Some consistency changes to library & headers flags.
[splint-patched.git] / src / mtgrammar.y
1 /*;-*-C-*-;
2 ** Splint - annotation-assisted static program checker
3 ** Copyright (C) 1994-2003 University of Virginia,
4 ** Massachusetts Institute of Technology
5 **
6 ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
7 ** under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
8 ** Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
9 ** option) any later version.
10 **
11 ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
12 ** WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 ** General Public License for more details.
15 **
16 ** The GNU General Public License is available from or
17 ** the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
18 ** MA 02111-1307, USA.
20 ** For information on splint:
21 ** To report a bug:
22 ** For more information:
25 ** mtgrammar.y
27 ** Grammar for .mts files.
32 # include "bison.reset"
33 # include ""
34 # include "basic.h"
36 # ifndef S_SPLINT_S
37 extern ctype mtscanner_lookupType (mttok p_tok) /*@modifies p_tok@*/ ;
38 # endif
40 # define YYDEBUG 1
42 # include "bison.head"
46 %pure-parser
47 %define api.prefix {mt}
48 %expect 11
50 %union {
51 mttok tok;
52 mtDeclarationNode mtdecl;
53 mtDeclarationPiece mtpiece;
54 mtDeclarationPieces mtpieces;
55 mtContextNode mtcontext;
56 mtValuesNode mtvalues;
57 mtDefaultsNode mtdefaults;
58 mtDefaultsDeclList mtdeflist;
59 mtAnnotationsNode mtannotations;
60 mtAnnotationList mtannotlist;
61 mtAnnotationDecl mtannotdecl;
62 mtMergeNode mtmerge;
63 mtMergeItem mtmergeitem;
64 mtMergeClauseList mtmergeclauselist;
65 mtMergeClause mtmergeclause;
66 mtTransferClauseList mttransferclauselist;
67 mtTransferClause mttransferclause;
68 mtTransferAction mttransferaction;
69 mtLoseReferenceList mtlosereferencelist;
70 mtLoseReference mtlosereference;
71 pointers pointers;
72 /*@only@*/ cstringList cstringlist;
73 ctype ctyp;
74 /*@only@*/ qtype qtyp;
75 qual qual;
76 qualList quals;
80 extern int mtlex (MTSTYPE *p_mtlval) /*@modifies internalState, p_mtlval@*/ ;
82 static /*@noreturn@*/ void mterror (char *);
83 static void mtprint (FILE *file, int type, MTSTYPE value);
84 # define YYPRINT(file, type, value) mtprint (file, type, value)
87 /* Don't forget to enter all tokens in mtscanner.c */
88 %token <tok> MT_BADTOK
90 %token <tok> MT_END
91 %token <tok> MT_STATE MT_GLOBAL
93 %token <tok> MT_CONTEXT
94 %token <tok> MT_ONEOF
96 %token <tok> MT_DEFAULTS MT_DEFAULT
99 %token <tok> MT_ANNOTATIONS
100 %token <tok> MT_ARROW
102 %token <tok> MT_MERGE
104 %token <tok> MT_LOSEREFERENCE
106 %token <tok> MT_AS
107 %token <tok> MT_ERROR
109 %token <tok> MT_PLUS MT_STAR MT_BAR
110 %token <tok> MT_LPAREN MT_RPAREN
111 %token <tok> MT_LBRACKET MT_RBRACKET
112 %token <tok> MT_LBRACE MT_RBRACE
113 %token <tok> MT_COMMA
118 %token <tok> MT_STRINGLIT
119 %token <tok> MT_IDENT
121 %type <pointers> pointers
122 %type <ctyp> optType typeSpecifier typeName abstractDecl abstractDeclBase
123 %type <qtyp> typeExpression
124 %type <qtyp> completeType completeTypeAux optCompleteType
125 %type <mtpiece> declarationPiece
126 %type <mtcontext> contextDeclaration
127 %type <mtcontext> contextSelection optContextSelection
128 %type <mtvalues> valuesDeclaration
129 %type <tok> defaultNode
130 %type <mtdefaults> defaultsDeclaration
131 %type <mtdeflist> defaultDeclarationList
132 %type <mtannotations> annotationsDeclaration
133 %type <mtannotlist> annotationsDeclarationList
134 %type <mtannotdecl> annotationDeclaration
135 %type <mtmerge> mergeDeclaration
136 %type <mtmergeitem> mergeItem
137 %type <mtmergeclauselist> mergeClauses
138 %type <mtmergeclause> mergeClause
139 %type <mttransferclauselist> transfersDeclaration transferClauses preconditionsDeclaration postconditionsDeclaration
140 %type <mttransferclause> transferClause
141 %type <mttransferaction> transferAction errorAction
