deprecate SCViewHolder-layRight
[supercollider.git] / SCClassLibrary / Common / Collections /
1 SortedList : List {
2         var <>function;
4         *new { arg size = 8, function;
5                 function = function ? { arg a, b; a < b }
6                 ^
7         }
8         add { arg item;
9                 var nextIndex;
11                 if ( this.isEmpty, {
12                         ^super.add(item);
13                 });
14                 nextIndex = this.indexForInserting(item);
15                 this.insert(nextIndex, item);
16         }
17         addAll { arg aCollection;
18                 aCollection = aCollection.asCollection;
19                 if ( aCollection.size > (this.size div: 3), {
20                         // Faster to add the new elements and resort
21               { arg each; super.add(each) });
22                         this.sort
23                 },{     // Faster to add the elements individually in their proper places
24               { arg each; this.add(each) });
25                 });
26         }
28         copyRange { arg start, end; ^this.class.newUsing(array.copyRange(start, end)).function_(function) }
29         copySeries { arg first, second, last;
30                 ^this.class.newUsing(array.copySeries(first, second, last)).function_(function)
31         }
33         // PRIVATE
34         indexForInserting { arg newObject;
35                 var index;
36                 var low = 0;
37                 var high = this.size-1;
38                 while ({
39                         index = high + low div: 2;
40                         low <= high;
41                 },{
42                         if (function.value(, newObject), {
43                                 low = index + 1;
44                         },{
45                                 high = index - 1;
46                         });
47                 });
48                 ^low
49         }
51         sort { this.sortRange(0, array.size - 1) }
53         sortRange { arg i, j;
54                 //Sort elements i through j of this to be nondescending according to
55                 // function.
57                 var di, dij, dj, tt, ij, k, l, n;
58                 // The prefix d means the data at that index.
59                 if ((n = j + 1  - i) <= 1, { ^this });  // Nothing to sort.
61                 //Sort di,dj.
62                 di =;
63                 dj =;
64                 if (function.value(di, dj).not, { // i.e., should di precede dj?
65                         array.swap(i,j);
66                                  tt = di;
67                                  di = dj;
68                                  dj = tt;
69                 });
70                 if ( n > 2, { // More than two elements.
71                         ij = (i + j) div: 2;  // ij is the midpoint of i and j.
72                         dij =;  // Sort di,dij,dj.  Make dij be their median.
73                         if (function.value(di,  dij), {  // i.e. should di precede dij?
74                                 if (function.value(dij, dj).not, {  // i.e., should dij precede dj?
75                                         array.swap(j, ij);
76                                         dij = dj;
77                                 })
78                         },{ // i.e. di should come after dij"
79                                 array.swap(i, ij);
80                                 dij = di;
81                         });
82                         if ( n > 3, { // More than three elements.
83                                 // Find k>i and l<j such that dk,dij,dl are in reverse order.
84                                 // Swap k and l.  Repeat this procedure until k and l pass each other.
85                                 k = i;
86                                 l = j;
87                                 while ({
88                                         while ({
89                                                 l = l - 1;
90                                                 k <= l and: { function.value(dij, }
91                                         }); // i.e. while dl succeeds dij
92                                         while ({
93                                                 k = k + 1;
94                                                 k <= l and: { function.value(, dij) };
95                                         }); // i.e. while dij succeeds dk
96                                         k <= l
97                                 },{
98                                         array.swap(k, l);
99                                 });
100                 // Now l<k (either 1 or 2 less), and di through dl are all less than or equal to dk
101                 // through dj.  Sort those two segments.
102                                 this.sortRange(i, l);
103                                 this.sortRange(k, j);
104                         });
105                 });
106         }