bpakk: Output terminating `\n` at the end
[sunny256-utils.git] / construct_call_graph.py
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
3 '''
4 generates call graph of given python code file
5 in dot format input for graphviz.
7 limitations:
8 * statically tried to figure out functions calls
9 * does not understand classes
10 * algorithm is naive and may not statically find
11 all cases
12 '''
14 import sys
15 import parser
16 import symbol, token
17 import pprint
18 import optparse
20 try: s = set()
21 except: import sets; set = sets.Set
23 def annotate_ast_list(ast_list):
24 code = ast_list[0]
25 if code in symbol.sym_name: code = symbol.sym_name[code]
26 else: code = token.tok_name[code]
27 ast_list[0] = code
29 for index, item in enumerate(ast_list):
30 if index == 0: continue
31 if isinstance(item, list):
32 ast_list[index] = annotate_ast_list(item)
33 return ast_list
35 def get_atom_name(atom):
36 first_child = atom[1]
37 first_child_code = first_child[0]
38 if first_child_code != token.NAME: return None
39 return first_child[1]
41 def get_fn_call_data(ast_list):
42 if len(ast_list) < 3: return None
43 first_child, second_child = ast_list[1:3]
44 first_child_code = first_child[0]
45 if first_child_code != symbol.atom: return None
46 fn_name = get_atom_name(first_child)
48 second_child_code = second_child[0]
49 if second_child_code != symbol.trailer: return None
51 if len(second_child) < 3: return None
52 if second_child[1][0] == token.LPAR and second_child[-1][0] == token.RPAR:
53 return fn_name
54 else: return None
56 def find_fn_call(ast_list, calls):
57 code = ast_list[0]
58 if code == symbol.power:
59 fn_name = get_fn_call_data(ast_list)
60 if fn_name != None and getattr(__builtins__, fn_name, None) == None: calls.add(fn_name)
62 for item in ast_list[1:]:
63 if isinstance(item, list):
64 find_fn_call(item, calls)
66 def process_fn(fn_ast_list, call_graph):
67 dummy, dummy, func_name = fn_ast_list[:3]
68 dummy, func_name = func_name
70 calls = set()
71 find_fn_call(fn_ast_list, calls)
73 call_graph[func_name] = list(calls)
75 def construct_call_graph(ast_list, call_graph):
76 code = ast_list[0]
77 if code == symbol.funcdef:
78 process_fn(ast_list, call_graph)
80 for item in ast_list[1:]:
81 if isinstance(item, list):
82 construct_call_graph(item, call_graph)
84 return call_graph
86 def generate_dot_code(python_code):
87 ast = parser.suite(python_code)
88 ast_list = parser.ast2list(ast)
89 #annotated_ast_list = annotate_ast_list(ast_list)
90 #pprint.pprint(annotated_ast_list)
92 call_graph = {}
93 construct_call_graph(ast_list, call_graph)
94 #pprint.pprint(call_graph)
96 dot = []
98 dot.append("digraph G {")
99 dot.append("rankdir=LR")
100 for from_fn, to_fns in call_graph.iteritems():
101 if not to_fns:
102 dot.append('%s;' % from_fn)
104 for to_fn in to_fns:
105 if to_fn not in call_graph: continue
106 dot.append('%s -> %s;' % (from_fn, to_fn))
107 dot.append("}")
109 return '\n'.join(dot)
111 if __name__ == '__main__':
112 oparser = optparse.OptionParser()
114 oparser.add_option('-i', '--input-file', default=None, metavar='FILE', help='python code file to process')
116 options, args = oparser.parse_args()
118 if options.input_file:
119 python_code = open(options.input_file).read()
120 else:
121 python_code = sys.stdin.read()
123 dot_code = generate_dot_code(python_code)
124 print dot_code