ga-infounused works
[sunny256-utils.git] / git-update-dirs
1 #!/usr/bin/env perl
3 #==============================================================================
4 # git-update-dirs
5 # File ID: f1ba77e4-444e-11e0-963c-00023faf1383
7 # Update many git local repositories at once
9 # Character set: UTF-8
10 # ©opyleft 2011– Øyvind A. Holm <>
11 # License: GNU General Public License version 2 or later, see end of file for
12 # legal stuff.
13 #==============================================================================
15 use strict;
16 use warnings;
17 use Cwd qw{ abs_path getcwd };
18 use Getopt::Long;
19 use File::Basename;
21 local $| = 1;
23 our %Opt = (
25 'aggressive-compress' => 0,
26 'all-options' => 0,
27 'allbr' => 0,
28 'compress' => 0,
29 'dangling' => 0,
30 'delete-dangling' => 0,
31 'dry-run' => 0,
32 'fetch' => 0,
33 'fetch-prune' => 0,
34 'ga-dropget' => 0,
35 'ga-dropunused' => 0,
36 'ga-getnew' => 0,
37 'ga-moveunused' => 0,
38 'ga-sync' => 0,
39 'ga-update-desc' => 0,
40 'help' => 0,
41 'lpar' => 0,
42 'pull' => 0,
43 'push' => 0,
44 'quiet' => 0,
45 'recursive' => 0,
46 'submodule' => 0,
47 'test' => 0,
48 'verbose' => 0,
49 'version' => 0,
52 our @opt_dirs_from = ();
53 our @opt_exec_after = ();
54 our @opt_exec_before = ();
56 our $progname = $0;
57 $progname =~ s/^.*\/(.*?)$/$1/;
58 our $VERSION = '0.6.5';
60 my $archive_disk = "seagate-3tb"; # FIXME: Hardcoding
62 Getopt::Long::Configure('bundling');
63 GetOptions(
65 'aggressive-compress|C' => \$Opt{'aggressive-compress'},
66 'all-options|A' => \$Opt{'all-options'},
67 'allbr|a+' => \$Opt{'allbr'},
68 'compress|c' => \$Opt{'compress'},
69 'dangling|d' => \$Opt{'dangling'},
70 'delete-dangling|D' => \$Opt{'delete-dangling'},
71 'dirs-from=s' => \@opt_dirs_from,
72 'dry-run|n' => \$Opt{'dry-run'},
73 'exec-after|e=s' => \@opt_exec_after,
74 'exec-before|E=s' => \@opt_exec_before,
75 'fetch-prune|F' => \$Opt{'fetch-prune'},
76 'fetch|f' => \$Opt{'fetch'},
77 'ga-dropget|G' => \$Opt{'ga-dropget'},
78 'ga-dropunused|u' => \$Opt{'ga-dropunused'},
79 'ga-getnew|N' => \$Opt{'ga-getnew'},
80 'ga-moveunused|U' => \$Opt{'ga-moveunused'},
81 'ga-sync|g' => \$Opt{'ga-sync'},
82 'ga-update-desc|S' => \$Opt{'ga-update-desc'},
83 'help|h' => \$Opt{'help'},
84 'lpar|l' => \$Opt{'lpar'},
85 'pull|p' => \$Opt{'pull'},
86 'push|P' => \$Opt{'push'},
87 'quiet|q+' => \$Opt{'quiet'},
88 'recursive|r' => \$Opt{'recursive'},
89 'submodule|s' => \$Opt{'submodule'},
90 'test|t' => \$Opt{'test'},
91 'verbose|v+' => \$Opt{'verbose'},
92 'version' => \$Opt{'version'},
94 ) || die("$progname: Option error. Use -h for help.\n");
96 $Opt{'verbose'} -= $Opt{'quiet'};
97 $Opt{'help'} && usage(0);
98 if ($Opt{'version'}) {
99 print_version();
100 exit(0);
103 exit(main());
105 sub main {
106 # {{{
107 my $Retval = 0;
109 ($Opt{'ga-dropunused'} && $Opt{'ga-moveunused'}) &&
110 die("$progname: Can't use -u/--ga-dropunused and " .
