Delete the rest of the `r` variables and make the functions `void`
[sunny256-utils.git] / storelog
1 #!/usr/bin/env perl
3 #=======================================================================
4 # storelog
5 # File ID: 8044b360-3365-11e2-a80a-00c0a8deee11
6 # [Description]
8 # Character set: UTF-8
9 # ©opyleft 2012– Øyvind A. Holm <>
10 # License: GNU General Public License version 2 or later, see end of
11 # file for legal stuff.
12 #=======================================================================
14 use strict;
15 use warnings;
16 use Fcntl ':flock';
17 use Getopt::Long;
18 use Time::HiRes qw{ gettimeofday };
20 local $| = 1;
22 our $Debug = 0;
24 our %Std = (
26 'host' => `hostname`,
27 'maxfiles' => 500,
30 chomp($Std{'host'});
32 our %Opt = (
34 'debug' => 0,
35 'force' => 0,
36 'groupid' => '',
37 'gzip' => 0,
38 'help' => 0,
39 'host' => $Std{'host'},
40 'maxfiles' => $Std{'maxfiles'},
41 'spec' => '',
42 'userid' => '',
43 'uuid' => 0,
44 'verbose' => 0,
45 'version' => 0,
46 'where' => '',
49 chomp($Opt{'host'});
51 our $progname = $0;
52 $progname =~ s/^.*\/(.*?)$/$1/;
53 our $VERSION = '0.00';
55 Getopt::Long::Configure('bundling');
56 GetOptions(
58 'debug' => \$Opt{'debug'},
59 'force' => \$Opt{'force'},
60 'groupid|G=s' => \$Opt{'groupid'},
61 'gzip|z' => \$Opt{'gzip'},
62 'help|h' => \$Opt{'help'},
63 'host|H=s' => \$Opt{'host'},
64 'maxfiles|m=i' => \$Opt{'maxfiles'},
65 'spec|s=s' => \$Opt{'spec'},
66 'userid|U=s' => \$Opt{'userid'},
67 'uuid|u' => \$Opt{'uuid'},
68 'verbose|v+' => \$Opt{'verbose'},
69 'version' => \$Opt{'version'},
70 'where|w=s' => \$Opt{'where'},
72 ) || die("$progname: Option error. Use -h for help.\n");
74 $Opt{'debug'} && ($Debug = 1);
75 $Opt{'help'} && usage(0);
76 if ($Opt{'version'}) {
77 print_version();
78 exit(0);
80 defined($ARGV[0]) || die("$progname: Missing project name\n");
81 if (length($Opt{'where'})) {
82 $Opt{'where'} =~ /[^aeo]/ && die("$progname: $Opt{'where'}: Invalid character in -w/--where argument\n");
85 my $project = $ARGV[0];
86 msg(1, "\$project = '$project'");
88 my $host = $Opt{'host'};
89 msg(1, "\$host = '$host'");
91 my $projdir = "$ENV{'HOME'}/annex/log/$project";
92 msg(1, "\$projdir = '$projdir'");
94 my $hostdir = "$projdir/$host";
95 msg(1, "\$hostdir = '$hostdir'");
97 my $specfile = "$projdir/.spec";
98 if (!-e $specfile && !$Opt{'spec'}) {
99 die("$progname: $specfile: File not found, initialise with -s\n");
102 if (length($Opt{'spec'})) {
103 if (-e $specfile && !$Opt{'force'}) {
104 die("$progname: $specfile: File already exists, use --force to overwrite\n");
105 } else {
106 msg(0, "dirstruct = '" . dirstruct($Opt{'spec'}) . "'");
107 msg(0, "logtempl = '" . logtempl($Opt{'spec'}));
108 system("mkdir -p $hostdir"); # FIXME
109 -d $hostdir || die("$progname: $hostdir: Directory still doesn't exist\n");
