Snapshot of upstream SQLite 3.40.1
[sqlcipher.git] / ext / wasm / speedtest1-wasmfs.html
1 <!doctype html>
2 <html lang="en-us">
3 <head>
4 <meta charset="utf-8">
5 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
6 <link rel="shortcut icon" href="data:image/x-icon;," type="image/x-icon">
7 <link rel="stylesheet" href="common/emscripten.css"/>
8 <link rel="stylesheet" href="common/testing.css"/>
9 <title>speedtest1-wasmfs.wasm</title>
10 </head>
11 <body>
12 <header id='titlebar'><span>speedtest1-wasmfs.wasm</span></header>
13 <div>See also: <a href='speedtest1-worker.html'>A Worker-thread variant of this page.</a></div>
14 <!-- emscripten bits -->
15 <figure id="module-spinner">
16 <div class="spinner"></div>
17 <div class='center'><strong>Initializing app...</strong></div>
18 <div class='center'>
19 On a slow internet connection this may take a moment. If this
20 message displays for "a long time", intialization may have
21 failed and the JavaScript console may contain clues as to why.
22 </div>
23 </figure>
24 <div class="emscripten" id="module-status">Downloading...</div>
25 <div class="emscripten">
26 <progress value="0" max="100" id="module-progress" hidden='1'></progress>
27 </div><!-- /emscripten bits -->
28 <div class='warning'>This page starts running the main exe when it loads, which will
29 block the UI until it finishes! Adding UI controls to manually configure and start it
30 are TODO.</div>
31 </div>
32 <div class='warning'>Achtung: running it with the dev tools open may
33 <em>drastically</em> slow it down. For faster results, keep the dev
34 tools closed when running it!
35 </div>
36 <div>Output is delayed/buffered because we cannot update the UI while the
37 speedtest is running. Output will appear below when ready...
38 <div id='test-output'></div>
39 <script src="common/SqliteTestUtil.js"></script>
40 <script src="speedtest1-wasmfs.js"></script>
41 <script>(function(){
42 /**
43 If this environment contains OPFS, this function initializes it and
44 returns the name of the dir on which OPFS is mounted, else it returns
45 an empty string.
47 const wasmfsDir = function f(wasmUtil,dirName="/opfs"){
48 if(undefined !== f._) return f._;
49 if( !self.FileSystemHandle
50 || !self.FileSystemDirectoryHandle
51 || !self.FileSystemFileHandle){
52 return f._ = "";
54 try{
55 if(0===wasmUtil.xCallWrapped(
56 'sqlite3_wasm_init_wasmfs', 'i32', ['string'], dirName
57 )){
58 return f._ = dirName;
59 }else{
60 return f._ = "";
62 }catch(e){
63 // sqlite3_wasm_init_wasmfs() is not available
64 return f._ = "";
67 wasmfsDir._ = undefined;
69 const eOut = document.querySelector('#test-output');
70 const log2 = function(cssClass,...args){
71 const ln = document.createElement('div');
72 if(cssClass) ln.classList.add(cssClass);
73 ln.append(document.createTextNode(args.join(' ')));
74 eOut.append(ln);
75 //this.e.output.lastElementChild.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded();
77 const logList = [];
78 const dumpLogList = function(){
79 logList.forEach((v)=>log2('',v));
80 logList.length = 0;
82 /* can't update DOM while speedtest is running unless we run
83 speedtest in a worker thread. */;
84 const log = (...args)=>{
85 console.log(...args);
86 logList.push(args.join(' '));
88 const logErr = function(...args){
89 console.error(...args);
90 logList.push('ERROR: '+args.join(' '));
93 const runTests = function(sqlite3){
94 console.log("Module inited.");
95 const wasm = sqlite3.capi.wasm;
96 const unlink = wasm.xWrap("sqlite3_wasm_vfs_unlink", "int", ["string"]);
97 const pDir = wasmfsDir(wasm);
98 if(pDir) log2('',"Persistent storage:",pDir);
99 else{
100 log2('error',"Expecting persistent storage in this build.");
101 return;
103 const scope = wasm.scopedAllocPush();
104 const dbFile = pDir+"/speedtest1.db";
105 const urlParams = new URL(self.location.href).searchParams;
106 const argv = ["speedtest1"];
107 if(urlParams.has('flags')){
108 argv.push(...(urlParams.get('flags').split(',')));
109 let i = argv.indexOf('--vfs');
110 if(i>=0) argv.splice(i,2);
111 }else{
112 argv.push(
113 "--singlethread",
114 "--nomutex",
115 "--nosync",
116 "--nomemstat"
118 //"--memdb", // note that memdb trumps the filename arg
121 if(argv.indexOf('--memdb')>=0){
122 log2('error',"WARNING: --memdb flag trumps db filename.");
124 argv.push("--big-transactions"/*important for tests 410 and 510!*/,
125 dbFile);
126 console.log("argv =",argv);
127 // These log messages are not emitted to the UI until after main() returns. Fixing that
128 // requires moving the main() call and related cleanup into a timeout handler.
129 if(pDir) unlink(dbFile);
130 log2('',"Starting native app:\n ",argv.join(' '));
131 log2('',"This will take a while and the browser might warn about the runaway JS.",
132 "Give it time...");
133 logList.length = 0;
134 setTimeout(function(){
135 wasm.xCall('wasm_main', argv.length,
136 wasm.scopedAllocMainArgv(argv));
137 wasm.scopedAllocPop(scope);
138 if(pDir) unlink(dbFile);
139 logList.unshift("Done running native main(). Output:");
140 dumpLogList();
141 }, 25);
142 }/*runTests()*/;
144 self.sqlite3TestModule.print = log;
145 self.sqlite3TestModule.printErr = logErr;
146 sqlite3InitModule(self.sqlite3TestModule).then(runTests);
147 })();</script>
148 </body>
149 </html>