111 "-U/--ga-moveunused at the same time\n");
113 if ($Opt{'all-options'}) {
114 $Opt{'allbr'} += 1;
115 $Opt{'dangling'} = 1;
116 $Opt{'fetch-prune'} = 1;
117 $Opt{'ga-sync'} = 1;
118 $Opt{'ga-update-desc'} = 1;
119 $Opt{'lpar'} = 1;
120 $Opt{'pull'} = 1;
121 $Opt{'push'} = 1;
122 $Opt{'submodule'} = 1;
124 ($Opt{'ga-dropget'} || $Opt{'ga-dropunused'}
125 || $Opt{'ga-moveunused'}) &&
126 ($Opt{'ga-sync'} = 1);
128 my @Dirs = @ARGV;
129 my @err_compress = ();
130 my @err_dangling = ();
131 my @err_fetch = ();
132 my @err_gasync = ();
133 my @err_pull = ();
134 my @err_push = ();
135 my @err_test = ();
136 my @err_updsub = ();
138 if ($Opt{'recursive'}) {
139 my $repos = `find . -type d -name .git -print0`;
140 $repos =~ s/\/\.git\000/\000/g;
141 my %dupdir;
142 @Dirs = sort(grep { !$dupdir{$_}++ }
143 (@Dirs, split("\000", $repos)));
146 my $orig_dir = getcwd();
147 my ($total_before, $total_after, $total_saved) = (0, 0, 0);
148 my ($totnum_before, $totnum_after) = (0, 0);
150 for my $dirfile (@opt_dirs_from) {
151 if ($dirfile eq '-') {
152 while (<STDIN>) {
153 chomp();
154 push(@Dirs, $_);
156 } else {
157 open(DirFP, "<$dirfile") or
158 die("$progname: $dirfile: Cannot read " .
159 "from file: $!\n");
160 while (<DirFP>) {
161 chomp();
162 push(@Dirs, $_);
164 close(DirFP);
168 LOOP: for my $f (@Dirs) {
169 my $object_dir = '';
170 -d "$f/.git/." && ($object_dir = ".git/objects");
171 -d "$f/objects/." && ($object_dir = "objects");
172 msg(2, "object_dir = '$object_dir'");
173 if (length($object_dir)) {
174 $Opt{'verbose'} >= -1 &&
175 print("================ $f " .
176 "================\n");
177 if (!chdir($f)) {
178 warn("$progname: $f: Cannot chdir: $!\n");
179 next LOOP;
181 inside_git_dir() &&
182 (chdir('..'), $object_dir = ".git/objects");
183 my $is_bare = (get_config('core.bare') =~ /^true/)
185 : 0;
186 msg(2, "is_bare = '$is_bare'");
188 my $Lh = "[0-9a-fA-F]";
189 my $uuid_templ = "$Lh\{8}-$Lh\{4}-$Lh\{4}-" .
190 "$Lh\{4}-$Lh\{12}";
191 my $is_annex = (get_config('annex.uuid') =~
192 /^$uuid_templ/)
194 : 0;
195 msg(2, "is_annex = '$is_annex'");
197 if (should('exec-before')) {
198 for my $arg (@opt_exec_before) {
199 mysystem($arg);
202 if (should('lpar')) {
203 mysystem("lpar");
205 if (should('test')) {
206 mysystem("git", "fsck") && (
207 push(@err_test, $f),
208 warn("$progname: $f: ERRORS FOUND! " .
209 "Skipping other actions " .
