ly/Makefile: edit: Load all files in the subtree except those in IGNFILES
[sunny256-utils.git] / filesynced
1 #!/bin/sh
3 #==============================================================================
4 # filesynced
5 # File ID: 25796c28-7205-11e5-b257-fefdb24f8e10
7 # Add 'synced'-entry into synced.sqlite for files.
9 # Author: Øyvind A. Holm <>
10 # License: GNU General Public License version 2 or later.
11 #==============================================================================
13 progname=filesynced
14 VERSION=0.9.1
16 SQLITE=sqlite3
17 bin="$HOME/bin"
18 db="synced.sqlite"
20 opt_add=0
21 opt_create_index=0
22 opt_delete=0
23 opt_force=0
24 opt_help=0
25 opt_init=0
26 opt_list=0
27 opt_lock=0
28 opt_patch=0
29 opt_set_priority=''
30 opt_quiet=0
31 opt_random=0
32 opt_timeout=''
33 opt_type='%'
34 opt_unlock=0
35 opt_unsynced=0
36 opt_valid_sha=0
37 opt_verbose=0
38 while test -n "$1"; do
39 case "$1" in
40 --add) opt_add=1; shift ;;
41 --create-index) opt_create_index=1; shift ;;
42 --delete) opt_delete=1; shift ;;
43 -f|--force) opt_force=1; shift ;;
44 -h|--help) opt_help=1; shift ;;
45 --init) opt_init=1; shift ;;
46 -l|--list) opt_list=1; shift ;;
47 --lock) opt_lock=1; shift ;;
48 --patch) opt_patch=1; shift ;;
49 -p|--set-priority) opt_set_priority=$2; shift 2 ;;
50 -q|--quiet) opt_quiet=$(($opt_quiet + 1)); shift ;;
51 --random) opt_random=1; shift ;;
52 --timeout) opt_timeout=$2; shift 2 ;;
53 -t|--type) opt_type=$2; shift 2 ;;
54 --unlock) opt_unlock=1; shift ;;
55 --unsynced) opt_unsynced=1; shift ;;
56 --valid-sha) opt_valid_sha=1; shift ;;
57 -v|--verbose) opt_verbose=$(($opt_verbose + 1)); shift ;;
58 --version) echo $progname $VERSION; exit 0 ;;
59 --) shift; break ;;
61 if printf '%s\n' "$1" | grep -q ^-; then
62 echo "$progname: $1: Unknown option" >&2
63 exit 1
64 else
65 break
67 break ;;
68 esac
69 done
70 opt_verbose=$(($opt_verbose - $opt_quiet))
72 if test "$opt_help" = "1"; then
73 test $opt_verbose -gt 0 && { echo; echo $progname $VERSION; }
74 cat <<END
76 Add 'synced'-entry into $db for files. Updates synced.rev and
77 with Git commit info.
79 Usage: $progname [OPTIONS] COMMIT FILE [FILE [...]]
80 $progname --init
81 $progname --add [-t TYPE] FILE [FILE [...]]
82 $progname --create-index
83 $progname --delete FILE [FILE [...]]
84 $progname -l [-t TYPE]
85 $progname -p NEWPRI FILE [FILES [...]]
86 $progname --lock
87 $progname --unlock TOKEN
88 $progname --unlock -f
89 $progname --unsynced [OPTIONS] [FILES] [ -- GIT_OPTIONS ]
90 $progname --valid-sha
92 Options:
94 --add
95 Add all files specified on the command line to synced.sql, use
96 undefined sync values.
97 --create-index
98 Create database indexes to speed up operations when synced.sql is
99 getting quite big.
100 --delete
101 Delete all files specified on the commandline from the database.
102 -f, --force
103 When used together with --unlock, force unlock without a token.
104 -h, --help
105 Show this help.
106 --init
107 Initialise the current Git repo for use with $progname, create
108 synced.sql in the top directory of the repository.
109 -l, --list
110 Create a file list sorted by how many revisions they are behind the
111 files in Lib/std/ in current HEAD.
112 --lock
113 Create $db from synced.sql and activate locking. A lock
114 token is sent to stdout, and this token is needed to unlock.
