3 ###### The user may set the app name, causing a standalone build
4 ###### cmake -D standalone:string=MyFabApp ../
5 if ("${standalone}" STREQUAL "")
6 set(scappbundlename ${PROJECT_NAME})
8 # We're building a standalone, change the app name.
9 set(scappbundlename ${standalone})
10 message(STATUS "Building sc in STANDALONE mode. App name: " ${standalone})
13 # For standalone, many things go into the bundle rather than beside it
14 if ("${standalone}" STREQUAL "")
15 set(scappauxresourcesdir "${scappbundlename}")
17 set(scappauxresourcesdir "${scappdir}/${scappbundlename}.app/Contents/Resources")
20 ###### Allow user to select a FHS-style install
23 "use FHS-style install (e.g. to /usr/local) rather than to a mac-style app folder"