4 class ThreadViewMode < LineCursorMode
5 ## this holds all info we need to lay out a message
7 attr_accessor :top, :bot, :prev, :next, :depth, :width, :state, :color, :star_color, :orig_new
14 DATE_FORMAT = "%B %e %Y %l:%M%P"
15 INDENT_SPACES = 2 # how many spaces to indent child messages
17 HookManager.register "detailed-headers", <<EOS
18 Add or remove headers from the detailed header display of a message.
20 message: The message whose headers are to be formatted.
21 headers: A hash of header (name, value) pairs, initialized to the default
24 None. The variable 'headers' should be modified in place.
27 register_keymap do |k|
28 k.add :toggle_detailed_header, "Toggle detailed header", 'h'
29 k.add :show_header, "Show full message header", 'H'
30 k.add :activate_chunk, "Expand/collapse or activate item", :enter
31 k.add :expand_all_messages, "Expand/collapse all messages", 'E'
32 k.add :edit_draft, "Edit draft", 'e'
33 k.add :edit_labels, "Edit or add labels for a thread", 'l'
34 k.add :expand_all_quotes, "Expand/collapse all quotes in a message", 'o'
35 k.add :jump_to_next_open, "Jump to next open message", 'n'
36 k.add :jump_to_prev_open, "Jump to previous open message", 'p'
37 k.add :align_current_message, "Align current message in buffer", 'z'
38 k.add :toggle_starred, "Star or unstar message", '*'
39 k.add :toggle_new, "Toggle unread/read status of message", 'N'
40 # k.add :collapse_non_new_messages, "Collapse all but unread messages", 'N'
41 k.add :reply, "Reply to a message", 'r'
42 k.add :forward, "Forward a message or attachment", 'f'
43 k.add :alias, "Edit alias/nickname for a person", 'i'
44 k.add :edit_as_new, "Edit message as new", 'D'
45 k.add :save_to_disk, "Save message/attachment to disk", 's'
46 k.add :search, "Search for messages from particular people", 'S'
47 k.add :compose, "Compose message to person", 'm'
48 k.add :subscribe_to_list, "Subscribe to/unsubscribe from mailing list", "("
49 k.add :unsubscribe_from_list, "Subscribe to/unsubscribe from mailing list", ")"
50 k.add :pipe_message, "Pipe message or attachment to a shell command", '|'
52 k.add_multi "(a)rchive/(d)elete/mark as (s)pam/mark as u(N)read:", '.' do |kk|
53 kk.add :archive_and_kill, "Archive this thread and kill buffer", 'a'
54 kk.add :delete_and_kill, "Delete this thread and kill buffer", 'd'
55 kk.add :spam_and_kill, "Mark this thread as spam and kill buffer", 's'
56 kk.add :unread_and_kill, "Mark this thread as unread and kill buffer", 'N'
59 k.add_multi "(a)rchive/(d)elete/mark as (s)pam/mark as u(N)read/do (n)othing:", ',' do |kk|
60 kk.add :archive_and_next, "Archive this thread, kill buffer, and view next", 'a'
61 kk.add :delete_and_next, "Delete this thread, kill buffer, and view next", 'd'
62 kk.add :spam_and_next, "Mark this thread as spam, kill buffer, and view next", 's'
63 kk.add :unread_and_next, "Mark this thread as unread, kill buffer, and view next", 'N'
64 kk.add :do_nothing_and_next, "Kill buffer, and view next", 'n'
67 k.add_multi "(a)rchive/(d)elete/mark as (s)pam/mark as u(N)read/do (n)othing:", ']' do |kk|
68 kk.add :archive_and_prev, "Archive this thread, kill buffer, and view previous", 'a'
69 kk.add :delete_and_prev, "Delete this thread, kill buffer, and view previous", 'd'
70 kk.add :spam_and_prev, "Mark this thread as spam, kill buffer, and view previous", 's'
71 kk.add :unread_and_prev, "Mark this thread as unread, kill buffer, and view previous", 'N'
72 kk.add :do_nothing_and_prev, "Kill buffer, and view previous", 'n'
76 ## there are a couple important instance variables we hold to format
77 ## the thread and to provide line-based functionality. @layout is a
78 ## map from Messages to MessageLayouts, and @chunk_layout from
79 ## Chunks to ChunkLayouts. @message_lines is a map from row #s to
80 ## Message objects. @chunk_lines is a map from row #s to Chunk
81 ## objects. @person_lines is a map from row #s to Person objects.
