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1 #!/usr/bin/env perl
3 #=======================================================================
4 # hhi
5 # File ID: 9f049aca-5d3b-11df-8f49-90e6ba3022ac
7 # Html Header Indexer
9 # Character set: UTF-8
10 # ©opyleft 2002– Øyvind A. Holm <>
11 # License: GNU General Public License version 2 or later, see end of
12 # file for legal stuff.
13 #=======================================================================
15 use strict;
16 use warnings;
17 use Getopt::Long;
19 local $| = 1;
21 our %Opt = (
23 'all' => 0,
24 'help' => 0,
25 'no-number' => 0,
26 'quiet' => 0,
27 'startlevel' => 2,
28 'verbose' => 0,
29 'version' => 0,
33 our $progname = $0;
34 $progname =~ s/^.*\/(.*?)$/$1/;
35 our $VERSION = '0.1.0';
37 Getopt::Long::Configure('bundling');
38 GetOptions(
40 'all|a' => \$Opt{'help'},
41 'help|h' => \$Opt{'help'},
42 'no-number|n' => \$Opt{'no-number'},
43 'quiet|q+' => \$Opt{'quiet'},
44 'startlevel|l=i' => "",
45 'verbose|v+' => \$Opt{'verbose'},
46 'version' => \$Opt{'version'},
48 ) || die("$progname: Option error. Use -h for help.\n");
50 $Opt{'verbose'} -= $Opt{'quiet'};
51 $Opt{'help'} && usage(0);
52 if ($Opt{'version'}) {
53 print_version();
54 exit(0);
57 exit(main());
59 sub main {
60 # {{{
61 my $Retval = 0;
63 my $last_level = 1;
64 my $start_level = 2;
65 my @header_num = qw{0};
66 my @Data = ();
67 my @Toc = ();
68 my %name_used = ();
70 if ($Opt{'startlevel'} =~ /^\d+$/) {
71 if ($Opt{'startlevel'} < 1) {
72 die("$progname: Number passed to -l has to be bigger than zero\n");
73 } else {
74 $start_level = $Opt{'startlevel'};
76 } else {
77 die("$progname: -l wants a number\n")
80 while (<>) {
81 # {{{
82 my $orig_line = $_;
83 if (!/ nohhi /i && /^(.*)<(h)(\d+)(.*?)>(.*)$/i) {
84 # Header found {{{
85 my ($Pref, $H, $header_level, $Elem, $Rest) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5);
86 if ($header_level >= $start_level) {
87 my $skip_num = 0;
88 splice(@header_num, $header_level-1)
89 if ($header_level < $last_level);
90 if ($header_level - $last_level > 1) {
91 warn("$progname: Line $.: Header skip " .
92 "($last_level to $header_level)\n");
93 for (my $Tmp = 0; $Tmp < $header_level-2; $Tmp++) {
94 defined($header_num[$Tmp]) || ($header_num[$Tmp] = "");
97 $header_num[$header_level-2]++;
98 my $tall_str = join(".", @header_num);
99 my $name_str = ($Rest =~ /<!-- hhiname (\S+) -->/i)
100 ? $1
101 : "h-$tall_str";
103 if (defined($name_used{$name_str})) {
104 warn("$progname: Line $.: \"$name_str\": " .
105 "Section name already used\n");
107 $name_used{$name_str} = 1;
109 if ($Rest =~ m#^(<a (name|id)=".*?">[\d\.]+</a>\s+)(.*?)$#i) {
110 $Rest = $3;
111 } elsif ($Rest =~ m#^([\d\.]+)\s*(.*?)$#i) {
112 $Rest = $2;
114 ($tall_str .= ".") if ($header_level == 2);
115 if ($Opt{'no-number'} || $Rest =~ /<!-- nohhinum -->/i) {
116 $skip_num = 1;
117 $_ = "${Pref}<${H}${header_level}${Elem}>$Rest\n";
118 } else {
119 $_ = "${Pref}<${H}${header_level}${Elem}>" .
