Adjust per latest 'publish' changes.
[stompngo_examples.git] / adhoc / varmGetter /
1 #!/usr/bin/env bash
2 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 # Entry condition: all queues to be used start off empty.
4 # Use this script to 'prime' queues for further experiments.
5 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 cmd_base=$(dirname $0)
7 source $cmd_base/
8 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 init
10 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 showparms
12 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 cqn=1
14 while [ "$cqn" -le "${MAX_QUEUE}" ]; do
15 echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------"
16 nqn="${QNBASE}${cqn}"
17 ncmd="STOMP_DEST=${nqn} STOMP_NMSGS=${MSG_COUNT} go run $PUTTER"
18 echo "Next Puts: ${ncmd}"
19 eval ${ncmd}
20 let cqn=cqn+1
21 done