datefmt: Define 1 year as 365.2425 days instead of 365.25
[sunny256-utils.git] / tests / ydid.t
1 #!/usr/bin/env perl
3 #==============================================================================
4 # ydid.t
5 # File ID: 53506c76-23d9-11e9-a4b6-4f45262dc9b5
7 # Test suite for ydid(1).
9 # Character set: UTF-8
10 # ©opyleft 2019– Øyvind A. Holm <>
11 # License: GNU General Public License version 2 or later, see end of file for
12 # legal stuff.
13 #==============================================================================
15 use strict;
16 use warnings;
18 BEGIN {
19 use Test::More qw{no_plan};
20 # use_ok() goes here
23 use Getopt::Long;
25 local $| = 1;
27 our $CMDB = "ydid";
28 our $CMD = "../$CMDB";
30 our %Opt = (
32 'all' => 0,
33 'help' => 0,
34 'quiet' => 0,
35 'todo' => 0,
36 'verbose' => 0,
37 'version' => 0,
41 our $progname = $0;
42 $progname =~ s/^.*\/(.*?)$/$1/;
43 our $VERSION = '0.0.0';
45 my %deburl = (
46 'go1' => "*url=*",
47 'tw1' => "*/status/*",
48 'yt1' => "*",
49 'yt2' => "*",
50 'yt3' => "plain id",
52 my %descriptions = ();
54 Getopt::Long::Configure('bundling');
55 GetOptions(
57 'all|a' => \$Opt{'all'},
58 'help|h' => \$Opt{'help'},
59 'quiet|q+' => \$Opt{'quiet'},
60 'todo|t' => \$Opt{'todo'},
61 'verbose|v+' => \$Opt{'verbose'},
62 'version' => \$Opt{'version'},
64 ) || die("$progname: Option error. Use -h for help.\n");
66 $Opt{'verbose'} -= $Opt{'quiet'};
67 $Opt{'help'} && usage(0);
68 if ($Opt{'version'}) {
69 print_version();
70 exit(0);
73 exit(main());
75 sub main {
76 my $Retval = 0;
78 diag(sprintf('========== Executing %s v%s ==========',
79 $progname, $VERSION));
81 if ($Opt{'todo'} && !$Opt{'all'}) {
82 goto todo_section;
85 test_standard_options();
86 test_executable();
87 test_create_url_option();
89 todo_section:
92 if ($Opt{'all'} || $Opt{'todo'}) {
93 diag('Running TODO tests...');
94 TODO: {
95 local $TODO = '';
96 # Insert TODO tests here.
100 diag('Testing finished.');
102 return $Retval;
105 sub test_standard_options {
106 diag('Testing -h (--help) option...');
107 likecmd("$CMD -h",
108 '/ Show this help/i',
109 '/^$/',
111 'Option -h prints help screen');
113 diag('Testing -v (--verbose) option...');
114 likecmd("$CMD -hv",
115 '/^\n\S+ \d+\.\d+\.\d+/s',
116 '/^$/',
118 'Option -v with -h returns version number and help screen');
120 diag('Testing --version option...');
121 likecmd("$CMD --version",
122 '/^\S+ \d+\.\d+\.\d+/',
123 '/^$/',
125 'Option --version returns version number');
126 return;
129 sub test_executable {
130 my ($id, $url);
131 $id = "su045ytF_z4";
133 diag("Executing test_executable()");
134 testcmd("$CMD",
136 "$CMDB: No URL specified\n",
138 'No URL specified');
139 testcmd("$CMD https://doesntexist.invalid",
141 "$CMDB: Unknown URL format\n",
143 'Unknown URL format');