115 --patch
116 Try to apply the missing patches directly to the files. Files that
117 were successfully patched are added to Git, together with an updated
118 entry in synced.sql. Files with conflicts are not added, so it's
119 easy to find conflicts with a standard "git diff".
120 -p NEWPRI, --set-priority NEWPRI
121 Change todo priority for files specified on the command line. NEWPRI
122 must be between 1 and 5.
123 -q, --quiet
124 Be more quiet. Can be repeated to increase silence.
125 --random
126 Pick a random file from the todo list and sync it using "vd".
127 --timeout SECONDS
128 Wait maximum SECONDS seconds for lock. Default is no timeout, wait
129 until it gets the lock or the script is forcibly terminated.
130 -t FILETYPE. --type FILETYPE
131 Limit list to files of type FILETYPE, for example "bash" or
132 "perl-tests". SQL LIKE wildcards can be used, like '%' and '_'.
133 If used together with --add, set the 'orig' field in the database to
134 this value, prefixed with 'Lib/std/'.
135 --unlock TOKEN
136 --unlock -f
137 If TOKEN is correct, overwrite synced.sql with the contents from
138 $db, delete synced.slite and remove lock. To unlock without a token,
139 add the -f/--force option.
140 --unsynced
141 Generate a list of all filenames that don't have 'rev' defined in
142 synced.sql, i.e., those that haven't been synced yet. Arguments are
143 delivered to git-allfiles(1). --since is useful with this, for
144 example "--since=1.year". Options meant for git-allfiles must come
145 after a " -- " to separate them from the argument parsing done by
146 $progname.
147 --valid-sha
148 Test that all 'rev' SHA1s in synced.sql are reachable from the
149 current Git HEAD. For example, execute this from 'master' to make
150 sure that no files are synced against revisions on branches that are
151 not part of it.
152 -v, --verbose
153 Increase level of verbosity. Can be repeated.
154 --version
155 Print version information.
158 exit 0
161 msg() {
162 local empty_line=
163 local no_lf=
164 local prefix_str=
165 if test $opt_verbose -gt 2; then
166 prefix_str="$progname $$:$BASH_LINENO: "
167 else
168 prefix_str="$progname: "
170 if test "$1" = "-l"; then
171 # If -l is specified, create empty line before message
172 empty_line=1
173 shift
175 if test "$1" = "-n"; then
176 # If -n is specified, don't terminate with \n
177 no_lf="-n"
178 shift
180 if test "$1" = "-q"; then
181 # -q suppresses $progname prefix
182 prefix_str=""
183 shift
185 local vlevel=$1
186 shift
187 test $vlevel -gt $opt_verbose && return;
188 test "$empty_line" = "1" && echo >&2
189 echo $no_lf "$prefix_str$*" >&2
190 return
193 msg -l 2 Starting $progname, pwd = $(pwd)
195 if test -n "$opt_timeout"; then
196 if test -n "$(echo "$opt_timeout" | tr -d 0-9 | grep .)"; then
197 echo $progname: Argument to --timeout must be an integer >&2
198 exit 1
202 repotop="$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)"
203 msg 2 repotop = \"$repotop\"
204 lockdir="$repotop/synced.sql.lock"
205 msg 2 lockdir = \"$lockdir\"
207 cleanup() {
208 msg 2 "cleanup(): bintoken = $bintoken"
209 if test -n "$bintoken"; then
210 msg 2 Unlock bintoken
211 cd "$bin" && filesynced --unlock $bintoken
213 msg 2 Unlock token
214 cd "$repotop" && filesynced --unlock $token
217 init_db() {
218 cat <<END | $SQLITE "$1"
219 CREATE TABLE synced (
220 file TEXT
221 CONSTRAINT synced_file_length
222 CHECK (length(file) > 0)
226 orig TEXT
228 rev TEXT
229 CONSTRAINT synced_rev_length
230 CHECK (length(rev) = 40 OR rev = '')
232 date TEXT
233 CONSTRAINT synced_date_length
234 CHECK (date IS NULL OR length(date) = 19)
235 CONSTRAINT synced_date_valid
236 CHECK (date IS NULL OR datetime(date) IS NOT NULL)
238 CREATE TABLE todo (
239 file TEXT
240 CONSTRAINT todo_file_length
241 CHECK(length(file) > 0)
245 pri INTEGER
246 CONSTRAINT todo_pri_range
247 CHECK(pri BETWEEN 1 AND 5)