120 "<a id=\"$name_str\">$tall_str</a> $Rest\n";
122 if (!/<!-- nohhitoc -->/i || $Opt{'all'}) {
123 push(@Toc, $skip_num ? "<${H}${header_level}${Elem}>$Rest"
124 : "<${H}${header_level}${Elem}>" .
125 "<b><a href=\"#$name_str\">" .
126 "$tall_str</a></b> $Rest");
128 $last_level = $header_level;
130 push(@Data, "$_");
131 # }}}
132 } elsif (/<!-- hhitoc -->/i) {
133 # Contents area found, skip everything until a "<!-- /hhitoc
134 # -->" is found
135 # {{{
136 my $Found = 1;
137 my $line_num = $.;
138 push(@Data, "$_");
139 while (<>) {
140 if (m#<!-- /hhitoc -->#i) {
141 push(@Data, "$_");
142 $Found = 0;
143 last;
146 $Found && die("$progname: Line $line_num: " .
147 "Missing terminating <!-- /hhitoc -->\n");
148 # }}}
149 } else {
150 push(@Data, "$_");
152 # }}}
155 for my $Line (@Data) {
156 # Send everything to stdout with optional contents inserted {{{
157 if ($Line =~ /^(\s*)(<!-- hhitoc -->)(.*)$/i) {
158 my ($Indent, $HT, $End) = ($1, $2, $3);
159 print("$Line$Indent<ul>\n$Indent<!-- \x7B\x7B\x7B -->\n");
160 my $Old = 0;
161 my ($Cnt, $Txt) = (0, "");
162 my $Ex = "\t";
163 for (@Toc) {
164 # {{{
165 if (/<h(\d+).*?>(.*)<\/h\d+>/i) {
166 ($Cnt, $Txt) = ($1, $2);
167 my $Diff = $Cnt-$Old;
168 $Ex = ""; # "\t" x $Cnt; # FIXME: Temporary disabled
169 # until it works
170 if ($Old && $Diff > 0) {
171 for (my $T = $Diff; $T; $T--) {
172 print("$Indent$Ex<ul>\n");
174 } elsif ($Old && $Diff < 0) {
175 print("$Indent$Ex</li>\n");
176 for (my $T = $Diff; $T; $T++) {
177 print("$Indent$Ex</ul>\n$Indent$Ex</li>\n");
179 } elsif ($Old) {
180 print("$Indent$Ex</li>\n");
182 print("$Indent$Ex<li><span>$Txt</span>\n");
183 $Old = $Cnt;
185 # }}}
187 for (; $Cnt > 1; $Cnt--) {
188 msg(2, "Cnt = \"$Cnt\"\n");
189 print("$Indent$Ex</li>\n");
190 ($Cnt == 2) && print("$Indent<!-- \x7D\x7D\x7D -->\n");
191 print("$Indent$Ex</ul>\n");
193 } else {
194 print("$Line");
196 # }}}
199 return $Retval;
200 # }}}
201 } # main()
203 sub print_version {
204 # Print program version {{{
205 print("$progname $VERSION\n");
206 return;
207 # }}}
208 } # print_version()
210 sub usage {
211 # Send the help message to stdout {{{
212 my $Retval = shift;
214 if ($Opt{'verbose'}) {
215 print("\n");
216 print_version();
218 print(<<"END");
220 Usage: $progname [options] [file [files [...]]]
222 Parses HTML source and creates section numbers in headers and inserts a
223 table of contents in a defined area. Refer to the POD at the end of the
224 Perl file for complete info.
226 Options:
228 -a, --all
229 Include all headers in the table of contents, even those marked with
230 "<!-- nohhitoc -->"
231 -h, --help
232 Show this help.
233 -l, --startlevel
234 Start indexing at this level number. Default: 2.
235 -n, --no-number
236 Don't number headers
237 -q, --quiet
238 Be more quiet. Can be repeated to increase silence.
239 -v, --verbose
240 Increase level of verbosity. Can be repeated.
241 --version
242 Print version information.
245 exit($Retval);
246 # }}}
247 } # usage()
249 sub msg {
250 # Print a status message to stderr based on verbosity level {{{
251 my ($verbose_level, $Txt) = @_;
253 if ($Opt{'verbose'} >= $verbose_level) {
254 print(STDERR "$progname: $Txt\n");
256 return;
257 # }}}
258 } # msg()
260 __END__
262 # Plain Old Documentation (POD) {{{
264 =pod
266 =head1 NAME
268 hhi - Html Header Indexer
270 =head1 SYNOPSIS
272 hhi [options] [file [files [...]]]
