3 rem First create a working copy of t.bat. Note optional cls and pause.
6 echo set format=%%1 >>t.bat
8 echo set opts=%%1 %%2 %%3 %%4 %%5 %%6 %%7 %%8 %%9 >>t.bat
11 echo echo Format: %%format%% Options: %%opts%% >>t.bat
13 echo .\sox monkey.wav %%opts%% %%tmp%%\monkey.%%format%% %%effect%% >>t.bat
14 echo .\sox %%opts%% %%tmp%%\monkey.%%format%% %%tmp%%\monkey1.wav %%effect%% >>t.bat
15 echo @echo off >>t.bat
17 echo set format=>>t.bat
21 rem Now set up any global effects and call the batch file. Note that
22 rem this needs extra work to cope with DOS's limitation of 3-character
23 rem extensions on the filename.
25 set effect=%1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
31 call t.bat avr -e unsigned-integer
36 call t.bat hcom -r 22050
38 call t.bat raw -r 8130 -t ub
44 call t.bat vox -r 8130