144 diag("Plain id");
145 test_yt_url($id, $id, $deburl{'yt3'}, "Plain id");
146 testcmd("$CMD " . "a" x 10,
148 "$CMDB: Unknown URL format\n",
150 'Plain id, one character too short');
151 testcmd("$CMD " . "a" x 12,
153 "$CMDB: Unknown URL format\n",
155 'Plain id, one character too long');
156 testcmd("$CMD aaaaa,aaaaa",
158 "$CMDB: Invalid Youtube ID\n",
160 'Plain id with invalid character');
162 for my $p ("https://", "http://", "") {
163 diag("Use \"$p\" prefix");
164 diag($deburl{'yt1'});
166 for my $w ("www.", "m.", "") {
167 testcmd("$CMD $p${w}",
169 "$CMDB: Invalid URL\n",
171 "v= has no id, $p$w*");
173 testcmd("$CMD $p${w},ghijk",
175 "$CMDB: Invalid URL\n",
177 "v= contains invalid character, $p$w*");
178 $url = "$p${w}$id";
179 diag($url);
180 test_yt_url($id, $url, $deburl{'yt1'}, $url);
181 test_yt_url($id, "$url&t=0s", $deburl{'yt1'},
182 "$url&t=0s");
183 $url = "$p${w}$id";
184 diag($url);
185 test_yt_url($id, $url, $deburl{'yt1'}, $url);
186 test_yt_url($id, "$url&abc=def", $deburl{'yt1'},
187 "$url&abc=def");
189 diag($deburl{'yt2'});
190 testcmd("$CMD $p${w}youtu\.be/",
192 "$CMDB: Invalid URL\n",
194 "Missing id in $deburl{'yt2'}, $p$w*");
196 testcmd("$CMD $p${w}youtu\.be/abcde,ghijk",
198 "$CMDB: Invalid URL\n",
200 "Invalid character in $deburl{'yt2'}, $p$w*");
202 $url = "$p${w}$id";
203 diag($url);
204 test_yt_url($id, $url, $deburl{'yt2'}, $url);
205 test_yt_url($id, "$url&t=0s", $deburl{'yt2'}, "$url&t=0s");
208 my $twid = "1234567890123456789";
209 my $twname = "example";
210 for my $w ("www.", "m.", "") {
211 $url = "$p${w}$twname/status/$twid";
212 test_yt_url($twid, $url, $deburl{'tw1'}, $url);
213 test_yt_url($twid, "$url?abc=def", $deburl{'tw1'},
214 "$url?abc=def");
215 $url = "$p${w}$twname/status/";
216 testcmd("$CMD $url",
218 "$CMDB: Unknown URL format\n",
220 "Missing Twitter ID, $p$w*");
221 $url = "$p${w}$twname/status/abc";
222 testcmd("$CMD $url",
224 "$CMDB: Unknown URL format\n",
226 "Non-digit in Twitter ID, $p$w*");
229 # Google URL, gzip + base64:
231 # +jTmxTO6nDgfNLaP7OO4xDCTCglbnzG1D12+vZpKFrQzGIPAwI3mqEBo5xmHA
232 # NvgXX4AYx2qHsKjo7DJXjeYULl+ZiFC5sPfJEcWkFkcxn25lh8iXKzEvVjew2
233 # kUNmWnOtNDeMXyokRpSRK8jET5qGcde2/ZmqoZTJKcx+lu6fdZ0rketXPwRmB
234 # pPLfNKRs8TyUp6b67Ypd48sf8+6b6u0Fo5rSbeAAAAA=
235 my $goid = "ztIEogFr9j4";
236 for my $w ("www.", "m.", "") {
237 my $url = "$p${w}" .
238 "&rct=j" .
239 "&q=" .
240 "&esrc=s" .
241 "&source=web" .
242 "&cd=1" .
243 "&cad=rja" .
244 "&uact=8" .
245 "&ved=2ahUKEwic4qe52JbgAhXiqIsKHSgLB9gQyCk" .
246 "wAHoECAUQBQ" .
247 "&" .
248 "watch%3Fv%3DztIEogFr9j4" .
249 "&usg=AOvVaw3c5zJLPXOndHDXvLWs-vXO";
250 testcmd("$CMD -vv '$url'",
251 "$goid\n",
252 "$CMDB: url = \"$url\"\n" .
253 "$CMDB: Found $deburl{'go1'}\n" .
254 "$CMDB: url = " .
255 "\"" .
256 "v=$goid\"\n" .
