ga-infounused works
[sunny256-utils.git] / getsvnfiles
1 #!/usr/bin/env perl
3 #=======================================================================
4 # getsvnfiles
5 # File ID: 21045066-f743-11dd-9679-000475e441b9
6 # [Description]
8 # Character set: UTF-8
9 # ©opyleft 2008– Øyvind A. Holm <>
10 # License: GNU General Public License version 2 or later, see end of
11 # file for legal stuff.
12 #=======================================================================
14 use strict;
15 use warnings;
16 use Getopt::Long;
17 use File::Temp;
19 $| = 1;
21 our $Debug = 0;
23 our %Opt = (
25 'debug' => 0,
26 'dest' => "",
27 'dry-run' => 0,
28 'help' => 0,
29 'revisions' => "",
30 'source' => "",
31 'verbose' => 0,
32 'version' => 0,
36 our $progname = $0;
37 $progname =~ s/^.*\/(.*?)$/$1/;
38 our $VERSION = "0.00";
40 Getopt::Long::Configure("bundling");
41 GetOptions(
43 "debug" => \$Opt{'debug'},
44 "dest|d=s" => \$Opt{'dest'},
45 "dry-run" => \$Opt{'dry-run'},
46 "help|h" => \$Opt{'help'},
47 "revisions|r=s" => \$Opt{'revisions'},
48 "source|s=s" => \$Opt{'source'},
49 "verbose|v+" => \$Opt{'verbose'},
50 "version" => \$Opt{'version'},
52 ) || die("$progname: Option error. Use -h for help.\n");
54 $Opt{'debug'} && ($Debug = 1);
55 $Opt{'help'} && usage(0);
56 if ($Opt{'version'}) {
57 print_version();
58 exit(0);
61 my $Lh = "[0-9a-fA-F]";
62 my $v1_templ = "$Lh\{8}-$Lh\{4}-1$Lh\{3}-$Lh\{4}-$Lh\{12}";
64 my $CMD_SVN = "svn";
65 my $PROP_PREFIX = "getsvnfiles:";
66 my %Prop = (
67 'author' => "${PROP_PREFIX}author",
68 'date' => "${PROP_PREFIX}date",
69 'log' => "${PROP_PREFIX}log",
70 'revision' => "${PROP_PREFIX}revision",
71 'source' => "${PROP_PREFIX}source",
74 my @Revs = ();
75 my ($start_rev, $end_rev);
77 my $missing_args = 0;
78 for my $chkdef (qw{source dest revisions}) {
79 length($Opt{$chkdef}) ||
80 (warn("$progname: --$chkdef option not defined\n"), $missing_args = 1);
82 $missing_args && exit(1);
84 if ($Opt{'revisions'} =~ /^(\d+):(\d+|head)$/i) {
85 ($start_rev, $end_rev) = (uc($1), uc($2));
86 } else {
87 die("$progname: \"$Opt{'revisions'}\": " .
88 "Invalid format of --revisions argument\n");
91 if (!-f $Opt{'dest'}) {
92 die("$progname: $Opt{'dest'}: File does not exist\n");
95 @Revs = revisions($Opt{'source'}, $start_rev, $end_rev);
97 D(sprintf("\@Revs = '%s'\n", join(", ", @Revs)));
99 my $tmpfile_logmsg = mktemp("$progname-logmsg-XXXXXX");
100 my $tmpfile_propset = mktemp("$progname-propset-XXXXXX");
101 mysyst($CMD_SVN, "update", $Opt{'dest'});
102 for my $curr_rev (@Revs) {
103 print(STDERR "======== $progname: Downloading revision $curr_rev ========\n");
105 if (!$Opt{'dry-run'}) {
106 my %rev_info = revision_info($Opt{'source'}, $curr_rev);
107 my $log_msg = log_message($Opt{'source'}, $curr_rev);
108 if (open(LogMsgFP, ">", $tmpfile_logmsg)) {
109 print(LogMsgFP prepare_logmsg($log_msg));
110 chomp(my $uuid = `suuid -t $progname -w eo -c "Commit r$curr_rev of $Opt{'dest'} from $Opt{'source'}"`);
111 print(LogMsgFP "\n$uuid");
112 close(LogMsgFP);
113 if (!defined($uuid) || $uuid !~ /^$v1_templ$/) {
114 unlink($tmpfile_logmsg)
115 || warn("$progname: $tmpfile_logmsg: Cannot delete temp file: $!\n");
116 die("$progname: suuid error, aborting.\n");
118 } else {
119 die("$progname: $tmpfile_logmsg: Cannot create file: $!\n");
121 if (open(CatFP, "$CMD_SVN cat $Opt{'source'} -r$curr_rev |")) {
122 if (open(DestFP, ">", $Opt{'dest'})) {
123 while (<CatFP>) {
124 print(DestFP $_);
126 close(DestFP);
127 } else {
128 die("$progname: $Opt{'dest'}: Cannot open file for write: $!\n");
130 close(CatFP);
131 } else {
132 die("$progname: Cannot open \"svn cat\" pipe: $!\n");
134 svn_propset($Prop{'source'}, $Opt{'source'}, $Opt{'dest'});
135 svn_propset($Prop{'revision'}, $curr_rev, $Opt{'dest'});
136 svn_propset($Prop{'date'}, $rev_info{'date'}, $Opt{'dest'});
137 svn_propset($Prop{'author'}, $rev_info{'author'}, $Opt{'dest'});
138 svn_propset($Prop{'log'}, $rev_info{'log'}, $Opt{'dest'});
139 mysyst($CMD_SVN, "commit", "-F", $tmpfile_logmsg, $Opt{'dest'});
142 if (!$Opt{'dry-run'}) {
143 mysyst($CMD_SVN, "propdel", $Prop{'author'}, $Opt{'dest'});
144 mysyst($CMD_SVN, "propdel", $Prop{'date'}, $Opt{'dest'});
145 mysyst($CMD_SVN, "propdel", $Prop{'log'}, $Opt{'dest'});
146 mysyst($CMD_SVN, "propdel", $Prop{'revision'}, $Opt{'dest'});
147 mysyst($CMD_SVN, "propdel", $Prop{'source'}, $Opt{'dest'});
148 my $file_loc = file_location($Opt{'dest'});
149 if (open(LogMsgFP, ">", $tmpfile_logmsg)) {
150 print(LogMsgFP
151 sprintf(
152 "%s: %u revision%s between r%s:%s downloaded from\n" .
