2 summary:: provide a proto event for an event stream
3 related:: Classes/Pattern
4 categories:: Streams-Patterns-Events>Patterns>Server Control
8 Pproto uses the strong::makeFunction:: to allocate resources (buffers, buses, groups) and create a protoEvent that makes those resources available to a pattern. It is fully compatible with non-realtime synthesis using strong::render::.
10 The strong::makeFunction:: "makes" the protoEvent (i.e. protoEvent is code::currentEnvironment::). Typically, it defines and yields a sequence of events that create the needed resources using the following eventTypes:
13 ## \allocRead || load a file from ~path, starting at ~firstFileFrame, reading ~numFrames sample frames
14 ## \cue || cue a file for DiskIn, with ~bufferSize frames
15 ## \table || load ~amps directly into a buffer
16 ## \sine1 || generate a buffer from ~amps
17 ## \sine2 || generate a buffer from ~freqs, ~amps
18 ## \sine3 || generate a buffer from ~freqs, ~amps, ~pahses
19 ## \cheby || generate a waveshape buffer from ~amps
20 ## \audioBus || allocate ~channels consecutive audio buses
21 ## \controlBus || allocate ~channels consecutive control buses
22 ## \on || create a synth
26 These eventTypes will allocate their own buffers and buses unless they are specified. To support this, the key code::\bufNum:: is used rather than code::\bufnum:: which has a default value assigned.
29 When Pproto ends, these eventTypes will respond to the strong::cleanup:: call by strong::deallocating any resources they have allocated::. Do not assume your buffers, buses etc. will exist after Pproto stops!
31 The function yields each event. That event is then performed with possible modifications by enclosing patterns and the player (either an link::Classes/EventStreamPlayer:: or a link::Classes/ScoreStreamPlayer::). The resultant event is returned to the function where it can be assigned to a key within the protoEvent.
33 The patternarray is played using Pfpar, a variant of Ppar that ends when any of its subpatterns end. In this way,
34 you can use Pproto to create effects that can be controlled by a pattern that runs in parallel with the note generating pattern and ends together with that note generating pattern (see example 0 below).
36 A strong::cleanupFunction:: that deallocates resources when the pattern ends or is stopped is automatically created. It can be replaced with a user defined cleanup if needed. This function receives two arguments: strong::proto::, the prototype event, and strong::flag::, which is set false if all nodes have been freed already by link::Classes/CmdPeriod::.
40 subsection::Example 0, using an effect with parallel control.
44 SynthDef(\echo, { arg out=0, maxdtime=0.2, dtime=0.2, decay=2, gate=1;
46 env = Linen.kr(gate, 0.05, 1, 5, 2);
48 XOut.ar(out, env, CombL.ar(in * env, maxdtime, Lag.kr(dtime, 4), decay, 1, in));
49 }, [\ir, \ir, 0.1, 0.1, 0]).add;
51 SynthDef(\fm, { arg out=0, freq, index, decay=2, gate=1;
53 env = Linen.kr(gate, 0.05, 1, 5, 2);
55 XOut.ar(out, env, SinOsc.ar(freq, in * index));
59 ~fsynth = ( type: \on, instrument: \fm, freq: 4, index: 1, addAction: 1, db: -30).yield;
60 ~fControl = [\set, ~fsynth[\id], ~fsynth[\msgFunc] ];
62 ~synth = ( type: \on, instrument: \echo, addAction: 1).yield;
63 ~sControl = [\set, ~synth[\id], ~synth[\msgFunc] ];
67 #[type, id, msgFunc], Pkey(\fControl),
69 freq: Pseg([0,1], 10).linexp(0,1, 0.1, 1000),
70 index: Pseg([0,1], 10).linexp(0,1, 0.1, 100),
74 #[type, id, msgFunc], Pkey(\sControl),
82 freq: Pwhite(1,16) * 100,
91 subsection::Example 1, loading and granulating a sound file.