257 "$CMDB: Found $deburl{'yt1'}\n",
259 "$p${w} url to Youtube video");
260 my $egoid = $goid;
261 $egoid =~ s/g/,/;
262 $url =~ s/$goid/$egoid/;
263 testcmd("$CMD -vv '$url'",
265 "$CMDB: url = \"$url\"\n" .
266 "$CMDB: Found $deburl{'go1'}\n" .
267 "$CMDB: url = " .
268 "\"" .
269 "v=$egoid\"\n" .
270 "$CMDB: Found $deburl{'yt1'}\n" .
271 "$CMDB: Invalid URL\n",
273 "$p${w} url has invalid char " .
274 "in id");
276 $twid = '1' x 19;
277 $url = "$p${w}" .
278 "&" .
279 "status%2F$twid%3Flang%3Den";
280 testcmd("$CMD -vv '$url'",
281 "$twid\n",
282 "$CMDB: url = \"$url\"\n" .
283 "$CMDB: Found $deburl{'go1'}\n" .
284 "$CMDB: url = " .
285 "\"$twid" .
286 "?lang=en\"\n" .
287 "$CMDB: Found $deburl{'tw1'}\n",
289 "$p${w} url with twitter url");
294 sub test_create_url_option {
295 my $id = "ztIEogFr9j4";
296 my $google_url = "" .
297 "&rct=j" .
298 "&" .
299 "watch%3Fv%3D$id" .
300 "&q=";
301 my $url_yt1 = "$id";
302 my $url_yt2 = "$id";
304 for my $o ("-c", "--create-url") {
305 test_c_url($o, $url_yt1, $url_yt1, $id, $deburl{'yt1'});
306 test_c_url($o, $url_yt2, $url_yt1, $id, $deburl{'yt2'});
307 test_c_url($o, $id, $url_yt1, $id, $deburl{'yt3'});
308 test_c_url($o, $google_url, $url_yt1, $id, $deburl{'go1'});
310 my $eid = $id;
311 $eid =~ s/g/,/;
312 my $gurl = $google_url;
313 $gurl =~ s/$id/$eid/;
314 testcmd("$CMD -vv $o '$gurl'",
316 "$CMDB: url = \"$gurl\"\n" .
317 "$CMDB: Found $deburl{'go1'}\n" .
318 "$CMDB: url = " .
319 "\"" .
320 "v=$eid\"\n" .
321 "$CMDB: Found $deburl{'yt1'}\n" .
322 "$CMDB: Invalid URL\n",
324 "Invalid char in google url, $o");
326 for my $p ("https://", "http://", "") {
327 for my $w ("www.", "m.", "") {
328 my $id = "1234567890";
329 my $user = "example";
330 my $genurl = "$user/" .
331 "status/$id";
332 my $url = "$p${w}$user/" .
333 "status/$id";
335 for (1, 2) {
336 test_c_url($o, $url, $genurl, $id,
337 $deburl{'tw1'});
338 $url .= "?abc=def&jada=masa";
345 sub test_c_url {
346 my ($o, $arg, $url, $id, $deburl) = @_;
347 my $debtxt = "$CMDB: url = \"$arg\"\n" .
348 "$CMDB: Found $deburl\n";
350 if ($deburl eq $deburl{'go1'}) {
351 $debtxt .= "ydid: url = \"" .
352 "watch?v=$id\"\n" .
353 "ydid: Found $deburl{'yt1'}\n";
356 testcmd("$CMD -vv $o '$arg'", "$url\n", $debtxt, 0, "$o '$arg'");
359 sub test_yt_url {
360 my ($id, $url, $deburl, $desc) = @_;
362 testcmd("$CMD -vv '$url'",
363 "$id\n",
364 "$CMDB: url = \"$url\"\n" .