153 "<%s>.\n" .
154 "\n" .
155 "* %s\n" .
156 " Deleted download properties.\n" .
157 "\n" .
158 "%s",
159 $progname, scalar(@Revs), scalar(@Revs) == 1 ? "" : "s",
160 $start_rev, $end_rev, $Opt{'source'},
161 file_location($Opt{'dest'}),
162 `suuid -t $progname -w eo -c "Delete download properties from $Opt{'dest'}, downloaded from $Opt{'source'}"`
165 close(LogMsgFP);
166 } else {
167 die("$progname: $tmpfile_logmsg: Cannot open file for write: $!\n");
170 mysyst($CMD_SVN, "commit", "-F", $tmpfile_logmsg, $Opt{'dest'});
171 unlink($tmpfile_logmsg);
174 sub file_location {
175 # Find the repository location for a file {{{
176 my $File = shift;
177 my $Info = `$CMD_SVN info --xml $File`;
178 my ($Url, $Root) = ("", "");
179 $Info =~ /<url>(.*?)<\/url>/s && ($Url = $1);
180 $Info =~ /<root>(.*?)<\/root>/s && ($Root = $1);
181 my $Retval = substr($Url, length($Root));
182 return($Retval);
183 # }}}
184 } # file_location()
186 sub svn_propset {
187 # Set file property for a file {{{
188 my ($Propname, $Propval, $Dest) = @_;
189 D("svn_propset('$Propname', '$Propval', '$Dest');");
190 if (open(PropFP, ">", $tmpfile_propset)) {
191 print(PropFP $Propval);
192 close(PropFP);
193 } else {
194 die("$progname: $tmpfile_propset: Cannot create file: $!\n");
196 mysyst($CMD_SVN, "propset", $Propname, "-F", $tmpfile_propset, $Dest);
197 unlink($tmpfile_propset);
198 # }}}
199 } # svn_propset()
201 sub prepare_logmsg {
202 # {{{
203 my $Txt = shift;
204 $Txt = "# $Txt";
205 $Txt =~ s/(\n)/$1# /gs;
206 $Txt =~ s/# $//s;
207 $Txt =~ s/\n# \n/\n#\n/gs;
208 $Txt =~ s/\n# \n/\n#\n/gs;
209 $Txt =~ s/#\n(# ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n)/$1/gs;
210 $Txt =~ s/^# ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n//s;
211 $Txt =~ s/# ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n$//s;
212 return($Txt);
213 # }}}
214 } # prepare_logmsg()
216 sub log_message {
217 # Return log message for a specific revision {{{
218 my ($Source, $Rev) = @_;
219 my $Retval = `$CMD_SVN log -r$Rev $Source`;
220 return($Retval);
221 # }}}
222 } # log_message()
224 sub revision_info {
225 # Return raw log message for a specific revision {{{
226 my ($Source, $Rev) = @_;
227 my %Retval = ();
228 my $Xml = `$CMD_SVN log --xml -r$Rev $Source`;
229 $Xml =~ /<author>(.*?)<\/author>/s && ($Retval{'author'} = xml_to_txt($1));
230 $Xml =~ /<date>(.*?)<\/date>/s && ($Retval{'date'} = xml_to_txt($1));
231 $Xml =~ /<msg>(.*?)<\/msg>/s && ($Retval{'log'} = xml_to_txt($1));
232 # $Retval =~ s/^.*<msg>(.*?)<\/msg>.*$/$1/s;
233 return(%Retval);
234 # }}}
235 } # revision_info()
237 sub revisions {
238 # Return an array of revision numbers from a specific revision range
239 # for a version controlled element
240 # {{{
241 my ($File, $Start, $End) = @_;
242 D("revisions('$File', '$Start', '$End')");
243 my $safe_file = escape_filename($File);
244 my $Data = "";
245 my @Revs = ();
247 if (open(PipeFP, "$CMD_SVN log --xml -r$Start:$End $safe_file |")) {
248 $Data = join("", <PipeFP>);
249 close(PipeFP);
250 $Data =~ s/<logentry\b.*?\brevision="(\d+)".*?>/push(@Revs, "$1")/egs;
252 return(@Revs);
253 # }}}
254 } # revisions()
256 sub escape_filename {
257 # Kludge for handling file names with spaces and characters that
258 # trigger shell functions
259 # {{{
260 my $Name = shift;
261 # $Name =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
262 # $Name =~ s/([ \t;\|!&"'`#\$\(\)<>\*\?])/\\$1/g;
263 $Name =~ s/'/\\'/g;
264 $Name = "'$Name'";
265 return($Name);
266 # }}}
267 } # escape_filename()