249 comment TEXT
254 safe_chdir() {
255 local dir="$1"
256 msg 2 chdir $dir
257 cd "$dir" || {
258 echo $progname: Cannot chdir to \'$dir\' >&2
259 exit 1
263 if test "$opt_lock" = "1" -a "$opt_unlock" = "1"; then
264 echo $progname: Cannot mix --lock and --unlock >&2
265 exit 1
268 if test "$opt_lock" = "1"; then
269 msg 2 Perform --lock stuff
270 cd "$repotop" || {
271 echo $progname --lock: $repotop: chdir error >&2
272 exit 1
274 begin_wait_time=$(date -u +%s)
275 until mkdir "$lockdir" 2>/dev/null; do
276 echo $progname --lock: $lockdir: Waiting for lockdir... >&2
277 if test -n "$opt_timeout" -a \
278 $(( $(date -u +%s) - $begin_wait_time )) -gt \
279 $(( $opt_timeout - 1 )); then
280 printf '%s: Lock not aquired after %u second%s, aborting\n' >&2 \
281 "$progname" \
282 "$opt_timeout" \
283 "$(test "$opt_timeout" = "1" || echo -n s)"
284 exit 1
286 sleep 2
287 done
288 if test -e "$db"; then
289 echo $progname --lock: $repotop/$db: File already exists >&2
290 rmdir "$lockdir"
291 exit 1
293 if test -f "synced.sql"; then
294 msg 2 Create $db from $(pwd)/synced.sql
295 $SQLITE "$db" <synced.sql
297 token="token_$(date -u +"%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ").$$"
298 echo $token >"$lockdir/token"
299 echo $token
300 exit 0
303 if test "$opt_unlock" = "1"; then
304 msg 2 Perform --unlock stuff
305 token_from_user="$1"
306 msg 2 token_from_user = $token_from_user
307 cd "$repotop" || {
308 echo $progname --unlock: $repotop: chdir error >&2
309 exit 1
311 if test ! -d "$lockdir"; then
312 echo $progname --unlock: $lockdir: Lockdir doesn\'t exist >&2
313 exit 1
315 if test -e "$lockdir/token"; then
316 msg 2 $lockdir/token exists
317 realtoken=$(cat $lockdir/token)
318 msg 2 realtoken = $realtoken
319 if test "$token_from_user" != "$realtoken" -a \
320 "$opt_force" != "1" ; then
321 echo $progname --unlock: Token mismatch >&2
322 msg 2 Got $token_from_user
323 msg 2 Expected $realtoken
324 exit 1
326 msg 2 Token is valid, delete $lockdir/token
327 rm "$lockdir/token"
329 if test -f "$db"; then
330 echo "
334 SELECT * FROM synced;
335 DELETE FROM synced;
336 INSERT INTO synced
337 SELECT * FROM tmp ORDER BY file;
338 DROP TABLE tmp;
341 SELECT * FROM todo;
342 DELETE FROM todo;
343 INSERT INTO todo
344 SELECT * FROM tmp ORDER BY file;
345 DROP TABLE tmp;
348 " | $SQLITE "$db" || {
349 echo $progname: SQLite error, cannot sort tables >&2
350 exit 1
352 msg 2 Dump $db to $(pwd)/synced.sql
353 $SQLITE "$db" .dump >synced.sql
354 msg 2 Remove $db
355 rm "$db"
356 else
357 msg 1 $db not found, did not update synced.sql
359 if rmdir "$lockdir"; then
360 msg 2 $lockdir removed
361 exit 0
362 else
363 echo $progname --unlock: $lockdir: Could not remove lockdir >&2
364 exit 1
368 if test "$opt_unsynced" = "1"; then
369 msg 2 Perform --unsynced stuff
370 token=$(filesynced --lock)
371 if test -z "$(echo $token | grep ^token_)"; then
372 echo $progname --unsynced: Cannot --lock >&2
373 exit 1
375 git allfiles "$@" | strip-nonexisting | while read f; do
376 cat <<END
377 SELECT file FROM synced
379 file='$f'
381 rev IS NULL;
383 done | sqlite3 synced.sqlite
384 filesynced --unlock $token
385 exit
388 if test "$opt_create_index" = "1"; then
389 msg 2 Perform --create-index stuff
390 token=$(filesynced --lock)
391 if test -z "$(echo $token | grep ^token_)"; then
392 echo $progname --create-index: Cannot --lock >&2
393 exit 1
395 cat <<END | $SQLITE "$db"
396 CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_synced_file ON synced (file);
397 CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_synced_orig ON synced (orig);
398 CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_synced_rev ON synced (rev);
400 filesynced --unlock $token
401 exit
404 if test "$opt_patch" = "1"; then
405 msg 2 Perform --patch stuff
406 # FIXME: Make it work with filenames containing bloody whitespace.
