2 summary:: Generate a trigger anytime a bus is set.
3 categories:: UGens>InOut, UGens>Triggers
8 Any time the bus is "touched" ie. has its value set (using "/c_set"
9 etc.), a single impulse trigger will be generated. Its amplitude is the
10 value that the bus was set to.
12 If the bus is set link::Classes/Bus#synchronous_control_bus_methods#synchrounosly:: no trigger will be generated.
20 The index of the bus to read in from.
23 The number of channels (i.e. adjacent buses) to read in. You
24 cannot modulate this number by assigning it to an argument in a
34 SynthDef("help-InTrig",{arg out=0,busnum=0;
36 inTrig = InTrig.kr( busnum );
38 EnvGen.kr(Env.perc,gate: inTrig,levelScale: inTrig ) * SinOsc.ar
40 }).play(s,[\out, 0, \busnum, b.index]);
52 compare with link::Classes/In:: example.