2 summary:: Mark Polishook tutorial
3 categories:: Tutorials>Mark_Polishook_tutorial
4 related:: Tutorials/Mark_Polishook_tutorial/00_Introductory_tutorial
6 Breaking synthesis processes into parts that accomplish small well-defined tasks encourages modular design and component reuse (the oop mantra).
10 // read a soundfile from disk
11 b = Buffer.read(s, Platform.resourceDir +/+ "sounds/a11wlk01.wav");
13 // a samplePlayer in mono ... one channel only
14 SynthDef("aMonoSamplePlayer", { arg bus = 0, bufnum = 0, rateScale = 1;
20 BufRateScale.kr(bufnum) * rateScale
23 EnvGen.kr(Env.sine(BufDur.kr(bufnum)))
29 // test the synthdef ... does it work? (yes, it's fine. it plays on the left channel)
30 Synth("aMonoSamplePlayer", [\bus, 0, \bufNum, b]);
35 // a simple example of component reuse ... use the \bus argument to assign synths built from
36 // the same synthdef to different channels
37 // in this case, play a 1-channel soundfile on 2 channels
38 // a different playback rate for each channel makes the effect more obvious
39 Synth("aMonoSamplePlayer", [\bus, 0, \bufNum, b, \rateScale, 0.99]);
40 Synth("aMonoSamplePlayer", [\bus, 1, \bufNum, b, \rateScale, 1.01]);
46 The BufRateScale and the BufDur ugens, as shown in the previous example, control the rate at which PlayBuf plays the soundfile and the length of the envelope applied to the playbuf.
48 BufRateScale and BufDur are of a family of ugens that inherit from InfoUGenBase or BufInfoUGenBase.
50 To see the complete list of such ugens, evaluate
53 InfoUGenBase.dumpClassSubtree;
60 [
\r NumRunningSynths
\r NumBuffers
\r ControlDur
\r NumControlBuses
\r SubsampleOffset
\r RadiansPerSample
\r SampleDur
\r ControlRate
\r NumInputBuses
\r NumAudioBuses
\r SampleRate
\r NumOutputBuses
66 BufInfoUGenBase.dumpClassSubtree;
72 BufInfoUGenBase
\r BufChannels
\r BufSampleRate
\r BufRateScale
\r BufFrames
\r BufDur
\r BufSamples
75 section::Loop a sample
77 The next example uses three synthsdefs to make a chain. The first synthdef is a sample player that loops through a buffer. The second synthdef ring modulates its input. The third synthdef applies a lowpass filter.
82 b = Buffer.read(s, Platform.resourceDir +/+ "sounds/a11wlk01.wav");
84 // define a sample player that will loop over a soundfile
85 SynthDef("aLoopingSamplePlayer", { arg outBus = 0, bufnum = 0, rateScale = 1, mul = 1;
91 BufRateScale.kr(bufnum) * rateScale + LFNoise1.kr(2.reciprocal, 0.05),
92 loop: 1 // play the soundfile over and over without stopping
99 // apply amplitude modulation to an audio source
100 SynthDef("ampMod", { arg inBus = 0, outBus = 0, modFreq = 1;
103 [ // In.ar ugen reads from an audio bus
104 In.ar(inBus, 1) * SinOsc.kr(modFreq),
105 In.ar(inBus, 1) * SinOsc.kr(modFreq - 0.02)
110 // apply a low pass filter to an audio source
111 SynthDef("aLowPassFilter", { arg inBus = 0, outBus = 0, freq = 300, freqDev = 50, boost = 1;
116 Lag.kr(LFNoise0.kr(1, freqDev, freq), 1),
122 LFPulse.kr(1, [0.25, 0.75], [0.5, 0.45])
129 // define 2 groups, 1 for source material and the other for effects
131 ~source = Group.head(s);
132 ~effect = Group.tail(~s);
136 // add the samplePlayer to the source group
137 ~theSource = Synth.head(
139 "aLoopingSamplePlayer", [\outBus, 3, \bufNum, b, \rateScale, 1, \mul, 0.051]);
140 // add an amplitude modulation synth to the head of the effects group
143 "ampMod", [\inBus, 3, \outBus, 5, \modFreq, 1]);
144 // add filtering to the tail of the effects group
147 "aLowPassFilter", [\inBus, 5, \outBus, 0, \boost, 5])
164 ~source ~effects // ~source and ~effects are groups
171 // Changing argument (control) values effects timbre
173 ~theSource.set(\rateScale, 0.95.rrand(1.05), \mul, 0.051.rrand(0.07));
174 ~fx1.set(\modFreq, 800.0.rrand(1200));
175 ~fx2.set(\freq, 500.rrand(700), \freqDev, 180.rrand(210), \boost, 7);
179 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
181 go to link::Tutorials/Mark_Polishook_tutorial/17_Delays_reverbs::