210 "for this repo.\n"),
211 next LOOP
214 if (should('fetch-prune')) {
215 mysystem("git", "fetch", "--all", "--prune") &&
216 push(@err_fetch, $f);
217 } elsif (should('fetch')) {
218 mysystem("git", "fetch", "--all") &&
219 push(@err_fetch, $f);
221 if (should('pull') && !$is_bare) {
222 mysystem("git", "pull", "--ff-only") &&
223 push(@err_pull, $f);
224 if (-e '.emptydirs') {
225 mysystem('git', 'restore-dirs');
228 if ($is_annex &&
229 (should('ga-sync') || should('ga-getnew'))) {
230 should('ga-sync') && mysystem("ga", "sync") &&
231 push(@err_gasync, $f);
232 if (should('ga-dropget')) {
233 mysystem("ga", "drop", "--auto");
234 mysystem("ga", "sync");
236 if (should('ga-dropunused')) {
237 mysystem("ga", "unused");
238 mysystem("ga", "dropunused", "all");
239 mysystem("ga", "sync");
241 if (should('ga-moveunused')) {
242 if (open(my $fh, "git remote |")) {
243 my $found = 0;
244 while (my $curr_remote = <$fh>) {
245 if ($curr_remote =~ /^$archive_disk$/) {
246 mysystem("ga", "unused");
247 mysystem("ga", "move", "--unused",
248 "--to", $archive_disk);
249 mysystem("ga", "sync");
250 last;
253 close($fh);
254 } else {
255 warn("$progname: Cannot open " .
256 "'git remote' pipe: $!\n");
259 if (should('ga-dropget') || should('ga-getnew')) {
260 if (!$Opt{'ga-getnew'}) {
261 mysystem("ga", "get",
262 "--auto");
263 mysystem("ga", "sync");
264 } else {
265 mysystem("ga-getnew");
269 if ($is_annex && should('ga-update-desc')) {
270 mysystem("ga", "update-desc");
272 if (should('dangling')) {
273 mysystem("git", "dangling") &&
274 push(@err_dangling, $f);
276 if (should('allbr') &&
277 ($is_bare || $Opt{'allbr'} > 1)) {
278 mysystem("git", "nobr");
279 mysystem("git", "allbr", "-a");
280 mysystem("git", "checkout", "-");
282 if (should('push')) {
283 mysystem("git", "pa") && push(@err_push, $f);
285 if (should('submodule') && -e ".gitmodules") {
286 mysystem("git", "submodule", "init");
287 mysystem("git", "submodule", "update") &&
288 push(@err_updsub, $f);
290 if (should('compress') ||
291 should('aggressive-compress')) {
292 chomp(my $before =
293 `(find $object_dir -type f -printf '%s+' ; echo 0) | bc`);
294 $total_before += $before;
295 chomp(my $numfiles_before =
296 `find $object_dir -type f | wc -l`);
297 $totnum_before += $numfiles_before;
298 $Opt{'dry-run'} || print("\n");
299 mysystem("git", "count-objects", "-vH");
300 $Opt{'dry-run'} || print("\n");
301 if (should('aggressive-compress')) {
302 mysystem("git gc --aggressive") &&
303 push(@err_compress, $f);
304 } else {
305 mysystem("git gc") &&
306 push(@err_compress, $f);
308 chomp(my $after =
309 `(find $object_dir -type f -printf '%s+' ; echo 0) | bc`);
310 $total_after += $after;
311 my $saved = $before - $after;
312 chomp(my $numfiles_after =
313 `find $object_dir -type f | wc -l`);
314 $totnum_after += $numfiles_after;
315 $before &&
316 printf("\nBefore: %s\n" .
317 "After : %s\n" .
318 "Saved : %s (%.4f%%)\n",
319 commify($before),
320 commify($after),
321 commify($saved),
322 100.0 * $saved / $before);
323 printf("Number of files in %s: " .
324 "before: %u, after: %u, saved: %d\n",
325 $object_dir,
326 $numfiles_before,
327 $numfiles_after,
328 $numfiles_before-$numfiles_after)
329 # Temporarily (?) disabled, it takes a heck of
330 # a long time and uses loads of CPU and memory.
331 # If the git-annex repo gets corrupted it's in
332 # most cases good enough to delete
333 # .git/annex/index anyway, and that can be done
334 # manually.
335 # $is_annex && should('dangling') && mysystem("ga", "repair");
337 if (should('delete-dangling') && !$is_bare) {
338 mysystem("git", "dangling", "-D");
340 if (should('lpar')) {
341 mysystem("lpar");
343 if (should('exec-after')) {
344 for my $arg (@opt_exec_after) {
345 mysystem($arg);
348 $Opt{'verbose'} >= -1 && print("\n");
350 chdir($orig_dir) || die(
351 "$progname: $orig_dir: Cannot return to " .
