Snapshot of upstream SQLite 3.39.4
[sqlcipher.git] / ext / fiddle / Makefile
1 # This GNU makefile exists primarily to simplify/speed up development
2 # from emacs. It is not part of the canonical build process.
3 default:
4 $(MAKE) -C ../.. wasm -e emcc_opt=-O0
6 clean:
7 $(MAKE) -C ../../ clean-wasm
9 fiddle_files = emscripten.css fiddle.html \
10 fiddle.js fiddle-module.js \
11 fiddle-module.wasm fiddle-worker.js \
12 $(wildcard *.wasm.gz) $(wildcard *.js.gz)
14 # fiddle_remote is the remote destination for the fiddle app. It
15 # must be a [user@]HOST:/path for rsync.
16 # Note that the target "should probably" contain a symlink of
17 # index.html -> fiddle.html.
18 fiddle_remote ?=
19 ifeq (,$(fiddle_remote))
20 ifneq (,$(wildcard /home/stephan))
21 fiddle_remote = wh2:www/wh/sqlite3/.
22 else ifneq (,$(wildcard /home/drh))
23 #fiddle_remote = if appropriate, add that user@host:/path here
24 endif
25 endif
27 $(fiddle_files): default
29 push-fiddle: $(fiddle_files)
30 @if [ x = "x$(fiddle_remote)" ]; then \
31 echo "fiddle_remote must be a [user@]HOST:/path for rsync"; \
32 exit 1; \
34 rsync -va $(fiddle_files) $(fiddle_remote)