Git/spar/: New commits
[sunny256-utils.git] / std
1 #!/usr/bin/env perl
3 #=======================================================================
4 # std
5 # File ID: e9801250-f743-11dd-afdc-000475e441b9
7 # Send file templates to stdout
9 # Character set: UTF-8
10 # ©opyleft 2004– Øyvind A. Holm <>
11 # License: GNU General Public License version 2 or later, see end of
12 # file for legal stuff.
13 #=======================================================================
15 use strict;
16 use warnings;
17 use Getopt::Long;
18 use Cwd;
20 local $| = 1;
22 our %Opt = (
24 'force' => 0,
25 'help' => 0,
26 'notag' => "",
27 'quiet' => 0,
28 'rcfile' => "$ENV{'HOME'}/.stdrc",
29 'tag' => 0,
30 'verbose' => 0,
31 'version' => 0,
34 my @Tags = ();
36 our $progname = $0;
37 $progname =~ s/^.*\/(.*?)$/$1/;
38 our $VERSION = '0.9.0';
40 my $CMD_GIT = "git";
41 my $CMD_WGET = "wget";
42 my $CMD_SUUID = "suuid";
44 my $Type = "";
45 my $Dest = "";
46 my $session_uuid = "";
47 my @bck_cmdline = @ARGV;
49 Getopt::Long::Configure('bundling');
50 GetOptions(
52 'force|f' => \$Opt{'force'},
53 'help|h' => \$Opt{'help'},
54 'notag|T=s' => \$Opt{'notag'},
55 'quiet|q+' => \$Opt{'quiet'},
56 'rcfile=s' => \$Opt{'rcfile'},
57 'tag|t=s' => \@Tags,
58 'verbose|v+' => \$Opt{'verbose'},
59 'version' => \$Opt{'version'},
61 ) || die("$progname: Option error. Use -h for help.\n");
63 $Opt{'verbose'} -= $Opt{'quiet'};
64 $Opt{'help'} && usage(0);
65 if ($Opt{'version'}) {
66 print_version();
67 exit(0);
70 my $Lh = "[0-9a-fA-F]";
71 my $v1_templ = "$Lh\{8}-$Lh\{4}-1$Lh\{3}-$Lh\{4}-$Lh\{12}";
73 my %rc = read_rcfile();
75 if (defined($ARGV[0])) {
76 $Type = $ARGV[0];
77 } else {
78 usage(1);
81 defined($ARGV[1]) && ($Dest = $ARGV[1]);
83 my ($Sec, $Min, $Hour, $Day, $Mon, $Year, $Wday, $Yday, $is_dst) = localtime();
84 $Year += 1900;
85 $Mon += 1;
87 my %Tag = ();
88 if (scalar(@Tags)) {
89 for my $Curr (@Tags) {
90 if ($Curr =~ /^([^=]+?)=(.*)$/) {
91 $Tag{$1} = $2;
92 } else {
93 die("$progname: $Curr: Invalid tag, must have the form " .
94 "name=value\n");
99 my $retval = main();
100 exit($retval);
102 sub main {
103 # {{{
104 my $Retval = 0;
106 if (length($Dest) && -e $Dest) {
107 if ($Opt{'force'}) {
108 msg(1, "Overwriting '$Dest'...");
109 } else {
110 warn("$progname: $Dest: File already exists, " .
111 "will not overwrite\n");
112 return(1);
116 msg(2, sprintf("\@Tags = \"%s", join("\", \"", @Tags) . "\""));
117 msg(2, sprintf("%%Tag = \"%s", join("\", \"", %Tag) . "\""));
119 my $dat_dir = $0;
120 $dat_dir =~ s/^(.+\/)(.+?)$/$1/;
121 $dat_dir .= "Lib/std";
122 my $dat_file = "$dat_dir/$Type";
124 my $tmpfile = "tmp.std." . time;
126 my $orig_dir = getcwd();
127 chdir($dat_dir) || die("$progname: $dat_dir: Cannot chdir: $!\n");
128 if (open(PipeFP, "$CMD_GIT status $Type |")) {
129 while (<PipeFP>) {
130 if (/modified:\s+$dat_file/) {
131 warn("$progname: WARNING: $dat_file is modified\n");
132 last;
135 close(PipeFP);
136 chdir($orig_dir) ||
137 die("$progname: $orig_dir: Cannot return to original dir: $!\n");
138 mysyst("cp", "-p", $dat_file, $tmpfile);
139 } else {
140 warn("$progname: Unable to open \"$CMD_GIT stat\" pipe\n");
143 if (length($Dest)) {
144 msg(1, "Copying temp file");
145 mysyst("cp", "-p", $tmpfile, $Dest);
148 my $Output = "";
150 if (open(FromFP, "<$tmpfile")) {
151 while (my $Line = <FromFP>) {
152 $Line = replace_tags($Line);
153 $Output .= $Line;
155 close(FromFP);
156 if ($Output =~ /STD\S+DTS/s) {
157 my ($tmp, $tmp2) = ($Output, "");
158 my %Ha = ();
159 $tmp =~ s/STDU(\S+?)UDTS/uc($Ha{$1} = 1)/gse;
160 $tmp =~ s/STD(\S+?)DTS/($Ha{$1} = 1)/gse;
161 for my $key (sort keys %Ha) {
162 defined($Ha{$key}) && ($tmp2 .= "$key ");
164 $tmp2 =~ s/ $//;
165 warn("$progname: Warning: Undefined tags: $tmp2\n");
167 } else {
168 die("$progname: $tmpfile: Cannot read file: $!\n");
171 if (length($Dest)) {
172 open(DestFP, ">$Dest")
173 || die("$progname: $Dest: Cannot open file for write: $!\n");
174 print(DestFP $Output);
175 close(DestFP);
176 } else {
177 print($Output);
180 unlink($tmpfile) || warn("$progname: $tmpfile: Cannot delete file: $!\n");