110 open(my $specfp, '>', $specfile) or die("$progname: $specfile: Cannot create file: $!\n");
112 print_rc($specfp, 'groupid');
113 print_rc($specfp, 'gzip');
114 print_rc($specfp, 'maxfiles');
115 print_rc($specfp, 'spec');
116 print_rc($specfp, 'userid');
117 print_rc($specfp, 'uuid');
118 print_rc($specfp, 'where');
120 close($specfp);
122 exit(0);
125 open(my $specfp, '<', $specfile) or die("$progname: $specfile: Cannot open file for read: $!\n");
127 my $spec = '';
128 while (my $curr = <$specfp>) {
129 chomp $curr;
131 $curr =~ /^groupid\s+(.*)$/ && ($Opt{'groupid'} = $1);
132 $curr =~ /^gzip\s+(.*)$/ && ($Opt{'gzip'} = $1);
133 $curr =~ /^maxfiles\s+(.*)$/ && ($Opt{'maxfiles'} = $1);
134 $curr =~ /^spec\s+(.*)$/ && ($spec = $1);
135 $curr =~ /^userid\s+(.*)$/ && ($Opt{'userid'} = $1);
136 $curr =~ /^uuid\s+(.*)$/ && ($Opt{'uuid'} = $1);
137 $curr =~ /^where\s+(.*)$/ && ($Opt{'where'} = $1);
140 close($specfp);
142 msg(1, ".spec: groupid = '$Opt{'groupid'}'");
143 msg(1, ".spec: gzip = '$Opt{'gzip'}'");
144 msg(1, ".spec: maxfiles = '$Opt{'maxfiles'}'");
145 msg(1, ".spec: spec = '$spec'");
146 msg(1, ".spec: userid = '$Opt{'userid'}'");
147 msg(1, ".spec: uuid = '$Opt{'uuid'}'");
148 msg(1, ".spec: where = '$Opt{'where'}'");
150 my $templ = dirstruct($spec);
152 my $old = '';
153 my $old_logfile = '';
154 my $logfp;
156 while (my $entry = <STDIN>) {
157 # {{{
158 my ($Epoch, $Fract) = gettimeofday();
160 if ($Epoch ne $old) {
161 my ($Sec, $Min, $Hour,
162 $Day, $Mon, $Year,
163 $Wday, $Yday,
164 $is_dst) = gmtime($Epoch);
165 $Year += 1900;
166 $Mon = sprintf("%02u", $Mon + 1);
167 $Hour = sprintf("%02u", $Hour);
168 $Min = sprintf("%02u", $Min);
169 $Sec = sprintf("%02u", $Sec);
171 my $filedate = $templ;
172 $filedate =~ s/%Y/$Year/g;
173 $filedate =~ s/%m/$Mon/g;
174 $filedate =~ s/%d/$Day/g;
175 $filedate =~ s/%H/$Hour/g;
176 $filedate =~ s/%M/$Min/g;
177 $filedate =~ s/%S/$Sec/g;
179 my $logfile = "$hostdir/${filedate}Z.$project.log";
180 if ($logfile ne $old_logfile) {
181 msg(2, "logfile ne old_logfile");
182 my $logdir = $logfile;
183 $logdir =~ s/^(.*)\/(.*?)$/$1/;
184 -d $logdir || system("mkdir -p $logdir"); # FIXME
186 if (length($old_logfile)) {
187 close($logfp);
188 if ($Opt{'gzip'}) {
189 msg(1, "gzip $old_logfile");
190 system('gzip', '-S', '.tmpgz', $old_logfile);
191 rename("$old_logfile.tmpgz", "$old_logfile.gz")
192 or warn("$progname: $old_logfile.tmpgz: Cannot rename to *.gz: $!\n");
195 if (!-e $logfile) {
196 msg(1, "Create '$logfile'");
197 open($logfp, '>', $logfile) or die("$progname: $logfile: Cannot create file: $!\n");
198 flock($logfp, LOCK_EX) || die("$progname: $logfile: Cannot flock(): $!\n");
199 } else {
200 msg(1, "Append to '$logfile'");
201 open($logfp, '+>>', $logfile) or die("$progname: $logfile: Cannot open file for append: $!\n");
202 flock($logfp, LOCK_EX) || die("$progname: $logfile: Cannot flock(): $!\n");