352 "original directory: $!\n");
354 scalar(@err_fetch) && print("$progname: Unable to fetch from: " .
355 join(" ", @err_fetch) . "\n");
356 scalar(@err_gasync) && print("$progname: Unable to run ga sync: " .
357 join(" ", @err_gasync) . "\n");
358 scalar(@err_dangling) &&
359 print("$progname: Unable to run git dangling: " .
360 join(" ", @err_dangling) . "\n");
361 scalar(@err_pull) && print("$progname: Unable to pull from: " .
362 join(" ", @err_pull) . "\n");
363 scalar(@err_push) && print("$progname: Unable to push from: " .
364 join(" ", @err_push) . "\n");
365 scalar(@err_updsub) &&
366 print("$progname: Unable to update submodules in: " .
367 join(" ", @err_updsub) . "\n");
368 scalar(@err_compress) && print("$progname: Unable to compress: " .
369 join(" ", @err_compress) . "\n");
370 scalar(@err_test) && print("$progname: Error in git fsck: " .
371 join(" ", @err_test) . "\n");
373 if ($Opt{'compress'} || $Opt{'aggressive-compress'}) {
374 my $total_saved = $total_before - $total_after;
375 printf("Before: %s\nAfter : %s\n",
376 commify($total_before), commify($total_after));
377 $total_before &&
378 printf("Total : %s (%.4f%%)\n",
379 commify($total_saved),
380 100.0 * $total_saved / $total_before);
381 printf("Number of object files: before: %u, after: %u, " .
382 "saved: %d\n", $totnum_before, $totnum_after,
383 $totnum_before-$totnum_after)
386 return $Retval;
387 # }}}
390 sub check_sig {
391 # {{{
392 my $retval = shift;
393 ($retval & 127) &&
394 die("\n$progname: Child process interrupted, aborting.\n");
395 return(0);
396 # }}}
397 } # check_sig()
399 sub commify {
400 # {{{
401 my $Str = reverse $_[0];
402 $Str =~ s/(\d\d\d)(?=\d)(?!\d*\,)/$1,/g;
403 return scalar reverse $Str;
404 # }}}
405 } # commify()
407 sub get_config {
408 # {{{
409 my $name = shift;
410 my $retval = '';
411 chomp($retval = `git config --get "$name"`);
412 return($retval);
413 # }}}
414 } # get_config()
416 sub inside_git_dir {
417 # {{{
418 my $basename = basename(abs_path(getcwd()));
419 my $retval = ($basename eq '.git') ? 1 : 0;
420 return($retval);
421 # }}}
422 } # inside_git_dir()
424 sub mysystem {
425 # {{{
426 my @cmd = @_;
427 msg(0, sprintf("%s '", $Opt{'dry-run'} ? "Simulating" : "Executing") .
428 join(" ", @cmd) . "'...");
429 $? = 0;
430 !$Opt{'dry-run'} && system(@cmd) && check_sig($?);
431 return $?;
432 # }}}
433 } # mysystem()
435 sub print_version {
436 # Print program version {{{
437 print("$progname $VERSION\n");
438 return;
439 # }}}
442 sub should {
443 # {{{
444 my $name = shift;
445 get_config("$name") eq 'true' && return 0;
446 my $retval = 0;
447 if ($name =~ /^exec-(before|after)$/) {
448 scalar($1 eq "before" ? @opt_exec_before : @opt_exec_after) &&
449 ($retval = 1);
450 } else {
451 $Opt{$name} && ($retval = 1);
453 return($retval);
454 # }}}
455 } # should()
457 sub usage {
458 # Send the help message to stdout {{{
459 my $Retval = shift;
461 if ($Opt{'verbose'}) {
462 print("\n");
463 print_version();
465 print(<<"END");
467 Execute a predefined or customised set of commands in multiple local Git
468 repositories in one operation.
470 Usage: $progname [options] [directories [...]]
472 Options, listed in the order they are executed in every Git repository:
474 -E X, --exec-before X
475 Execute command X in every repo before all other commands. This
476 option can be specified multiple times to run several commands.
