1 <?xml version=
"1.0" encoding=
"-//OASIS/DTD Entity Resolution XML Catalog V1.0//EN"
4 "http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/entity/release/1.0/catalog.dtd">
6 <catalog xmlns=
7 <!-- STDfilenameDTS -->
8 <!-- File ID: STDuuidDTS -->
10 <!-- DTD and stylesheet files installed under /usr/share/xml -->
11 <group xml:
"file:///usr/share/xml/" >
13 <!-- Resolve DTD URL system ID to local file -->
15 systemIdStartString=
16 rewritePrefix=
"docbook44/" />
17 <!-- Resolve stylesheet URL to local file -->
19 uriStartString=
20 rewritePrefix=
"docbook-xsl-1.68.1/" />
22 <!-- Resolve DTD PUBLIC identifiers -->
23 <nextCatalog catalog=
"docbook44/catalog.xml" />
25 <!-- To resolve simple DTD SYSTEM identifiers. -->
26 <!-- Note: this does not work with Java resolver -->
27 <!-- classes in Saxon or Xalan -->
29 systemId=
30 uri=
"docbook44/docbookx.dtd" />
32 <!-- To resolve short stylesheet references -->
35 uri=
"docbook-xsl-1.68.1/html/docbook.xsl" />
38 uri=
"docbook-xsl-1.68.1/html/chunk.xsl" />
41 uri=
"docbook-xsl-1.68.1/fo/docbook.xsl" />