203 seek($logfp, 0, 2) || die("$progname: $logfile: Cannot seek() to EOF: $!\n");
205 if (length($Opt{'userid'})) {
206 msg(1, "chown $Opt{'userid'} $logfile");
207 system('chown', $Opt{'userid'}, $logfile);
209 if (length($Opt{'groupid'})) {
210 msg(1, "chgrp $Opt{'groupid'} $logfile");
211 system('chgrp', $Opt{'groupid'}, $logfile);
213 $old_logfile = $logfile;
216 if ($Opt{'uuid'}) {
217 my $uuid_str = `uuid`;
218 chomp($uuid_str);
219 $entry = "$uuid_str $entry";
221 print($logfp $entry);
222 ($Opt{'where'} =~ /[ae]/) && print(STDERR $entry);
223 ($Opt{'where'} =~ /[ao]/) && print(STDOUT $entry);
224 $old = $Epoch;
225 # }}}
228 length($old_logfile) && close($logfp);
230 exit(0);
232 sub print_rc {
233 # {{{
234 my ($fp, $keyw) = @_;
235 if (length($Opt{$keyw})) {
236 msg(0, ".spec: $keyw $Opt{$keyw}");
237 print($fp "$keyw $Opt{$keyw}\n");
239 return;
240 # }}}
241 } # print_rc()
243 sub logtempl {
244 # {{{
245 my $spec = shift;
246 my $datedirs = dirstruct($spec);
247 my $retval = "$hostdir/${datedirs}Z.$project.log";
248 msg(2, "project in logtempl: '$project'");
249 msg(2, "logtempl('$spec') = '$retval'");
250 return($retval);
251 # }}}
252 } # logtempl()
254 sub dirstruct {
255 # {{{
256 my $gran = shift;
257 msg(2, "dirstruct('$gran')'");
259 my $count;
260 my $period;
261 if ($gran =~ /^(\d+)\.(.*)$/) {
262 $count = $1;
263 $period = $2;
264 $period =~ s/^(...).*/$1/;
265 } else {
266 die("$progname: $gran: Wrong --spec format.\n");
268 msg(2, "\$gran = '$gran'");
269 msg(2, "\$count = '$count'");
270 msg(2, "\$period = '$period'");
272 my $retval;
274 my %mult = (
275 'yea' => 1,
276 'mon' => 12,
277 'wee' => 52,
278 'day' => 365,
279 'hou' => 365 * 24,
280 'min' => 365 * 24 * 60,
281 'sec' => 365 * 24 * 60 * 60,
283 my $pryear;
284 defined($mult{"$period"}) || die("$progname: $period: Unknown period\n");
285 $pryear = int($count * $mult{"$period"} / 60);
286 msg(1, "\$pryear = '$pryear'");
288 my $maxfiles = $Opt{'maxfiles'};
289 if ($pryear < $maxfiles) {
290 $retval = '%Y';
291 } elsif ($pryear < $maxfiles * $mult{'mon'}) {
292 $retval = '%Y/%Y%m';
293 } elsif ($pryear < $maxfiles * $mult{'day'}) {
294 $retval = '%Y/%m/%Y%m%d';
295 } elsif ($pryear < $maxfiles * $mult{'hou'}) {
296 $retval = '%Y/%m/%d/%Y%m%dT%H';
297 } elsif ($pryear < $maxfiles * $mult{'min'}) {
298 $retval = '%Y/%m/%d/%H/%Y%m%dT%H%M';
299 } else {
300 $retval = '%Y/%m/%d/%H/%M/%Y%m%dT%H%M%S';
303 msg(2, "dirstruct('$gran') returns '$retval'");
304 return($retval);
306 # }}}
307 } # dirstruct()
309 sub print_version {
310 # Print program version {{{
311 print("$progname v$VERSION\n");
312 return;
313 # }}}
314 } # print_version()
316 sub usage {
317 # Send the help message to stdout {{{
318 my $Retval = shift;
320 if ($Opt{'verbose'}) {
321 print("\n");
322 print_version();
324 print(<<"END");
