sj: Don't ping if an unknown command was used, create `ping` command
[sunny256-utils.git] / sj
1 #!/usr/bin/env bash
3 #=======================================================================
4 # sj
5 # File ID: 29dba898-4962-11df-adc3-d5e071bed206
7 # Shortcut to check various stuff.
9 # Author: Øyvind A. Holm <>
10 # License: GNU General Public License version 2 or later.
11 #=======================================================================
13 progname=sj
14 VERSION=0.9.0
16 ARGS="$(getopt -o "\
20 " -l "\
21 help,\
22 maxtemp:,\
23 quiet,\
24 space:,\
25 verbose,\
26 version,\
27 " -n "$progname" -- "$@")"
28 test "$?" = "0" || exit 1
29 eval set -- "$ARGS"
31 std_maxtemp=94
33 opt_help=0
34 opt_maxtemp=$std_maxtemp
35 opt_quiet=0
36 opt_space='0'
37 opt_verbose=0
38 while :; do
39 case "$1" in
40 -h|--help) opt_help=1; shift ;;
41 --maxtemp) opt_maxtemp=$2; shift 2 ;;
42 -q|--quiet) opt_quiet=$(($opt_quiet + 1)); shift ;;
43 --space) opt_space=$2; shift 2 ;;
44 -v|--verbose) opt_verbose=$(($opt_verbose + 1)); shift ;;
45 --version) echo $progname $VERSION; exit 0 ;;
46 --) shift; break ;;
47 *) echo $progname: Internal error >&2; exit 1 ;;
48 esac
49 done
50 opt_verbose=$(($opt_verbose - $opt_quiet))
52 if test "$opt_help" = "1"; then
53 test $opt_verbose -gt 0 && { echo; echo $progname $VERSION; }
54 cat <<END
56 Usage: $progname [options] [command]
58 Options:
60 -h, --help
61 Show this help.
62 --maxtemp NUM
63 Define maximum acceptable temperature for "$progname temp-warn".
64 Default value: $std_maxtemp
65 -q, --quiet
66 Be more quiet. Can be repeated to increase silence.
67 --space BYTES
68 When used with "dfull":
69 Estimate time until the free disk space reaches BYTES. This value
70 is parsed by numfmt(1) from GNU coreutils, check the man page for
71 allowed values. Examples: 10M = 10000000, 10Mi = 10485760.
72 -v, --verbose
73 Increase level of verbosity. Can be repeated.
74 --version
75 Print version information.
77 allspace
78 Display free space of all local disks every 2nd second until
79 interrupted.
80 date
81 Run a query against to see how accurate the system
82 clock is.
83 dfull
84 Display estimated time until the current disk is full based on the
85 disk usage since the script was started.
87 Display free space of all local disks, sorted by free space.
88 kern
89 Follow the kernel log and display new entries immediately when they
90 occur.
91 ping
92 Check that the network is up by issuing a ping command until
93 interrupted.
94 space
95 Display free space of the current disk every second until
96 interrupted.
97 temp
98 Display current temperature.
99 temp-warn, tw
100 Loop and check CPU temperature. If it gets too high, create an
101 xmessage(1) window and send a warning to stderr.
104 exit 0
107 space_val="$(numfmt --from=auto --round=nearest -- $opt_space)"
108 test -z "$space_val" && {
109 echo "$progname: Invalid value in --space argument" >&2
110 exit 1
112 test $opt_verbose -ge 1 &&
113 echo "$progname: Using --space $space_val" >&2
115 free_space() {
116 df -h --si "$1" -P | tail -1 | tr -s ' ' | cut -f 4 -d ' ' | tr -d '\n'
119 free_space_bytes() {
120 df -B 1 "$1" -P | tail -1 | tr -s ' ' | cut -f 4 -d ' ' | tr -d '\n'
123 all_free_space() {
124 mount | grep ^/dev/ | cut -f 3 -d ' ' | sort | while read f; do
125 if test "$f" = "/"; then
126 echo -n "/ ";
127 free_space /
128 else
129 echo "$f " | rev | cut -f 1 -d / | rev | tr -d '\n'
130 free_space "$f"
132 echo -n " "
133 done
134 echo
137 [ -z "$1" ] && { echo $progname: No command specified >&2; exit 1; }
138 if test "$1" = "allspace"; then
139 unset prev
140 while :; do
141 curr="$(all_free_space)"
142 if test "$curr" != "$prev"; then
143 echo
144 echo -n "$(date +"%d %H:%M:%S") $curr$(tput el)"
146 prev="$curr"
147 sleep 1
148 done
149 elif test "$1" = "date"; then
150 ntpdate -q
151 elif test "$1" = "df"; then
152 df -h --si | grep ^Filesystem
153 df -h --si --total | grep -e /dev/ -e ^total | sort -h -k4
154 elif test "$1" = "dfull"; then
155 origsec=$(date +%s)
156 origtime="$(date -u +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N")"
