Upgrade yt-dlp from version stable@2023.03.04 to stable@2023.07.06
[sunny256-utils.git] / datefn
1 #!/usr/bin/env perl
3 #=======================================================================
4 # datefn
5 # File ID: 4bec96e4-cc13-11de-a8a7-93dd800a3f5e
7 # Insert timestamp into file names
9 # Character set: UTF-8
10 # ©opyleft 2009– Øyvind A. Holm <sunny@sunbase.org>
11 # License: GNU General Public License version 2 or later, see end of
12 # file for legal stuff.
13 #=======================================================================
15 use strict;
16 use warnings;
17 use Getopt::Long;
18 use File::Basename;
19 use Time::Local;
21 local $| = 1;
23 my $std_exif_tag = "DateTimeOriginal";
25 our %Opt = (
27 'bwf' => 0,
28 'delete' => 0,
29 'dry-run' => 0,
30 'exif' => 0,
31 'exif-tag' => $std_exif_tag,
32 'force' => 0,
33 'git' => 0,
34 'help' => 0,
35 'local' => 0,
36 'quiet' => 0,
37 'replace' => 0,
38 'skew' => 0,
39 'verbose' => 0,
40 'version' => 0,
44 our $progname = $0;
45 $progname =~ s/^.*\/(.*?)$/$1/;
46 our $VERSION = '0.3.1';
48 Getopt::Long::Configure('bundling');
49 GetOptions(
51 'bwf' => \$Opt{'bwf'},
52 'delete|d' => \$Opt{'delete'},
53 'dry-run|n' => \$Opt{'dry-run'},
54 'exif-tag|E=s' => \$Opt{'exif-tag'},
55 'exif|e' => \$Opt{'exif'},
56 'force|f' => \$Opt{'force'},
57 'git|g' => \$Opt{'git'},
58 'help|h' => \$Opt{'help'},
59 'local|l' => \$Opt{'local'},
60 'quiet|q+' => \$Opt{'quiet'},
61 'replace|r' => \$Opt{'replace'},
62 'skew|s=i' => \$Opt{'skew'},
63 'verbose|v+' => \$Opt{'verbose'},
64 'version' => \$Opt{'version'},
66 ) || die("$progname: Option error. Use -h for help.\n");
68 $Opt{'verbose'} -= $Opt{'quiet'};
69 if ($Opt{'delete'} && $Opt{'replace'}) {
70 warn("$progname: Cannot mix -d/--delete and -r/--replace options\n");
71 exit(1);
73 $Opt{'help'} && usage(0);
74 if ($Opt{'version'}) {
75 print_version();
76 exit(0);
79 my $d = '[\dX]'; # Legal regexp digits, 0-9 or X (unknown)
80 my $r_date = "[12]$d$d$d" . # year
81 "$d$d" . # month
82 "$d$d" . # day
83 "T" .
84 "$d$d" . # hours
85 "$d$d" . # minutes
86 "$d$d" . # seconds
87 "Z";
89 exit(main());
91 sub main {
92 # {{{
93 my $Retval = 0;
95 defined($ARGV[0]) ||
96 die("$progname: Missing filenames. Use -h for help.\n");
98 if ($Opt{'exif'}) {
99 my $exiftool_version = `exiftool -ver 2>/dev/null`;
100 if (!defined($exiftool_version) || $exiftool_version !~ /^\d+\.\d+/) {
101 printf(STDERR "$progname: exiftool(1) not found, " .
102 "required by -e/--exif\n");
103 return 1;
107 for my $Curr (@ARGV) {
108 msg(2, "Curr = '$Curr'");
109 process_file($Curr);
112 return $Retval;
113 # }}}
114 } # main()
116 sub process_file {
117 # {{{
118 my $File = shift;
119 unless (-f $File) {
120 warn("$progname: $File: Not a regular file\n");
121 return;
123 if (!$Opt{'delete'} && !$Opt{'replace'} && numdates($File) > 0) {
124 warn("$progname: $File: Filename already has date\n");
125 return;
127 msg(3, sprintf("mod_date(%s) = '%s'", $File, mod_date($File)));
128 my $new_name = '';
129 my $mod_date = $Opt{'exif'} ? exif_date($File) : mod_date($File);
130 my $start_date = start_date($File);
131 return if (!$mod_date);
132 $mod_date += $Opt{'skew'};
133 $start_date += $Opt{'skew'} if ($start_date);
134 my $dates = sprintf("%s%s%s",
135 $start_date ? sec_to_string($start_date) : "",
136 $start_date ? "-" : "",
137 sec_to_string($mod_date),
139 if (length($dates)) {
140 my ($basename, $dirname) = fileparse($File);
141 my $new_name = $basename;
142 if ($Opt{'replace'}) {
143 $new_name = strip_date_from_filename($new_name);
145 if ($Opt{'delete'}) {
146 $new_name = strip_date_from_filename($new_name);
147 } else {
148 $new_name = "$dates.$new_name";
150 $dirname eq "./" && ($dirname = '');
151 $new_name = "$dirname$new_name";
152 if ($new_name eq "$File") {
153 msg(1, "Filename for $File is unchanged");
154 return;
156 if ($Opt{'dry-run'}) {
157 print("$progname: '$File' would be renamed to '$new_name'\n");
158 } else {
159 if (-e $new_name && !$Opt{'force'}) {
160 warn("$progname: $new_name: File already exists, " .