326 Usage: $progname [options] project_name
328 Options:
330 --force
331 Force operation to run, overwrite spec file.
332 -G X, --groupid X
333 Set logfile groupid to X.
334 -h, --help
335 Show this help.
336 -H X, --host X
337 Specify as host X.
338 Default: '$Std{'host'}'.
339 -m X, --maxfiles X
340 Store maximum X files per directory.
341 Default: $Std{'maxfiles'}.
342 -s X, --spec X
343 Create directory structure, use specification X. Format: "x.y" where
344 x is number of expected log entries, and y is a period. Example:
345 - 100 entries per day
346 1.sec - 1 entry per second
347 20.week - 20 entries per week
348 Only the first three letters are used. These periods are available:
349 year, month, week, day, hour, minute, second,
350 yea, mon, wee, day, hou, min, sec.
351 -u, --uuid
352 Prefix every logged line with time-based UUID (v1).
353 -U X, --userid X
354 Set logfile userid to X.
355 -v, --verbose
356 Increase level of verbosity. Can be repeated.
357 -w X, --where X
358 Send output to stdout and/or stderr. If X contains any of these letters:
359 a - Send to both stdout and stderr
360 e - Send to stderr
361 o - Send to stdout
362 -z, --gzip
363 When a new file is created, compress the old one with gzip(1).
364 --version
365 Print version information.
366 --debug
367 Print debugging messages.
370 exit($Retval);
371 # }}}
372 } # usage()
374 sub msg {
375 # Print a status message to stderr based on verbosity level {{{
376 my ($verbose_level, $Txt) = @_;
378 if ($Opt{'verbose'} >= $verbose_level) {
379 print(STDERR "$progname: $Txt\n");
381 return;
382 # }}}
383 } # msg()
385 sub D {
386 # Print a debugging message {{{
387 $Debug || return;
388 my @call_info = caller;
389 chomp(my $Txt = shift);
390 my $File = $call_info[1];
391 $File =~ s#\\#/#g;
392 $File =~ s#^.*/(.*?)$#$1#;
393 print(STDERR "$File:$call_info[2] $$ $Txt\n");
394 return('');
395 # }}}
396 } # D()
398 __END__
400 # Plain Old Documentation (POD) {{{
402 =pod
404 =head1 NAME
408 =head1 SYNOPSIS
410 [options] [file [files [...]]]
412 =head1 DESCRIPTION
416 =head1 OPTIONS
418 =over 4
420 =item B<-h>, B<--help>
422 Print a brief help summary.
424 =item B<-v>, B<--verbose>
426 Increase level of verbosity. Can be repeated.
428 =item B<--version>
430 Print version information.
432 =item B<--debug>
434 Print debugging messages.
436 =back
438 =head1 BUGS
442 =head1 AUTHOR
444 Made by Øyvind A. Holm S<E<lt>sunny@sunbase.orgE<gt>>.
446 =head1 COPYRIGHT
448 Copyleft © Øyvind A. Holm E<lt>sunny@sunbase.orgE<gt>
449 This is free software; see the file F<COPYING> for legalese stuff.
451 =head1 LICENCE
453 This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
454 under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
455 Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your
456 option) any later version.
458 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
459 WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
461 See the GNU General Public License for more details.
463 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
464 with this program.
465 If not, see L<>.
467 =head1 SEE ALSO
469 =cut
471 # }}}
473 # vim: set fenc=UTF-8 ft=perl fdm=marker ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 et fo+=w :