477 To disable: git config true
478 -l, --lpar
479 Execute lpar before and after fetch/pull and push
480 To disable: git config true
481 -t, --test
482 Test integrity of local repositories by running "git fsck".
483 To disable: git config true
484 -F, --fetch-prune
485 Fetch new commits from all remotes and prune deleted remote
486 branches.
487 To disable: git config true
488 -f, --fetch
489 Fetch new commits from all remotes.
490 To disable: git config true
491 -p, --pull
492 Also execute "git pull --ff-only".
493 To disable: git config true
494 -g, --ga-sync
495 If the repo is used by git-annex, run "ga sync".
496 To disable: git config true
497 -G, --ga-dropget
498 Drop annex files having more copies than necessary, get files with
499 fewer copies than necessary.
500 To disable: git config true
501 -u, --ga-dropunused
502 In a git-annex repo, run "ga unused" followed by "ga dropunused
503 all". Can't be used together with -U/--ga-moveunused.
504 To disable: git config true
505 -U, --ga-moveunused
506 Move unused git-annex contents to the '$archive_disk' remote. Can't
507 be used together with -u/--ga-dropunused.
508 To disable: git config true
509 -N, --ga-getnew
510 Execute "ga-getnew", i.e. use "ga get --auto" to get all files from
511 one month back that don't have enough copies.
512 To disable: git config true
513 -S, --ga-update-desc
514 If the directory is controlled by git-annex, execute "ga
515 update-desc" to set the description to the output from ga-pwd(1).
516 To disable: git config true
517 -d, --dangling
518 Execute "git dangling", i.e. turn all dangling commits into
519 branches.
520 To disable: git config true
521 -a, --allbr
522 Execute "git nobr", "git allbr -a" and "git checkout -". If this
523 option is specified once, it's only executed in bare repos. To also
524 execute it in non-bare repos, it must be specified twice.
525 To disable: git config true
526 -P, --push
527 Also execute "git pa".
528 To disable: git config true
529 -s, --submodule
530 Update submodules if .gitmodules is found.
531 To disable: git config true
532 -c, --compress
533 Compress local repositories to save space.
534 To disable: git config true
535 -C, --aggressive-compress
536 Use --aggressive when compressing the repository.
537 To disable: git config true
538 -D, --delete-dangling
539 Execute "git dangling -D" after execution to remove local commit-*
540 branches and tag-* tags. This option is ignored in bare repos.
541 To disable: git config true
542 -e X, --exec-after X
543 Execute command X in every repo after all other commands. This
544 option can be specified multiple times to run several commands.
545 To disable: git config true
547 -A, --all-options
548 Run the program as if "-lFpgSdaPs" had been specified.
549 --dirs-from X
550 Read directory list from file X. If "-" is specified, read from
551 stdin. Can be specified multiple times to read from different files.
552 -h, --help
553 Show this help.
554 -n, --dry-run
555 Simulate, don't actually execute any git commands.
556 -q, --quiet
557 Be more quiet. Can be repeated to increase silence.
558 -r, --recursive
559 Update all repositories recursively under the current directory.
560 -v, --verbose
561 Increase level of verbosity. Can be repeated.
562 --version
563 Print version information.
565 To disable some of these commands in a specific repository, set the git
566 config variable to "true". For example, to
567 disable push:
569 git config true
571 Or disable aggressive compression:
573 git config true
575 In this case aggressive compression will be disabled, and it will fall
576 back to regular compression.
578 Only the value "true" (with lower case letters) is recognised, any other
579 value will allow the command to run.
582 exit($Retval);
583 # }}}
586 sub msg {
587 # Print a status message to stderr based on verbosity level {{{
588 my ($verbose_level, $Txt) = @_;
590 if ($Opt{'verbose'} >= $verbose_level) {
591 print(STDERR "$progname: $Txt\n");
593 return;
594 # }}}
597 __END__
599 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
600 # the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
601 # Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
602 # version.
604 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
605 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
607 # See the GNU General Public License for more details.
609 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
610 # this program.
611 # If not, see L<>.
613 # vim: set ts=8 sw=8 sts=8 noet fo+=w tw=79 fenc=UTF-8 :