3 return me&Adjuiced,s .join(".~.")
13 isnu(s) and c = {ov:s}; s = {}
14 isnu(c) and c = {ov:c}
15 !isob(s) and s = peel(s)
16 !isob(c) and c = peel(c)
18 # what to do, ie $mind++
19 c.ov ||= me&A_default_ov
20 c.t ||= me&A_default_t
22 c.ov < 0 and $rewind = 1; c.ov *= -1
23 rewind and c.incv = c.cv = c.ov
24 # < Xq|xq|x may index which t|cv input what
29 $re = a&returns || (A&N||[])[0]
32 me.A_default_ov = &acgt{
33 A&cv and return A&cv + 0.1
36 me.A_default_t = &acgt{
40 me.winding_A = &acgtscq{
44 $mind = me&seek_mind_A,c
55 # <=@o2 iterate themselves
56 $M = ty&cv > 0.02 && !ts&self && Yc&M || [s];
62 T.hwack and mind.halt(); T.up.hwack = T.hwack; return
65 # so Y looks @2, if last ty&cv < 2
68 # iterate A&U A&cv->A&ov
69 me.seek_mind_A = &acgtc{
70 A&U = c.U || me&Yingmindo,A&t
71 # only resumable from a cv
72 # < cursor into U exactly and Go whither
73 # and deal with it sometimes resolving differently
76 # going ov (and maybe cv)
79 A&ov and A&ov = sca(A&ov)
80 A&cv and A&cv = sca(A&cv)
83 # random infloop stopper
88 il-- < 0 and throw "infloop"
94 ty&cv > A&ov and return
95 # from before, or c.incv allows redoing a cv
96 ty&cv <= A&cv && c.incv != ty&cv and continue
99 c.incv and wascv = c.incv
100 # usu so many at == cv all happen
106 # complete the next()
107 # ! may set A&cv to one it is still doing.
108 # see # < cursor into U exactly