161 "use --force to overwrite\n");
162 } elsif (rename_file($File, $new_name)) {
163 print("$progname: '$File' renamed to '$new_name'\n");
164 } else {
165 warn("$progname: $File: Cannot rename file to '$new_name': " .
166 "$!\n");
170 # }}}
171 } # process_file()
173 sub rename_file {
174 # {{{
175 my ($oldname, $newname) = @_;
176 my $retval;
178 if ($Opt{'git'}) {
179 $retval = mysystem('git', 'mv', $oldname, $newname);
180 $retval = !$retval;
181 } else {
182 $retval = rename($oldname, $newname);
185 return($retval);
186 # }}}
187 } # rename_file()
189 sub mysystem {
190 # {{{
191 my @cmd = @_;
192 my $retval;
194 msg(0, "Executing \"" . join(' ', @cmd) . "\"...");
195 $retval = system(@cmd);
197 return($retval);
198 # }}}
199 } # mysystem()
201 sub mod_date {
202 # Return file modification timestamp {{{
203 my $File = shift;
204 my $Retval = 0;
205 my @stat_array = stat($File);
206 if (scalar(@stat_array)) {
207 $Retval = $stat_array[9];
208 if ($Opt{'local'}) {
209 my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst)
210 = gmtime($Retval);
211 $Retval = timelocal($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year);
213 } else {
214 warn("$progname: $File: Cannot stat file: $!\n");
216 return($Retval);
217 # }}}
218 } # mod_date()
220 sub numdates {
221 # {{{
222 my $str = shift;
223 my $retval;
225 if ($str =~ /^$r_date-$r_date/) {
226 $retval = 2;
227 } elsif ($str =~ /^$r_date/) {
228 $retval = 1;
229 } else {
230 $retval = 0;
232 msg(3, "numdates('$str') returns '$retval'");
233 return($retval);
234 # }}}
235 } # numdates()
237 sub strip_date_from_filename {
238 # {{{
239 my $file = shift;
240 my $retval = $file;
241 $retval =~ s/^20......T......*?Z\.(.*$)/$1/;
242 msg(3, "strip_date_from_filename('$file') returns '$retval'");
243 return($retval);
244 # }}}
245 } # strip_date_from_filename()
247 sub start_date {
248 # Find start of recording {{{
249 my $File = shift;
250 my $Retval = 0;
251 if ($Opt{'bwf'}) {
252 my $bwf_date = bwf_date($File);
253 if ($bwf_date) {
254 $Retval = $bwf_date;
257 msg(2, "start_date($File) returns '$Retval'");
258 return($Retval);
259 # }}}
260 } # start_date()
262 sub bwf_date {
263 # Find start of recording in Broadcast Wave Format files {{{
264 # This is based on examining .wav files from the Zoom H4n, and it
265 # seems to work there. The file format may vary on other devices.
266 my $File = shift;
267 my $Retval = 0;
268 unless (open(InFP, "<", $File)) {
269 warn("$progname: $File: Cannot open file to look for BWF data: $!\n");
270 return 0;
272 my $buf;
273 my $numread = read(InFP, $buf, 358);
274 if ($numread != 358) {
275 warn("$progname: $File: Could not read 358 bytes, but continuing: " .