83 def initialize thread, hidden_labels=[], index_mode=nil
86 @hidden_labels = hidden_labels
88 ## used for dispatch-and-next
89 @index_mode = index_mode
92 @layout = SavingHash.new { MessageLayout.new }
93 @chunk_layout = SavingHash.new { ChunkLayout.new }
94 earliest, latest = nil, nil
98 @thread.each do |m, d, p|
101 @layout[m].state = initial_state_for m
102 @layout[m].color = altcolor ? :alternate_patina_color : :message_patina_color
103 @layout[m].star_color = altcolor ? :alternate_starred_patina_color : :starred_patina_color
104 @layout[m].orig_new = m.has_label? :read
106 if latest_date.nil? || m.date > latest_date
112 @layout[latest].state = :open if @layout[latest].state == :closed
113 @layout[earliest].state = :detailed if earliest.has_label?(:unread) || @thread.size == 1
115 @thread.remove_label :unread
119 def draw_line ln, opts={}
121 super ln, :highlight => true
126 def lines; @text.length; end
127 def [] i; @text[i]; end
130 m = @message_lines[curpos] or return
131 BufferManager.spawn_unless_exists("Full header for #{m.id}") do
132 TextMode.new m.raw_header
136 def toggle_detailed_header
137 m = @message_lines[curpos] or return
138 @layout[m].state = (@layout[m].state == :detailed ? :open : :detailed)
143 m = @message_lines[curpos] or return
144 mode = ReplyMode.new m
145 BufferManager.spawn "Reply to #{m.subj}", mode
148 def subscribe_to_list
149 m = @message_lines[curpos] or return
150 if m.list_subscribe && m.list_subscribe =~ /<mailto:(.*?)\?(subject=(.*?))>/
151 ComposeMode.spawn_nicely :from => AccountManager.account_for(m.recipient_email), :to => [PersonManager.person_for($1)], :subj => $3
153 BufferManager.flash "Can't find List-Subscribe header for this message."
157 def unsubscribe_from_list
158 m = @message_lines[curpos] or return
159 if m.list_unsubscribe && m.list_unsubscribe =~ /<mailto:(.*?)\?(subject=(.*?))>/
160 ComposeMode.spawn_nicely :from => AccountManager.account_for(m.recipient_email), :to => [PersonManager.person_for($1)], :subj => $3
162 BufferManager.flash "Can't find List-Unsubscribe header for this message."
167 if(chunk = @chunk_lines[curpos]) && chunk.is_a?(Chunk::Attachment)
168 ForwardMode.spawn_nicely :attachments => [chunk]
169 elsif(m = @message_lines[curpos])
170 ForwardMode.spawn_nicely :message => m
174 include CanAliasContacts
176 p = @person_lines[curpos] or return
182 p = @person_lines[curpos] or return
183 mode = PersonSearchResultsMode.new [p]
184 BufferManager.spawn "Search for #{p.name}", mode
185 mode.load_threads :num => mode.buffer.content_height
189 p = @person_lines[curpos]
191 ComposeMode.spawn_nicely :to_default => p
193 ComposeMode.spawn_nicely
198 reserved_labels = @thread.labels.select { |l| LabelManager::RESERVED_LABELS.include? l }
199 new_labels = BufferManager.ask_for_labels :label, "Labels for thread: ", @thread.labels
201 return unless new_labels
202 @thread.labels = (reserved_labels + new_labels).uniq
203 new_labels.each { |l| LabelManager << l }
205 UpdateManager.relay self, :labeled, @thread.first
209 m = @message_lines[curpos] or return
210 toggle_label m, :starred
214 m = @message_lines[curpos] or return
215 toggle_label m, :unread
218 def toggle_label m, label
219 if m.has_label? label
224 ## TODO: don't recalculate EVERYTHING just to add a stupid little
225 ## star to the display
227 UpdateManager.relay self, :single_message_labeled, m
230 ## called when someone presses enter when the cursor is highlighting
231 ## a chunk. for expandable chunks (including messages) we toggle
232 ## open/closed state; for viewable chunks (like attachments) we
235 chunk = @chunk_lines[curpos] or return
237 if chunk.is_a?(Message)
239 elsif chunk.expandable?
