2 summary:: Statistical gate.
3 categories:: UGens>Generators>Stochastic
8 When CoinGate receives a trigger, it tosses a coin
9 and either passes the trigger or doesn't.
18 Value between 0.0 and 1.0 determines probability of either possibilities.
29 a = SynthDef("help-TCoin", { arg out=0, prob=0.5;
31 trig = CoinGate.kr(prob, Impulse.kr(10));
34 TRand.kr(300.0, 400.0, trig),0,0.2
46 a = SynthDef("help-TCoin", { arg out=0, prob=0.5;
48 trig = Impulse.ar(20, 0, SinOsc.kr(0.5,0,1,1));
50 Mix.fill(3, {Ringz.ar(CoinGate.ar(prob, trig*0.5), #[1,1.5]*Rand(1000, 9000), 0.01)})