142 %type <mtlosereferencelist> loseReferenceDeclaration lostClauses
143 %type <mtlosereference> lostClause
144 %type <cstringlist> valuesList
145 %type <mtdecl> declarationNode
146 %type <mtpieces> declarationPieces
147 %type <tok> valueChoice
148 %type <quals> innerModsList
149 %type <qual> innerMods
151 %start file
155 file
156 : {}
157 | mtsDeclaration {}
160 mtsDeclaration
161 : MT_STATE declarationNode MT_END
162 { mtreader_processDeclaration ($2); }
163 | MT_GLOBAL MT_STATE declarationNode MT_END
164 { mtreader_processGlobalDeclaration ($3); }
167 declarationNode
168 : MT_IDENT declarationPieces
169 { $$ = mtDeclarationNode_create ($1, $2); }
172 declarationPieces
173 : { $$ = mtDeclarationPieces_create (); }
174 | declarationPiece declarationPieces
175 { $$ = mtDeclarationPieces_append ($2, $1); }
178 declarationPiece
179 : contextDeclaration { $$ = mtDeclarationPiece_createContext ($1); }
180 | valuesDeclaration { $$ = mtDeclarationPiece_createValues ($1); }
181 | defaultsDeclaration { $$ = mtDeclarationPiece_createDefaults ($1); }
182 | defaultNode { $$ = mtDeclarationPiece_createValueDefault ($1); }
183 | annotationsDeclaration { $$ = mtDeclarationPiece_createAnnotations ($1); }
184 | mergeDeclaration { $$ = mtDeclarationPiece_createMerge ($1); }
185 | transfersDeclaration { $$ = mtDeclarationPiece_createTransfers ($1); }
186 | preconditionsDeclaration { $$ = mtDeclarationPiece_createPreconditions ($1); }
187 | postconditionsDeclaration { $$ = mtDeclarationPiece_createPostconditions ($1); }
188 | loseReferenceDeclaration { $$ = mtDeclarationPiece_createLosers ($1); }
191 contextDeclaration
192 : MT_CONTEXT contextSelection { $$ = $2; }
193 /* ??? should it be a list? */
196 optContextSelection
197 : /* empty */ { $$ = mtContextNode_createAny (); }
198 | contextSelection
201 contextSelection
202 : MT_PARAMETER optType { $$ = mtContextNode_createParameter ($2); }
203 | MT_REFERENCE optType { $$ = mtContextNode_createReference ($2); }
204 | MT_RESULT optType { $$ = mtContextNode_createResult ($2); }
205 | MT_CLAUSE optType { $$ = mtContextNode_createClause ($2); }
206 | MT_LITERAL optType { $$ = mtContextNode_createLiteral ($2); }
207 | MT_NULL optType { $$ = mtContextNode_createNull ($2); }
211 ** Wish I could share the C grammar here...cut-and-paste instead.
214 optType
215 : /* empty */ { $$ = ctype_unknown; }
216 | typeExpression { DPRINTF (("Type: %s", qtype_unparse ($1))); $$ = qtype_getType ($1); }
219 typeExpression
220 : completeType
221 | completeType abstractDecl { $$ = qtype_newBase ($1, $2); }
224 completeType
225 : completeTypeAux { $$ = $1; }
226 | completeType MT_BAR typeExpression
227 { $$ = qtype_mergeAlt ($1, $3); }
230 completeTypeAux
231 : typeSpecifier optCompleteType { $$ = qtype_combine ($2, $1); }
234 optCompleteType
235 : /* empty */ { $$ = qtype_unknown (); }
236 | completeType { $$ = $1; }
239 abstractDecl
240 : pointers { $$ = ctype_adjustPointers ($1, ctype_unknown); }
241 | abstractDeclBase
242 | pointers abstractDeclBase { $$ = ctype_adjustPointers ($1, $2); }
245 pointers
246 : MT_STAR { $$ = pointers_createMt ($1); }
247 | MT_STAR innerModsList { $$ = pointers_createModsMt ($1, $2); }
248 | MT_STAR pointers { $$ = pointers_extend (pointers_createMt ($1), $2); }
249 | MT_STAR innerModsList pointers { $$ = pointers_extend (pointers_createModsMt ($1, $2), $3); }
252 innerMods
253 : MT_CONST { $$ = qual_createConst (); }
254 | MT_VOLATILE { $$ = qual_createVolatile (); }
255 | MT_RESTRICT { $$ = qual_createRestrict (); }
258 innerModsList
259 : innerMods { $$ = qualList_single ($1); }
260 | innerModsList innerMods { $$ = qualList_add ($1, $2); }
263 abstractDeclBase
264 : MT_LPAREN abstractDecl MT_RPAREN { $$ = ctype_expectFunction ($2); }
265 | MT_LBRACKET MT_RBRACKET { $$ = ctype_makeArray (ctype_unknown); }
266 | abstractDeclBase MT_LBRACKET MT_RBRACKET { $$ = ctype_makeArray ($1); }
268 | abstractDeclBase MT_LBRACKET constantExpr MT_RBRACKET