243 layout.state = (layout.state != :closed ? :closed : :open)
244 #cursor_down if layout.state == :closed # too annoying
246 elsif chunk.viewable?
252 m = @message_lines[curpos] or return
253 mode = ComposeMode.new(:body => m.quotable_body_lines, :to => m.to, :cc => m.cc, :subj => m.subj, :bcc => m.bcc, :refs => m.refs, :replytos => m.replytos)
254 BufferManager.spawn "edit as new", mode
259 chunk = @chunk_lines[curpos] or return
261 when Chunk::Attachment
262 fn = BufferManager.ask_for_filename :filename, "Save attachment to file: ", chunk.filename
263 save_to_file(fn) { |f| f.print chunk.raw_content } if fn
265 m = @message_lines[curpos]
266 fn = BufferManager.ask_for_filename :filename, "Save message to file: "
268 save_to_file(fn) do |f|
269 m.each_raw_message_line { |l| f.print l }
275 m = @message_lines[curpos] or return
277 mode = ResumeMode.new m
278 BufferManager.spawn "Edit message", mode
279 BufferManager.kill_buffer self.buffer
282 BufferManager.flash "Not a draft message!"
286 def jump_to_first_open loose_alignment=false
287 m = @message_lines[0] or return
288 if @layout[m].state != :closed
289 jump_to_message m, loose_alignment
291 jump_to_next_open loose_alignment
295 def jump_to_next_open loose_alignment=false
296 return continue_search_in_buffer if in_search? # hack: allow 'n' to apply to both operations
297 m = (curpos ... @message_lines.length).argfind { |i| @message_lines[i] }
299 while nextm = @layout[m].next
300 break if @layout[nextm].state != :closed
303 jump_to_message nextm, loose_alignment if nextm
306 def align_current_message
307 m = @message_lines[curpos] or return
311 def jump_to_prev_open loose_alignment=false
312 m = (0 .. curpos).to_a.reverse.argfind { |i| @message_lines[i] } # bah, .to_a
314 ## jump to the top of the current message if we're in the body;
315 ## otherwise, to the previous message
319 while(prevm = @layout[m].prev)
320 break if @layout[prevm].state != :closed
323 jump_to_message prevm, loose_alignment if prevm
325 jump_to_message m, loose_alignment
329 IDEAL_TOP_CONTEXT = 3 # try and give 3 rows of top context
330 IDEAL_LEFT_CONTEXT = 4 # try and give 4 columns of left context
331 def jump_to_message m, loose_alignment=false
333 left = l.depth * INDENT_SPACES
334 right = left + l.width
336 ## jump to the top line
338 jump_to_line [l.top - IDEAL_TOP_CONTEXT, 0].max # give 3 lines of top context
343 ## jump to the left column
346 -IDEAL_LEFT_CONTEXT + (l.width - buffer.content_width + IDEAL_LEFT_CONTEXT + 1).clamp(0, IDEAL_LEFT_CONTEXT)
351 jump_to_col [ideal_left, 0].max
353 ## either way, move the cursor to the first line
357 def expand_all_messages
358 @global_message_state ||= :closed
359 @global_message_state = (@global_message_state == :closed ? :open : :closed)
360 @layout.each { |m, l| l.state = @global_message_state }
364 def collapse_non_new_messages
365 @layout.each { |m, l| l.state = l.orig_new ? :open : :closed }
369 def expand_all_quotes
370 if(m = @message_lines[curpos])
371 quotes = m.chunks.select { |c| (c.is_a?(Chunk::Quote) || c.is_a?(Chunk::Signature)) && c.lines.length > 1 }
372 numopen = quotes.inject(0) { |s, c| s + (@chunk_layout[c].state == :open ? 1 : 0) }
373 newstate = numopen > quotes.length / 2 ? :closed : :open
374 quotes.each { |c| @chunk_layout[c].state = newstate }
380 @layout = @chunk_layout = @text = nil # for good luck
383 def archive_and_kill; archive_and_then :kill end
384 def spam_and_kill; spam_and_then :kill end
385 def delete_and_kill; delete_and_then :kill end
386 def unread_and_kill; unread_and_then :kill end
