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6 <title>${_('Help us translate')} &mdash; ${_('Spread love now.')} (spreadlovenow.org)</title>
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16 <meta name="description" content="${_('Information on translating "Spread love now." into another language.').replace('"', '&#34;')}" />
17 </head>
18 <body class="spreadlovenow_v1 spreadlovenow_translate spreadlovenow_${lang}" id="spreadlovenow_translate_${lang}">
19 <div class="container_12">
20 <div id="returnhome" class="grid_12"><a href="index">${_('Return home')}</a></div>
21 <div id="header" class="grid_12"><h1><a href="index">${_('Spread love now.')}</a></h1></div>
22 <div id="body" class="grid_12">
23 <h2>${_('Help us translate')}</h2>
24 <p>${_("If you would like to help translate spread love now into a language you know well, register an account at www.transifex.net. Then, email love [at] spread love now [dot] org with the language you're interested in helping us with.")}</p>
25 <p>${_("We'll work with you one-on-one to help you get started with the Transifex interface and the formats for translation files. If there is already a maintainer of your language, he may opt to help you.")}</p>
26 <h2>${_('Credits to translators')}</h2>
27 <p>${_("We are grateful to the many translators who have donated their time and talent to help spread love in multiple languages. Those who helped on translations follow.")}</p>
28 <div><dl>${transcredits}</dl></div>
29 </div>
30 <div id="footer" class="grid_12">
31 <ul id="trans">
32 <li>${_('Spread love multilingually:')}</li>
33 ${chooser}
34 <li><a href="translate">(${_('Help us translate')})</a></li>
35 </ul>
36 <ul>
37 <li><em>${_("Because the world could use a little bit more love")}</em></li>
38 <li>${_("Contact us: love [at] spread love now [dot] org")}</li>
39 </ul>
40 <ul>
41 <li>${_("Copyright 2009, some rights reserved")}</li>
42 <li><a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/" id="cclicenseshort">${_("CC BY-SA 3.0 license")}</a> (${_("Visit for details")})</li>
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62 <a xmlns:cc="http://creativecommons.org/ns#" href="http://ianweller.org/" property="cc:attributionName" rel="cc:attributionURL">Ian Weller</a>
63 <a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/">Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License</a>.
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