1 CLASS:: OSCMessageDispatcher
2 summary:: The default dispatcher class for OSCFunc and OSCdef.
3 categories:: External Control>OSC>Dispatchers
4 related:: Classes/OSCFunc, Classes/OSCdef, Classes/AbstractWrappingDispatcher, Classes/AbstractDispatcher, Classes/AbstractMessageMatcher, Classes/OSCMessagePatternDispatcher, Classes/OSCFuncAddrMessageMatcher, Classes/OSCFuncRecvPortMessageMatcher, Classes/OSCFuncBothMessageMatcher, Guides/OSC_communication
7 OSCMessageDispatcher dispatches incoming OSC messages to matching functions. Normally users should not have to create or message instances of this class directly.
16 Called internally to wrap functions in message matcher objects, if needed.
19 An instance of link::Classes/OSCFunc:: or link::Classes/OSCdef:: whose function(s) are to be wrapped.
21 METHOD:: getKeysForFuncProxy
22 Get the keys at which a responder func's functions are stored in this dispatcher's active dictionary. The keys will be an OSC path.
25 The link::Classes/OSCFunc:: or link::Classes/OSCdef:: whose keys should be returned.
27 returns:: An link::Classes/Array:: containing the funcProxy's path as a link::Classes/Symbol::.
30 Attempt to match an incoming OSC message with this dispatcher's responder funcs, and evaluate their functions for all matches found.
33 A link::Classes/Float:: indicating the time the incoming message was sent.
36 A link::Classes/NetAddr:: indicating the source of the message.
39 An link::Classes/Integer:: indicating the port on which the message was received.
42 The OSC message as an link::Classes/Array:: in the form code::[OSCAddress, other args]::.
45 Adds this dispatcher to thisProcess.recvOSCfunc.
48 Removes this dispatcher from thisProcess.recvOSCfunc.
51 Returns code::'OSC unmatched'::.
53 returns:: A link::Classes/Symbol::.