274 =head1 DESCRIPTION
276 The hhi(1) command (re)numbers the headers of HTML source and is able to
277 create a table of contents in a defined area.
278 Lines containing C<E<lt>!-- nohhi --E<gt>> will be ignored and lines
279 containg C<E<lt>!-- nohhitoc --E<gt>> will be numbered, but not included
280 in the index.
281 An optional table of contents will be included between the lines
283 <!-- hhitoc -->
284 <!-- /hhitoc -->
286 Any text between those two lines will be replaced.
288 Every header will be have an index number inserted into the beginning of
289 the header title, e.g.:
291 <h1>Header of document</h1>
292 <h2>Table of contents</h2> <!-- nohhi -->
293 <!-- hhitoc -->
294 <!-- /hhitoc -->
295 <h2>Subsection #1</h2>
296 <h3>Subsubsection #1.1</h3>
297 <h4>Header excluded from the index</h4> <!-- nohhitoc -->
298 <h2>Subsection #2</h2>
299 <h2>Section with specified name</h2> <!-- hhiname secname -->
301 will be changed to
303 <h1>Header of document</h1>
304 <h2>Table of contents</h2> <!-- nohhi -->
305 <!-- hhitoc -->
306 <ul>
307 <li><b><a href="#h-1">1.</a></b> Subsection #1
308 <ul>
309 <li><b><a href="#h-1.1">1.1</a></b> Subsubsection #1.1
310 </li>
311 </ul>
312 </li>
313 <li><b><a href="#h-2">2.</a></b> Subsection #2
314 </li>
315 <li><b><a href="#secname">3.</a></b> Section with specified name
316 </li>
317 </ul>
318 <!-- /hhitoc -->
319 <h2><a id="h-1">1.</a> Subsection #1</h2>
320 <h3><a id="h-1.1">1.1</a> Subsubsection #1.1</h3>
321 <h4><a id="h-1.1.1">1.1.1</a> Header excluded from the index</h4> <!-- nohhitoc -->
322 <h2><a id="h-2">2.</a> Subsection #2</h2>
323 <h2><a id="secname">3.</a> Section with specified name</h2> <!-- hhiname secname -->
325 To avoid creation of names like I<1.2..4>, header levels should not be
326 skipped, do not let a E<lt>h4E<gt> follow a E<lt>h2E<gt> without a
327 E<lt>h3E<gt> in between.
329 =head1 OPTIONS
331 =over 4
333 =item B<-a>, B<--all>
335 Include all headers in the contents, even those marked with S<E<lt>!--
336 nohhitoc --E<gt>>.
338 =item B<-l x>, B<--startlevel x>
340 Start indexing at level x.
341 Default value is 2, leaving E<lt>h1E<gt> headers untouched.
343 ==item B<-n>, B<--no-number>
345 Don’t insert section numbers into headers.
347 =back
349 =head1 BUGS
353 =head1 AUTHOR
355 Made by Øyvind A. Holm S<E<lt>sunny@sunbase.orgE<gt>>.
357 =head1 COPYRIGHT
359 Copyleft ©2002- Øyvind A. Holm E<lt>sunny@sunbase.orgE<gt>
360 This is free software; see the file F<COPYING> for legalese stuff.
362 =head1 LICENCE
364 This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
365 under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
366 Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your
367 option) any later version.
369 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
370 WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
372 See the GNU General Public License for more details.
374 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
375 with this program.
376 If not, see L<>.
378 =head1 SEE ALSO
380 =cut
382 # }}}
384 # vim: set fenc=UTF-8 ft=perl fdm=marker ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 et fo+=w :