6 Avuton Olrich <avuton@gmail.com>
10 If you're running a standard unix or unix clone this should compile clean.
14 See the man pages for usage.
17 Host/Port/Password Handling
18 ---------------------------
19 MPD_HOST and MPD_PORT environment variables are optional and used if they
20 exist. Password can also be prefixed onto the front of the MPD_HOST as such:
23 State files are stored in the directory '~/.mpd_states/'. The files are
24 overwritten as required.
28 * Bash completion doesn't work with spaces in the state name.
30 * This doesn't sucessfully restore a few things, these are not really
31 bugs but due to MPD protocol limitations.
32 * Any *ids, ie. playlistid
34 * if a playlist was ordered in random and has
35 played for any length of time it will not know
36 what has already played.
41 Q: Can you make it where it can save elsewhere than $HOME/.mpd_states/?
42 A: I don't plan on it, unless it's done strictly for porting. If you
43 want it somewhere else it should be easy enough to symlink,
44 and if that's not possible tell me.
46 Bash Completion *This does not work with spaces in state names*:
48 # Simply copy this into your bashrc
49 # cat state_bashrc >> ~/.bashrc
57 if (($COMP_CWORD == 1)); then
58 COMPREPLY=( "$( ls --color=never ~/.mpd_states/ | grep "^$cur" )" )
65 complete -F _state-save state-save state-restore