407 # Will take care of that when the output format of -l/--list changes
408 # after --patch is in place.
409 files_behind="$(
410 filesynced -l |
411 grep -v ^0 |
412 awk '{ print $2 }'
414 if test -z "$files_behind"; then
415 msg 0 No files need patching
416 exit 0
418 echo "$files_behind" | while read f; do
419 echo
420 token=$(filesynced --lock)
421 if test -z "$(echo $token | grep ^token_)"; then
422 echo $progname --patch: Cannot --lock >&2
423 exit 1
425 orig=$($SQLITE "$db" "SELECT orig FROM synced WHERE file = '$f';")
426 msg 2 orig = \"$orig\"
427 rev=$($SQLITE "$db" "SELECT rev FROM synced WHERE file = '$f';")
428 msg 2 rev = \"$rev\"
429 filesynced --unlock $token
431 (cd ~/bin && git diff $rev.. $orig) |
432 patch -m --no-backup-if-mismatch "$f" && (
433 filesynced HEAD "$f"
434 git add "$f" synced.sql
436 done
437 exit
440 bintoken=
441 token=$(filesynced --lock --timeout "$opt_timeout")
442 if test -z "$(echo $token | grep ^token_)"; then
443 echo $progname: No token received from filesynced --lock >&2
444 exit 1
446 trap cleanup EXIT
447 msg 2 token = $token
449 if test "$opt_init" = "1"; then
450 msg 2 Perform --init stuff
451 safe_chdir "$repotop"
452 for f in synced.sql synced.sqlite; do
453 if test -e "$f"; then
454 echo $progname --init: $repotop/$f already exists >&2
455 exit 1
457 done
458 init_db synced.sqlite
459 $SQLITE synced.sqlite .dump >synced.sql
460 rm synced.sqlite
461 exit
464 test -f "$db" || {
465 echo $progname: $db: Sync database not found >&2
466 exit 1
469 if test "$opt_list" = "1"; then
470 msg 2 Perform --list stuff
471 test -n "$opt_type" && type_str="$opt_type" || type_str="%"
472 safe_chdir "$bin"
473 if test "$(cat synced.sql.lock/token 2>/dev/null)" != "$token"; then
474 msg 2 token is different from synced.sql.lock/token
475 bintoken=$(filesynced --lock)
476 msg 2 bintoken = $bintoken
477 if test -z "$(echo $bintoken | grep ^token_)"; then
478 echo -n "$progname: No token received " >&2
479 echo from filesynced --lock in $bin >&2
480 exit 1
483 safe_chdir - >/dev/null
484 cat <<END | $SQLITE "$db" | bash | sort -n
486 'echo \$(' ||
487 'cd "$bin"; git log --format=%h ' || rev || '.. ' || orig || ' | wc -l' ||
488 ') ' ||
489 file ||
490 ' "(' ||
491 'cd ~/bin && git diff ' ||
492 '\$(cd "$bin"; git log -1 --format=%h ' || rev || ')' ||
493 '.. ' ||
494 orig ||
495 ') | patch -m ' || file || ' && filesynced HEAD ' || file || '";'
496 FROM synced
498 orig LIKE 'Lib/std/$type_str'
500 rev IS NOT NULL;
502 exit
505 if test "$opt_delete" = "1"; then
506 msg 2 Perform --delete stuff
507 safe_chdir "$repotop"
508 retval=0
509 for f in "$@"; do
510 from_synced="$(
511 echo "SELECT file FROM synced WHERE file = '$f';" | $SQLITE "$db"
513 from_todo="$(
514 echo "SELECT file FROM todo WHERE file = '$f';" | $SQLITE "$db"
516 if test -n "$from_synced"; then
