2 summary:: Real-time convolver.
3 related:: Classes/Convolution2, Classes/Convolution2L, Classes/Convolution3
4 categories:: UGens>FFT, UGens>Convolution
9 Strict convolution of two continuously changing inputs. Also see
10 link::Classes/Convolution2:: for a cheaper CPU cost alternative for the
11 case of a fixed kernel which can be changed with a trigger message.
14 See also link::http://www.dspguide.com/ch18.htm:: by Steven W.
34 Size of FFT frame, must be a power of 2.
39 Output will be multiplied by this value.
44 This value will be added to the output.
55 kernel= Mix.ar(LFSaw.ar([300,500,800,1000]*MouseX.kr(1.0,2.0),0,1.0));
57 //must have power of two framesize
58 Out.ar(0,Convolution.ar(input,kernel, 1024, 0.5));
64 //must have power of two framesize- FFT size will be sorted by Convolution to be double this
65 //maximum is currently a=8192 for FFT of size 16384
69 g = Buffer.alloc(s,a,1);
73 //random impulse response
75 100.do({arg i; g.set(a.rand, 1.0.rand)});
81 kernel= PlayBuf.ar(1,g.bufnum,BufRateScale.kr(g.bufnum),1,0,1);
83 Out.ar(0,Convolution.ar(input,kernel, 2*a, 0.5));