388 def archive_and_next; archive_and_then :next end
389 def spam_and_next; spam_and_then :next end
390 def delete_and_next; delete_and_then :next end
391 def unread_and_next; unread_and_then :next end
392 def do_nothing_and_next; do_nothing_and_then :next end
394 def archive_and_prev; archive_and_then :prev end
395 def spam_and_prev; spam_and_then :prev end
396 def delete_and_prev; delete_and_then :prev end
397 def unread_and_prev; unread_and_then :prev end
398 def do_nothing_and_prev; do_nothing_and_then :prev end
400 def archive_and_then op
402 @thread.remove_label :inbox
403 UpdateManager.relay self, :archived, @thread.first
409 @thread.apply_label :spam
410 UpdateManager.relay self, :spammed, @thread.first
414 def delete_and_then op
416 @thread.apply_label :deleted
417 UpdateManager.relay self, :deleted, @thread.first
421 def unread_and_then op
423 @thread.apply_label :unread
424 UpdateManager.relay self, :unread, @thread.first
428 def do_nothing_and_then op
437 yield if block_given?
438 BufferManager.kill_buffer_safely buffer
443 @index_mode.launch_next_thread_after @thread, &l
445 @index_mode.launch_prev_thread_before @thread, &l
449 raise ArgumentError, "unknown thread dispatch operation #{op.inspect}"
455 chunk = @chunk_lines[curpos]
456 chunk = nil unless chunk.is_a?(Chunk::Attachment)
457 message = @message_lines[curpos] unless chunk
459 return unless chunk || message
461 command = BufferManager.ask(:shell, "pipe command: ")
462 return if command.nil? || command.empty?
464 output = pipe_to_process(command) do |stream|
466 stream.print chunk.raw_content
468 message.each_raw_message_line { |l| stream.print l }
473 BufferManager.spawn "Output of '#{command}'", TextMode.new(output)
475 BufferManager.flash "'#{command}' done!"
481 def initial_state_for m
482 if m.has_label?(:starred) || m.has_label?(:unread)
491 buffer.mark_dirty if buffer
494 ## here we generate the actual content lines. we accumulate
495 ## everything into @text, and we set @chunk_lines and
496 ## @message_lines, and we update @layout.
504 @thread.each do |m, depth, parent|
505 unless m.is_a? Message # handle nil and :fake_root
506 @text += chunk_to_lines m, nil, @text.length, depth, parent
511 ## is this still necessary?
512 next unless @layout[m].state # skip discarded drafts
515 text = chunk_to_lines m, l.state, @text.length, depth, parent, l.color, l.star_color
518 l.bot = @text.length + text.length # updated below
522 # l.state we preserve
523 l.width = 0 # updated below
524 @layout[l.prev].next = m if l.prev
526 (0 ... text.length).each do |i|
527 @chunk_lines[@text.length + i] = m
528 @message_lines[@text.length + i] = m
529 lw = text[i].flatten.select { |x| x.is_a? String }.map { |x| x.length }.sum
534 if l.state != :closed
536 cl = @chunk_layout[c]
538 ## set the default state for chunks
540 if c.expandable? && c.respond_to?(:initial_state)
546 text = chunk_to_lines c, cl.state, @text.length, depth
547 (0 ... text.length).each do |i|
548 @chunk_lines[@text.length + i] = c
549 @message_lines[@text.length + i] = m
550 lw = text[i].flatten.select { |x| x.is_a? String }.map { |x| x.length }.sum - (depth * INDENT_SPACES)
551 l.width = lw if lw > l.width
555 @layout[m].bot = @text.length
560 def message_patina_lines m, state, start, parent, prefix, color, star_color
561 prefix_widget = [color, prefix]
563 open_widget = [color, (state == :closed ? "+ " : "- ")]
564 new_widget = [color, (m.has_label?(:unread) ? "N" : " ")]
565 starred_widget = if m.has_label?(:starred)