95 SynthDef(\help_playbuf, { | out=0, bufnum = 0, rate = 1, startPos = 0, amp = 0.1, sustain = 1, pan = 0, loop = 1|
97 rate = rate * BufRateScale.kr(bufnum);
98 startPos = startPos * BufFrames.kr(bufnum);
100 audio = BufRd.ar(1, bufnum, Phasor.ar(0, rate, startPos, BufFrames.ir(bufnum)), 1, 1);
101 audio = EnvGen.ar(Env.sine, 1, timeScale: sustain, doneAction: 2) * audio;
102 audio = Pan2.ar(audio, pan, amp);
103 OffsetOut.ar(out, audio);
107 ~newgroup = (type: \group).yield;
108 ~sf1 = SoundFile("sounds/a11wlk01-44_1.aiff").asEvent.yield;
112 instrument: \help_playbuf,
113 dur: Pseg([0,0,0.25,0.5, 0.75, 1],10).linexp(0,1,0.01,2),
115 startPos: Pn(Pseg([0,1], 20), inf),
116 rate: Pwhite(1, 1).midiratio,
118 group: Pkey(\newgroup),
125 //a.render("sounds/test.aif", 40)
126 //SoundFile.openRead("sounds/test.aif").play
129 subsection::Example 2, loading a waveform buffer and modifying it in performance.
133 SynthDef(\osc,{ arg out=0, bufnum=0, numbufs = 8, sustain = 1, freq = 500, amp = 0.1, pan = 0;
135 audio = Osc.ar(bufnum, freq);
136 audio = EnvGen.ar(Env.linen(0.01, 0.90,0.9), 1, timeScale: sustain, doneAction: 2) * audio;
137 audio = Pan2.ar(audio, pan, amp);
138 OffsetOut.ar(out, audio);
142 ~bufnum = (type: \sine1, amps: 1.0/[1,2,3,4,5,6] ).yield;
147 freq: Pwhite(1, 16) * 100,
148 detune: Pfunc { Array.fill(3.rand + 1, {3.0.rand}) },
149 dur: Prand([2,2,2.5,1],10),
150 db: Pn(Pstep([-10, -20, -20, -15, -20, -20, -20], 0.5) ),
151 legato: Pwhite(0.0,1).linexp(0,1,0.1, 3)
155 amps: Pseg(Pfunc{ | ev | Array.fill(10, {1.0.rand}) }, 1),
156 numOvertones: Pseg(Pwhite(0, 9), 10).asInteger,
157 amps: Pfunc{ | ev | ev[\amps].copyRange(0, ev[\numOvertones]) },
159 bufNum: Pkey(\bufnum)
166 //b.render("sounds/test.aif", 40)
167 //SoundFile.openRead("sounds/test.aif").play
170 subsection::Example 3, loading a waveshaper buffer and modifying it in performance.
174 SynthDef(\shaper,{ arg out=0, bufnum=0, numbufs = 8, sustain = 1, freq = 500, amp = 0.1, pan = 0;
176 audio = SinOsc.ar(freq);
177 audio = EnvGen.ar(Env.linen(0.4, 0.50,0.9), 1, timeScale: sustain, doneAction: 2) * audio;
178 audio = Shaper.ar(bufnum, audio);
179 audio = Pan2.ar(audio, pan, amp);
180 OffsetOut.ar(out, LeakDC.ar(audio));
184 ~bufnum = (type: \cheby, amps: 1.0/[1,2,3,4,5,6] ).yield;
189 freq: Pwhite(1, 16) * 100,
190 detune: Pfunc { Array.fill(3.rand + 1, {3.0.rand}) },
191 dur: Prand([2,2,2.5,1],inf),
192 db: Pn(Pstep([-10, -20, -20, -15, -20, -20, -20], 0.5) ),
193 legato: Pwhite(0.0,1).linexp(0,1,1.1, 5)
197 amps: Pseg(Pfunc{ | ev | Array.fill(10, {1.0.rand}) }, 4),
204 //c.render("sounds/test.aif", 40)
205 //SoundFile("sounds/test.aif").play