school days and distribute milestones (tests, presentations, change of topic, etc.) amongst the days in the term.
12 - [tb2md.py](tb2md.py): a program to pass from JSON to markdown the taskboards file from [taskbook](https://github.com/klaudiosinani/taskbook) program. It just passes the pending tasks and notes, not completed ones.