365 "$CMDB: Found $deburl\n",
367 $desc);
370 sub testcmd {
371 my ($Cmd, $Exp_stdout, $Exp_stderr, $Exp_retval, $Desc) = @_;
372 defined($descriptions{$Desc}) &&
373 BAIL_OUT("testcmd(): '$Desc' description is used twice");
374 $descriptions{$Desc} = 1;
375 my $stderr_cmd = '';
376 my $cmd_outp_str = $Opt{'verbose'} >= 1 ? "\"$Cmd\" - " : '';
377 my $Txt = join('', $cmd_outp_str, defined($Desc) ? $Desc : '');
378 my $TMP_STDERR = "$CMDB-stderr.tmp";
379 my $retval = 1;
381 if (defined($Exp_stderr)) {
382 $stderr_cmd = " 2>$TMP_STDERR";
384 $retval &= is(`$Cmd$stderr_cmd`, $Exp_stdout, "$Txt (stdout)");
385 my $ret_val = $?;
386 if (defined($Exp_stderr)) {
387 $retval &= is(file_data($TMP_STDERR),
388 $Exp_stderr, "$Txt (stderr)");
389 unlink($TMP_STDERR);
390 } else {
391 diag("Warning: stderr not defined for '$Txt'");
393 $retval &= is($ret_val >> 8, $Exp_retval, "$Txt (retval)");
395 return $retval;
398 sub likecmd {
399 my ($Cmd, $Exp_stdout, $Exp_stderr, $Exp_retval, $Desc) = @_;
400 defined($descriptions{$Desc}) &&
401 BAIL_OUT("likecmd(): '$Desc' description is used twice");
402 $descriptions{$Desc} = 1;
403 my $stderr_cmd = '';
404 my $cmd_outp_str = $Opt{'verbose'} >= 1 ? "\"$Cmd\" - " : '';
405 my $Txt = join('', $cmd_outp_str, defined($Desc) ? $Desc : '');
406 my $TMP_STDERR = "$CMDB-stderr.tmp";
407 my $retval = 1;
409 if (defined($Exp_stderr)) {
410 $stderr_cmd = " 2>$TMP_STDERR";
412 $retval &= like(`$Cmd$stderr_cmd`, $Exp_stdout, "$Txt (stdout)");
413 my $ret_val = $?;
414 if (defined($Exp_stderr)) {
415 $retval &= like(file_data($TMP_STDERR),
416 $Exp_stderr, "$Txt (stderr)");
417 unlink($TMP_STDERR);
418 } else {
419 diag("Warning: stderr not defined for '$Txt'");
421 $retval &= is($ret_val >> 8, $Exp_retval, "$Txt (retval)");
423 return $retval;
426 sub file_data {
427 # Return file content as a string
428 my $File = shift;
429 my $Txt;
431 open(my $fp, '<', $File) or return undef;
432 local $/ = undef;
433 $Txt = <$fp>;
434 close($fp);
435 return $Txt;
438 sub create_file {
439 # Create new file and fill it with data
440 my ($file, $text) = @_;
441 my $retval = 0;
443 open(my $fp, ">$file") or return 0;
444 print($fp $text);
445 close($fp);
446 $retval = is(file_data($file), $text,
447 "$file was successfully created");
449 return $retval; # 0 if error, 1 if ok
452 sub print_version {
453 # Print program version
454 print("$progname $VERSION\n");
455 return;
458 sub usage {
459 # Send the help message to stdout
460 my $Retval = shift;
462 if ($Opt{'verbose'}) {
463 print("\n");
464 print_version();
466 print(<<"END");
468 Usage: $progname [options]
470 Contains tests for the $CMDB(1) program.
472 Options:
474 -a, --all
475 Run all tests, also TODOs.
476 -h, --help
477 Show this help.
478 -q, --quiet
479 Be more quiet. Can be repeated to increase silence.
480 -t, --todo
481 Run only the TODO tests.
482 -v, --verbose
483 Increase level of verbosity. Can be repeated.
484 --version
485 Print version information.
488 exit($Retval);
491 sub msg {
492 # Print a status message to stderr based on verbosity level
493 my ($verbose_level, $Txt) = @_;
495 $verbose_level > $Opt{'verbose'} && return;
496 print(STDERR "$progname: $Txt\n");
497 return;
500 __END__
502 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
503 # the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
504 # Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
505 # version.
507 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
508 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
510 # See the GNU General Public License for more details.
512 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
513 # this program.
514 # If not, see L<>.
516 # vim: set ts=8 sw=8 sts=8 noet fo+=w tw=79 fenc=UTF-8 :