276 "$!\n");
278 if ($buf =~ /^.*(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)$/s) {
279 $Retval = $Opt{'local'} ? timelocal($6, $5, $4, $3, $2-1, $1)
280 : timegm($6, $5, $4, $3, $2-1, $1);
282 close(InFP);
283 msg(2, "bwf_date($File) returns '$Retval'");
284 return($Retval);
285 # }}}
286 } # bwf_date()
288 sub exif_date {
289 # {{{
290 my $File = shift;
291 my $retval = "";
293 $retval = get_exif_data($File, $Opt{'exif-tag'});
294 msg(2, "exif_date(): \$retval before check = \"$retval\"");
295 if ($retval =~ /^(\d\d\d\d).(\d\d).(\d\d).(\d\d).(\d\d).(\d\d)$/) {
296 $retval = $Opt{'local'} ? timelocal($6, $5, $4, $3, $2-1, $1)
297 : timegm($6, $5, $4, $3, $2-1, $1);
298 } else {
299 $retval = 0;
301 if (!$retval) {
302 msg(1, "$File: No EXIF data found in file");
304 msg(2, "exif_date() returns \"$retval\"");
305 return $retval;
306 # }}}
309 sub get_exif_data {
310 # {{{
311 my ($file, $tag) = @_;
312 my $retval = "";
313 my $line;
315 if (!open(FromFP, "exiftool -j -api LargeFileSupport=1 \"$file\" |")) {
316 printf(STDERR "$progname: $file: Cannot open file for read\n");
317 return 1;
319 while ($line = <FromFP>) {
320 if ($line =~ /"$tag"/) {
321 msg(2, "get_exif_data() found \"$line\"");
322 $line =~ s/^.*?"$tag"\s*:\s*"(.*?)".*/$1/s;
323 msg(2, "\$line after regexp: \"$line\"");
324 return $line;
328 return "";
329 # }}}
332 sub sec_to_string {
333 # Convert seconds since 1970 to "yyyymmddThhmmss[.frac]Z" {{{
334 my ($Seconds, $Sep) = @_;
335 length($Seconds) || return('');
336 ($Seconds =~ /^-?(\d*)(\.\d+)?$/) || return(undef);
337 my $Secfrac = ($Seconds =~ /^([\-\d]*)(\.\d+)$/) ? 1.0*$2 : "";
338 $Secfrac =~ s/^0//;
340 defined($Sep) || ($Sep = " ");
341 my @TA = gmtime($Seconds);
342 my($DateString) = sprintf("%04u%02u%02uT%02u%02u%02u%sZ",
343 $TA[5]+1900, $TA[4]+1, $TA[3],
344 $TA[2], $TA[1], $TA[0], $Secfrac);
345 return($DateString);
346 # }}}
347 } # sec_to_string()
349 sub print_version {
350 # Print program version {{{
351 print("$progname $VERSION\n");
352 return;
353 # }}}
354 } # print_version()
356 sub usage {
357 # Send the help message to stdout {{{
358 my $Retval = shift;
360 if ($Opt{'verbose'}) {
361 print("\n");
362 print_version();
364 print(<<"END");
366 Insert filemod timestamp into filename, and start of recording if
367 available. At the moment only BWF (Broadcast Wave Format, standard .wav
368 with extra metadata) is supported.
370 Format:
372 No timestamp for start of recording:
373 yyyymmddThhmmssZ.OLDFILENAME
374 With timestamp for start of recording:
375 yyyymmddThhmmssZ-yyyymmddThhmmssZ.OLDFILENAME
377 Usage: $progname [options] file [files [...]]
379 Options:
381 --bwf
382 Find start of recording in Broadcast Wave Format files. This is
383 based on examining .wav files from the Zoom H4n, and it seems to
384 work there. The file format may vary on other devices.
385 -d, --delete
386 Delete timestamp from filename. Can not be used with -r/--replace.
387 -e, --exif
388 Use timestamp from EXIF data in the file.
389 -E TAG, --exif-tag TAG
390 Use TAG when creating timestamp from the EXIF data.
391 Default: "$std_exif_tag".
392 -f, --force
393 If a file with the new name already exists, allow the program to
394 overwrite the file.
395 -g, --git
396 Use git commands when dealing with files. For example, execute the
397 command "git mv oldname newname" when renaming files.
398 -l, --local
399 Timestamps are stored in local time, convert to UTC before renaming
400 the files. If this option is not specified, timestamps in EXIF or
401 modtime are expected to be in UTC.
402 -n, --dry-run
403 Don’t rename files, but report what would happen.
404 -h, --help
405 Show this help.
406 -q, --quiet
407 Be more quiet. Can be repeated to increase silence.
408 -r, --replace
409 Replace date in filename with new value. Can not be used with
410 -d/--delete.
411 -s X, --skew X
412 Adjust clock skew by adding X seconds to the timestamp. A negative
413 integer can also be specified.
414 -v, --verbose
415 Increase level of verbosity. Can be repeated.
416 --version
417 Print version information.
420 exit($Retval);
421 # }}}
422 } # usage()
424 sub msg {
425 # Print a status message to stderr based on verbosity level {{{
426 my ($verbose_level, $Txt) = @_;
428 if ($Opt{'verbose'} >= $verbose_level) {
429 print(STDERR "$progname: $Txt\n");
431 return;
432 # }}}
433 } # msg()
435 __END__
437 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
438 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
439 # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
440 # your option) any later version.
442 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
443 # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
445 # See the GNU General Public License for more details.
447 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
448 # along with this program.
449 # If not, see L<http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
451 # vim: set fenc=UTF-8 ft=perl fdm=marker ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 et fo+=w :