269 { $$ = ctype_makeFixedArray ($1, exprNode_getLongValue ($3)); }
273 typeSpecifier
274 : MT_CHAR { $$ = ctype_char; }
275 | MT_INT { $$ = ctype_int; }
276 | MT_FLOAT { $$ = ctype_float; }
277 | MT_DOUBLE { $$ = ctype_double; }
278 | MT_VOID { $$ = ctype_void; }
279 | MT_ANYTYPE { $$ = ctype_unknown; }
280 | MT_INTEGRALTYPE { $$ = ctype_anyintegral; }
281 | MT_UNSIGNEDINTEGRALTYPE { $$ = ctype_unsignedintegral; }
282 | MT_SIGNEDINTEGRALTYPE { $$ = ctype_signedintegral; }
283 | typeName
284 /* | suSpc
285 | enumSpc
286 | typeModifier NotType { $$ = ctype_fromQual ($1); } */
289 typeName
290 : MT_IDENT { $$ = mtscanner_lookupType ($1); }
293 valuesDeclaration
294 : MT_ONEOF valuesList { $$ = mtValuesNode_create ($2); }
297 valuesList
298 : MT_IDENT { $$ = cstringList_single (mttok_getText ($1)); }
299 | MT_IDENT MT_COMMA valuesList
300 { $$ = cstringList_prepend ($3, mttok_getText ($1)); }
303 defaultNode
304 : MT_DEFAULT valueChoice { $$ = $2; }
307 defaultsDeclaration
308 : MT_DEFAULTS defaultDeclarationList { $$ = mtDefaultsNode_create ($1, $2); }
311 defaultDeclarationList
312 : contextSelection MT_ARROW valueChoice
313 { $$ = mtDefaultsDeclList_single (mtDefaultsDecl_create ($1, $3)); }
314 | contextSelection MT_ARROW valueChoice defaultDeclarationList
315 { $$ = mtDefaultsDeclList_prepend ($4, mtDefaultsDecl_create ($1, $3)); }
318 annotationsDeclaration
319 : MT_ANNOTATIONS annotationsDeclarationList { $$ = mtAnnotationsNode_create ($2); }
322 annotationsDeclarationList
323 : annotationDeclaration { $$ = mtAnnotationList_single ($1); }
324 | annotationDeclaration annotationsDeclarationList
325 { $$ = mtAnnotationList_prepend ($2, $1); }
328 annotationDeclaration
329 : MT_IDENT optContextSelection MT_ARROW valueChoice
330 { $$ = mtAnnotationDecl_create ($1, $2, $4); }
333 mergeDeclaration
334 : MT_MERGE mergeClauses { $$ = mtMergeNode_create ($2); }
337 mergeClauses
338 : mergeClause { $$ = mtMergeClauseList_single ($1); }
339 | mergeClause mergeClauses { $$ = mtMergeClauseList_prepend ($2, $1); }
342 mergeClause
343 : mergeItem MT_PLUS mergeItem MT_ARROW transferAction
344 { $$ = mtMergeClause_create ($1, $3, $5); }
347 mergeItem
348 : valueChoice { $$ = mtMergeItem_createValue ($1); }
349 | MT_STAR { $$ = mtMergeItem_createStar ($1); }
352 preconditionsDeclaration
353 : MT_PRECONDITIONS transferClauses { $$ = $2; }
356 postconditionsDeclaration
357 : MT_POSTCONDITIONS transferClauses { $$ = $2; }
360 transfersDeclaration
361 : MT_TRANSFERS transferClauses { $$ = $2; }
364 loseReferenceDeclaration
365 : MT_LOSEREFERENCE lostClauses { $$ = $2; }
368 lostClauses
369 : lostClause { $$ = mtLoseReferenceList_single ($1); }
370 | lostClause lostClauses { $$ = mtLoseReferenceList_prepend ($2, $1); }
373 lostClause
374 : valueChoice MT_ARROW errorAction { $$ = mtLoseReference_create ($1, $3); }
377 transferClauses
378 : transferClause { $$ = mtTransferClauseList_single ($1); }
379 | transferClause transferClauses { $$ = mtTransferClauseList_prepend ($2, $1); }
382 transferClause
383 : valueChoice MT_AS valueChoice MT_ARROW transferAction
384 { $$ = mtTransferClause_create ($1, $3, $5); }
387 transferAction
388 : valueChoice { $$ = mtTransferAction_createValue ($1); }
389 | errorAction { $$ = $1; }
392 errorAction
393 : MT_ERROR { $$ = mtTransferAction_createError ($1); }
394 | MT_ERROR MT_STRINGLIT { $$ = mtTransferAction_createErrorMessage ($2); }
397 valueChoice
398 : MT_IDENT
403 # include "bison.reset"
405 extern char *yytext;
407 static void
408 mterror (char *s)
411 if (s != NULL)
413 llparseerror
414 (message ("Parse error in meta-state file: %s", cstring_fromChars (s)));
416 else
418 llparseerror
419 (message ("Parse error in meta-state file"));
424 static void
425 mtprint (FILE *file, int type, MTSTYPE value)
427 cstring tname = mttok_unparse (value.tok);
428 fprintf (file, " (%s)", cstring_toCharsSafe (tname));
429 cstring_free (tname);