2 summary:: kernel class to use with SCImage
4 related:: Classes/SCImage, Classes/SCImageFilter
8 code::// very experimental :)::
10 Currently this class represents the CoreImage strong::CIKernel:: you can apply to a link::Classes/SCImage::. The Kernel language is a subset of the OpenGL Shading Language. more information about the Kernel Language can be found here : http://developer.apple.com/documentation/GraphicsImaging/Reference/CIKernelLangRef/Introduction/chapter_1_section_1.html
12 and here: http://developer.apple.com/documentation/GraphicsImaging/Reference/CIKernelLangRef/chapter_2_section_1.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40004397-CH206-TPXREF101
14 here is the translation table between Kernel language Objects and SuperCollider objects
17 ## strong::Kernel Language Object:: || strong::SuperCollider Object::
18 ## sampler || link::Classes/SCImage::
19 ## __color || link::Classes/Color::
20 ## float || link::Classes/Number::
21 ## vec2, vec3, vec4 || link::Classes/Array::
22 ## __table || link::Classes/SCImage:: (basically the __table modifier just use Images as a data providers - LUT)
28 creates a new SCImageKernel
31 optional. the shader code string. nil by default
34 optional. the values that match the kernel proc function defined in the shader string. nil by default
37 optional. not used for now. nil by default
42 get or set the shader string.
45 get or set the values array. When setting the object indexes in the values Array must match the argument declaration order as defined in the main emphasis::kernel vec4 routine::. See link::#Examples:: for more info.
48 very basic verification to tell if all arguments of the shader are set.
51 compile the SCImageKernel object (and cache it).
53 when rendered the first time, the kernel object is always compiled first. If you plan to change the shader string after, you must explicitely compile it to make it effective.
63 a = SCImage.new(SCDoc.helpSourceDir +/+ "images/vduck2.jpg"); // get the image
64 k = SCImageKernel.new;
67 vec4 invertPixel(vec4 pix) {
68 return vec4(1.0 - pix.r, 1.0 - pix.g, 1.0 - pix.b, pix.a);
71 kernel vec4 _invertColor(sampler source)
74 pixel = sample(source, samplerCoord(source));
76 return unpremultiply(invertPixel(pixel));
80 // the argument order should be kept in the array
81 // here we need only the "sampler" argument wich should be as the translation table informs you a SCImage
82 // the signature of the Kernel function is normaly 'kernel vec4'
83 // you can of course add other functions in the shader
86 k.isValid.postln; // is it ok
89 w = a.plot(freeOnClose:true);
94 // ANOTHER APPLE KERNEL EXAMPLE - See CoreImage programming guide for original example
95 a = SCImage.new(SCDoc.helpSourceDir +/+ "images/vduck2.jpg"); // get the image
96 k = SCImageKernel.new;
98 vec2 testVec(float x, float y)
103 kernel vec4 testKernelFromApple( sampler src, __color color, float distance, float slope )
107 d = destCoord().y * slope + distance;
108 t = unpremultiply(sample(src, samplerCoord(src)));
109 t = (t - d*color) / (1.0-d);
110 return premultiply(t);
114 // as stated in the Apple Example
115 // distance - min: 0.0 max: 1.0
116 // slope - min: -0.01 max: 0.01
119 a, // arg 0: the SCImage
120 Color.white, // arg 1: color
121 0.5, // arg 2: distance
122 -0.002 // arg 3: slope
128 w = a.plot(freeOnClose:true);
135 // OK a Better Colorfull Kernel
136 a = SCImage.new(600@600); // get the image
137 k = SCImageKernel.new;
140 // shader/kernel from toneburst.com
141 // Generates spherical and planar displacement maps for VBO-based 3D heightfield.
142 // http://machinesdontcare.wordpress.com
144 const float PI = 3.14159265359;
145 const float TWOPI = 6.28318530718;
147 kernel vec4 _heightMap(sampler image, vec3 scale)
149 vec2 xyNorm = samplerCoord(image) / samplerSize(image);
150 float u = xyNorm.x * PI;
151 float v = xyNorm.y * TWOPI;
153 spherical.r = cos(v) * sin(u);
154 spherical.g = sin(v) * sin(u);
155 spherical.b = cos(u);
157 spherical.r = (spherical.r * 0.5 + 0.5) * scale.x;
158 spherical.g = (spherical.g * 0.5 + 0.5) * scale.y;
159 spherical.b = (spherical.b * 0.5 + 0.5) * scale.z;
161 return vec4(spherical,1.0);
165 k.values_([a, [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]]);
167 // k.isValid; // is it ok
169 //.flatten; // ensure a bitmap rep so the kernel is not applied at each rendering call - uncomment that and rescale the plot window to see the difference.
171 w = a.plot(freeOnClose:true);