570 attach_widget = [color, (m.has_label?(:attachment) ? "@" : " ")]
574 @person_lines[start] = m.from
575 [[prefix_widget, open_widget, new_widget, attach_widget, starred_widget,
577 "#{m.from ? m.from.mediumname : '?'} to #{m.recipients.map { |l| l.shortname }.join(', ')} #{m.date.to_nice_s} (#{m.date.to_nice_distance_s})"]]]
580 @person_lines[start] = m.from
581 [[prefix_widget, open_widget, new_widget, attach_widget, starred_widget,
583 "#{m.from ? m.from.mediumname : '?'}, #{m.date.to_nice_s} (#{m.date.to_nice_distance_s}) #{m.snippet}"]]]
586 @person_lines[start] = m.from
587 from_line = [[prefix_widget, open_widget, new_widget, attach_widget, starred_widget,
588 [color, "From: #{m.from ? format_person(m.from) : '?'}"]]]
592 m.to.each_with_index { |p, i| @person_lines[start + addressee_lines.length + from_line.length + i] = p }
593 addressee_lines += format_person_list " To: ", m.to
596 m.cc.each_with_index { |p, i| @person_lines[start + addressee_lines.length + from_line.length + i] = p }
597 addressee_lines += format_person_list " Cc: ", m.cc
600 m.bcc.each_with_index { |p, i| @person_lines[start + addressee_lines.length + from_line.length + i] = p }
601 addressee_lines += format_person_list " Bcc: ", m.bcc
604 headers = OrderedHash.new
605 headers["Date"] = "#{m.date.strftime DATE_FORMAT} (#{m.date.to_nice_distance_s})"
606 headers["Subject"] = m.subj
608 show_labels = @thread.labels - LabelManager::HIDDEN_RESERVED_LABELS
609 unless show_labels.empty?
610 headers["Labels"] = show_labels.map { |x| x.to_s }.sort.join(', ')
613 headers["In reply to"] = "#{parent.from.mediumname}'s message of #{parent.date.strftime DATE_FORMAT}"
616 HookManager.run "detailed-headers", :message => m, :headers => headers
618 from_line + (addressee_lines + headers.map { |k, v| " #{k}: #{v}" }).map { |l| [[color, prefix + " " + l]] }
622 def format_person_list prefix, people
623 ptext = people.map { |p| format_person p }
624 pad = " " * prefix.length
625 [prefix + ptext.first + (ptext.length > 1 ? "," : "")] +
626 ptext[1 .. -1].map_with_index do |e, i|
627 pad + e + (i == ptext.length - 1 ? "" : ",")
632 p.longname + (ContactManager.is_aliased_contact?(p) ? " (#{ContactManager.alias_for p})" : "")
635 ## todo: check arguments on this overly complex function
636 def chunk_to_lines chunk, state, start, depth, parent=nil, color=nil, star_color=nil
637 prefix = " " * INDENT_SPACES * depth
640 [[[:missing_message_color, "#{prefix}<one or more unreceived messages>"]]]
642 [[[:missing_message_color, "#{prefix}<an unreceived message>"]]]
644 message_patina_lines(chunk, state, start, parent, prefix, color, star_color) +
645 (chunk.is_draft? ? [[[:draft_notification_color, prefix + " >>> This message is a draft. To edit, hit 'e'. <<<"]]] : [])
648 raise "Bad chunk: #{chunk.inspect}" unless chunk.respond_to?(:inlineable?) ## debugging
650 chunk.lines.map { |line| [[chunk.color, "#{prefix}#{line}"]] }
651 elsif chunk.expandable?
654 [[[chunk.patina_color, "#{prefix}+ #{chunk.patina_text}"]]]
656 [[[chunk.patina_color, "#{prefix}- #{chunk.patina_text}"]]] + chunk.lines.map { |line| [[chunk.color, "#{prefix}#{line}"]] }
659 [[[chunk.patina_color, "#{prefix}x #{chunk.patina_text}"]]]
665 BufferManager.flash "viewing #{chunk.content_type} attachment..."
666 success = chunk.view!
667 BufferManager.erase_flash
668 BufferManager.completely_redraw_screen
670 BufferManager.spawn "Attachment: #{chunk.filename}", TextMode.new(chunk.to_s, chunk.filename)
671 BufferManager.flash "Couldn't execute view command, viewing as text."