2 summary:: Pulse divider.
3 categories:: UGens>Triggers
8 Outputs one impulse each time it receives a certain number of triggers at
18 Trigger. Trigger can be any signal. A trigger happens when the
19 signal changes from non-positive to positive.
24 Number of pulses to divide by.
29 Starting value for the trigger count. This lets you start
30 somewhere in the middle of a count, or if startCount is negative
31 it adds that many counts to the first time the output is
39 SynthDef("help-PulseDivider",{ arg out=0;
42 a = SinOsc.ar(1200, 0, Decay2.ar(p, 0.005, 0.1));
43 b = SinOsc.ar(600, 0, Decay2.ar(PulseDivider.ar(p, 4), 0.005, 0.5));
45 Out.ar(out,(a + b) * 0.4)