517 echo "DELETE FROM synced WHERE file = '$f';" | $SQLITE "$db"
518 msg 0 Deleted $f from synced
519 else
520 retval=1
522 if test -n "$from_todo"; then
523 echo "DELETE FROM todo WHERE file = '$f';" | $SQLITE "$db"
524 msg 0 Deleted $f from todo
526 done
527 exit $retval
530 if test "$opt_random" = "1"; then
531 msg 2 Perform --random stuff
532 file="$(
533 $SQLITE "$db" "
534 SELECT file FROM todo
535 ORDER BY pri, random()
536 LIMIT 1;
539 if test -z "$file"; then
540 echo $progname: No files to edit >&2
541 exit 0
543 vd "$file" "$HOME/bin/$(
544 $SQLITE $db "
545 SELECT orig FROM synced
546 WHERE file = '$file';
549 exit
552 if test -n "$opt_set_priority"; then
553 msg 2 Perform --set-priority stuff
554 echo "$opt_set_priority" | grep -qE '^[1-5]$' || {
555 echo $progname: Argument to -p/--set-priority must be between 1 and 5
556 exit 1
559 echo BEGIN\;
560 for f in "$@"; do
561 echo "UPDATE todo SET pri = $opt_set_priority WHERE file = '$f';"
562 done
563 echo END\;
564 ) | $SQLITE "$db"
565 exit
568 if test "$opt_valid_sha" = "1"; then
569 msg 2 Perform --valid-sha stuff
570 cat <<END | sqlite3 synced.sqlite | sort -u | grep . | while read f; do
571 SELECT rev FROM synced
573 rev IS NOT NULL;
575 if test "$(git log --format=%h ..$f | wc -l)" != "0"; then
576 echo $f
578 done
579 exit
582 ref=$1
584 if test "$opt_add" != "1"; then
585 commit="$(cd "$bin"; git rev-parse $1)"
586 if test -z "$commit"; then
587 echo $progname: $1: Invalid Git ref >&2
588 exit 1
590 shift
592 files="$*"
593 if test -z "$files"; then
594 echo $progname: No files specified >&2
595 exit 1
597 date="$(
598 cd "$bin"
599 git log -1 --format=%cd --date=raw $commit |
600 cut -f 1 -d ' ' |
601 ep -D ' ' |
602 tr -d Z
605 for f in $files; do
606 if test "$opt_add" = "1"; then
607 if test ! -f "$f"; then
608 echo $progname: $f: File not found, no entries updated >&2
609 exit 1
611 else
612 if test -z "$(git ls-files "$f")"; then
613 echo $progname: $f: File is not in Git, no entries updated >&2
614 exit 1
617 done
620 echo BEGIN\;
621 for f in $files; do
622 if test "$opt_add" = "1"; then
623 if test "$opt_type" != "%"; then
624 type_def=",orig"
625 type_val=",'Lib/std/$opt_type'"
626 else
627 unset type_def type_val
629 echo "INSERT INTO synced (file$type_def) VALUES ('$f'$type_val);" |
630 $SQLITE "$db"
631 if test "$?" != "0"; then
632 echo -n "$progname: Cannot add \"$f\" to the database, " >&2
633 echo no entries updated >&2
634 echo "ROLLBACK;"
636 else
637 if test "$ref" = "HEAD"; then
638 sql_delete_todo="DELETE FROM todo WHERE file = '$f';"
639 else
640 sql_delete_todo=
642 cat <<END
643 UPDATE synced
644 SET rev = '$commit', date = '$date'
645 WHERE file = '$f';
646 $sql_delete_todo
649 done
650 echo COMMIT\;
651 ) | $SQLITE "$db"
653 # vim: set ts=8 sw=8 sts=8 noet fo+=w tw=79 fenc=UTF-8 :