182 return $Retval;
183 # }}}
184 } # main()
186 sub read_rcfile {
187 # Read userdefined data from file in $Opt{'rcfile'} {{{
188 my %Retval = ();
189 if (-e $Opt{'rcfile'}) {
190 if (open(RcFP, "<", $Opt{'rcfile'})) {
191 while (my $Line = <RcFP>) {
192 $Line =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/;
193 # if ($Line =~ /^example\s*=\s*(\S+)/) {
194 # $Retval{'example'} = $1;
197 close(RcFP);
198 } else {
199 msg(-1, "$Opt{'rcfile'}: Cannot open file for read: $!");
202 return(%Retval);
203 # }}}
204 } # read_rcfile()
206 sub replace_tags {
207 # {{{
208 my $Txt = shift;
209 if (scalar(@Tags)) {
210 for my $Curr (keys %Tag) {
211 if ($Opt{'notag'} !~ /\b$Curr\b/) {
212 $Txt =~ s/STDU${Curr}UDTS/\U$Tag{$Curr}/g;
213 $Txt =~ s/STD${Curr}DTS/$Tag{$Curr}/g;
217 $Opt{'notag'} =~ /\bfilename\b/ || (length($Dest) &&
218 ($Txt =~ s/STDfilenameDTS/$Dest/g));
219 $Opt{'notag'} =~ /\byear\b/ || ($Txt =~ s/STDyearDTS/$Year/g);
220 $Opt{'notag'} =~ /\buuid\b/ || ($Txt =~ s/STDuuidDTS/gen_uuid()/ge);
221 return($Txt);
222 # }}}
223 } # replace_tags()
225 sub mysyst {
226 # Customised system() {{{
227 my @Args = @_;
228 my $system_txt = sprintf("system(\"%s\");", join("\", \"", @Args));
229 msg(2, "$system_txt");
230 msg(1, "@_\n");
231 system(@_);
232 # }}}
233 } # mysyst()
235 sub gen_uuid {
236 # {{{
237 my $Retval = "";
238 my $Comment = "$progname " . join(" ", @bck_cmdline) . "";
239 if (!length($session_uuid)) {
240 chomp($session_uuid =
241 `$CMD_SUUID --tag std --whereto o --comment "$Comment"`);
242 if (!defined($session_uuid) || $session_uuid !~ /^$v1_templ$/) {
243 die("$progname: $CMD_SUUID error\n");
245 if (length($Dest)) {
246 print("$session_uuid\n");
249 $Retval = $session_uuid;
250 msg(2, "gen_uuid(): Retval = '$Retval'");
251 return($Retval);
252 # }}}
253 } # gen_uuid()
255 sub print_version {
256 # Print program version {{{
257 print("$progname $VERSION\n");
258 return;
259 # }}}
260 } # print_version()
262 sub usage {
263 # Send the help message to stdout {{{
264 my $Retval = shift;
266 if ($Opt{'verbose'}) {
267 print("\n");
268 print_version();
270 print(<<"END");
272 Usage: $progname [options] type [destfile]
274 Create a file of a specific type using a predefined template. If no
275 destination file is specified, output goes to stdout.
277 Options:
279 -h, --help
280 Show this help.
281 -f, --force
282 Overwrite existing file.
283 -q, --quiet
284 Be more quiet. Can be repeated to increase silence.
285 --rcfile FILE
286 Read initial settings from FILE instead of '\$HOME/.stdrc'.
287 -t x, --tag x
288 Replaces strings of the form "STDtagDTS" or "STDUtagUDTS" in the
289 template file with another string. The "STDUtagUDTS" version
290 converts the tag to upper case. Examples:
291 -t
292 -t year=1997 -t "personname=John Lennon" -t os=GNU/Linux
293 The option can be specified many times.
294 -T x, --notag x
295 Comma-separated list of tags not to expand. Examples:
296 -T year,uuid
297 Will not expand the year and uuid tags.
298 -v, --verbose
299 Increase level of verbosity. Can be repeated.
300 --version
301 Print version information.
303 Initial settings can be stored in '~/.stdrc'. The format is:
305 key = value
308 exit($Retval);
309 # }}}
310 } # usage()
312 sub msg {
313 # Print a status message to stderr based on verbosity level {{{
314 my ($verbose_level, $Txt) = @_;
316 if ($Opt{'verbose'} >= $verbose_level) {
317 print(STDERR "$progname: $Txt\n");
319 return;
320 # }}}
321 } # msg()
323 __END__
325 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
326 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
327 # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
328 # your option) any later version.
330 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
331 # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
333 # See the GNU General Public License for more details.
335 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
336 # along with this program.
337 # If not, see L<>.
339 # vim: set fenc=UTF-8 ft=perl fdm=marker ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 et fo+=w :