157 origdf=$(( $(free_space_bytes .) - $space_val ))
158 prevdf=$origdf
159 ml_goalint=14
160 ml_goaltime=9
161 ml_dfdiff=1
162 while :; do
163 currtime="$(date -u +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N")"
164 currsec=$(date +%s)
165 currdf=$(( $(free_space_bytes .) - $space_val ))
166 goal_output="$(
167 goal "$origtime" "$origdf" 0 "$currdf" 2>/dev/null
169 dfdiff="$(( $currdf-$origdf ))"
170 goalint=$(echo $goal_output | awk '{print $1}' | sed 's/\..*//')
171 goaldate=$(echo $goal_output | awk '{print $2}')
172 goaltime=$(echo $goal_output | awk '{print $3}' | sed 's/\..*//')
173 cl_goalint=$(echo $goalint | wc -L)
174 cl_goaltime=$(echo $goaltime | wc -L)
175 cl_dfdiff=$(echo $dfdiff | hum | wc -L)
176 seconds=$(echo $currsec-$origsec | bc)
178 test $cl_goalint -gt $ml_goalint && ml_goalint=$cl_goalint
179 test $cl_goaltime -gt $ml_goaltime && ml_goaltime=$cl_goaltime
180 test $cl_dfdiff -gt $ml_dfdiff && ml_dfdiff=$cl_dfdiff
182 if test "$(echo "$currdf < $prevdf" | bc)" = "1"; then
183 t_diskfree="$(tput bold; tput setaf 1)"
184 t_diskfree_reset="$(tput sgr0)"
185 elif test "$(echo "$currdf > $prevdf" | bc)" = "1"; then
186 t_diskfree="$(tput bold; tput setaf 2)"
187 t_diskfree_reset="$(tput sgr0)"
188 else
189 t_diskfree=""
190 t_diskfree_reset=""
193 if test -n "$goal_output"; then
194 printf \
195 "\\n"\
196 "%-${ml_goalint}s "\
197 "%s "\
198 "%-${ml_goaltime}s "\
199 "diff: %s%-${ml_dfdiff}s%s "\
200 "free: %s%s%s"\
201 "%s "\
202 "%s"\
203 "$goalint" \
204 "$goaldate" \
205 "$goaltime" \
206 "$t_diskfree" \
207 "$(echo $dfdiff | hum)" \
208 "$t_diskfree_reset" \
209 "$t_diskfree" \
210 "$(echo $currdf | hum)" \
211 "$t_diskfree_reset" \
212 "$(tput el)" \
214 if test $seconds -gt 0; then
215 printf " %s B/s" $(
216 printf 'scale=0; %d/%u\n' $dfdiff $seconds |
217 bc | hum
221 else
222 printf "\\n$progname dfull: No changes yet, %s%s%s bytes free%s" \
223 "$t_diskfree" \
224 "$(echo $currdf | hum)" \
225 "$t_diskfree_reset" \
226 "$(tput el)"
228 prevdf=$currdf
229 sleep 2
230 done
231 elif test "$1" = "kern"; then
232 tail -Fq /var/log/kern.log /var/log/syslog /var/log/auth.log \
233 | grep -v " $(hostname) CRON"
234 elif test "$1" = "space"; then
235 unset prevlast
236 while :; do
237 lastspace=$(free_space .)
238 if test "$lastspace" != "$prevlast"; then
239 echo -n " $lastspace $(tput el)"
240 prevlast=$lastspace
242 sleep 1
243 done
244 elif test "$1" = "temp"; then
245 temperature_file=/sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp
246 if test ! -e "$temperature_file"; then
247 echo $progname: $temperature_file: File not found >&2
248 echo $progname: Cannot read temperature >&2
249 exit 1
252 echo scale=1
253 echo -n $(cat "$temperature_file")
254 echo / 1000
255 ) | bc -l
256 elif test "$1" = "temp-warn" -o "$1" = "tw"; then
257 unset prevtemp
258 dispfile="/tmp/sj_tw.$(date +%s).$$.tmp"
259 if test -e "$dispfile"; then
260 echo $progname: $dispfile: Tempfile already exists, that\'s spooky >&2
261 exit 1
263 while :; do
264 currtemp="$($progname temp)"
265 if test -z "$currtemp"; then
266 echo -n "$progname: Unable to read temperature, " >&2
267 echo \"$progname temp\" returned nothing >&2
268 exit 1
270 if test "$currtemp" != "$prevtemp"; then
271 echo $(date -u +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") $currtemp >>~/log/temp.log
272 echo -n " $currtemp $(tput el)"
273 prevtemp=$currtemp
275 if test $(echo "$currtemp > $opt_maxtemp" | bc) = "1"; then
276 grep Blimey "$dispfile" 2>/dev/null | grep -q . && rm "$dispfile"
277 if test ! -e $dispfile; then
278 warning="Oi! The temperature is $currtemp!"
279 xmessage -button Blimey -print "$warning" >"$dispfile" &
281 echo
282 tput setab 1
283 tput bold
284 tput setaf 3
285 echo -n "$progname: $warning"
286 tput sgr0
287 echo -n " "
288 tput el
289 ) >&2
292 sleep 2
293 done
294 elif test "$1" = "ping"; then
295 test -d /n900/. && sudo=sudo || unset sudo
296 while :; do
297 $sudo ping
298 sleep 1
299 echo ============================================
300 done
301 else
302 echo $progname: $1: Unknown command >&2
303 exit 1