269 sub xml_to_txt {
270 # Convert XML data to plain text {{{
271 my $Txt = shift;
272 $Txt =~ s/&lt;/</gs;
273 $Txt =~ s/&gt;/>/gs;
274 $Txt =~ s/&amp;/&/gs;
275 return($Txt);
276 # }}}
277 } # xml_to_txt()
279 sub mysyst {
280 # Customised system() {{{
281 my @Args = @_;
282 msg(1, sprintf("%s \"%s\"", $Opt{'dry-run'} ? "Simulating" : "Executing", join(" ", @Args)));
283 $Opt{'dry-run'} || system(@Args);
284 # }}}
285 } # mysyst()
287 sub deb_wait {
288 # Wait until Enter is pressed if --debug {{{
289 $Debug || return;
290 print(STDERR "debug: Press ENTER...");
291 <STDIN>;
292 # }}}
293 } # deb_wait()
295 sub print_version {
296 # Print program version {{{
297 print("$progname v$VERSION\n");
298 # }}}
299 } # print_version()
301 sub usage {
302 # Send the help message to stdout {{{
303 my $Retval = shift;
305 if ($Opt{'verbose'}) {
306 print("\n");
307 print_version();
309 print(<<END);
311 Usage: $progname [OPTIONS] -s SOURCE -d DEST -r STARTREV:ENDREV
313 Copy all revisions of a file from a remote repository into a local file
314 and commit it with the log message from the remote repository. Does not
315 handle file properties yet.
317 Options:
319 -d X, --dest X
320 Use X as local file destination.
321 --dry-run
322 Don’t make any changes, only simulate.
323 -h, --help
324 Show this help.
325 -r X:Y, --revision X:Y
326 Copy revision range X:Y from remote repository.
327 -s X, --source X
328 Source file to download from remote repository.
329 -v, --verbose
330 Increase level of verbosity. Can be repeated.
331 --version
332 Print version information.
333 --debug
334 Print debugging messages.
337 exit($Retval);
338 # }}}
339 } # usage()
341 sub msg {
342 # Print a status message to stderr based on verbosity level {{{
343 my ($verbose_level, $Txt) = @_;
345 if ($Opt{'verbose'} >= $verbose_level) {
346 print(STDERR "$progname: $Txt\n");
348 # }}}
349 } # msg()
351 sub D {
352 # Print a debugging message {{{
353 $Debug || return;
354 my @call_info = caller;
355 chomp(my $Txt = shift);
356 my $File = $call_info[1];
357 $File =~ s#\\#/#g;
358 $File =~ s#^.*/(.*?)$#$1#;
359 print(STDERR "$File:$call_info[2] $$ $Txt\n");
360 return("");
361 # }}}
362 } # D()
364 __END__
366 # Plain Old Documentation (POD) {{{
368 =pod
370 =head1 NAME
374 =head1 SYNOPSIS
376 [options] [file [files [...]]]
378 =head1 DESCRIPTION
382 =head1 OPTIONS
384 =over 4
386 =item B<-h>, B<--help>
388 Print a brief help summary.
390 =item B<-v>, B<--verbose>
392 Increase level of verbosity. Can be repeated.
394 =item B<--version>
396 Print version information.
398 =item B<--debug>
400 Print debugging messages.
402 =back
404 =head1 BUGS
408 =head1 AUTHOR
410 Made by Øyvind A. Holm S<E<lt>sunny@sunbase.orgE<gt>>.
412 =head1 COPYRIGHT
414 Copyleft © Øyvind A. Holm E<lt>sunny@sunbase.orgE<gt>
415 This is free software; see the file F<COPYING> for legalese stuff.
417 =head1 LICENCE
419 This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
420 under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
421 Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your
422 option) any later version.
424 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
425 WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
427 See the GNU General Public License for more details.
429 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
430 with this program.
431 If not, see L<>.
433 =head1 SEE ALSO
435 =cut
437 # }}}
439 # vim: set fenc=UTF-8 ft=perl fdm=marker ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 et fo+=w :