2 summary:: Unpack an FFT chain into separate demand-rate FFT bin streams
4 related:: Classes/PackFFT, Classes/Unpack1FFT
7 Takes an FFT chain and separates the magnitude and phase data into separate demand-rate streams, for arithmetic manipulation etc.
9 This is technically a demand-rate UGen. The actual "demand" is usually created by PackFFT later on in the graph, which requests the values in order to re-pack the data. This allows for processing to occur imbetween...
11 See also pvcollect, pvcalc and pvcalc2 methods ( in link::Classes/PV_ChainUGen:: ) which provide convenient ways to process audio in the frequency domain. The help for pvcollect includes notes on efficiency considerations.
22 A list from DC up to Nyquist of code:: [mag[0], phase[0], mag[1], phase[1], ... mag[nyquist], phase[nyquist]]. ::
24 Note that you do have to decide your FFT buffer size in advance, since this determines how many values the UGen will output.
26 #magsphases = UnpackFFT(chain, bufsize)
34 b = Buffer.alloc(s, fftsize, 1);
35 c = Buffer.read(s, Platform.resourceDir +/+ "sounds/a11wlk01.wav");
39 // This one just drags out various the values and posts them - a little bit pointless!
44 sig = PlayBuf.ar(1, c, BufRateScale.kr(c), loop: 1);
47 // Using the frombin & tobin args makes it much more efficient, limiting analysis to the bins of interest
48 unp = UnpackFFT(chain, b.numFrames, frombin: 0, tobin: 4);
50 // Demand some data from the unpacker.
51 // NOTE: At present, Demand.kr is unable to handle more than 32 inputs,
52 // so using frombin & tobin to limit the number of bins is compulsory.
53 Demand.kr(chain>=0, 0, unp).collect{|anunp, index|
54 anunp.poll(chain>=0, if(index % 2 == 0, "Magnitude", "Phase")+(index/2).floor);
62 // Now a simple frequency-domain manipulation, square-rooting the magnitudes AND phases.
65 var in, chain, magsphases;
66 in = PlayBuf.ar(1, c, BufRateScale.kr(c), loop: 1);
68 magsphases = UnpackFFT(chain, b.numFrames);
69 magsphases = magsphases.collect(_.sqrt);
70 PackFFT(chain, b.numFrames, magsphases);
71 Out.ar(0, 0.25 * IFFT(chain).dup);