2 <Wix xmlns=
3 <Product Id=
"73D766DC-C79D-11DD-9A42-A17956D89593" Name=
"SuperCollider" Language=
"1033" Version=
"" Manufacturer=
"James McCartney plus many others, http://supercollider.sourceforge.net/" UpgradeCode=
4 <Package Id=
"*" Description=
"Real-time audio synthesis and algorithmic composition" Comments=
"Open-source (GPL) software." InstallerVersion=
"300" Compressed=
"yes" />
5 <Media Id=
"1" Cabinet=
"Product.cab" EmbedCab=
"yes" />
6 <Property Id=
7 <Property Id=
"ARPCOMMENTS">Open-source: published under the Gnu Public License (GPL) v2 or later
9 <Condition Message=
"You need to be an administrator to install software.">Privileged
10 <Condition Message=
"SuperCollider cannot be installed on Windows versions older than 2000/XP/Vista.">
11 Installed OR (VersionNT
14 <!-- Define main directory structure -->
15 <Directory Id=
16 <Directory Id=
17 <!-- SC3INSTALLLOCATION is in caps to make it a "public property", i.e. user-settable -->
18 <Directory Id=
19 <Directory Id=
"SCClassLibrary" Name=
20 <Directory Id=
"SCpluginsFolder" Name=
21 <Directory Id=
"SCHelpFolder" Name=
22 <Directory Id=
"SCsoundsFolder" Name=
23 <Directory Id=
"SCexamples" Name=
24 <Directory Id=
"SCextensionsFolder" Name=
25 <Directory Id=
"SCsynthdefsFolder" Name=
28 <Directory Id=
29 <Directory Id=
"ApplicationProgramsFolder" Name=
"SuperCollider 3" />
32 <Merge Id=
"VCRedist" SourceFile=
"/Program Files/Common Files/Merge Modules/Microsoft_VC90_CRT_x86.msm" DiskId=
"1" Language=
33 <Merge Id=
"VCRedistPolicy" SourceFile=
"/Program Files/Common Files/Merge Modules/policy_9_0_Microsoft_VC90_CRT_x86.msm" DiskId=
"1" Language=
36 <!-- Now the files to install -->
37 <DirectoryRef Id=
39 <Component Id=
"ProductComponent" Guid=
40 <!-- Note: python scripts build Psycollider.exe but here we rename it to SuperCollider.exe -->
41 <File Id=
"sclangExecutable" Name=
"SuperCollider.exe" Source=
"../common/Psycollider/Psycollider/dist/Psycollider.exe" DiskId=
42 <File Id=
"scsynthExecutable" Name=
"scsynth.exe" Source=
"../common/build/scsynth.exe" DiskId=
43 <File Id=
"w9xpopen" Name=
"w9xpopen.exe" Source=
"../common/Psycollider/Psycollider/dist/w9xpopen.exe" DiskId=
44 <File Id=
"PySCLang.pyd" Name=
"PySCLang.pyd" Source=
"../common/Psycollider/Psycollider/dist/PySCLang.pyd" DiskId=
45 <File Id=
"gdiplus.dll" Name=
"gdiplus.dll" Source=
"../common/Psycollider/Psycollider/dist/gdiplus.dll" DiskId=
46 <File Id=
"libfftw3f" Name=
"libfftw3f-3.dll" Source=
"../common/build/libfftw3f-3.dll" DiskId=
47 <!-- These extra DLLs are needed when bundling scons-built rather than MS-built version, so uncomment.
48 <File Id="scsynthDll" Name="scsynth.dll" Source="../common/build/scsynth.dll" DiskId="1"></File>
49 <File Id="portaudioDll" Name="portaudio_x86.dll" Source="../common/build/portaudio_x86.dll" DiskId="1"></File>
51 <File Id=
"libsndfile" Name=
"libsndfile-1.dll" Source=
"../common/build/libsndfile-1.dll" DiskId=
52 <File Id=
"keywordslist" Name=
"keywords.list" Source=
"keywords.list" DiskId=
53 <File Id=
"psycolliderscript" Name=
"Psycollider.py" Source=
"../common/Psycollider/Psycollider/Psycollider.py" DiskId=
54 <File Id=
"scstartupfile" Name=
"startup.sc" Source=
"startup.sc" DiskId=
55 <File Id=
"SwingOSC.jar" Name=
"SwingOSC.jar" Source=
"../common/build/SwingOSC.jar" DiskId=
58 <Environment Id='PsycolliderHome' Name='PSYCOLLIDER_HOME' Action='set' System='yes' Part='all'
60 <Environment Id='ScSystemAppSupportPath' Name='SC_SYSAPPSUP_PATH' Action='set' System='yes' Part='all'
62 <Environment Id='ScPluginPath' Name='SC_PLUGIN_PATH' Action='set' System='yes' Part='all'
63 Value='[SC3INSTALLLOCATION]plugins'
66 <!-- filetype associations -->
67 <ProgId Id='SC3.scdfile'
"yes" Description=
"SuperCollider 3 document">
68 <Extension Id=
"scd" ContentType=
69 <Verb Id='open' Sequence='
10' Command='Open' Argument='
72 <ProgId Id='SC3.scfile'
"yes" Description=
"SuperCollider 3 class file">
73 <Extension Id=
"sc" ContentType=
74 <Verb Id='open' Sequence='
10' Command='Open' Argument='
81 <!-- Do not change the comment just below here. It's used for substitution -->
84 <DirectoryRef Id=
85 <Component Id=
"ApplicationShortcut" Guid=
86 <Shortcut Id=
"ApplicationStartMenuShortcut" Name=
"SuperCollider 3"
87 Description=
"Sound synthesis and music programming language"
88 Target=
89 WorkingDirectory=
90 <RemoveFolder Id=
"ApplicationProgramsFolder" On=
91 <RegistryValue Root=
"HKCU" Key=
92 Name=
"installed" Type=
"integer" Value=
"1" KeyPath=
96 <Feature Id=
"ProductFeature" Title=
"SuperCollider" Description=
"SuperCollider 3 for Windows (with Psycollider IDE)" Level=
97 <ComponentRef Id=
"ProductComponent" />
98 <ComponentRef Id=
"SCextensions" />
99 <ComponentRef Id=
"ApplicationShortcut" />
102 <!-- Do not change the comment just below here. It's used for substitution -->
103 <!-- SUBST:SPLITHERE -->
105 <Feature Id=
"VCRedist" Title=
"Visual C++ 9.0 Runtime" AllowAdvertise=
"no" Display=
"hidden" Level=
106 <MergeRef Id=
107 <MergeRef Id=
110 <!-- UIRef Id="WixUI_InstallDir" / -->
111 <UIRef Id=
"WixUI_Minimal" />
112 <WixVariable Id=
"WixUILicenseRtf" Value=
"LicenseForWinInstaller.rtf" />
114 <WixVariable Id="WixUIBannerBmp" Value="Bitmaps/BannrBmp.bmp" />
115 <WixVariable Id="WixUIDlgBmp" Value="Bitmaps/DlgBmp.bmp" />